Beispiel #1
        protected override void RenderEffect(int frame, ref PixelFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            if (BufferHt <= 1)
                return;                            //Invalid configuration
            int    stateInt = Speed * frame;
            double position = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame);
            double level    = LevelCurve.GetValue(position * 100) / 100;

            // move snowflakes
            for (int x = 0; x < BufferWi; x++)
                var newX  = (x + stateInt / 20) % BufferWi;
                var newX2 = (x - stateInt / 20) % BufferWi;
                if (newX2 < 0)
                    newX2 += BufferWi;
                for (int y = 0; y < BufferHt; y++)
                    var newY   = (y + stateInt / 10) % BufferHt;
                    var newY2  = (newY + BufferHt / 2) % BufferHt;
                    var color1 = tempBuffer.GetColorAt(newX, newY);
                    if (color1 == Color.Black)
                        color1 = tempBuffer.GetColorAt(newX2, newY2);
                    var hsv = HSV.FromRGB(color1);
                    hsv.V = hsv.V * level;
                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, hsv);
Beispiel #2
        protected override void RenderEffect(int frame, ref PixelFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            int    x, y, n, colorIdx;
            int    colorcnt = Colors.Count();
            int    barCount = Repeat * colorcnt;
            double position = (GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * Speed) % 1;

            if (barCount < 1)
                barCount = 1;

            if (Direction < BarDirection.Left || Direction == BarDirection.AlternateUp || Direction == BarDirection.AlternateDown)
                int barHt = BufferHt / barCount + 1;
                if (barHt < 1)
                    barHt = 1;
                int halfHt  = BufferHt / 2;
                int blockHt = colorcnt * barHt;
                if (blockHt < 1)
                    blockHt = 1;
                int fOffset = (int)(position * blockHt * Repeat);             // : Speed * frame / 4 % blockHt);
                if (Direction == BarDirection.AlternateUp || Direction == BarDirection.AlternateDown)
                    fOffset = (int)(Math.Floor(position * barCount) * barHt);
                int indexAdjust = 1;

                for (y = 0; y < BufferHt; y++)
                    n        = y + fOffset;
                    colorIdx = ((n + indexAdjust) % blockHt) / barHt;
                    //we need the integer division here to make things work
                    double colorPosition = ((double)(n + indexAdjust) / barHt) - ((n + indexAdjust) / barHt);
                    Color  c             = Colors[colorIdx].GetColorAt(colorPosition);
                    var    hsv           = HSV.FromRGB(c);
                    if (Highlight && (n + indexAdjust) % barHt == 0)
                        hsv.S = 0.0f;
                    if (Show3D)
                        hsv.V *= (float)(barHt - (n + indexAdjust) % barHt - 1) / barHt;

                    hsv.V = hsv.V * LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100;

                    switch (Direction)
                    case BarDirection.Down:
                    case BarDirection.AlternateDown:
                        // down
                        for (x = 0; x < BufferWi; x++)
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, hsv);

                    case BarDirection.Expand:
                        // expand
                        if (y <= halfHt)
                            for (x = 0; x < BufferWi; x++)
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, hsv);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, BufferHt - y - 1, hsv);

                    case BarDirection.Compress:
                        // compress
                        if (y >= halfHt)
                            for (x = 0; x < BufferWi; x++)
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, hsv);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, BufferHt - y - 1, hsv);

