Beispiel #1
        private static void DrawLayer(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo)
            if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server)

            DBTPlayer dbtPlayer = drawInfo.drawPlayer.GetModPlayer <DBTPlayer>();

            AuraAppearance aura = dbtPlayer.GetAura();

            if (aura == null)

            int auraHeight = aura.Information.GetHeight(dbtPlayer);

            Texture2D auraTexture   = aura.Information.GetTexture(dbtPlayer);
            Rectangle auraRectangle = new Rectangle(0, auraHeight * dbtPlayer.AuraFrameIndex, auraTexture.Width, auraHeight);

            float scale = aura.Information.GetAuraScale(dbtPlayer);
            Tuple <float, Vector2> rotationAndPosition = aura.Information.GetRotationAndPosition(dbtPlayer);

            SamplerState samplerState = dbtPlayer.GetPlayerSamplerState();


            Main.spriteBatch.Draw(auraTexture, rotationAndPosition.Item2 - Main.screenPosition, auraRectangle, Color.White, rotationAndPosition.Item1,
                                  new Vector2(aura.Information.GetWidth(dbtPlayer), aura.Information.GetHeight(dbtPlayer)) * 0.5f, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);

        public override void ModifyDrawInfo(Player player, Mod mod, ref PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo)
            //custom race's default color values and clothing styles go here
            var  modPlayer     = player.GetModPlayer <MrPlagueRaces.MrPlagueRacesPlayer>();
            Item familiarshirt = new Item();

            Item familiarpants = new Item();

            if (modPlayer.resetDefaultColors)
                modPlayer.resetDefaultColors = false;
                player.hairColor             = new Color(90, 87, 250);
                player.skinColor             = new Color(204, 204, 204);
                player.eyeColor        = new Color(94, 62, 44);
                player.shirtColor      = new Color(219, 70, 44);
                player.underShirtColor = new Color(170, 75, 191);
                player.pantsColor      = new Color(108, 99, 110);
                player.shoeColor       = new Color(40, 37, 41);
                player.skinVariant     = 3;
                if (player.armor[1].type < ItemID.IronPickaxe && player.armor[2].type < ItemID.IronPickaxe)
                    player.armor[1] = familiarshirt;
                    player.armor[2] = familiarpants;
 public override void DrawEffects(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b, ref float a, ref bool fullBright)
     if (player.HasBuff(BuffType <Potions.OneupBuff>()) && Main.rand.NextBool(7))
         Dust.NewDust(player.position, 10, 10, 74);
Beispiel #4
 public override void ModifyDrawInfo(ref PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo)
     if (HasJotaroCap(player))
         drawInfo.headArmorShader = 0;
Beispiel #5
        public override void ModifyDrawInfo(Player player, Mod mod, ref PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo)
            var  modPlayer     = player.GetModPlayer <MrPlagueRaces.MrPlagueRacesPlayer>();
            Item familiarshirt = new Item();

            Item familiarpants = new Item();

            if (modPlayer.resetDefaultColors && Main.gameMenu)
                modPlayer.resetDefaultColors = false;
                player.hairColor             = new Color(209, 169, 90);
                player.skinColor             = new Color(208, 199, 181);
                player.eyeColor        = new Color(209, 21, 25);
                player.shirtColor      = new Color(219, 70, 44);
                player.underShirtColor = new Color(170, 75, 191);
                player.pantsColor      = new Color(108, 99, 110);
                player.skinVariant     = 8;
                if (player.armor[1].type < ItemID.IronPickaxe && player.armor[2].type < ItemID.IronPickaxe)
                    player.armor[1] = familiarshirt;
                    player.armor[2] = familiarpants;
 public override void DrawEffects(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b, ref float a, ref bool fullBright)
     if (overheatingPlayer)
         if (Main.rand.NextBool(4) && drawInfo.shadow == 0f)
             int dust = Dust.NewDust(drawInfo.position - new Vector2(2f, 2f), player.width + 4, player.height + 4, DustID.Fire, player.velocity.X * 0.4f, player.velocity.Y * 0.4f, 100, default, 2f);
Beispiel #7
        public override void ModifyDrawInfo(ref PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo)
            if (redTimer > 0)
                Color playerColor = drawInfo.bodyColor;

