Beispiel #1
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     //AR Session Origin Camera
     arCamera = GetComponent <ARSessionOrigin>().camera;
     //get reference of game board
     placeGameBoard = GetComponent <PlaceGameBoard>();
 void Start()
     // Here we will grab the camera from the AR Session Origin.
     // This camera acts like any other camera in Unity.
     arCamera = GetComponent <ARSessionOrigin>().camera;
     // We will also need the PlaceGameBoard script to know if
     // the game board exists or not.
     placeGameBoard = GetComponent <PlaceGameBoard>();
Beispiel #3
    void Start()
        // Here we will grab the camera from the AR Session Origin.
        // This camera acts like any other camera in Unity.
        arCamera = GetComponent <ARSessionOrigin>().camera;
        // We will also need the PlaceGameBoard script to know if
        // the game board exists or not.
        placeGameBoard = GetComponent <PlaceGameBoard>();

        // We will also need the GameStateManager to know what the state of the game is (who is playing, whether anybody has won)
        gameStateManager = GetComponent <GameStateManager>();
Beispiel #4
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // Here we will grab the camera from the AR Session Origin.
        // This camera acts like any other camera in Unity.
        arCamera = GetComponent <ARSessionOrigin>().camera;
        // We will also need the PlaceGameBoard script to know if
        // the game board exists or not.
        placeGameBoard = GetComponent <PlaceGameBoard>();

        tile0 = GetComponent <GameObject>();
        tile1 = GetComponent <GameObject>();
        tile2 = GetComponent <GameObject>();
        tile3 = GetComponent <GameObject>();
        tile4 = GetComponent <GameObject>();
        tile5 = GetComponent <GameObject>();
        tile6 = GetComponent <GameObject>();
        tile7 = GetComponent <GameObject>();
        tile8 = GetComponent <GameObject>();

        tile0android = false;
        tile1android = false;
        tile2android = false;
        tile3android = false;
        tile4android = false;
        tile5android = false;
        tile6android = false;
        tile7android = false;
        tile8android = false;

        tile0apple = false;
        tile1apple = false;
        tile2apple = false;
        tile3apple = false;
        tile4apple = false;
        tile5apple = false;
        tile6apple = false;
        tile7apple = false;
        tile8apple = false;

        isAndroid = false;
        isApple   = true;

        gameOver = false;
        once     = false;
        turn     = 0;
 void Start()
     placeGameBoard = GetComponent <PlaceGameBoard>();
     Grids          = new ARGrid[3, 3];
     gameState      = State.PAUSED;
     result = PlayerAndResult.NONE;
     mode   = Mode.PVC;
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
             string name = "grid" + i.ToString() + j.ToString();
             Grids[i, j] = gameBoard.transform.Find(name).gameObject.GetComponent <ARGrid>();
Beispiel #6
 void Start()
     arCamera       = GetComponent <ARSessionOrigin>().camera;
     placeGameBoard = GetComponent <PlaceGameBoard>();
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     timeRemaining  = displayTime;
     placeGameBoard = GetComponent <PlaceGameBoard>();
     go             = GameObject.Find("Cube");