//Static methods

    /////////////////////////// Implementation ////////////////////////////////////

    public static double K(double Year, PlanetaryObject @object, EventType type)
        int nCoefficient = -1;

        if ((int)@object >= (int)PlanetaryObject.MARS)
            Debug.Assert(type == EventType.OPPOSITION || type == EventType.CONJUNCTION);

            if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
                nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2;
                nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2 + 1;
            Debug.Assert(type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION || type == EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION);

            if (type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
                nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2;
                nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2 + 1;

        double k = (365.2425 * Year + 1721060 - GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].A) / GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].B;

        return(Math.Floor(k + 0.5));
    //assuming acceleration and velocity have already been updated based on the force
    private static void UpdatePosition(PlanetaryObject planet)
        //planet.transform.position = planet.mCurrentVel * Time.deltaTime;
        planet.transform.position += planet.mInitialVel * Time.deltaTime + planet.mCurrentAcc * (float)Math.Pow(Time.deltaTime, 2) * 0.5f;

        //Debug.Log("Update: " + planet.mCurrentForces);
    public static double Mean(double k, PlanetaryObject @object, EventType type)
        int nCoefficient = -1;

        if ((int)@object >= (int)PlanetaryObject.MARS)
            Debug.Assert(type == EventType.OPPOSITION || type == EventType.CONJUNCTION);

            if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
                nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2;
                nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2 + 1;
            Debug.Assert(type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION || type == EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION);

            if (type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
                nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2;
                nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2 + 1;

        return(GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].A + GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].B * k);
    public static void DrawForcesDirectionInEditor(PlanetaryObject planet, float magnitude)
        Vector3 center = planet.transform.position;

        Debug.DrawRay(center, planet.mCurrentForces.normalized * magnitude, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawRay(center, planet.mCurrentVel.normalized * magnitude, Color.blue);
        Debug.DrawRay(center, planet.mCurrentAcc.normalized * magnitude, Color.yellow);
    public static Vector3 CalculateGravForce(PlanetaryObject bigger, PlanetaryObject smaller)
        Vector3 planetDist = smaller.transform.position - bigger.transform.position;

        Vector3 force = (-G * bigger.mMass * smaller.mMass) / Vector3.Dot(planetDist, planetDist) * planetDist.normalized;

    public static void Integrate(PlanetaryObject planet)
        //for the normal planets
        planet.mCurrentAcc = GetAcc(planet.mMass, planet.mCurrentForces);

        //for moon
        planet.mCurrentAcc += planet.orbitingAround.mCurrentAcc;

        planet.mCurrentVel += GetVel(planet.mCurrentAcc);
        DrawForcesDirectionInEditor(planet, 10f);
        planet.transform.position += planet.mCurrentVel * Time.deltaTime;
        planet.mCurrentForces      = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Year"></param>
        /// <param name="planetaryObject"></param>
        /// <param name="eventType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown when an incorrect EventType is specified for a given PlanetaryObject. When planetaryObject is one of the four inner planets, eventType must be either EventType.OPPOSITION or EventType.CONJUNCTION. When planetaryObject is not one of the four inner planets, eventType must be either EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION or EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION.</exception>
        public static double K(double Year, PlanetaryObject planetaryObject, EventType eventType)
            uint nCoefficient;

            if (planetaryObject >= PlanetaryObject.MARS)
                if (!(eventType == EventType.OPPOSITION || eventType == EventType.CONJUNCTION))
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("eventType", "When planetaryObject is not one of the three inner planets, eventType must be either OPPOSITION or CONJUNCTION");
                    if (eventType == EventType.OPPOSITION)
                        nCoefficient = (uint)planetaryObject * 2;
                        nCoefficient = (uint)planetaryObject * 2 + 1;
                if (!(eventType == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION || eventType == EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION))
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("eventType", "When planetaryObject is one of the three inner planets, eventType must be either INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION or SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION");

                    if (eventType == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
                        nCoefficient = (uint)planetaryObject * 2;
                        nCoefficient = (uint)planetaryObject * 2 + 1;

            double k = (365.2425 * Year + 1721060 - g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].A) / g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].B;

            return(Math.Floor(k + 0.5));
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Year"></param>
        /// <param name="planetaryObject"></param>
        /// <param name="eventType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown when an incorrect EventType is specified for a given PlanetaryObject. When planetaryObject is not one of the three inner planets, eventType must be one of the following: OPPOSITION, CONJUNCTION, STATION1, STATION2. When planetaryObject is one of the three inner planets, eventType must be either EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION or EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION.</exception>
        public static double Mean(double k, PlanetaryObject planetaryObject, EventType eventType)
            uint nCoefficient;

            if (planetaryObject >= PlanetaryObject.MARS)
                if (!(eventType == EventType.OPPOSITION || eventType == EventType.CONJUNCTION))
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("eventType", "When planetaryObject is not one of the three inner planets, eventType must be either OPPOSITION or CONJUNCTION");
                    if (eventType == EventType.OPPOSITION)
                        nCoefficient = (uint)planetaryObject * 2;
                        nCoefficient = (uint)planetaryObject * 2 + 1;
                if (!(eventType == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION || eventType == EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION))
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("eventType", "When planetaryObject is one of the three inner planets, eventType must be either INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION or SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION");

                    if (eventType == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
                        nCoefficient = (uint)planetaryObject * 2;
                        nCoefficient = (uint)planetaryObject * 2 + 1;

            return(g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].A + g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].B * k);
    public static double ElongationValue(double k, PlanetaryObject @object, bool bEastern)
        double JDE0 = Mean(k, @object, EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION);

        Debug.Assert((int)@object < (int)PlanetaryObject.MARS);

        int nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2;

        double M = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].M0 + GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].M1 * k);

        M = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(M); //convert M to radians

        double T  = (JDE0 - 2451545) / 36525;
        double T2 = T * T;

        double @value = 0;

        if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.MERCURY)
            if (bEastern)
                @value = (22.4697) + Math.Sin(M) * (-4.2666 + 0.0054 * T + 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-1.8537 - 0.0137 * T) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.3598 + 0.0008 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.0680 + 0.0026 * T) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (-0.0524 - 0.0003 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0052 - 0.0006 * T) + Math.Sin(4 * M) * (0.0107 + 0.0001 * T) + Math.Cos(4 * M) * (-0.0013 + 0.0001 * T) + Math.Sin(5 * M) * (-0.0021) + Math.Cos(5 * M) * (0.0003);
                @value = (22.4143 - 0.0001 * T) + Math.Sin(M) * (4.3651 - 0.0048 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (2.3787 + 0.0121 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.2674 + 0.0022 * T) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.3873 + 0.0008 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (-0.0369 - 0.0001 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0017 - 0.0001 * T) + Math.Sin(4 * M) * (0.0059) + Math.Cos(4 * M) * (0.0061 + 0.0001 * T) + Math.Sin(5 * M) * (0.0007) + Math.Cos(5 * M) * (-0.0011);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.VENUS)
            if (bEastern)
                @value = (46.3173 + 0.0001 * T) + Math.Sin(M) * (0.6916 - 0.0024 * T) + Math.Cos(M) * (0.6676 - 0.0045 * T) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.0309 - 0.0002 * T) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.0036 - 0.0001 * T);
                @value = (46.3245) + Math.Sin(M) * (-0.5366 - 0.0003 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (0.3097 + 0.0016 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-0.0163) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.0075 + 0.0001 * T);

    public static void CalcCentripalForce(PlanetaryObject bigger, PlanetaryObject smaller)
        //float temp = Vector3.Dot(vel, vel) / radius * mass;

        Vector3 planetDiff = bigger.transform.position - smaller.transform.position;

