Beispiel #1
    private void ManageYOverflow(Vector3 mouseWorldCoord, string orientation, float yBound)
        if (_verticalOrientation != orientation)
            _verticalOrientation = orientation;

        int xMultiplier = _horizontalOrientation == Orientation.EAST ? 1 : -1;
        int yMultiplier = _verticalOrientation == Orientation.NORTH ? 1 : -1;

        PlacementData placementData = _subPlacerPrefab.toPlace;
        int           placersToAdd  = (int)(Mathf.Abs(mouseWorldCoord.y - yBound) / placementData.unitsHeight);

         * La condition de cette boucle vérifie qu'il faut encore ajouter une ligne
         * de placeurs et qu'on ne viole pas la limite de placeurs en l'ajoutant.
        for (int i = 1; i <= placersToAdd && _placersNber + _allPlacers.First.Value.Count < maxPlacersNber; i++)
            LinkedList <BuildingPlacer> newLine = new LinkedList <BuildingPlacer>();

            for (int x = 0; x <= _allPlacers.First.Value.Count; x++)//<= et pas <, car le placeur de départ occupe une case mais n'est pas compris dans les collections (pou éviter de le supprimer), il faut donc compenser ça !
                Vector3        newPosition = new Vector3(_initialPlacementCoord.x + x * xMultiplier * placementData.unitsWidth, yBound + i * yMultiplier * placementData.unitsHeight, _subPlacerPrefab.transform.position.z);
                BuildingPlacer newPlacer   = CreateNewPlacer(newPosition);
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     championPrepController = GameManager.instance.GetChampionPrepController();
     gameManagerTransform   = GameManager.instance.transform;
     terrainCollider        = Terrain.activeTerrain.GetComponent <TerrainCollider>();
     playerPlacementData    = GameManager.instance.GetPlayer().GetPlacementData();
Beispiel #3
    private void YShrink(Vector3 mouseWorldCoord)
        float         yBound          = _verticalOrientation == Orientation.NORTH ? _maxPlacedY : _minPlacedY;
        PlacementData placementData   = _subPlacerPrefab.toPlace;
        int           placersToRemove = (int)(Mathf.Abs(mouseWorldCoord.y - yBound) / placementData.unitsHeight);

        for (int i = 1; i <= placersToRemove; i++)
            LinkedList <BuildingPlacer> lineToRemove = _allPlacers.Last.Value;

            int placementHeight = _subPlacerPrefab.toPlace.unitsHeight;
            if (_verticalOrientation == Orientation.NORTH)
                _maxPlacedY -= placementHeight;
            else if (_verticalOrientation == Orientation.SOUTH)
                _minPlacedY += placementHeight;

            foreach (BuildingPlacer toDelete in lineToRemove)
Beispiel #4
    private void XShrink(Vector3 mouseWorldCoord)
        float         xBound          = _horizontalOrientation == Orientation.EAST ? _maxPlacedX : _minPlacedX;
        PlacementData placementData   = _subPlacerPrefab.toPlace;
        int           placersToRemove = (int)(Mathf.Abs(mouseWorldCoord.x - xBound) / placementData.unitsWidth);

        for (int i = 1; i <= placersToRemove; i++)
            foreach (LinkedList <BuildingPlacer> line in _allPlacers)
                if (line.Count != 0)//La première ligne sera dans ce cas de temps à autre, puisque le placeur d'origine n'est pas dans les données de placement multiple
                    BuildingPlacer toDelete = line.Last.Value;

            int placementWidth = _subPlacerPrefab.toPlace.unitsWidth;
            if (_horizontalOrientation == Orientation.EAST)
                _maxPlacedX -= placementWidth;
            else if (_horizontalOrientation == Orientation.WEST)
                _minPlacedX += placementWidth;
Beispiel #5
    private void ManageXOverflow(Vector3 mouseWorldCoord, string orientation, float xBound)
        if (_horizontalOrientation != orientation)
            _horizontalOrientation = orientation;

        int xMultiplier = _horizontalOrientation == Orientation.EAST ? 1 : -1;
        int yMultiplier = _verticalOrientation == Orientation.NORTH ? 1 : -1;

        PlacementData placementData = _subPlacerPrefab.toPlace;
        int           placersToAdd  = (int)(Mathf.Abs(mouseWorldCoord.x - xBound) / placementData.unitsWidth);

         * La condition de cette boucle vérifie qu'il faut encore ajouter une colonne
         * de placeurs et qu'on ne viole pas la limite de placeurs en l'ajoutant.
        for (int i = 1; i <= placersToAdd && _placersNber + _allPlacers.Count < maxPlacersNber; i++)
            for (int y = 0; y < _allPlacers.Count; y++)
                Vector3        newPosition = new Vector3(xBound + i * xMultiplier * placementData.unitsWidth, _initialPlacementCoord.y + y * yMultiplier * placementData.unitsHeight, _subPlacerPrefab.transform.position.z);
                BuildingPlacer newPlacer   = CreateNewPlacer(newPosition);
                Enumerable.ElementAt(_allPlacers, y).AddLast(newPlacer);
    public override void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other)
        PlacementData placementData = other.GetComponent <PlacementData>();
        DungeonData   dungeonData   = other.GetComponent <DungeonData>();