                float bloodColor = redTimer;

                float red   = playerColor.R / 255f;
                float green = playerColor.B / 255f;
                float blue  = playerColor.G / 255f;

                if (Main.dayTime)
                    drawInfo.bodyColor = new Color(Utils.Clamp((Math.Abs(bloodColor - 1)), 0f, red), Utils.Clamp((Math.Abs(bloodColor - 1)), 0f, green), Utils.Clamp((Math.Abs(bloodColor - 1)), 0f, blue));
                    drawInfo.legColor  = new Color(Utils.Clamp((Math.Abs(bloodColor - 1)), 0f, red), Utils.Clamp((Math.Abs(bloodColor - 1)), 0f, green), Utils.Clamp((Math.Abs(bloodColor - 1)), 0f, blue));
                    drawInfo.faceColor = new Color(Utils.Clamp((Math.Abs(bloodColor - 1)), 0f, red), Utils.Clamp((Math.Abs(bloodColor - 1)), 0f, green), Utils.Clamp((Math.Abs(bloodColor - 1)), 0f, blue));
                    drawInfo.bodyColor = new Color(Utils.Clamp(bloodColor, red, 1f), green, blue);
                    drawInfo.legColor  = new Color(Utils.Clamp(bloodColor, red, 1f), green, blue);
                    drawInfo.faceColor = new Color(Utils.Clamp(bloodColor, red, 1f), green, blue);

                player.immuneNoBlink = true;
                redTimer            -= 0.02f;
 public override void ModifyDrawInfo(ref PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo)
     if (stealth < 1.0f)
         float scale = stealth;
         scale = MathHelper.Clamp(stealth, 0.0f, 1.0f);
         drawInfo.eyeWhiteColor     = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.eyeWhiteColor, scale);
         drawInfo.eyeColor          = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.eyeColor, scale);
         drawInfo.hairColor         = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.hairColor, scale);
         drawInfo.faceColor         = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.faceColor, scale);
         drawInfo.bodyColor         = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.bodyColor, scale);
         drawInfo.legColor          = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.legColor, scale);
         drawInfo.shirtColor        = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.shirtColor, scale);
         drawInfo.underShirtColor   = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.underShirtColor, scale);
         drawInfo.pantsColor        = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.pantsColor, scale);
         drawInfo.shoeColor         = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.shoeColor, scale);
         drawInfo.headGlowMaskColor = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.headGlowMaskColor, scale);
         drawInfo.bodyGlowMaskColor = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.bodyGlowMaskColor, scale);
         drawInfo.legGlowMaskColor  = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.legGlowMaskColor, scale);
         drawInfo.armGlowMaskColor  = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.armGlowMaskColor, scale);
         drawInfo.upperArmorColor   = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.upperArmorColor, scale);
         drawInfo.lowerArmorColor   = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.lowerArmorColor, scale);
         drawInfo.middleArmorColor  = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.middleArmorColor, scale);
         // 减少仇恨
         player.aggro = -500;
Beispiel #9
        public override void DrawEffects(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b, ref float a, ref bool fullBright)
            if (DarkArtsBuff)
                if (Main.rand.NextBool(1))
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        int dust = Dust.NewDust(drawInfo.position, 30, 30, ModContent.DustType <VoidDust>(), Main.rand.Next(-10, 10), 0f, 0, Color.Black);
                        Main.dust[dust].scale     = 1.5f;
                        Main.dust[dust].noGravity = true;
                r = 0f;
                g = 0f;
                b = 0f;

            if (SoulPowered)
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    int dust = Dust.NewDust(drawInfo.position, 30, 30, DustID.WhiteTorch, 0f, 0f, 0, Color.White);
                    Main.dust[dust].scale     = 1f;
                    Main.dust[dust].noGravity = true;
Beispiel #10
        public static void DrawItemGlowMask(Texture2D texture, PlayerDrawInfo info)
            Item item = info.drawPlayer.HeldItem;

