public void Unexecute()
            // Re Add the Keyframe

            // Re Add all drawings on the frame
            // We can't add them through the CommandAddDrawing scheme,
            // because it completely messes up the Commands History.

            // Even now, Command History is quite messed up, but the user need to
            // go back and forth in the undo/redo to notice the problem.

            if (m_Keyframe.Drawings.Count > 0)
                int            iIndex = GetKeyframeIndex();
                CommandManager cm     = CommandManager.Instance();

                for (int i = m_Keyframe.Drawings.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    // 1. Add the drawing to the Keyframe
                    m_Metadata[iIndex].Drawings.Insert(0, m_Keyframe.Drawings[i]);

                    // 2. Call the Command
                    //IUndoableCommand cad = new CommandAddDrawing(m_psui, m_Metadata, m_iFramePosition);

                // We need to block the Redo here.
                // In normal behavior, we should have a "Redo : Delete Keyframe",
                // But here we added other commands, so we'll discard commands that are up in the m_CommandStack.
                // To avoid having a "Redo : Add Drawing" that makes no sense.
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Execution de la commande
 /// </summary>
 public void Execute()
     // Add a Keyframe at given position