Beispiel #1
 public static void RunPlanner(IPlan initPi, ISearch SearchMethod, ISelection SelectMethod, int k, float cutoff, string directoryToSaveTo, int problem)
     var POP = new PlanSpacePlanner(initPi, SelectMethod, SearchMethod, true)
         directory     = directoryToSaveTo,
         problemNumber = problem,
     var Solutions = POP.Solve(k, cutoff);
Beispiel #2
        public static void RunPlanner(IPlan initPi, ISearch SearchMethod, ISelection SelectMethod, float cutoff, string directoryToSaveTo, int problem)
            var POP = new PlanSpacePlanner(initPi, SelectMethod, SearchMethod, true)
                directory     = directoryToSaveTo,
                problemNumber = problem,
            var Solutions = POP.Solve(1, cutoff);

            if (Solutions != null)
Beispiel #3
        public static void RunPlanner(IPlan initPi, ISearch SearchMethod, ISelection SelectMethod, int k, float cutoff, string directoryToSaveTo, int problem)
            // Create a planner object to run this instance
            var POP = new PlanSpacePlanner(initPi, SelectMethod, SearchMethod, true)
                directory     = directoryToSaveTo,
                problemNumber = problem,

            // Return a list of k solutions
            var Solutions = POP.Solve(k, cutoff);

            // Print the first solution to console
            if (Solutions != null)
Beispiel #4
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        var testDomainName      = "batman";
        var testDomainDirectory = Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks\" + testDomainName + @"\domain.pddl";
        var testDomain          = Parser.GetDomain(Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks\" + testDomainName + @"\domain.pddl", PlanType.PlanSpace);
        var testProblem         = Parser.GetProblem(Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Benchmarks\" + testDomainName + @"\prob01.pddl");

        string FileName          = Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Test\" + testDomainName + "_" + testProblem.Name;
        string CausalMapFileName = Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"CausalMaps\" + testDomainName + "_" + testProblem.Name;
        string ThreatMapFileName = Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"CausalMaps\" + testDomainName + "_" + testProblem.Name;

        if (RELOAD)
            Debug.Log("Creating Ground Operators");
            GroundActionFactory.PopulateGroundActions(testDomain.Operators, testProblem);
            //BinarySerializer.SerializeObject(FileName, GroundActionFactory.GroundActions);
            foreach (var op in GroundActionFactory.GroundActions)
                BinarySerializer.SerializeObject(FileName + op.GetHashCode().ToString(), op);

            CacheMaps.CacheGoalLinks(GroundActionFactory.GroundActions, testProblem.Goal);
            BinarySerializer.SerializeObject(CausalMapFileName, CacheMaps.CausalMap);
            BinarySerializer.SerializeObject(ThreatMapFileName, CacheMaps.ThreatMap);
            List <IOperator> Operators = new List <IOperator>();
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Cache\" + testDomainName))
                var op = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeObject <IOperator>(file);
                //string contents = File.ReadAllText(file);
            //var actions = new List<IOperator>();

            GroundActionFactory.GroundActions = Operators;

        Debug.Log("Caching Maps");

        Debug.Log("Finding static preconditions");

        GroundActionFactory.DetectStatics(CacheMaps.CausalMap, CacheMaps.ThreatMap);

        Debug.Log("Creating initial Plan");
        // Create Initial Plan
        // public Plan(List<IOperator> steps, IState initial, IState goal, Graph<IOperator> og, ICausalLinkGraph clg, Flawque flawQueue)
        // IState _initial, IState _goal, List<IOperator> _steps
        var initialPlan = new Plan(new State(testProblem.Initial) as IState, new State(testProblem.Goal) as IState);

        foreach (var goal in testProblem.Goal)
            initialPlan.Flaws.Insert(initialPlan, new OpenCondition(goal, initialPlan.GoalStep as IOperator));
        Debug.Log("Insert First Ordering");
        initialPlan.Orderings.Insert(initialPlan.InitialStep, initialPlan.GoalStep);

        Debug.Log("First POP");
        var AStarPOP           = new PlanSpacePlanner(initialPlan, SearchType.BestFirst, new AddReuseHeuristic().Heuristic);
        var bestFirstSolutions = AStarPOP.Solve(1, 6000f);


        var BFSPOP       = new PlanSpacePlanner(initialPlan, SearchType.BFS, new ZeroHeuristic().Heuristic);
        var BFSSolutions = BFSPOP.Solve(1, 6000f);


        var DFSPOP       = new PlanSpacePlanner(initialPlan, SearchType.DFS, new ZeroHeuristic().Heuristic);
        var DFSSolutions = DFSPOP.Solve(1, 6000f);