            if (info.shadow != 0f || info.drawPlayer.frozen || ((info.drawPlayer.itemAnimation <= 0 || item.useStyle == 0) && (item.holdStyle <= 0 || info.drawPlayer.pulley)) || item.type <= 0 || info.drawPlayer.dead || item.noUseGraphic || (info.drawPlayer.wet && item.noWet))
                new DrawData
                    texture, info.itemLocation - Main.screenPosition,
                    new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.Width, texture.Height),
                    new Color(250, 250, 250, item.alpha),
                    new Vector2
                        texture.Width * 0.5f * (1 - info.drawPlayer.direction),
                        info.drawPlayer.gravDir == -1f ? 0 : texture.Height
                    item.scale, info.spriteEffects, 0
Beispiel #11
        public static DrawData AmmoGunDrawData(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, string ammoCounterSprite, int yOffset, float angleInRadians)
            Player           drawPlayer = drawInfo.drawPlayer;
            Mod              mod        = Highlander.Instance;
            HighlanderPlayer modPlayer  = drawPlayer.GetModPlayer <HighlanderPlayer>();
            float            scale      = 1f;
            Texture2D        texture    = mod.GetTexture(ammoCounterSprite);
            int              drawX      = (int)(drawInfo.position.X + drawPlayer.width / 2f - Main.screenPosition.X);
            int              drawY      = (int)(drawInfo.position.Y + yOffset + 70 - Main.screenPosition.Y);

            if (drawPlayer.mount.Active)
                MountData data = drawPlayer.mount._data;

                Vector2 pos = new Vector2();
                pos.Y += data.heightBoost;

                pos += drawInfo.position;

                int smoothOffset = (int)((drawInfo.position - Main.screenPosition) - (drawPlayer.position - Main.screenPosition)).Y + data.heightBoost;

                drawX = (int)(pos.X + drawPlayer.width / 2f - Main.screenPosition.X);
                drawY = (int)(pos.Y + yOffset - smoothOffset + 70 - Main.screenPosition.Y);

            return(new DrawData(texture, new Vector2(drawX, drawY), new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.Width, texture.Height), Color.White, angleInRadians, new Vector2(texture.Width / 2f, texture.Height / 2f), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0));
Beispiel #12
        public void DrawHeld(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, Color color, float rotation, float scale, Vector2 playerCenter)
                Player  player   = Main.player[Main.myPlayer];
                Vector2 position = new Vector2(4f * player.direction, -4f).RotatedBy(rotation) + playerCenter;
                if (LocalTexture == null)
                    //Removing references to SetDefaults

                SpriteEffects effects = player.direction > 0 ? SpriteEffects.None : SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;
                DrawData      draw    = new DrawData(LocalTexture, position, null, Lighted ? Color.White : color, rotation, new Vector2(player.direction > 0 ? 0 : LocalTexture.Width, LocalTexture.Height), scale, effects, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < Main.playerDrawData.Count; i += 1)
                    if (Main.playerDrawData[i].texture != Main.itemTexture[player.inventory[player.selectedItem].type])
                    Main.playerDrawData.Insert(i, draw);

            catch (SystemException e)
Beispiel #13
 public override void ModifyDrawInfo(ref PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo)
     if (player.dashDelay < 0)
         player.headRotation = (float)(Math.PI / 2) * player.direction;
Beispiel #14
 public override void ModifyDrawInfo(ref PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo)
     #region 透明
     if (透明程度 < 1 && 装备_蘑菇头甲)
         float sFLOAT = 透明程度;
         sFLOAT                     = MathHelper.Clamp(透明程度, 0, 1);
         drawInfo.eyeColor          = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.eyeColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.legColor          = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.legColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.bodyColor         = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.bodyColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.faceColor         = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.faceColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.hairColor         = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.hairColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.shoeColor         = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.shoeColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.pantsColor        = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.pantsColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.shirtColor        = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.shirtColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.eyeWhiteColor     = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.eyeWhiteColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.lowerArmorColor   = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.lowerArmorColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.upperArmorColor   = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.upperArmorColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.underShirtColor   = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.underShirtColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.armGlowMaskColor  = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.armGlowMaskColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.legGlowMaskColor  = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.legGlowMaskColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.middleArmorColor  = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.middleArmorColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.bodyGlowMaskColor = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.bodyGlowMaskColor, sFLOAT);
         drawInfo.headGlowMaskColor = Color.Multiply(drawInfo.headGlowMaskColor, sFLOAT);
Beispiel #15
        public static void DrawLayer(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo)
            Skin.visible = false;

