// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        cam =GameObject.Find("CardboardMain");

        if(gender ==0){
            genderBasedAnim = GetComponent<Animation>()["MaleArm|Walking"];

            //TODO rename walkig_grete to walking_grete in Blender file
            genderBasedAnim = GetComponent<Animation>()["FemaleArm|walkig_grete"];


        last = positions.Last;
        iterator = positions.First;
        transform.Rotate (0,90,0);
        //sets the color for the pedestrians
        /*myColor = Color.red;
        GetComponentInChildren<Renderer>().materials[1].color = myColor;*/

        pc = GameObject.Find ("PlaybackControl").GetComponent<PlaybackControlNonGUI> ();
        r = GetComponentInChildren<Renderer>() as Renderer;

        //set Tag of the game object in order to find gameobjects with the same tag
        //gameObject.tag = "pedestrian";
    void Awake()
        if (lowQualPedModel) {
            //Model based on http://opengameart.org/content/base-human-models-low-poly by Clint Bellanger
            ped1 = Resources.Load ("Hans_easy");
            ped2 = Resources.Load ("Grete_easy");
        } else {
            ped1 = Resources.Load("Hans");
            ped2 = Resources.Load("Grete");

        pc = GameObject.Find("PlaybackControl").GetComponent<PlaybackControlNonGUI>();
        Pedestrians = new GameObject("Pedestrians");
    void Start()
        pc = GameObject.Find ("PlaybackControl").GetComponent<PlaybackControlNonGUI> ();
        //cameraObj = GameObject.Find ("Sphere");

        //160ish total_time in big tent
        //waypoints by @Xaverl:
        addWaypoint(39, 5, 50, -5f);
        addWaypoint(39, 2, 0, -4f);
        addWaypoint(39, 2, 17, 0.4f);
        addWaypoint(19, 2, 17, 0.2f);
        addWaypoint(19, 2, 39, 0.6f);
        addWaypoint (0, 5, 39, -5f);
        addWaypoint(19, 2, 39, 0.5f);
        addWaypoint(19, 2, 64, 0.5f);
        addWaypoint(39, 2, 64, 0.5f);
        addWaypoint(39, 4, 82, -2f);
        addWaypoint(0, 6, 82, -5f);
        addWaypoint(39, 5, 50, -3f);

        addWaypoint (0, 7, 5, 0f);
        addWaypoint (5, 7, 5, -1.5f);
        addWaypoint (5, 7, -5, 0.4f);
        addWaypoint (5, 12, -5, 0f);

        if (times [0] < 0) // because i starts at 1 in for loop
            addWaitSection (waypoints [0], Math.Abs(times [0]));

        for (int i = 1; i < waypoints.Count; i ++) {
            Vector3 startWaypoint = waypoints [i - 1];
            float velocReducerStart = times[i - 1] < 0 ? 0 : times[i - 1]; // below 0 means waiting time
            Vector3 endWaypoint = waypoints [i];
            float velocReducerEnd = times[i] < 0 ? 0 : times[i];

            float dist = Vector3.Distance (startWaypoint, endWaypoint);
            //Debug.Log ("dist: " + dist);

            float s_accel = dist * accelEndMarkerPerc;
            float s_decel = dist - (dist * decelStartMarkerPerc);
            float s_const = dist - s_accel - s_decel;
            //Debug.Log (string.Concat("s_accel: ", s_accel, " s_const: ", s_const, " s_decel: ", s_decel));

            Vector3 accelEndPoint = Vector3.Lerp (startWaypoint, endWaypoint, accelEndMarkerPerc);
            Vector3 decelStartPoint = Vector3.Lerp (startWaypoint, endWaypoint, decelStartMarkerPerc);

            Section accelSect = new Section(sections.Count, Section.Type.ACCELERATION, startWaypoint, accelEndPoint, velocReducerStart, s_ges, s_accel);
            //Debug.Log ("ACCEL-SECT: " + accelSect);
            Section constSect = new Section(sections.Count, Section.Type.CONSTANT, accelEndPoint, decelStartPoint, 1, s_ges + s_accel, s_const);
            //Debug.Log ("CONST-SECT: " + constSect);
            Section decelSect = new Section(sections.Count, Section.Type.DECELERATION, decelStartPoint, endWaypoint, velocReducerEnd, s_ges + s_accel + s_const, s_decel);
            //Debug.Log ("DECEL-SECT: " + decelSect);

            if (times [i] < 0)
                addWaitSection (waypoints [i], Math.Abs(times [i]));

            s_ges += dist;