public LyrePlayerViewModel(IContainer ioc,
                                   SettingsPageViewModel settings, PlaylistViewModel playlist)
            _speakers    = OutputDevice.GetByName("Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth");
            _timeWatcher = PlaybackCurrentTimeWatcher.Instance;

            _events = ioc.Get <IEventAggregator>();

            _settings = settings;
            Playlist  = playlist;

            SelectedMidiInput = MidiInputs[0];

            _timeWatcher.CurrentTimeChanged += OnSongTick;

            // SystemMediaTransportControls is only supported on Windows 10 and later
            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT &&
                Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 10)
                _player = ioc.Get <MediaPlayer>();

                _player.CommandManager.NextReceived     += (_, _) => Next();
                _player.CommandManager.PreviousReceived += (_, _) => Previous();

                _player.CommandManager.PlayReceived += async(_, _) => await PlayPause();

                _player.CommandManager.PauseReceived += async(_, _) => await PlayPause();
    public LyrePlayerViewModel(IContainer ioc, MainWindowViewModel main)
        _main        = main;
        _timeWatcher = PlaybackCurrentTimeWatcher.Instance;

        _events = ioc.Get <IEventAggregator>();

        SelectedMidiInput = MidiInputs[0];

        _timeWatcher.CurrentTimeChanged += OnSongTick;

        // SystemMediaTransportControls is only supported on Windows 10 and later
        if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT &&
            Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 10)
            _player = ioc.Get <MediaPlayer>();

            _player !.CommandManager.NextReceived     += (_, _) => Next();
            _player !.CommandManager.PreviousReceived += (_, _) => Previous();

            _player !.CommandManager.PlayReceived += async(_, _) => await PlayPause();

            _player !.CommandManager.PauseReceived += async(_, _) => await PlayPause();

            _speakers = OutputDevice.GetByName("Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth");
        catch (ArgumentException e)
            new ErrorContentDialog(e, closeText: "Ignore").ShowAsync();

            SettingsView.CanUseSpeakers = false;
            Settings.UseSpeakers        = false;