            float XOffset;

            SpriteEffects spriteEffects;

            if (drawInfo.drawPlayer.direction == 1)
                spriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None;
                XOffset       = 2.1f;
                spriteEffects = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;
                XOffset       = 2f;

            float drawX = (drawInfo.position.X + drawInfo.drawPlayer.width / XOffset - Main.screenPosition.X); // when looking right, add 3
            float drawY = (drawInfo.position.Y + drawInfo.drawPlayer.height / 0.08f - Main.screenPosition.Y) + 25;

            Color color = Lighting.GetColor((int)drawInfo.drawPlayer.position.X / 16, (int)drawInfo.drawPlayer.position.Y / 16, drawInfo.drawPlayer.skinColor);

            Main.spriteBatch.Draw(_customBodySkin, new Vector2(drawX, drawY), drawInfo.drawPlayer.bodyFrame,
                                  color, 0, new Vector2(_customBodySkin.Width / 2f, _customBodySkin.Height / 2f), 1f, spriteEffects, 0);
 public void DrawArmorLayer(PlayerDrawInfo info)
     if (info.drawPlayer.GetModPlayer <StarlightPlayer>().empowered)
         ArmorHelper.QuickDrawBodyFramed(info, AssetDirectory.VanityItem + "AncientStarwoodChest_Body_Alt", 1, new Vector2(10, 18));
Beispiel #17
 public override void ModifyDrawInfo(ref PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo)
     foreach (SkillData sd in GetSkillsUnderEffect)
         sd.GetBase.UpdateAnimation(player, sd);
Beispiel #18
 public override void DrawEffects(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b, ref float a, ref bool fullBright)
     if (Cometspark)
         if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0 && drawInfo.shadow == 0f)
             int dust = Dust.NewDust(drawInfo.position - new Vector2(2f, 2f), player.width + 4, player.height + 4, DustID.Electric, player.velocity.X * 0.4f, player.velocity.Y * 0.4f, 100, default, 1.5f);
 public override void ModifyDrawInfo(ref PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo)
     if (DyeSlot.Item.stack > 0 && (EquipSlot.Item.wingSlot > 0 || VanitySlot.Item.wingSlot > 0))
         drawInfo.wingShader = DyeSlot.Item.dye;
Beispiel #20
 public override void ModifyDrawInfo(ref PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo)
     if (ShoeDyeSlot.Item.stack > 0 && (EquipShoeSlot.Item.shoeSlot > 0 || VanityShoeSlot.Item.shoeSlot > 0))
         drawInfo.shoeShader = ShoeDyeSlot.Item.dye;
Beispiel #21
 public override void DrawEffects(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b, ref float a, ref bool fullBright)
     if (redTimer > 0.8)
         Dust.NewDust(player.position, player.width, player.height, 183);
Beispiel #22
 public void DrawArmorLayer(PlayerDrawInfo info)//custom drawing the hat (todo)
     if (info.drawPlayer.GetModPlayer <StarlightPlayer>().empowered)
         ArmorHelper.QuickDrawHeadFramed(info, AssetDirectory.StarwoodItem + "StarwoodHat_Head_Alt", 1, new Vector2(10, 18));
 public override void DrawEffects(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b, ref float a, ref bool fullBright)
     if (player.FindBuffIndex(mod.BuffType("Frostfire")) >= 0)
         if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0 && drawInfo.shadow == 0f)
             int dust = Dust.NewDust(drawInfo.position - new Vector2(2f, 2f), player.width + 4, player.height + 4, 135, player.velocity.X * 0.4f, player.velocity.Y * 0.4f, 100, default(Color), 3f);
             Main.dust[dust].noGravity   = true;
             Main.dust[dust].velocity   *= 1.8f;
             Main.dust[dust].velocity.Y -= 0.5f;
         r         *= 0.1f;
         g         *= 0.2f;
         b         *= 0.7f;
         fullBright = true;
     else if (player.FindBuffIndex(mod.BuffType("Solarfire")) >= 0)
         if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0 && drawInfo.shadow == 0f)
             int num41 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(drawInfo.position.X - 2f, drawInfo.position.Y - 2f), player.width + 4, player.height + 4, 6, player.velocity.X * 0.4f, player.velocity.Y * 0.4f, 100, default(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color), 3f);
             Main.dust[num41].noGravity = true;
             Dust dust2 = Main.dust[num41];
             dust2.velocity *= 1.8f;
             Dust dust3 = Main.dust[num41];
             dust3.velocity.Y = dust3.velocity.Y - 0.5f;
         g         *= 0.6f;
         b         *= 0.7f;
         fullBright = true;
Beispiel #24
        public override void Draw(Player player, SkillData rawdata, PlayerDrawInfo pdi)
            SummonQueenBeeData data = (SummonQueenBeeData)rawdata;

