Beispiel #1
    //apply final damage calculations made in CalculateDamageTime ~ need to consider this design as well for enemies!
    private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collision)
        if (collision.tag.Equals("Laser"))
            //calculate final damage laser has dealt to this gameObject
                isReceivingDamage = false;
                PlayerDPS dps = collision.GetComponent <PlayerDPS>();
                //adjust total damage received based on the time the laser spent on this boss body part
                float timeSpent           = Mathf.Clamp(elapsedDamageTime, 0f, laserCD.abilityTimer.duration);
                float totalDamageReceived = dps.DamagePerFrame * (1f / dps.frequency) * timeSpent;

                Debug.Log( + " totalDamageReceived: " + totalDamageReceived);

                if (hp - totalDamageReceived < 0f)
                    hp = 0f;
                    hp -= totalDamageReceived;
Beispiel #2
    IEnumerator CalculateDamageTime(Collider2D collision)
        PlayerDPS dps            = collision.GetComponent <PlayerDPS>();
        float     bodyPartHP     = hp;//I have to cache the value here to compare its modified hp to the expected hp count after laser stops hitting body part
        float     startTime      = Time.time;
        float     deltaTime      = 0f;
        float     realTimeDamage = 0f;

        //I need to interrupt the coroutine here when laser is no longer on this body part
        while (isReceivingDamage && laserCD.isAbilityActive)
            bodyPartHP -= dps.maxDPS * deltaTime;
            if (bodyPartHP <= 0f)//determine if body part is dead
                yield break;

            //calculates approxmiate total damage dealt to this gameObject every coroutine
            realTimeDamage += dps.maxDPS * deltaTime;
            float startDeltaTime = Time.time;
            //Does not guarantee that the time it will take to resume this coroutine will be exactly dps.frequency
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(dps.frequency));

            deltaTime         = Time.time - startDeltaTime;
            elapsedDamageTime = Time.time - startTime;

        Debug.Log("BodyPartHP: " + bodyPartHP);
        Debug.Log("realTimeDamage: " + realTimeDamage);