        // velocity = sqrt((force centripital / mass) * r)
        float finVel = Mathf.Sqrt((smaller.mCurrentForces.magnitude / smaller.mMass) * planetDiff.magnitude);

        float angle = (float)Mathf.Atan(finVel);

        angle *= Mathf.Rad2Deg;

        float x = (float)Mathf.Cos(angle) * finVel;

        float z = (float)Mathf.Cos(angle) * finVel;

        smaller.mCurrentVel = new Vector3(x, 0.0f, z);
Beispiel #11
    public IPlanetarySystem Create(double mass)
        List <IPlanetaryObject> planetaryObjects = new List <IPlanetaryObject>();
        GameObject sun = Instantiate(planet, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);

        double currentMass = 0f;

        while (currentMass <= mass)
            MassClassEnum   currentMassClass = (MassClassEnum)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, massClasses.Count);
            MassClass       massClass        = massClasses[currentMassClass];
            GameObject      newPlanet        = Instantiate(planet, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
            PlanetaryObject planetaryObject  = new PlanetaryObject(sun.transform, newPlanet.transform, massClass);

            currentMass += planetaryObject.mass;
        return(new PlanetarySystem(planetaryObjects));
    public static double ElongationValue(double k, PlanetaryObject @object, bool bEastern)
        var JDE0 = Mean(k, @object, EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION);

        Debug.Assert((int)@object < (int)PlanetaryObject.MARS);

        var nCoefficient = (int)@object *2;

        var M = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].M0 + GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].M1 *k);
        M = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(M); //convert M to radians

        var T = (JDE0 - 2451545) / 36525;
        var T2 = T *T;

        double @value = 0;
        if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.MERCURY)
          if (bEastern)
        @value = (22.4697) + Math.Sin(M) * (-4.2666 + 0.0054 *T + 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-1.8537 - 0.0137 *T) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.3598 + 0.0008 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-0.0680 + 0.0026 *T) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (-0.0524 - 0.0003 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.0052 - 0.0006 *T) + Math.Sin(4 *M) * (0.0107 + 0.0001 *T) + Math.Cos(4 *M) * (-0.0013 + 0.0001 *T) + Math.Sin(5 *M) * (-0.0021) + Math.Cos(5 *M) * (0.0003);
        @value = (22.4143 - 0.0001 *T) + Math.Sin(M) * (4.3651 - 0.0048 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (2.3787 + 0.0121 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.2674 + 0.0022 *T) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-0.3873 + 0.0008 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (-0.0369 - 0.0001 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.0017 - 0.0001 *T) + Math.Sin(4 *M) * (0.0059) + Math.Cos(4 *M) * (0.0061 + 0.0001 *T) + Math.Sin(5 *M) * (0.0007) + Math.Cos(5 *M) * (-0.0011);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.VENUS)
          if (bEastern)
        @value = (46.3173 + 0.0001 *T) + Math.Sin(M) * (0.6916 - 0.0024 *T) + Math.Cos(M) * (0.6676 - 0.0045 *T) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.0309 - 0.0002 *T) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.0036 - 0.0001 *T);
        @value = (46.3245) + Math.Sin(M) * (-0.5366 - 0.0003 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (0.3097 + 0.0016 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (-0.0163) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-0.0075 + 0.0001 *T);

        return @value;
    public void CreateSolarSystem(Star star)
        Galaxy.Instance.GalaxyView = false;
        Galaxy.Instance.PathView   = false;
        var mainStar = SpaceObjects.CreateSphereObject(star.StarName, Vector3.zero, star.StarSize, this.transform);

        mainStar.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = SpaceObjects.StarColors[star.ColorIndex];
        for (int i = 0; i < star.NumberOfPlanets; i++)
            PlanetaryObject planet = star.PlanetList[i];
            if (planet.PlanetType != "Empty")
                var position = PositionMath.PlanetPosition(i);

                SpaceObjects.CreateSphereObject(planet.PlanetName, position, planet.PlanetSize, this.transform);
                //var orbit = SpaceObjects.CreateOrbitPath(OrbitSpritePrefab, planet.PlanetName + "Orbit", i + 1, this.transform);
                var orbit  = SpaceObjects.CreateOrbitRing(OrbitCirclePrefab, "Orbit " + i, i + 1, this.transform);
                var circle = orbit.GetComponent <Circle>();
                if (i < 3)
                    circle.SetColor(Color.yellow, Color.yellow);
                else if (i == 3)
                    circle.SetColor(Color.green, Color.green);
                    circle.SetColor(Color.blue, Color.blue);

        galaxyViewButton.interactable = true;
        pathViewButton.interactable   = false;
        SystemDetailsText.text        = star.Details(2);
Beispiel #14
    void CreatePlanetData(Star star)
        for (int i = 0; i < star.NumberOfPlanets; i++)
            string name       = star.StarName + " - " + i.ToString();
            int    random     = Random.Range(1, 100);
            string planetType = string.Empty;
            float  size       = 0;

            if (random < 5)
                planetType = PlanetTypes[0];
                size       = 0.5f;
            else if (random < 45)
                planetType = PlanetTypes[1];
                size       = 1.0f;
            else if (random < 75)
                planetType = PlanetTypes[2];
                size       = 2.0f;
            else if (random < 90)
                planetType = PlanetTypes[3];
                size       = 0.25f;
                planetType = PlanetTypes[4];
                size       = 0.5f;

            var planet = new PlanetaryObject(name, planetType, size);

    public static double True(double k, PlanetaryObject @object, EventType type)
        double JDE0;

        if (type == EventType.WESTERN_ELONGATION || type == EventType.EASTERN_ELONGATION || type == EventType.STATION1 || type == EventType.STATION2)
            if ((int)@object >= (int)PlanetaryObject.MARS)
                JDE0 = Mean(k, @object, EventType.OPPOSITION);
                JDE0 = Mean(k, @object, EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION);
            JDE0 = Mean(k, @object, type);

        int nCoefficient = -1;

        if (@object >= PlanetaryObject.MARS)
            Debug.Assert(type == EventType.OPPOSITION || type == EventType.CONJUNCTION || type == EventType.STATION1 || type == EventType.STATION2);

            if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION || type == EventType.STATION1 || type == EventType.STATION2)
                nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2;
                nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2 + 1;
            Debug.Assert(type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION || type == EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION || type == EventType.EASTERN_ELONGATION || type == EventType.WESTERN_ELONGATION || type == EventType.STATION1 || type == EventType.STATION2);

            if (type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION || type == EventType.EASTERN_ELONGATION || type == EventType.WESTERN_ELONGATION || type == EventType.STATION1 || type == EventType.STATION2)
                nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2;
                nCoefficient = (int)@object * 2 + 1;

        double M = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].M0 + GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].M1 * k);

