Beispiel #1
    public void PlanetSetup(PlanetStats thisPlanet)
        // Initialize Variables

        // Set a reference to the child objects, Name and Image;
        planetNameObject  = gameObject.transform.Find("Name").gameObject;
        planetImageObject = gameObject.transform.Find("Image").gameObject;

        // Get the RectTransform of this planet and it's name object.
        planetRectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>();
        nameRectTransform   = planetNameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        // Get the starting versions of this Mode's co-ords and scale
        thisModeX = planetRectTransform.anchoredPosition.x;
        thisModeY = planetRectTransform.anchoredPosition.y;

        // Get the pixels per unit of the sprite being used
        ppu = planetImageObject.GetComponent <Image>().sprite.pixelsPerUnit;

        // Get reference to this planet's button
        planetButtonScript = gameObject.GetComponent <ButtonSwitch>();

        // Initialize audio controller reference
        audioObj = AudioController.Instance;

        // Setup the objects in accordance with the current mode
        currentMode = GameController.currentMode;
        if (currentMode == "ScaleMode")
            // Set the scale of the planet relative to it's diameter
            diameterInPixels = thisPlanet.diameter * GameController.pixelsPerKm;
            thisModeScale    = diameterInPixels / ppu;
            planetImageObject.transform.localScale = new Vector2(thisModeScale, thisModeScale);

            // Keep the name above the scaled planet
            nameRectTransform = planetNameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            thisModeNameX     = nameRectTransform.anchoredPosition.x;
            thisModeNameY     = nameRectTransform.anchoredPosition.y;
            nameRectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(thisModeNameX, thisModeNameY + GameController.textScalar * diameterInPixels);
        // Setup the distance mode planet to be standard size
        else if ( == "Distance Planet")
            // Reset planetIsMoving bool
            GameController.planetIsMoving = false;

            // Set this planet's name text position to the Planet Info version
            var nameX = nameRectTransform.anchoredPosition.x;
            nameRectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(nameX, GameController.infoNameY);

            // Set this planet's position and scale to the default version
            planetRectTransform.anchoredPosition   = new Vector2(GameController.defaultX, GameController.kmPlanetY);
            planetImageObject.transform.localScale = new Vector2(GameController.defaultScale, GameController.defaultScale);
        else if (currentMode == "DistanceMode")
            // Get the reference to the Distance Planet and it's import script
            distanceObj          = DistanceController.distanceObj;
            distanceImportScript = distanceObj.GetComponent <PlanetImport>();

            // Disable the button if this mini planet is the same as Distance Planet
            if ( ==

        // Save vector to variable for future use
        thisModeNameVector = nameRectTransform.anchoredPosition;
Beispiel #2
    // Handle the sequence of events for travelling to a new planet
    IEnumerator TravelToPlanet(GameObject planetObj)
        // Tween Distance Planet offscreen to the right
        float planetTweenTime = 0.5f;
        float halfPlanetWidth = GameController.defaultScale * ppu * 0.5f;
        Tween movePlanetX     = transform.DOMoveX(Screen.width + halfPlanetWidth, planetTweenTime).SetEase(Ease.InCirc);

        // Get the stats from each planet
        PlanetImport planetInfo    = GetComponent <PlanetImport>();
        PlanetImport planetInfoNew = planetObj.GetComponent <PlanetImport>();

        // Get the distance from sun of the two planets
        var oldKmFromSun = planetInfo.kmFromSun;
        var newKmFromSun = planetInfoNew.kmFromSun;
        // Initialize time variables
        float  minTraveltime   = planetTweenTime * 2;
        double timeScaleFactor = 1e3d;
        // Calculate the distance between new planet and old planet
        double travelKm = Math.Abs(newKmFromSun - oldKmFromSun);
        // Calculate wait time based on distance
        float travelTime = (float)(travelKm / timeScaleFactor);

        travelTime = Mathf.Max(minTraveltime, travelTime);

        // Distance Counter
        // Get reference to Distance Controller script
        DistanceController kmControl = DistanceController.Instance;

        // Enable and Reset counter text

        // Accelerate counting over time from 0 -> calculated distance
        DOTween.To(() => CountDistance.kmCounter, x => CountDistance.kmCounter = x,
                   travelKm, travelTime).SetEase(Ease.InOutQuart);

        // Set counter scale to tween to (weighted by travel time)
        float counterScale = 0.8f + 0.1f * travelTime;

        // Scale up counter over time
        DOTween.To(() => CountDistance.myScale, x => CountDistance.myScale = x,
                   counterScale, travelTime).SetEase(Ease.OutBack);

        // Enable and Reset journey display

        // Scale tween in the Journey Display
        float journeyScale = 1f;

        DOTween.To(() => JourneyDisplay.myScale, x => JourneyDisplay.myScale = x,
                   journeyScale, planetTweenTime).SetEase(Ease.OutElastic);

        // Play travel to planet sound
        if (travelKm < 1800d)

        yield return(movePlanetX.WaitForCompletion());

        // Change to new planet
        planetInfo.planet = planetInfoNew.planet;

        // Put Distance Planet off left of screen
        gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(-1000, transform.position.y, 0);

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(travelTime - (2 * planetTweenTime)));

        // Tween new Distance Planet onscreen from the left.
        movePlanetX = transform.DOMoveX(Screen.width * 0.5f, planetTweenTime).SetEase(Ease.OutCirc);

        // Fade out travel sound
        if (audioObj.sfxPlayer.clip == AudioController.audioTravelLong)
            audioObj.FadeOutVol(audioObj.sfxPlayer, 1.5f);

        yield return(movePlanetX.WaitForCompletion());

        GameController.planetIsMoving = false;