            if (!Main.NPCLoaded[Terraria.ID.NPCID.QueenBee])
            Texture2D texture = Main.npcTexture[Terraria.ID.NPCID.QueenBee];
            float     Opacity = 1f;

            if (data.Time < 60)
                Opacity = data.Time * (1f / 60);
            else if (data.Time >= 60 * (BeeSummonTime + 1))
                Opacity = (60 - (data.Time - 60 * (BeeSummonTime + 1))) * (1f / 60);
            if (Opacity < 0)
                Opacity = 0;
            Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.Width, texture.Height / Main.npcFrameCount[Terraria.ID.NPCID.QueenBee]);

            drawRect.Y = drawRect.Height * data.FrameID;
            Vector2 Origin = new Vector2(drawRect.Width * 0.5f, drawRect.Height * 0.5f);

            Terraria.DataStructures.DrawData dd = new Terraria.DataStructures.DrawData(texture, data.Position - Main.screenPosition, drawRect, Lighting.GetColor((int)(data.Position.X * (1f / 16)), (int)(data.Position.Y * (1f / 16)), Color.Cyan) * Opacity, 0f, Origin, 1f, (data.Direction > 0 ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None), 0);
            Main.playerDrawData.Insert(0, dd);
Beispiel #25
        public override void ModifyDrawInfo(ref PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo) //i just really dont want to fix the sprite issues.
            if (drawInfo.drawPlayer.legs == mod.GetEquipSlot("DraedonLeggings", EquipType.Legs))
                drawInfo.legColor         = Color.Transparent;
                drawInfo.legGlowMaskColor = Color.Transparent;
                drawInfo.pantsColor       = Color.Transparent;

            if (drawInfo.drawPlayer.body == mod.GetEquipSlot("DraedonChestplate", EquipType.Body))
                drawInfo.armGlowMaskColor  = Color.Transparent;
                drawInfo.bodyColor         = Color.Transparent;
                drawInfo.bodyGlowMaskColor = Color.Transparent;
                drawInfo.shirtColor        = Color.Transparent;
                drawInfo.underShirtColor   = Color.Transparent;