        M = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(M); //convert M to radians

        double T  = (JDE0 - 2451545) / 36525;
        double T2 = T * T;

        double a = 0;
        double b = 0;
        double c = 0;
        double d = 0;
        double e = 0;
        double f = 0;
        double g = 0;

        if (@object == PlanetaryObject.JUPITER)
            a = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(82.74 + 40.76 * T);
            a = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(a);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.SATURN)
            a = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(82.74 + 40.76 * T);
            a = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(a);
            b = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(29.86 + 1181.36 * T);
            b = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(b);
            c = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(14.13 + 590.68 * T);
            c = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(c);
            d = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(220.02 + 1262.87 * T);
            d = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(d);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.URANUS)
            e = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(207.83 + 8.51 * T);
            e = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(e);
            f = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(108.84 + 419.96 * T);
            f = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(f);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.NEPTUNE)
            e = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(207.83 + 8.51 * T);
            e = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(e);
            g = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(276.74 + 209.98 * T);
            g = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(g);

        double delta = 0;

        if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.MERCURY)
            if (type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
                delta = (0.0545 + 0.0002 * T) + Math.Sin(M) * (-6.2008 + 0.0074 * T + 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-3.2750 - 0.0197 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.4737 - 0.0052 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.8111 + 0.0033 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0037 + 0.0018 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (-0.1768 + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(4 * M) * (-0.0211 - 0.0004 * T) + Math.Cos(4 * M) * (0.0326 - 0.0003 * T) + Math.Sin(5 * M) * (0.0083 + 0.0001 * T) + Math.Cos(5 * M) * (-0.0040 + 0.0001 * T);
            else if (type == EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
                delta = (-0.0548 - 0.0002 * T) + Math.Sin(M) * (7.3894 - 0.0100 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (3.2200 + 0.0197 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.8383 - 0.0064 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.9666 + 0.0039 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0770 - 0.0026 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.2758 + 0.0002 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(4 * M) * (-0.0128 - 0.0008 * T) + Math.Cos(4 * M) * (0.0734 - 0.0004 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(5 * M) * (-0.0122 - 0.0002 * T) + Math.Cos(5 * M) * (0.0173 - 0.0002 * T);
            else if (type == EventType.EASTERN_ELONGATION)
                delta = (-21.6101 + 0.0002 * T) + Math.Sin(M) * (-1.9803 - 0.0060 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (1.4151 - 0.0072 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.5528 - 0.0005 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.2905 + 0.0034 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (-0.1121 - 0.0001 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (-0.0098 - 0.0015 * T) + Math.Sin(4 * M) * (0.0192) + Math.Cos(4 * M) * (0.0111 + 0.0004 * T) + Math.Sin(5 * M) * (-0.0061) + Math.Cos(5 * M) * (-0.0032 - 0.0001 * T2);
            else if (type == EventType.WESTERN_ELONGATION)
                delta = (21.6249 - 0.0002 * T) + Math.Sin(M) * (0.1306 + 0.0065 * T) + Math.Cos(M) * (-2.7661 - 0.0011 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.2438 - 0.0024 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.5767 + 0.0023 * T) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.1041) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (-0.0184 + 0.0007 * T) + Math.Sin(4 * M) * (-0.0051 - 0.0001 * T) + Math.Cos(4 * M) * (0.0048 + 0.0001 * T) + Math.Sin(5 * M) * (0.0026) + Math.Cos(5 * M) * (0.0037);
            else if (type == EventType.STATION1)
                delta = (-11.0761 + 0.0003 * T) + Math.Sin(M) * (-4.7321 + 0.0023 * T + 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-1.3230 - 0.0156 * T) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.2270 - 0.0046 * T) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.7184 + 0.0013 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0638 + 0.0016 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (-0.1655 + 0.0007 * T) + Math.Sin(4 * M) * (-0.0395 - 0.0003 * T) + Math.Cos(4 * M) * (0.0247 - 0.0006 * T) + Math.Sin(5 * M) * (0.0131) + Math.Cos(5 * M) * (0.0008 + 0.0002 * T);
                Debug.Assert(type == EventType.STATION2);

                delta = (11.1343 - 0.0001 * T) + Math.Sin(M) * (-3.9137 + 0.0073 * T + 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-3.3861 - 0.0128 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.5222 - 0.0040 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.5929 + 0.0039 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (-0.0593 + 0.0018 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (-0.1733 - 0.0007 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(4 * M) * (-0.0053 - 0.0006 * T) + Math.Cos(4 * M) * (0.0476 - 0.0001 * T) + Math.Sin(5 * M) * (0.0070 + 0.0002 * T) + Math.Cos(5 * M) * (-0.0115 + 0.0001 * T);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.VENUS)
            if (type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
                delta = (-0.0096 + 0.0002 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (2.0009 - 0.0033 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (0.5980 - 0.0104 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.0967 - 0.0018 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.0913 + 0.0009 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0046 - 0.0002 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0079 + 0.0001 * T);
            else if (type == EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
                delta = (0.0099 - 0.0002 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (4.1991 - 0.0121 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-0.6095 + 0.0102 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.2500 - 0.0028 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.0063 + 0.0025 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0232 - 0.0005 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0031 + 0.0004 * T);
            else if (type == EventType.EASTERN_ELONGATION)
                delta = (-70.7600 + 0.0002 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (1.0282 - 0.0010 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (0.2761 - 0.0060 * T) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-0.0438 - 0.0023 * T + 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.1660 - 0.0037 * T - 0.00004 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0036 + 0.0001 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (-0.0011 + 0.00001 * T2);
            else if (type == EventType.WESTERN_ELONGATION)
                delta = (70.7462 - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (1.1218 - 0.0025 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (0.4538 - 0.0066 * T) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.1320 + 0.0020 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.0702 + 0.0022 * T + 0.00004 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0062 - 0.0001 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0015 - 0.00001 * T2);
            else if (type == EventType.STATION1)
                delta = (-21.0672 + 0.0002 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (1.9396 - 0.0029 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (1.0727 - 0.0102 * T) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.0404 - 0.0023 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.1305 - 0.0004 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (-0.0007 - 0.0002 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0098);
                Debug.Assert(type == EventType.STATION2);

                delta = (21.0623 - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (1.9913 - 0.0040 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-0.0407 - 0.0077 * T) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.1351 - 0.0009 * T - 0.00004 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.0303 + 0.0019 * T) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0089 - 0.0002 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0043 + 0.0001 * T);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.MARS)
            if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
                delta = (-0.3088 + 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-17.6965 + 0.0363 * T + 0.00005 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (18.3131 + 0.0467 * T - 0.00006 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-0.2162 - 0.0198 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-4.5028 - 0.0019 * T + 0.00007 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.8987 + 0.0058 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.7666 - 0.0050 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Sin(4 * M) * (-0.3636 - 0.0001 * T + 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Cos(4 * M) * (0.0402 + 0.0032 * T) + Math.Sin(5 * M) * (0.0737 - 0.0008 * T) + Math.Cos(5 * M) * (-0.0980 - 0.0011 * T);
            else if (type == EventType.CONJUNCTION)
                delta = (0.3102 - 0.0001 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (9.7273 - 0.0156 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-18.3195 - 0.0467 * T + 0.00009 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-1.6488 - 0.0133 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-2.6117 - 0.0020 * T + 0.00004 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (-0.6827 - 0.0026 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0281 + 0.0035 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(4 * M) * (-0.0823 + 0.0006 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(4 * M) * (0.1584 + 0.0013 * T) + Math.Sin(5 * M) * (0.0270 + 0.0005 * T) + Math.Cos(5 * M) * (0.0433);
            else if (type == EventType.STATION1)
                delta = (-37.0790 - 0.0009 * T + 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-20.0651 + 0.0228 * T + 0.00004 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (14.5205 + 0.0504 - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (1.1737 - 0.0169 * T) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-4.2550 - 0.0075 * T + 0.00008 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.4897 + 0.0074 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (1.1151 - 0.0021 * T - 0.00005 * T2) + Math.Sin(4 * M) * (-0.3636 - 0.0020 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(4 * M) * (-0.1769 + 0.0028 * T + 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(5 * M) * (0.1437 - 0.0004 * T) + Math.Cos(5 * M) * (-0.0383 - 0.0016 * T);
                Debug.Assert(type == EventType.STATION2);

