public static void CreateEcosystemPlan()
        // get the folder selection

        // create a new plan at the currently selected folder.
        UTAutomationPlan plan = UTils.CreateAssetOfType <UTAutomationPlan>("name");

        // create a new instance of the new class we created above.
        var editorModel = new PlayMakerEcosystem_uTomateModel();


        Selection.activeInstanceID = plan.GetInstanceID();

        // now you can create actions.

        // FIRST ACTION
        UTEchoAction echoAction = UTAction.Create <UTEchoAction>();

        // set their properties
        echoAction.text.Value         = "Hello World";
        echoAction.text.UseExpression = false; // this toggles f(x)

        // add the action to the automation plan
        var echoActionEntry = editorModel.AddAction(echoAction); = "wtf";

        Selection.activeInstanceID = plan.GetInstanceID();

        // SECOND ACTION
        UTEchoAction anotherAction = UTAction.Create <UTEchoAction>();

        // set their properties
        anotherAction.text.Value         = "double dva";
        anotherAction.text.UseExpression = false; // this toggles f(x)

        // add it as well
        var anotherActionEntry = editorModel.AddAction(anotherAction);

        // now connect the first echo action to the other action using the Connect method we wrote
        editorModel.Connect(echoActionEntry, anotherActionEntry);

        // finally set the echo action as first action
        var echoActionNode = editorModel.Graph.GetNodeFor(echoActionEntry);


        // if you want you can beautify the graph
        // so not all nodes are located at (0,0)

        // finally you can execute your plan using
    public static void CreateEcosystemPlan()
        // get the folder selection

        // create a new plan at the currently selected folder.
        UTAutomationPlan plan = UTils.CreateAssetOfType<UTAutomationPlan>("name");

        // create a new instance of the new class we created above.
        var editorModel = new PlayMakerEcosystem_uTomateModel();


        Selection.activeInstanceID = plan.GetInstanceID();

        // now you can create actions.

        // FIRST ACTION
        UTEchoAction echoAction = UTAction.Create<UTEchoAction>();

        // set their properties
        echoAction.text.Value = "Hello World";
        echoAction.text.UseExpression = false; // this toggles f(x)

        // add the action to the automation plan
        var echoActionEntry = editorModel.AddAction(echoAction); = "wtf";

        Selection.activeInstanceID = plan.GetInstanceID();

        // SECOND ACTION
        UTEchoAction anotherAction = UTAction.Create<UTEchoAction>();

        // set their properties
        anotherAction.text.Value = "double dva";
        anotherAction.text.UseExpression = false; // this toggles f(x)

        // add it as well
        var anotherActionEntry = editorModel.AddAction(anotherAction);

        // now connect the first echo action to the other action using the Connect method we wrote
        editorModel.Connect(echoActionEntry, anotherActionEntry);

        // finally set the echo action as first action
        var echoActionNode = editorModel.Graph.GetNodeFor(echoActionEntry);

        // if you want you can beautify the graph
        // so not all nodes are located at (0,0)

        // finally you can execute your plan using