            if (drawInfo.drawPlayer.head == mod.GetEquipSlot("DraedonHelmet", EquipType.Head))
                drawInfo.eyeColor          = Color.Transparent;
                drawInfo.eyeWhiteColor     = Color.Transparent;
                drawInfo.faceColor         = Color.Transparent;
                drawInfo.hairColor         = Color.Transparent;
                drawInfo.headGlowMaskColor = Color.Transparent;
Beispiel #26
        //You actually need this in order to apply the texture to the player
        public override void ModifyDrawLayers(List <PlayerLayer> layers)
            //If the selected item is the Midas Sprayer draw it
            if (player.inventory[player.selectedItem].type == mod.ItemType("MidasSprayer"))
                //Making a draw information
                PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo = default(PlayerDrawInfo); //Make an instance of Draw Info
                Vector2        Position = player.position;         //Make a variable Position for player position
                drawInfo.drawPlayer = player;                      //The draw info's player is the player
                drawInfo.position   = player.position;             //Draw position is the player's position
                drawInfo.shadow     = 0f;                          //Set the shadow as a 0
                float shadow = 0f;                                 //Make another variable shadow as 0 also

                //Get a vector for the player position
                Vector2 vector = player.position + (player.itemLocation - player.position);
                drawInfo.itemLocation = vector;

                //Get the alpha of the surrounding area
                //player.GetImmuneAlphaPure(Lighting.GetColor((int)((double)Position.X + (double)player.width * 0.5) / 16, (int)((double)Position.Y + (double)player.height * 0.5) / 16, Color.White), shadow);

                //Make draw data of value
                DrawData value = default(DrawData);

                //Putting the texture up
                //Getting the color of the player
                Color         color12       = player.GetImmuneAlphaPure(Lighting.GetColor((int)((double)Position.X + (double)player.width * 0.5) / 16, (int)((double)Position.Y + (double)player.height * 0.5) / 16, Color.White), shadow);
                SpriteEffects spriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None;                            //Setting so there is no Sprite Effects
                Texture2D     MidasBackpack = mod.GetTexture("Items/Usables/MidasBackpack"); //Getting the texture
                //Putting up the draw data
                value        = new DrawData(MidasBackpack, new Vector2((float)((int)(Position.X - Main.screenPosition.X + (float)(player.width / 2) - (float)(9 * player.direction))) + -4f * (float)player.direction, (float)((int)(Position.Y - Main.screenPosition.Y + (float)(player.height / 2) + 2f * player.gravDir + -8f * player.gravDir))), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, 0, MidasBackpack.Width, MidasBackpack.Height)), color12, player.bodyRotation, new Vector2((float)(MidasBackpack.Width / 2), (float)(MidasBackpack.Height / 2)), 1f, spriteEffects, 0);
                value.shader = 5;                 //Set shader as value 5, which is the shader in which the elf melter backpack uses.
Beispiel #27
 public override void DrawEffects(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b, ref float a, ref bool fullBright)
     if (eFlames)
         if (Main.rand.NextBool(4) && drawInfo.shadow == 0f)
             int dust = Dust.NewDust(drawInfo.position - new Vector2(2f, 2f), player.width + 4, player.height + 4, mod.DustType("EtherealFlame"), player.velocity.X * 0.4f, player.velocity.Y * 0.4f, 100, default(Color), 3f);
             Main.dust[dust].noGravity   = true;
             Main.dust[dust].velocity   *= 1.8f;
             Main.dust[dust].velocity.Y -= 0.5f;
         r         *= 0.1f;
         g         *= 0.2f;
         b         *= 0.7f;
         fullBright = true;
     if (nonStopParty && drawInfo.shadow == 0f && Main.rand.NextBool(6))             // checking shadow == 0 helps avoid spawning extra dust because of extra shadow draws.
         int  dustIndex = Dust.NewDust(drawInfo.position + new Vector2(drawInfo.drawPlayer.width / 2 - 2, -30), 4, 4, 219, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1f);
         Dust dust      = Main.dust[dustIndex];
         dust.velocity.X = Main.rand.NextFloat(-1f, 1f);
         dust.velocity.Y = Main.rand.NextFloat(-3, -1.5f);
         dust.scale      = 1f + Main.rand.NextFloat(-.030f, .031f);
Beispiel #28
        public override void DrawEffects(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b, ref float a, ref bool fullBright)
            #region Rampant Bleeding Dust

