private void changeTransportSlider()
        App    app     = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <App>();
        Nation player  = State.getNations()[app.GetHumanIndex()];
        int    oldFlow = PlayerCalculator.calculateTransportFlow(player);

        // int oldFlow = player.industry.getTransportFlow();
        int newFlow = PlayerCalculator.calculateTransportFlow(player);
        //If slider was reduced new flow will be less than old flow - return coal to player
        int difference             = Math.Abs(oldFlow - newFlow);
        int totalNumberOfProvinces = PlayerCalculator.getTotalNumberOfProvinces(player);

        // In case we reduced the flow
        if (newFlow < oldFlow)
            if (oldFlow <= totalNumberOfProvinces)
                // do nothing
            else if (oldFlow > totalNumberOfProvinces)
                if (newFlow >= totalNumberOfProvinces)
                    player.collectResource(MyEnum.Resources.coal, difference * 0.2f);
                    player.collectResource(MyEnum.Resources.coal, (oldFlow - totalNumberOfProvinces) * 0.2f);
        // The case where we have increased the amount of flow
            if (newFlow <= totalNumberOfProvinces)
                // do nothing
            else if (newFlow > totalNumberOfProvinces)
                // The case where we were already making use of some coal for transport
                if (oldFlow >= totalNumberOfProvinces)
                    player.consumeResource(MyEnum.Resources.coal, difference * 0.2f);
                    player.consumeResource(MyEnum.Resources.coal, (newFlow - player.getProvinces().Count) * 0.2f);
    private void updateTransportPanel()
        Debug.Log("Begin Updating Transport Panel");
        App    app                   = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <App>();
        Nation player                = State.getNations()[app.GetHumanIndex()];
        int    transportFlow         = PlayerCalculator.calculateTransportFlow(player);
        int    totalNumberProv       = PlayerCalculator.getTotalNumberOfProvinces(player);
        int    realTransportCapacity = PlayerCalculator.calculateMaxTransportFlow(player);

        Debug.Log("Transport Flow: " + transportFlow);
        Debug.Log("Current Transport Capacity: " + realTransportCapacity);
        // player.industry.setTransportFlow(PlayerCalculator.calculateTransportFlow(player));
        float coalUsedForTransport = (transportFlow - totalNumberProv) * 0.2f;

        transportCapacity.text = transportFlow.ToString() + "/" + realTransportCapacity.ToString();
        coalCapacity.text      = player.getNumberResource(MyEnum.Resources.coal).ToString();
        int remainingFlow = realTransportCapacity - transportFlow;

        Debug.Log("Remaining Flow Capacity: " + remainingFlow);

        if (PlayerCalculator.canBuildTrain(player))
            addTransportCapacityButton.interactable = true;
            addTransportCapacityButton.interactable = false;

        // Counter used for switching from first to second table in Production GUI
        int counter = 0;

        foreach (MyEnum.Resources res in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MyEnum.Resources)))
            int producing   = PlayerCalculator.getResourceProducing(player, res);
            int currentFlow = player.getResTransportFlow(res);
            Debug.Log("Resource is: " + res + "---------------------------------------------");
            Debug.Log("Producing: " + producing);
            Debug.Log("Current Flow: " + currentFlow);
            //int systemFlow = player.industry.getTransportFlow();
            int capacity = Math.Min(producing - currentFlow, remainingFlow);
            Debug.Log("Remaining " + res + " capacity: " + capacity);
            int max = currentFlow + capacity;
            Debug.Log("Max: " + max);
            if (counter <= 5)
                Debug.Log("check 2553");
                Text   resFlow   = resourceTableA.Rows[counter].Cells[1].GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
                Slider resSlider = resourceTableA.Rows[counter].Cells[2].GetComponentInChildren <Slider>();
                resFlow.text = currentFlow + "/" + producing;
                if (max == currentFlow && max < producing)
                    resFlow.color = new Color32(170, 12, 12, 255);
                    resFlow.color = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255);
                resSlider.maxValue = max;
                resSlider.minValue = 0;
                resSlider.value    = currentFlow;
                Debug.Log("check 2569");
                Debug.Log("check 2573");
                Text   resFlow   = resourceTableB.Rows[counter % 6].Cells[1].GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
                Slider resSlider = resourceTableB.Rows[counter % 6].Cells[2].GetComponentInChildren <Slider>();
                resFlow.text = currentFlow + "/" + producing;
                if (max == currentFlow && max < producing)
                    resFlow.color = new Color32(170, 12, 12, 255);
                    resFlow.color = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255);
                resSlider.maxValue = max;
                resSlider.minValue = 0;
                resSlider.value    = currentFlow;
            Debug.Log("Counter: " + counter);