                delta = (36.7191 + 0.0016 * T + 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-12.6163 + 0.0417 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (20.1218 + 0.0379 * T - 0.00006 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-1.6360 - 0.0190 * T) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-3.9657 + 0.0045 * T + 0.00007 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (1.1546 + 0.0029 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.2888 - 0.0073 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(4 * M) * (-0.3128 + 0.0017 * T + 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Cos(4 * M) * (0.2513 + 0.0026 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(5 * M) * (-0.0021 - 0.0016 * T) + Math.Cos(5 * M) * (-0.1497 - 0.0006 * T);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.JUPITER)
            if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
                delta = (-0.1029 - 0.00009 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-1.9658 - 0.0056 * T + 0.00007 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (6.1537 + 0.0210 * T - 0.00006 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-0.2081 - 0.0013 * T) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.1116 - 0.0010 * T) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0074 + 0.0001 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (-0.0097 - 0.0001 * T) + Math.Sin(a) * (0.0144 * T - 0.00008 * T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (0.3642 - 0.0019 * T - 0.00029 * T2);
            else if (type == EventType.CONJUNCTION)
                delta = (0.1027 + 0.0002 * T - 0.00009 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-2.2637 + 0.0163 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-6.1540 - 0.0210 * T + 0.00008 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-0.2021 - 0.0017 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.1310 - 0.0008 * T) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0086) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0087 + 0.0002 * T) + Math.Sin(a) * (0.0144 * T - 0.00008 * T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (0.3642 - 0.0019 * T - 0.00029 * T2);
            else if (type == EventType.STATION1)
                delta = (-60.3670 - 0.0001 * T - 0.00009 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-2.3144 - 0.0124 * T + 0.00007 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (6.7439 + 0.0166 * T - 0.00006 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-0.2259 - 0.0010 * T) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.1497 - 0.0014 * T) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0105 + 0.0001 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (-0.0098) + Math.Sin(a) * (0.0144 * T - 0.00008 * T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (0.3642 - 0.0019 * T - 0.00029 * T2);
                Debug.Assert(type == EventType.STATION2);

                delta = (60.3023 + 0.0002 * T - 0.00009 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (0.3506 - 0.0034 * T + 0.00004 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (5.3635 + 0.0247 * T - 0.00007 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-0.1872 - 0.0016 * T) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.0037 - 0.0005 * T) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0012 + 0.0001 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (-0.0096 - 0.0001 * T) + Math.Sin(a) * (0.0144 * T - 0.00008 * T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (0.3642 - 0.0019 * T - 0.00029 * T2);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.SATURN)
            if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
                delta = (-0.0209 + 0.0006 * T + 0.00023 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (4.5795 - 0.0312 * T - 0.00017 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (1.1462 - 0.0351 * T + 0.00011 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.0985 - 0.0015 * T) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.0733 - 0.0031 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0025 - 0.0001 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0050 - 0.0002 * T) + Math.Sin(a) * (-0.0337 * T + 0.00018 * T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (-0.8510 + 0.0044 * T + 0.00068 * T2) + Math.Sin(b) * (-0.0064 * T + 0.00004 * T2) + Math.Cos(b) * (0.2397 - 0.0012 * T - 0.00008 * T2) + Math.Sin(c) * (-0.0010 * T) + Math.Cos(c) * (0.1245 + 0.0006 * T) + Math.Sin(d) * (0.0024 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(d) * (0.0477 - 0.0005 * T - 0.00006 * T2);
            else if (type == EventType.CONJUNCTION)
                delta = (0.0172 - 0.0006 * T + 0.00023 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-8.5885 + 0.0411 * T + 0.00020 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-1.1470 + 0.0352 * T - 0.00011 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.3331 - 0.0034 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.1145 - 0.0045 * T + 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (-0.0169 + 0.0002 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (-0.0109 + 0.0004 * T) + Math.Sin(a) * (-0.0337 * T + 0.00018 * T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (-0.8510 + 0.0044 * T + 0.00068 * T2) + Math.Sin(b) * (-0.0064 * T + 0.00004 * T2) + Math.Cos(b) * (0.2397 - 0.0012 * T - 0.00008 * T2) + Math.Sin(c) * (-0.0010 * T) + Math.Cos(c) * (0.1245 + 0.0006 * T) + Math.Sin(d) * (0.0024 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(d) * (0.0477 - 0.0005 * T - 0.00006 * T2);
            else if (type == EventType.STATION1)
                delta = (-68.8840 + 0.0009 * T + 0.00023 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (5.5452 - 0.0279 * T - 0.00020 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (3.0727 - 0.0430 * T + 0.00007 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.1101 - 0.0006 * T - 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.1654 - 0.0043 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0010 + 0.0001 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0095 - 0.0003 * T) + Math.Sin(a) * (-0.0337 * T + 0.00018 * T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (-0.8510 + 0.0044 * T + 0.00068 * T2) + Math.Sin(b) * (-0.0064 * T + 0.00004 * T2) + Math.Cos(b) * (0.2397 - 0.0012 * T - 0.00008 * T2) + Math.Sin(c) * (-0.0010 * T) + Math.Cos(c) * (0.1245 + 0.0006 * T) + Math.Sin(d) * (0.0024 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(d) * (0.0477 - 0.0005 * T - 0.00006 * T2);
                Debug.Assert(type == EventType.STATION2);

                delta = (68.8720 - 0.0007 * T + 0.00023 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (5.9399 - 0.0400 * T - 0.00015 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-0.7998 - 0.0266 * T + 0.00014 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.1738 - 0.0032 * T) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.0039 - 0.0024 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0073 - 0.0002 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0020 - 0.0002 * T) + Math.Sin(a) * (-0.0337 * T + 0.00018 * T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (-0.8510 + 0.0044 * T + 0.00068 * T2) + Math.Sin(b) * (-0.0064 * T + 0.00004 * T2) + Math.Cos(b) * (0.2397 - 0.0012 * T - 0.00008 * T2) + Math.Sin(c) * (-0.0010 * T) + Math.Cos(c) * (0.1245 + 0.0006 * T) + Math.Sin(d) * (0.0024 * T - 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(d) * (0.0477 - 0.0005 * T - 0.00006 * T2);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.URANUS)
            if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
                delta = (0.0844 - 0.0006 * T) + Math.Sin(M) * (-0.1048 + 0.0246 * T) + Math.Cos(M) * (-5.1221 + 0.0104 * T + 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-0.1428 - 0.0005 * T) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.0148 - 0.0013 * T) + Math.Cos(3 * M) * 0.0055 + Math.Cos(e) * 0.8850 + Math.Cos(f) * 0.2153;
                Debug.Assert(type == EventType.CONJUNCTION);

                delta = (-0.0859 + 0.0003 * T) + Math.Sin(M) * (-3.8179 - 0.0148 * T + 0.00003 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (5.1228 - 0.0105 * T - 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-0.0803 + 0.0011 * T) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.1905 - 0.0006 * T) + Math.Sin(3 * M) * (0.0088 + 0.0001 * T) + Math.Cos(e) * 0.8850 + Math.Cos(f) * 0.2153;
            Debug.Assert((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.NEPTUNE);

            if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
                delta = (-0.0140 + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-1.3486 + 0.0010 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (0.8597 + 0.0037 * T) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-0.0082 - 0.0002 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.0037 - 0.0003 * T) + Math.Cos(e) * (-0.5964) + Math.Cos(g) * (0.0728);
                Debug.Assert(type == EventType.CONJUNCTION);

                delta = (0.0168) + Math.Sin(M) * (-2.5606 + 0.0088 * T + 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-0.8611 - 0.0037 * T + 0.00002 * T2) + Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.0118 - 0.0004 * T + 0.00001 * T2) + Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.0307 - 0.0003 * T) + Math.Cos(e) * (-0.5964) + Math.Cos(g) * (0.0728);

        return(JDE0 + delta);
Beispiel #16
        public static double ElongationValue(double k, PlanetaryObject planetaryObject, bool bEastern)
            if (!(planetaryObject < PlanetaryObject.MARS))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("planetaryObject", "planetaryObject must be one of the three inner planets");

            double JDE0 = Mean(k, planetaryObject, EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION);

            uint nCoefficient = (uint)planetaryObject * 2;

            double M = AASCoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].M0 + g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].M1 * k);