                        // up & AlternateUp
                        for (x = 0; x < BufferWi; x++)
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, BufferHt - y - 1, hsv);
                int barWi = BufferWi / barCount + 1;
                if (barWi < 1)
                    barWi = 1;
                int halfWi  = BufferWi / 2;
                int blockWi = colorcnt * barWi;
                if (blockWi < 1)
                    blockWi = 1;
                int fOffset = (int)(position * blockWi * Repeat);
                if (Direction > BarDirection.AlternateDown)
                    fOffset = (int)(Math.Floor(position * barCount) * barWi);

                for (x = 0; x < BufferWi; x++)
                    n        = x + fOffset;
                    colorIdx = ((n + 1) % blockWi) / barWi;
                    //we need the integer division here to make things work
                    double colorPosition = ((double)(n + 1) / barWi) - ((n + 1) / barWi);
                    Color  c             = Colors[colorIdx].GetColorAt(colorPosition);
                    var    hsv           = HSV.FromRGB(c);
                    if (Highlight && n % barWi == 0)
                        hsv.S = 0.0f;
                    if (Show3D)
                        hsv.V *= (float)(barWi - n % barWi - 1) / barWi;
                    hsv.V = hsv.V * LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100;
                    switch (Direction)
                    case BarDirection.Right:
                    case BarDirection.AlternateRight:
                        // right
                        for (y = 0; y < BufferHt; y++)
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(BufferWi - x - 1, y, hsv);

                    case BarDirection.HExpand:
                        // H-expand
                        if (x <= halfWi)
                            for (y = 0; y < BufferHt; y++)
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, hsv);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(BufferWi - x - 1, y, hsv);

                    case BarDirection.HCompress:
                        // H-compress
                        if (x >= halfWi)
                            for (y = 0; y < BufferHt; y++)
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, hsv);
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(BufferWi - x - 1, y, hsv);

                        // left & AlternateLeft
                        for (y = 0; y < BufferHt; y++)
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, hsv);
Beispiel #3
        protected override void RenderEffect(int frame, ref PixelFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            if (StringCount == 1)

            var mod100 = (Speed * frame % (101 - Explosions) * 20);

            HSV hsv;

            if (mod100 == 0)
                var x25    = (int)(BufferWi * 0.25);
                var x75    = (int)(BufferWi * 0.75);
                var y25    = (int)(BufferHt * 0.25);
                var y75    = (int)(BufferHt * 0.75);
                var startX = x25 + (Rand() % (x75 - x25));
                var startY = y25 + (Rand() % (y75 - y25));

                // Create new bursts
                hsv = Colors.Count > 0 ? HSV.FromRGB(Colors[Rand() % Colors.Count]) : HSV.FromRGB(Color.White);
                int idxFlakes = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Particles; i++)
                        idxFlakes = (idxFlakes + 1) % MaxFlakes;
                    } while (_fireworkBursts[idxFlakes].Active);
                    _fireworkBursts[idxFlakes].Reset(startX, startY, true, Velocity, hsv);
                for (int i = 0; i < MaxFlakes; i++)
                    // ... active flakes:
                    if (_fireworkBursts[i].Active)
                        // Update position
                        _fireworkBursts[i].X += _fireworkBursts[i].Dx;
                        _fireworkBursts[i].Y +=
                            (float)(-_fireworkBursts[i].Dy - _fireworkBursts[i].Cycles * _fireworkBursts[i].Cycles / 10000000.0);
                        // If this flake run for more than maxCycle, time to switch it off
                        _fireworkBursts[i].Cycles += 20;
                        if (10000 == _fireworkBursts[i].Cycles)                         // if (10000 == _fireworkBursts[i]._cycles)
                            _fireworkBursts[i].Active = false;
                        // If this flake hit the earth, time to switch it off
                        if (_fireworkBursts[i].Y >= BufferHt)
                            _fireworkBursts[i].Active = false;
                        // Draw the flake, if its X-pos is within frame
                        if (_fireworkBursts[i].X >= 0.0 && _fireworkBursts[i].X < BufferWi)
                            // But only if it is "under" the roof!
                            if (_fireworkBursts[i].Y >= 0.0)
                                // sean we need to set color here
                            // otherwise it just got outside the valid X-pos, so switch it off
                            _fireworkBursts[i].Active = false;
            double position = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame);
            double level    = LevelCurve.GetValue(position * 100) / 100;

