IEnumerator GeneratePlateTectonicsRoutine(Planet planet, float randomSeed, float transformSeed, float tectonicsSeed, float oceanSeed, float colorSeed)
        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Initiated");

        yield return(null);

        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Aquired seeds");

        //tectonicsSeed = 1;
        //transformSeed = 1;
        //oceanSeed = 1;
        tectonicsSeed = medianCurve.Evaluate(tectonicsSeed);
        transformSeed = medianCurve.Evaluate(transformSeed);
        oceanSeed     = medianCurve.Evaluate(oceanSeed);

        float randomColor;
        float initialBoneDistanceFromCore;
        int   plateQuantity;
        int   tectonicPoints;
        float heightDifferenceFromPlateType;
        float tectonicActivity;

        yield return(null);

        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Cached variables");

        Random.InitState((int)Mathf.Lerp(0, 999999, randomSeed));
        randomColor = colorSeed;
        initialBoneDistanceFromCore = Mathf.Lerp(1, 3, transformSeed);
        plateQuantity    = (int)Mathf.Lerp(2, 12, tectonicsSeed);
        tectonicActivity = Mathf.Lerp(0, 3, tectonicsSeed) + 0.5f;
        tectonicPoints   = (int)(Mathf.Lerp(tectonicActivity, plateQuantity, tectonicsSeed));
        heightDifferenceFromPlateType = Mathf.Lerp(1, 3, transformSeed);
        yield return(null);

        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Generated variables ");

 = tectonicPoints;  = plateQuantity; = heightDifferenceFromPlateType;   = initialBoneDistanceFromCore; = tectonicActivity;       = randomColor;
        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Stored generated variables");

        //GlobalNotification.instance.PostNotification("Initial bone distance from core: <color=#ffff00ff>"+(int)(100*(initialBoneDistanceFromCore+1)/3)+"%</color>\n");
        //GlobalNotification.instance.PostNotification("Water percentage: <color=#ffff00ff>"+(int)(oceanSeed*100)+"%</color>\n");
        //GlobalNotification.instance.PostNotification("Plate tectonics quantity:  <color=#ffff00ff>"+plateQuantity+"</color>\n");
        //GlobalNotification.instance.PostNotification("Height difference from plate type: <color=#ffff00ff>"+(int)(100*(heightDifferenceFromPlateType+1)/3)+"%</color>\n");
        ////Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Posted notifications");

        PlanetView.instance.ChangeColor(randomColor, randomColor, randomColor);
        yield return(null);

        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Changed colors");

        planet.enabled = false;
        Transform[] planetBones = planet.bones;
        for (int currentBone = 0; currentBone < planetBones.Length; currentBone++)
            planetBones[currentBone].position = planet.transform.position + (planetBones[currentBone].right * 10 * -initialBoneDistanceFromCore);
        PlanetView.instance.ScaleOceans(Mathf.Lerp(1, 3, transformSeed), oceanSeed);
        yield return(null);

        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Reseted bone positions and collider");

        planet.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, Mathf.Lerp(0, 360, transformSeed)));
        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Assigned initial random rotation");

        PlateTectonic[] newPlates = new PlateTectonic[plateQuantity];
        for (int currentPlate = 0; currentPlate < newPlates.Length; currentPlate++)
            newPlates[currentPlate]       = new PlateTectonic();
            newPlates[currentPlate].bones = new List <PlateBone>();
        yield return(null);

        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Reseted plates");

        for (int currentBone = 0; currentBone < planetBones.Length; currentBone++)
            float     percentage     = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, planetBones.Length - 1, currentBone);
            int       identification = (int)Mathf.Lerp(0, plateQuantity - 1, percentage);
            PlateBone newBone        = new PlateBone();
            //newBone.pressure = 0;
            newBone.translation =;
            newBone.transform   = planetBones[currentBone];
        planet.plates = newPlates;
        yield return(null);

        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Assigned reseted bones to plates");

        for (int currentPlate = 0; currentPlate < newPlates.Length; currentPlate++)
            int newType = Random.Range(0, 2);
            newPlates[currentPlate].type = newType;
            if (newType == 0)
                newPlates[currentPlate].weightIndex = (Random.Range(6, 10));
            else if (newType == 1)
                newPlates[currentPlate].weightIndex = (Random.Range(1, 5));
            newPlates[currentPlate].movementForce = 0;
        planet.plates = newPlates;
        yield return(null);

        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Assigned types, weights and initial movement force to plates");

        for (int currentPlateIndex = 0; currentPlateIndex < newPlates.Length; currentPlateIndex++)
            PlateTectonic currentPlate = newPlates[currentPlateIndex];
            PlateBone     currentBone;
            if (currentPlate.type == 1)
                for (int currentBoneIndex = 0; currentBoneIndex < currentPlate.bones.Count; currentBoneIndex++)
                    currentBone = currentPlate.bones[currentBoneIndex];
                    currentBone.transform.position += -currentBone.transform.right * heightDifferenceFromPlateType;
                    currentBone.translation        += -currentBone.transform.right * heightDifferenceFromPlateType;
                    //yield return null;
            yield return(null);
        planet.plates = newPlates;
        yield return(null);

        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Set initial plate positions");