            M = AASCoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(M); //convert M to radians

            double T  = (JDE0 - 2451545) / 36525;
            double T2 = T * T;

            double value = 0;

            if (planetaryObject == PlanetaryObject.MERCURY)
                if (bEastern)
                    value = (22.4697) +
                            Math.Sin(M) * (-4.2666 + 0.0054 * T + 0.00002 * T2) +
                            Math.Cos(M) * (-1.8537 - 0.0137 * T) +
                            Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.3598 + 0.0008 * T - 0.00001 * T2) +
                            Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.0680 + 0.0026 * T) +
                            Math.Sin(3 * M) * (-0.0524 - 0.0003 * T) +
                            Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0052 - 0.0006 * T) +
                            Math.Sin(4 * M) * (0.0107 + 0.0001 * T) +
                            Math.Cos(4 * M) * (-0.0013 + 0.0001 * T) +
                            Math.Sin(5 * M) * (-0.0021) +
                            Math.Cos(5 * M) * (0.0003);
                    value = (22.4143 - 0.0001 * T) +
                            Math.Sin(M) * (4.3651 - 0.0048 * T - 0.00002 * T2) +
                            Math.Cos(M) * (2.3787 + 0.0121 * T - 0.00001 * T2) +
                            Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.2674 + 0.0022 * T) +
                            Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.3873 + 0.0008 * T + 0.00001 * T2) +
                            Math.Sin(3 * M) * (-0.0369 - 0.0001 * T) +
                            Math.Cos(3 * M) * (0.0017 - 0.0001 * T) +
                            Math.Sin(4 * M) * (0.0059) +
                            Math.Cos(4 * M) * (0.0061 + 0.0001 * T) +
                            Math.Sin(5 * M) * (0.0007) +
                            Math.Cos(5 * M) * (-0.0011);
            if (planetaryObject == PlanetaryObject.VENUS)
                if (bEastern)
                    value = (46.3173 + 0.0001 * T) +
                            Math.Sin(M) * (0.6916 - 0.0024 * T) +
                            Math.Cos(M) * (0.6676 - 0.0045 * T) +
                            Math.Sin(2 * M) * (0.0309 - 0.0002 * T) +
                            Math.Cos(2 * M) * (0.0036 - 0.0001 * T);
                    value = (46.3245) +
                            Math.Sin(M) * (-0.5366 - 0.0003 * T + 0.00001 * T2) +
                            Math.Cos(M) * (0.3097 + 0.0016 * T - 0.00001 * T2) +
                            Math.Sin(2 * M) * (-0.0163) +
                            Math.Cos(2 * M) * (-0.0075 + 0.0001 * T);

Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// This function examines the environment and uses potential fields to determine the AI's next direction to move in
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Snapshot of timing values.</param>
        /// <returns>Vector2 encoding the next direction this dragon should move in.</returns>
        public Vector2 GetAction(GameTime gameTime, Dictionary <Dragon, int> gates, bool isPathAI)
            // Do not need to recalculate our direction every frame.  Just every 10 ticks.
            if ((racer.Id + gameTime.TotalGameTime.Ticks) % 1 == 0)
                if (!isPathAI || aiPath.Count == 0)
                    //Set the current gates
                    currentGates = gates;

                    //Process the world

                    //Potential fields and computation
                    if (currentGates[racer] != level.Gates.Count)
                    //move = GetMoveAlongShortestShortestPathToAGoalTile();
                    List <Vector2> potentials = new List <Vector2>();
                    potentials.Add(gradientPotentialGoal(racer.Position, GoalPosition(), 1.0f)); //change radius of goal
                    if (currentGates[racer] == 0)
                        //Debug.Print("" + level.Width);
                        potentials.Add(gradientPotentialEdge(racer.Position, new Vector2(level.Width / 10.0f, level.Height / 20.0f), 1.0f));

                    //TODO come up with a way to not loop through all objects AND detect the lava projectiles
                    foreach (PlanetaryObject planet in level.Planets)
                        PlanetaryObject p1 = null;
                        PlanetaryObject p2 = null;
                        if (goalGate != null)
                            p1 = goalGate.Planet1;
                            p2 = goalGate.Planet2;
                        GaseousPlanet gp = null;
                        LavaPlanet    lp = null;
                        if (planet is GaseousPlanet)
                            gp = planet as GaseousPlanet;
                        if (planet is LavaPlanet)
                            lp = planet as LavaPlanet;
                        if (lp != null)
                            potentials.Add(gradientPotentialLava(racer.Position, planet.Position, planet.Radius));
                        else if ((gp == null))
                            if (((p1 != null) && (p2 != null)) && ((planet != p1) || (planet != p2)))
                                potentials.Add(gradientPotentialObstacle(racer.Position, planet.Position, planet.Radius));

                    Vector2 totalPotential = totalGradientPotential(potentials);
                    goal = Vector2.Normalize(totalPotential);
                    if (currentGates[racer] == level.Gates.Count)
                        goal = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
                    //return totalPotential;
                //the AI uses a defined path
                    currentGates = gates;
                    if (currentGates[racer] != level.Gates.Count)

                    //Select or change the current goal in the path
                    float distToPath = 15.0f;
                    if (currPath == aiPath.Count - 1)
                        distToPath = 8.0f;
                    //ai reached the last waypoint on edge of level so loop back to the original goal
                    if (reachedPath(racer.Position, goalPath, distToPath))
                        if (currPath == aiPath.Count - 1)
                            Debug.Print("" + racer.Id + ": " + currPath + " " + aiPath[currPath]);
                            currPath = 0;
                            //Debug.Print("" + racer.Id + ": " + currPath + " " + aiPath[currPath]);
                        if (((currPath == aiPath.Count - 2) || (currPath == aiPath.Count - 3)) && racer.Position.X >= (level.Width - 100) / 10)
                            //Debug.Print("here" + racer.Id);
                            currPath = aiPath.Count - 1;

                    /*//ai reach the current waypoint and is not at end of level, so increment the waypoint he is on
                     * else if (reachedPath(racer.Position, goalPath, 2.0f))
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Print("close");
                     *  currPath++;
                     * }*/

                    //have waypoint goal set, so now compute how to get to that goal
                    List <Vector2> potentials = new List <Vector2>();
                    potentials.Add(gradientPotentialWaypoint(racer.Position, goalPath, 1.0f)); //change radius of goal
                    //potentials.Add(gradientPotentialGoal(racer.Position, GoalPosition(), 1.0f));

                    //TODO come up with a way to not loop through all objects AND detect the lava projectiles
                    foreach (PlanetaryObject planet in level.Planets)
                        PlanetaryObject p1 = null;
                        PlanetaryObject p2 = null;
                        if (goalGate != null)
                            p1 = goalGate.Planet1;
                            p2 = goalGate.Planet2;
                        GaseousPlanet gp = null;
                        LavaPlanet    lp = null;
                        if (planet is GaseousPlanet)
                            gp = planet as GaseousPlanet;
                            //ADD BACK IN TO REMOVE WAYPOINT IN GAS PLANETS
                            if (gp.OnFire)
                                foreach (Vector2 waypt in aiPath)
                                    Vector2 pt = waypt;
                                    if (gp.Fixture.TestPoint(ref pt))
                                        Debug.Print("removing waypoint in planet");
                        if (planet is LavaPlanet)
                            lp = planet as LavaPlanet;
                        if (lp != null)
                            potentials.Add(gradientWaypointObstacle(racer.Position, planet.Position, planet.Radius));
                        else if ((gp == null) || gp.OnFire)
                            if (((p1 != null) && (p2 != null)) && ((planet != p1) || (planet != p2)))
                                potentials.Add(gradientWaypointObstacle(racer.Position, planet.Position, planet.Radius));