            if (RBleed)
                if (RBleedStacks <= 5)
                    if (Main.rand.NextFloat() <= .1f)
                        Dust.NewDustDirect(player.position - new Vector2(2f, 2f), player.width, player.height, DustID.Blood, 0f, 0f, 0, new Color(255, 255, 255), 1f);
                else if (RBleedStacks > 5 && RBleedStacks <= 10)
                    if (Main.rand.NextFloat() <= .2f)
                        Dust.NewDustDirect(player.position - new Vector2(2f, 2f), player.width, player.height, DustID.Blood, 0f, 0f, 0, new Color(255, 255, 255), 1f);
                else if (RBleedStacks > 10 && RBleedStacks <= 20)
                    if (Main.rand.NextFloat() <= .4f)
                        Dust.NewDustDirect(player.position - new Vector2(2f, 2f), player.width, player.height, DustID.Blood, 0f, 0f, 0, new Color(255, 255, 255), 1f);
                else if (RBleedStacks > 20)
                    Dust.NewDustDirect(player.position - new Vector2(2f, 2f), player.width, player.height, DustID.Blood, 0f, 0f, 0, new Color(255, 255, 255), 1f);

            #endregion Rampant Bleeding Dust
Beispiel #29
        public static DrawData AutonomousOrbData(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, string autonomousOrb, int yOffset, float angleInRadians)
            Player           drawPlayer = drawInfo.drawPlayer;
            Mod              mod        = Highlander.Instance;
            HighlanderPlayer modPlayer  = drawPlayer.GetModPlayer <HighlanderPlayer>();

            var dye = drawPlayer.dye[0];

            // Tick up the hat effect timer
            modPlayer.hatEffectTime = (short)((modPlayer.hatEffectTime + 1) % 47);
            short timer = modPlayer.hatEffectTime;

            float     scale     = 1f;
            Texture2D texture   = mod.GetTexture(autonomousOrb);
            int       drawX     = (int)(drawInfo.position.X + drawPlayer.width / 2f - Main.screenPosition.X);
            int       drawY     = (int)(drawInfo.position.Y + yOffset + 70 - Main.screenPosition.Y);
            int       numFrames = 1;
            int       currFrame = 0;

            if (drawPlayer.mount.Active)
                MountData data = drawPlayer.mount._data;

                Vector2 pos = new Vector2();
                pos.Y += data.heightBoost;

                pos  += drawInfo.position;
                drawX = (int)(pos.X + drawPlayer.width / 2f - Main.screenPosition.X);
                drawY = (int)(pos.Y + yOffset + 70 - Main.screenPosition.Y);

            if (timer <= 14)
                //currFrame = 0;
                drawY -= 0;
            else if (timer <= 23)
                //currFrame = 1;
                drawY -= 1;
            else if (timer <= 38)
                //currFrame = 2;
                drawY -= 2;
            else if (timer <= 47)
                //currFrame = 3;
                drawY -= 1;

            Rectangle frame = new Rectangle(0, currFrame * texture.Height / numFrames, texture.Width, texture.Height / numFrames);

            int   cX    = (int)(drawPlayer.position.X / 16f);
            int   cY    = (int)((drawPlayer.position.Y) / 16f);
            Color color = Lighting.GetColor(cX, cY, Color.White);

            return(new DrawData(texture, new Vector2(drawX, drawY), frame, color, angleInRadians, new Vector2(texture.Width / 2f, texture.Height / 2f), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0));
Beispiel #30
        public override void DrawEffects(PlayerDrawInfo drawInfo, ref float r, ref float g, ref float b, ref float a, ref bool fullBright)

            if (eFlames)

                if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0 && drawInfo.shadow == 0f)

                    int dust = Dust.NewDust(drawInfo.position - new Vector2(2f, 2f), player.width + 4, player.height + 4, mod.DustType("EtherealFlame"), player.velocity.X * 0.4f, player.velocity.Y * 0.4f, 100, default(Color), 3f);

                    Main.dust[dust].noGravity = true;

                    Main.dust[dust].velocity *= 1.8f;

                    Main.dust[dust].velocity.Y -= 0.5f;


                r *= 0.1f;

                g *= 0.2f;

                b *= 0.7f;

                fullBright = true;