        //GlobalNotification.instance.PostNotification("Tectonic activity: <color=#ffff00ff>"+(int)(100*tectonicActivity/3)+"%</color>\n");
        //GlobalNotification.instance.PostNotification("Tectonic points: <color=#ffff00ff>"+tectonicPoints+"</color>\n");
        for (int currentPoint = 0; currentPoint < tectonicPoints; currentPoint++)
            //Get initial impact index
            int initialPointIndex = Random.Range(0, newPlates.Length);
            //Find direction using a coin flip and the activity
            int   coinFlip = Random.Range(0, 2);
            float initialForce;
            if (coinFlip == 0)
                initialForce = tectonicActivity;
                initialForce = -tectonicActivity;

            newPlates[initialPointIndex].movementForce = initialForce;

            if (initialForce < 0)
                int currentPlateIndex = initialPointIndex - 1;
                for (float currentForce = initialForce - 1; currentForce < 0; currentForce++)
                    if (currentPlateIndex >= newPlates.Length)
                        currentPlateIndex = 0;
                    else if (currentPlateIndex < 0)
                        currentPlateIndex = newPlates.Length - 1;

                    newPlates[currentPlateIndex].movementForce += currentForce;
                    Mathf.Clamp(newPlates[currentPlateIndex].movementForce, -3, 4);
                    ////Debug.Log("Set force of "+currentForce+" to plate "+currentPlateIndex+" from initial force of "+initialForce);
                int currentPlateIndex = initialPointIndex + 1;
                for (float currentForce = initialForce - 1; currentForce > 0; currentForce--)
                    if (currentPlateIndex >= newPlates.Length)
                        currentPlateIndex = 0;
                    else if (currentPlateIndex < 0)
                        currentPlateIndex = newPlates.Length - 1;

                    newPlates[currentPlateIndex].movementForce += currentForce;
                    Mathf.Clamp(newPlates[currentPlateIndex].movementForce, -3, 4);
            yield return(null);

        planet.plates = newPlates;
        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Distributed plate flows");

        PlateTectonic leftPlate;
        PlateTectonic rightPlate;

        for (int currentPlate = 0; currentPlate < newPlates.Length; currentPlate++)
            //Get victim (always the plate on the right)
            int victimIndex = currentPlate + 1;
            if (victimIndex >= newPlates.Length)
                victimIndex = 0;

            leftPlate  = newPlates[currentPlate];
            rightPlate = newPlates[victimIndex];

            //Identify the type of event that happened
            //string eventDescription = "";
            float eventForce = Mathf.Abs(leftPlate.movementForce - rightPlate.movementForce);
            if (leftPlate.movementForce <= 0)
                if (rightPlate.movementForce <= 0)
                    //This is a transform event
                    if (newPlates[currentPlate].weightIndex >= newPlates[victimIndex].weightIndex)
                        //The left plate is the heaviest
                        for (float iterationsLeft = eventForce / 2; iterationsLeft > 0;)
                            if (iterationsLeft >= 1)
                                MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, -1, transformSeed);
                                MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, 1, transformSeed);
                                iterationsLeft -= 1;
                                MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, -iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                                MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                                iterationsLeft = -1;
                        //The right plate is the heaviest
                        for (float iterationsLeft = eventForce / 2; iterationsLeft > 0;)
                            if (iterationsLeft >= 1)
                                MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, -1, transformSeed);
                                MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, 1, transformSeed);
                                iterationsLeft -= 1;
                                MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, -iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                                MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                                iterationsLeft = -1;
                    //This is a divergence event
                    //The left plate is the heaviest
                    for (float iterationsLeft = eventForce; iterationsLeft > 0;)
                        if (iterationsLeft >= 1)
                            MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, -1, transformSeed);
                            MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, -1, transformSeed);
                            iterationsLeft -= 1;
                            MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, -iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                            MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, -iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                            iterationsLeft = -1;
                if (rightPlate.movementForce <= 0)
                    //This is a convergence event
                    if (newPlates[currentPlate].weightIndex >= newPlates[victimIndex].weightIndex)
                        //The left plate is the heaviest
                        for (float iterationsLeft = eventForce; iterationsLeft > 0;)
                            if (iterationsLeft >= 1)
                                MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, -1, transformSeed);
                                MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, 1, transformSeed);
                                iterationsLeft -= 1;
                                MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, -iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                                MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                                iterationsLeft = -1;
                        //The right plate is the heaviest
                        for (float iterationsLeft = eventForce; iterationsLeft > 0;)
                            if (iterationsLeft >= 1)
                                MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, -1, transformSeed);
                                MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, 1, transformSeed);
                                iterationsLeft -= 1;
                                MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, -iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                                MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                                iterationsLeft = -1;
                    //This is a transform event
                    if (newPlates[currentPlate].weightIndex >= newPlates[victimIndex].weightIndex)
                        //The left plate is the heaviest
                        for (float iterationsLeft = eventForce / 2; iterationsLeft > 0;)
                            if (iterationsLeft >= 1)
                                MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, -1, transformSeed);
                                MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, 1, transformSeed);
                                iterationsLeft -= 1;
                                MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, -iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                                MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                                iterationsLeft = -1;
                        //The right plate is the heaviest
                        for (float iterationsLeft = eventForce / 2; iterationsLeft > 0;)
                            if (iterationsLeft >= 1)
                                MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, -1, transformSeed);
                                MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, 1, transformSeed);
                                iterationsLeft -= 1;
                                MoveRandomBone(rightPlate.bones, -1, -iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                                MoveRandomBone(leftPlate.bones, 1, iterationsLeft, transformSeed);
                                iterationsLeft = -1;
            yield return(null);
        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Ran early event interaction");

        Vector2[] newColliderPoints = new Vector2[planetBones.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < newColliderPoints.Length; i++)
            newColliderPoints[i] = planetBones[i].localPosition;
            yield return(null);
        planet.collider.points = newColliderPoints;
        planet.enabled         = true;
        yield return(null);

        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Fixed collider");

        foreach (PlateTectonic currentPlate in planet.plates)
            AddPlateFeatures(currentPlate.bones, 1 + ((int)tectonicActivity / 2));
            yield return(null);

        yield return(null);

        //Debug.Log("PLANET GENERATOR - Line test");

        //Debug.Log("TECTONICS - Ended");

        yield break;