                    Vector2 totalPotential = totalGradientPotential(potentials);
                    goal = Vector2.Normalize(totalPotential);
                    if (currentGates[racer] == level.Gates.Count)
                        goal = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);

            //TODO: Consider adding period fire breath to AI

            // If we're in front of a gaseous planet or a player then light it on fire

            /*if (state == FSMState.Attacking && CanShootTargetNow())
             * {
             *  action |= ControlCode.Fire;
             * }*/

Beispiel #18
        public void KTest(double year, PlanetaryObject planetaryObject, EventType eventType, double expectedK)
            double k = AASPlanetaryPhenomena.K(year, planetaryObject, eventType);

            Assert.Equal(expectedK, k);
    public static Vector3 SatOrbit(PlanetaryObject smaller)
        Vector3 vec = (float)Math.Sqrt((G * smaller.mMass) / smaller.transform.position.magnitude) * smaller.transform.position.normalized;

    public static double True(double k, PlanetaryObject @object, EventType type)
        double JDE0;

        if (type == EventType.WESTERN_ELONGATION || type == EventType.EASTERN_ELONGATION || type == EventType.STATION1 || type == EventType.STATION2)
        JDE0 = Mean(k, @object, (int)@object >= (int)PlanetaryObject.MARS ? EventType.OPPOSITION : EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION);
          JDE0 = Mean(k, @object, type);

        var nCoefficient = -1;
        if (@object >= PlanetaryObject.MARS)
          Debug.Assert(type == EventType.OPPOSITION || type == EventType.CONJUNCTION || type == EventType.STATION1 || type == EventType.STATION2);

          if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION || type == EventType.STATION1 || type == EventType.STATION2)
        nCoefficient = (int)@object *2;
        nCoefficient = (int)@object *2 + 1;
          Debug.Assert(type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION || type == EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION || type == EventType.EASTERN_ELONGATION || type == EventType.WESTERN_ELONGATION || type == EventType.STATION1 || type == EventType.STATION2);

          if (type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION || type == EventType.EASTERN_ELONGATION || type == EventType.WESTERN_ELONGATION || type == EventType.STATION1 || type == EventType.STATION2)
        nCoefficient = (int)@object *2;
        nCoefficient = (int)@object *2 + 1;

        var M = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].M0 + GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].M1 *k);
        M = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(M); //convert M to radians

        var T = (JDE0 - 2451545) / 36525;
        var T2 = T *T;

        double a =0;
        double b =0;
        double c =0;
        double d =0;
        double e =0;
        double f =0;
        double g =0;

        if (@object == PlanetaryObject.JUPITER)
          a = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(82.74 + 40.76 *T);
          a = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(a);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.SATURN)
          a = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(82.74 + 40.76 *T);
          a = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(a);
          b = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(29.86 + 1181.36 *T);
          b = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(b);
          c = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(14.13 + 590.68 *T);
          c = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(c);
          d = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(220.02 + 1262.87 *T);
          d = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(d);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.URANUS)
          e = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(207.83 + 8.51 *T);
          e = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(e);
          f = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(108.84 + 419.96 *T);
          f = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(f);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.NEPTUNE)
          e = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(207.83 + 8.51 *T);
          e = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(e);
          g = CAACoordinateTransformation.MapTo0To360Range(276.74 + 209.98 *T);
          g = CAACoordinateTransformation.DegreesToRadians(g);

        double delta = 0;
        if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.MERCURY)
          if (type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
        delta = (0.0545 + 0.0002 *T) + Math.Sin(M) * (-6.2008 + 0.0074 *T + 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-3.2750 - 0.0197 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.4737 - 0.0052 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.8111 + 0.0033 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0037 + 0.0018 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (-0.1768 + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(4 *M) * (-0.0211 - 0.0004 *T) + Math.Cos(4 *M) * (0.0326 - 0.0003 *T) + Math.Sin(5 *M) * (0.0083 + 0.0001 *T) + Math.Cos(5 *M) * (-0.0040 + 0.0001 *T);
          else if (type == EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
        delta = (-0.0548 - 0.0002 *T) + Math.Sin(M) * (7.3894 - 0.0100 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (3.2200 + 0.0197 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.8383 - 0.0064 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.9666 + 0.0039 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0770 - 0.0026 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.2758 + 0.0002 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(4 *M) * (-0.0128 - 0.0008 *T) + Math.Cos(4 *M) * (0.0734 - 0.0004 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(5 *M) * (-0.0122 - 0.0002 *T) + Math.Cos(5 *M) * (0.0173 - 0.0002 *T);
          else if (type == EventType.EASTERN_ELONGATION)
        delta = (-21.6101 + 0.0002 *T) + Math.Sin(M) * (-1.9803 - 0.0060 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (1.4151 - 0.0072 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.5528 - 0.0005 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.2905 + 0.0034 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (-0.1121 - 0.0001 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (-0.0098 - 0.0015 *T) + Math.Sin(4 *M) * (0.0192) + Math.Cos(4 *M) * (0.0111 + 0.0004 *T) + Math.Sin(5 *M) * (-0.0061) + Math.Cos(5 *M) * (-0.0032 - 0.0001 *T2);
          else if (type == EventType.WESTERN_ELONGATION)
        delta = (21.6249 - 0.0002 *T) + Math.Sin(M) * (0.1306 + 0.0065 *T) + Math.Cos(M) * (-2.7661 - 0.0011 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.2438 - 0.0024 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.5767 + 0.0023 *T) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.1041) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (-0.0184 + 0.0007 *T) + Math.Sin(4 *M) * (-0.0051 - 0.0001 *T) + Math.Cos(4 *M) * (0.0048 + 0.0001 *T) + Math.Sin(5 *M) * (0.0026) + Math.Cos(5 *M) * (0.0037);
          else if (type == EventType.STATION1)
        delta = (-11.0761 + 0.0003 *T) + Math.Sin(M) * (-4.7321 + 0.0023 *T + 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-1.3230 - 0.0156 *T) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.2270 - 0.0046 *T) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.7184 + 0.0013 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0638 + 0.0016 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (-0.1655 + 0.0007 *T) + Math.Sin(4 *M) * (-0.0395 - 0.0003 *T) + Math.Cos(4 *M) * (0.0247 - 0.0006 *T) + Math.Sin(5 *M) * (0.0131) + Math.Cos(5 *M) * (0.0008 + 0.0002 *T);
        Debug.Assert(type == EventType.STATION2);