        if (placementData != null && dungeonData == null)
Beispiel #7
 public PlayerData(string username)
     this.username         = username;
     this.earnedGold       = 50;
     this.experiencePoints = 0;
     this.level            = 1;           = 100;
     this.uptodate         = false;
     this.placementData    = new PlacementData(NumberOfFightingSpawns, NumberOfSubsSpawns, NumberOfEnemySpawns);
Beispiel #8
    public void TriggerBuildingPlacingFor(PlacementData toPlace)
        GameManager            gameManager = GameManager.instance;
        CityBuilderPlacingMode placingMode = GameModes.CITY_BUILDER_PLACING;

        if (!gameManager.isModeActive(placingMode))

        placingMode.toPlace = toPlace;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        internal TagData()
            Bounds         = null;
            PlacementData  = new PlacementData(new Rectangle()); //Placement Data should always be initialized, since RTL placement occurs even if no placement is set on the control.
            ShowTitleBar   = true;
            ShowSystemMenu = true;
            ApplicationHookedDNeventsNames = null;
            HasCaret = true;
#if !PocketPC
            TableControls = new ArrayList();
            SelectingIdx  = Int32.MinValue;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        ///   returns control rectangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "cellRect">rectangle of table's cell </param>
        /// <returns> </returns>
        public virtual Rectangle getDisplayRect(Rectangle cellRect, bool isHeaderEditor)
            var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);

            //if (_logicalControl is Line)
            //   rect = ((Line)_logicalControl).calcDisplayRect();
                // compute rectangle relativly to table
                rect.Height = Height;
                rect.Width  = Width;
                PlacementData placementData = _logicalControl.PlacementData;

                // apply X placement (depends on column width)
                Rectangle      placementRect = placementData.Placement;
                ILogicalColumn columnManager = _tableManager.ColumnsManager.getLgColumnByMagicIdx(MgColumn);
                int            dx            = columnManager.getDx();
                if (_tableManager.RightToLeftLayout)
                    int right = cellRect.Right - _xorigin;
                    right      -= dx * placementRect.X / 100;
                    rect.Width += ((dx * placementRect.Width) / 100);
                    rect.X      = right - rect.Width;
                    rect.X      = GetDisplayRectangleLeft(cellRect);
                    rect.X     += dx * placementRect.X / 100;
                    rect.Width += ((dx * placementRect.Width) / 100);

                // apply Y placement (depends on row height)
                // Defect 138536: For Header control, do not consider change in row height and hence do not consider placement for Y & Height
                int dy = isHeaderEditor ? 0 : _tableManager.GetChangeInRowHeight();
                rect.Y  = GetDisplayRectangleTop(cellRect);
                rect.Y += dy * placementRect.Y / 100;

                //Height of the 3D ComboBox is fixed and depends on the Font.
                //We cannot change it by setting the Height.
                //So, the Height placement is irrelevant.
                //Sets height only for 2D combobox
                if (!IsComboControl() || Is2DComboBoxControl())
                    rect.Height += ((dy * placementRect.Height) / 100);

                rect = _tableManager.GetTableMultiColumnStrategy(isHeaderEditor).GetRectToDraw(rect, cellRect);

Beispiel #11
 internal LogicalControl(GuiMgControl guiMgControl, Control containerControl)
     this.GuiMgControl = guiMgControl;
     ZOrder            = guiMgControl.ControlZOrder;
     _containerControl = containerControl;
     //this.mgRow = mgRow;
     _imeMode      = -1;
     PlacementData = new PlacementData(new Rectangle());
     WordWrap      = true; //for edit this property will update according to the Horizontal scroll bar property
     Enabled       = true;
     _text         = null;
     TextSizeLimit = -1; // -1 to later indicate that the limit was not set.
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Placement Data of object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override PlacementData PlacementData(Object obj)
            PlacementData placementData = null;

            if (obj is Control)
                Control control = (Control)obj;
                if (control.Tag != null)
                    placementData = ((TagData)control.Tag).PlacementData;
                if (obj is LogicalControl)
                    LogicalControl staticControl = (LogicalControl)obj;
                    placementData = staticControl.PlacementData;
    void OnPositionSelected()
        onPlacementTask = false;
        infoText.text = "Thank you for placing the platform.";
        platform.GetComponent <PlatformMover>().enabled = false;

        platform.GetComponent <Collider>().isTrigger = true;

        if (!onTraining)
            //write data to file
            PlacementData placement = new PlacementData();
            placement.participantID        = participantID;
            placement.sessionNumber        = sessionNumber;
            placement.blockID              = blockID;
            placement.trajectoryPositions  = platformTrajectoryPositions;
            placement.trajectoryTimeStamps = platformTrajectoryTimeStamps;

        Invoke("StartBlock", delayBetweenTrials);
Beispiel #14
    private IEnumerator CollapseBuilding()
        GameManager gameManager = GameManager.instance;

        gameManager.InstantiatePrefab(smokePrefab, transform.position);

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.7f));

        GameObject ruins = gameManager.InstantiatePrefab(ruinsPrefab, transform.position);

        //TODO: les lignes suivantes ne sont là que parce que pour l'instant, les ruines sont un quad avec texture répétée
        Vector2 newScale = new Vector2(placementData.unitsWidth, placementData.unitsHeight);

        ruins.transform.localScale = newScale;
        Material ruinsMaterial = ruins.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material;

        ruinsMaterial.mainTextureScale = newScale;
        PlacementData ruinsPlacementData = ruins.GetComponent <PlacementData>();

        ruinsPlacementData.unitsHeight = placementData.unitsHeight;
        ruinsPlacementData.unitsWidth  = placementData.unitsWidth;

Beispiel #15
 protected void Awake()
     placementData   = GetComponent <PlacementData>();
     buildingStock   = GetComponent <BuildingStock>();
     freightAreaData = GetComponent <FreightAreaData>();