        delta = (11.1343 - 0.0001 *T) + Math.Sin(M) * (-3.9137 + 0.0073 *T + 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-3.3861 - 0.0128 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.5222 - 0.0040 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.5929 + 0.0039 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (-0.0593 + 0.0018 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (-0.1733 - 0.0007 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(4 *M) * (-0.0053 - 0.0006 *T) + Math.Cos(4 *M) * (0.0476 - 0.0001 *T) + Math.Sin(5 *M) * (0.0070 + 0.0002 *T) + Math.Cos(5 *M) * (-0.0115 + 0.0001 *T);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.VENUS)
          if (type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
        delta = (-0.0096 + 0.0002 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (2.0009 - 0.0033 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (0.5980 - 0.0104 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.0967 - 0.0018 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.0913 + 0.0009 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0046 - 0.0002 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.0079 + 0.0001 *T);
          else if (type == EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
        delta = (0.0099 - 0.0002 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (4.1991 - 0.0121 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-0.6095 + 0.0102 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.2500 - 0.0028 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.0063 + 0.0025 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0232 - 0.0005 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.0031 + 0.0004 *T);
          else if (type == EventType.EASTERN_ELONGATION)
        delta = (-70.7600 + 0.0002 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (1.0282 - 0.0010 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (0.2761 - 0.0060 *T) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (-0.0438 - 0.0023 *T + 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.1660 - 0.0037 *T - 0.00004 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0036 + 0.0001 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (-0.0011 + 0.00001 *T2);
          else if (type == EventType.WESTERN_ELONGATION)
        delta = (70.7462 - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (1.1218 - 0.0025 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (0.4538 - 0.0066 *T) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.1320 + 0.0020 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-0.0702 + 0.0022 *T + 0.00004 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0062 - 0.0001 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.0015 - 0.00001 *T2);
          else if (type == EventType.STATION1)
        delta = (-21.0672 + 0.0002 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (1.9396 - 0.0029 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (1.0727 - 0.0102 *T) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.0404 - 0.0023 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.1305 - 0.0004 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (-0.0007 - 0.0002 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.0098);
        Debug.Assert(type == EventType.STATION2);

        delta = (21.0623 - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (1.9913 - 0.0040 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-0.0407 - 0.0077 *T) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.1351 - 0.0009 *T - 0.00004 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.0303 + 0.0019 *T) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0089 - 0.0002 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.0043 + 0.0001 *T);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.MARS)
          if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
        delta = (-0.3088 + 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-17.6965 + 0.0363 *T + 0.00005 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (18.3131 + 0.0467 *T - 0.00006 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (-0.2162 - 0.0198 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-4.5028 - 0.0019 *T + 0.00007 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.8987 + 0.0058 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.7666 - 0.0050 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Sin(4 *M) * (-0.3636 - 0.0001 *T + 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Cos(4 *M) * (0.0402 + 0.0032 *T) + Math.Sin(5 *M) * (0.0737 - 0.0008 *T) + Math.Cos(5 *M) * (-0.0980 - 0.0011 *T);
          else if (type == EventType.CONJUNCTION)
        delta = (0.3102 - 0.0001 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (9.7273 - 0.0156 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-18.3195 - 0.0467 *T + 0.00009 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (-1.6488 - 0.0133 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-2.6117 - 0.0020 *T + 0.00004 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (-0.6827 - 0.0026 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.0281 + 0.0035 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(4 *M) * (-0.0823 + 0.0006 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(4 *M) * (0.1584 + 0.0013 *T) + Math.Sin(5 *M) * (0.0270 + 0.0005 *T) + Math.Cos(5 *M) * (0.0433);
          else if (type == EventType.STATION1)
        delta = (-37.0790 - 0.0009 *T + 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-20.0651 + 0.0228 *T + 0.00004 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (14.5205 + 0.0504 - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (1.1737 - 0.0169 *T) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-4.2550 - 0.0075 *T + 0.00008 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.4897 + 0.0074 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (1.1151 - 0.0021 *T - 0.00005 *T2) + Math.Sin(4 *M) * (-0.3636 - 0.0020 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(4 *M) * (-0.1769 + 0.0028 *T + 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(5 *M) * (0.1437 - 0.0004 *T) + Math.Cos(5 *M) * (-0.0383 - 0.0016 *T);
        Debug.Assert(type == EventType.STATION2);

        delta = (36.7191 + 0.0016 *T + 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-12.6163 + 0.0417 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (20.1218 + 0.0379 *T - 0.00006 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (-1.6360 - 0.0190 *T) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-3.9657 + 0.0045 *T + 0.00007 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (1.1546 + 0.0029 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.2888 - 0.0073 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(4 *M) * (-0.3128 + 0.0017 *T + 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Cos(4 *M) * (0.2513 + 0.0026 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(5 *M) * (-0.0021 - 0.0016 *T) + Math.Cos(5 *M) * (-0.1497 - 0.0006 *T);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.JUPITER)
          if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
        delta = (-0.1029 - 0.00009 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-1.9658 - 0.0056 *T + 0.00007 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (6.1537 + 0.0210 *T - 0.00006 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (-0.2081 - 0.0013 *T) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-0.1116 - 0.0010 *T) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0074 + 0.0001 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (-0.0097 - 0.0001 *T) + Math.Sin(a) * (0.0144 *T - 0.00008 *T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (0.3642 - 0.0019 *T - 0.00029 *T2);
          else if (type == EventType.CONJUNCTION)
        delta = (0.1027 + 0.0002 *T - 0.00009 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-2.2637 + 0.0163 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-6.1540 - 0.0210 *T + 0.00008 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (-0.2021 - 0.0017 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.1310 - 0.0008 *T) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0086) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.0087 + 0.0002 *T) + Math.Sin(a) * (0.0144 *T - 0.00008 *T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (0.3642 - 0.0019 *T - 0.00029 *T2);
          else if (type == EventType.STATION1)
        delta = (-60.3670 - 0.0001 *T - 0.00009 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-2.3144 - 0.0124 *T + 0.00007 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (6.7439 + 0.0166 *T - 0.00006 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (-0.2259 - 0.0010 *T) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-0.1497 - 0.0014 *T) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0105 + 0.0001 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (-0.0098) + Math.Sin(a) * (0.0144 *T - 0.00008 *T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (0.3642 - 0.0019 *T - 0.00029 *T2);
        Debug.Assert(type == EventType.STATION2);

        delta = (60.3023 + 0.0002 *T - 0.00009 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (0.3506 - 0.0034 *T + 0.00004 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (5.3635 + 0.0247 *T - 0.00007 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (-0.1872 - 0.0016 *T) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-0.0037 - 0.0005 *T) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0012 + 0.0001 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (-0.0096 - 0.0001 *T) + Math.Sin(a) * (0.0144 *T - 0.00008 *T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (0.3642 - 0.0019 *T - 0.00029 *T2);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.SATURN)
          if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
        delta = (-0.0209 + 0.0006 *T + 0.00023 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (4.5795 - 0.0312 *T - 0.00017 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (1.1462 - 0.0351 *T + 0.00011 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.0985 - 0.0015 *T) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.0733 - 0.0031 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0025 - 0.0001 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.0050 - 0.0002 *T) + Math.Sin(a) * (-0.0337 *T + 0.00018 *T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (-0.8510 + 0.0044 *T + 0.00068 *T2) + Math.Sin(b) * (-0.0064 *T + 0.00004 *T2) + Math.Cos(b) * (0.2397 - 0.0012 *T - 0.00008 *T2) + Math.Sin(c) * (-0.0010 *T) + Math.Cos(c) * (0.1245 + 0.0006 *T) + Math.Sin(d) * (0.0024 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(d) * (0.0477 - 0.0005 *T - 0.00006 *T2);
          else if (type == EventType.CONJUNCTION)
        delta = (0.0172 - 0.0006 *T + 0.00023 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-8.5885 + 0.0411 *T + 0.00020 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-1.1470 + 0.0352 *T - 0.00011 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.3331 - 0.0034 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.1145 - 0.0045 *T + 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (-0.0169 + 0.0002 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (-0.0109 + 0.0004 *T) + Math.Sin(a) * (-0.0337 *T + 0.00018 *T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (-0.8510 + 0.0044 *T + 0.00068 *T2) + Math.Sin(b) * (-0.0064 *T + 0.00004 *T2) + Math.Cos(b) * (0.2397 - 0.0012 *T - 0.00008 *T2) + Math.Sin(c) * (-0.0010 *T) + Math.Cos(c) * (0.1245 + 0.0006 *T) + Math.Sin(d) * (0.0024 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(d) * (0.0477 - 0.0005 *T - 0.00006 *T2);
          else if (type == EventType.STATION1)
        delta = (-68.8840 + 0.0009 *T + 0.00023 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (5.5452 - 0.0279 *T - 0.00020 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (3.0727 - 0.0430 *T + 0.00007 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.1101 - 0.0006 *T - 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.1654 - 0.0043 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0010 + 0.0001 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.0095 - 0.0003 *T) + Math.Sin(a) * (-0.0337 *T + 0.00018 *T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (-0.8510 + 0.0044 *T + 0.00068 *T2) + Math.Sin(b) * (-0.0064 *T + 0.00004 *T2) + Math.Cos(b) * (0.2397 - 0.0012 *T - 0.00008 *T2) + Math.Sin(c) * (-0.0010 *T) + Math.Cos(c) * (0.1245 + 0.0006 *T) + Math.Sin(d) * (0.0024 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(d) * (0.0477 - 0.0005 *T - 0.00006 *T2);
        Debug.Assert(type == EventType.STATION2);

        delta = (68.8720 - 0.0007 *T + 0.00023 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (5.9399 - 0.0400 *T - 0.00015 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-0.7998 - 0.0266 *T + 0.00014 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.1738 - 0.0032 *T) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-0.0039 - 0.0024 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0073 - 0.0002 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * (0.0020 - 0.0002 *T) + Math.Sin(a) * (-0.0337 *T + 0.00018 *T2) + Math.Cos(a) * (-0.8510 + 0.0044 *T + 0.00068 *T2) + Math.Sin(b) * (-0.0064 *T + 0.00004 *T2) + Math.Cos(b) * (0.2397 - 0.0012 *T - 0.00008 *T2) + Math.Sin(c) * (-0.0010 *T) + Math.Cos(c) * (0.1245 + 0.0006 *T) + Math.Sin(d) * (0.0024 *T - 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(d) * (0.0477 - 0.0005 *T - 0.00006 *T2);
        else if ((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.URANUS)
          if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
        delta = (0.0844 - 0.0006 *T) + Math.Sin(M) * (-0.1048 + 0.0246 *T) + Math.Cos(M) * (-5.1221 + 0.0104 *T + 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (-0.1428 - 0.0005 *T) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-0.0148 - 0.0013 *T) + Math.Cos(3 *M) * 0.0055 + Math.Cos(e) * 0.8850 + Math.Cos(f) * 0.2153;
        Debug.Assert(type == EventType.CONJUNCTION);

        delta = (-0.0859 + 0.0003 *T) + Math.Sin(M) * (-3.8179 - 0.0148 *T + 0.00003 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (5.1228 - 0.0105 *T - 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (-0.0803 + 0.0011 *T) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (-0.1905 - 0.0006 *T) + Math.Sin(3 *M) * (0.0088 + 0.0001 *T) + Math.Cos(e) * 0.8850 + Math.Cos(f) * 0.2153;
        Debug.Assert((int)@object == (int)PlanetaryObject.NEPTUNE);

          if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
        delta = (-0.0140 + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Sin(M) * (-1.3486 + 0.0010 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (0.8597 + 0.0037 *T) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (-0.0082 - 0.0002 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.0037 - 0.0003 *T) + Math.Cos(e) * (-0.5964) + Math.Cos(g) * (0.0728);
        Debug.Assert(type == EventType.CONJUNCTION);

        delta = (0.0168) + Math.Sin(M) * (-2.5606 + 0.0088 *T + 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Cos(M) * (-0.8611 - 0.0037 *T + 0.00002 *T2) + Math.Sin(2 *M) * (0.0118 - 0.0004 *T + 0.00001 *T2) + Math.Cos(2 *M) * (0.0307 - 0.0003 *T) + Math.Cos(e) * (-0.5964) + Math.Cos(g) * (0.0728);

        return JDE0 + delta;
    public static double Mean(double k, PlanetaryObject @object, EventType type)
        var nCoefficient = -1;
        if ((int)@object >= (int)PlanetaryObject.MARS)
          Debug.Assert(type == EventType.OPPOSITION || type == EventType.CONJUNCTION);

          if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
        nCoefficient = (int)@object *2;
        nCoefficient = (int)@object *2 + 1;
          Debug.Assert(type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION || type == EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION);

          if (type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
        nCoefficient = (int)@object *2;
        nCoefficient = (int)@object *2 + 1;

        return GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].A + GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].B *k;
    //Static methods
    /////////////////////////// Implementation ////////////////////////////////////
    public static double K(double Year, PlanetaryObject @object, EventType type)
        var nCoefficient = -1;
        if ((int)@object >= (int)PlanetaryObject.MARS)
          Debug.Assert(type == EventType.OPPOSITION || type == EventType.CONJUNCTION);

          if (type == EventType.OPPOSITION)
        nCoefficient = (int)@object *2;
        nCoefficient = (int)@object *2 + 1;
          Debug.Assert(type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION || type == EventType.SUPERIOR_CONJUNCTION);

          if (type == EventType.INFERIOR_CONJUNCTION)
        nCoefficient = (int)@object *2;
        nCoefficient = (int)@object *2 + 1;

        var k = (365.2425 *Year + 1721060 - GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].A) / GlobalMembersStdafx.g_PlanetaryPhenomenaCoefficient1[nCoefficient].B;
        return Math.Floor(k + 0.5);
Beispiel #23
        public void TrueInferiorConjunctionTest(double k, PlanetaryObject planetaryObject, EventType eventType, double expectedInferiorConjunction)
            double inferiorConjunction = AASPlanetaryPhenomena.True(k, planetaryObject, eventType);

            Assert.Equal(expectedInferiorConjunction, inferiorConjunction);
Beispiel #24
        public void ElongationValueTest(double k, PlanetaryObject planetaryObject, bool bEastern, double expectedElongationValue)
            double elongationValue = AASPlanetaryPhenomena.ElongationValue(k, planetaryObject, bEastern);

            Assert.Equal(expectedElongationValue, elongationValue);
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new window for editng Text tiles, eg signs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manager">UI Manager Object</param>
        /// <param name="interact">Interaction Parameters, includes level and position of sign</param>
        public TaskRenamePlanet(Manager manager, PlanetaryObject planet)
            : base(manager)
            //Set up the window
            Text      = "Rename Planet";
            Resizable = false;
            ClientWidth         = 175;
            ClientHeight        = 74;
            TopPanel.Visible    = false;
            BottomPanel.Visible = true;
            DefaultControl      = Input;

            //Create the input box for text editing
            Input = new TextBox(manager);
            Input.Left   = 8;
            Input.Top    = 8;
            Input.Width  = ClientArea.Width - 16;
            Input.Anchor = Anchors.All;
            Input.Text   = planet.Name;
            Input.Focused      = true;
            Input.TextChanged += Input_TextChanged;

            //Saves the text, Durrr
            Save = new Button(manager);
            Save.Text   = "Save";
            Save.Width  = 64;
            Save.Height = 24;
            Save.Top    = 8;
            Save.Left   = (ClientWidth / 2) - Save.Width - 8;
            Save.Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(delegate(object sender, TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventArgs e)
                    planet.Name = Input.Text.Trim();
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Error");

            //What could this do?
            Cancel = new Button(manager);
            Cancel.Text   = "Cancel";
            Cancel.Width  = 64;
            Cancel.Height = 24;
            Cancel.Top    = 8;
            Cancel.Left   = (ClientWidth / 2) + 8;
            Cancel.Click += new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventHandler(delegate(object sender, TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.EventArgs e)
                Close(); //Self-Explanitory

            //Add the new controls