            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                if (_fireworkBursts[i].Active)
                    var v = (float)(((ParticalFade * 10.0) - _fireworkBursts[i].Cycles) / (ParticalFade * 10.0));
                    if (v < 0)
                        v = 0.0f;
                    hsv   = _fireworkBursts[i].HSV;
                    hsv.V = v * level;
                    frameBuffer.SetPixel((int)_fireworkBursts[i].X, (int)_fireworkBursts[i].Y, hsv);
Beispiel #4
        protected override void RenderEffect(int frame, ref PixelFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            if (_image == null)
            const int speedfactor = 4;
            double    position    = (GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * Speed) % 1;
            double    level       = LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100;

            _image.SelectActiveFrame(_dimension, (int)_currentGifImageNum);

            _scaledImage = ScaleToGrid ? ScaleImage(_image, BufferWi, BufferHt) : ScaleImage(_image, _image.Width * ScalePercent / 100, _image.Height * ScalePercent / 100);
            _fp          = new FastPixel.FastPixel(_scaledImage);

            int imgwidth   = _fp.Width;
            int imght      = _fp.Height;
            int yoffset    = (BufferHt + imght) / 2;
            int xoffset    = (imgwidth - BufferWi) / 2;
            int state      = Speed * frame;
            int xOffsetAdj = XOffset * BufferWi / 100;
            int yOffsetAdj = YOffset * BufferHt / 100;

            switch (Type)
            case EffectType.RenderPicturePeekaboo0:
            case EffectType.RenderPicturePeekaboo180:
                //Peek a boo
                yoffset = -(BufferHt) + (int)((BufferHt + 5) * position * 2);
                if (yoffset > 10)
                    yoffset = -yoffset + 10;                             //reverse direction
                else if (yoffset >= -1)
                    yoffset = -1;                             //pause in middle


            case EffectType.RenderPictureWiggle:
                if (position >= 0.5)
                    xoffset += (int)(BufferWi * ((1.0 - position) * 2.0 - 0.5));
                    xoffset += (int)(BufferWi * (position * 2.0 - 0.5));

            case EffectType.RenderPicturePeekaboo90:                     //peekaboo 90
            case EffectType.RenderPicturePeekaboo270:                    //peekaboo 270
                if (Orientation == StringOrientation.Vertical)
                    yoffset = (imght - BufferWi) / 2;                           //adjust offsets for other axis
                    yoffset = (imgwidth - BufferHt) / 2;                             //adjust offsets for other axis

                if (Orientation == StringOrientation.Vertical)
                    xoffset = -(BufferHt) + (int)((BufferHt + 5) * position * 2);
                    xoffset = -(BufferWi) + (int)((BufferWi + 5) * position * 2);
                if (xoffset > 10)
                    xoffset = -xoffset + 10;                             //reverse direction
                else if (xoffset >= -1)
                    xoffset = -1;                             //pause in middle


            for (int x = 0; x < imgwidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < imght; y++)
                    //if (!image.IsTransparent(x,y))
                    Color color = _fp.GetPixel(x, y);

                    if (color != Color.Transparent)
                        var hsv = HSV.FromRGB(color);
                        hsv.V = hsv.V * level;
                        switch (Type)
                        case EffectType.RenderPictureLeft:
                            // left
                            int leftX = x + (BufferWi - (int)(position * (imgwidth + BufferWi)));

                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(leftX + xOffsetAdj, yoffset - y + yOffsetAdj, hsv);

                        case EffectType.RenderPictureRight:
                            // right
                            int rightX = x + -imgwidth + (int)(position * (imgwidth + BufferWi));

                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(rightX + xOffsetAdj, yoffset - y + yOffsetAdj, hsv);

                        case EffectType.RenderPictureUp:
                            // up
                            int upY = (int)((imght + BufferHt) * position) - y;

                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(x - xoffset + xOffsetAdj, upY + yOffsetAdj, hsv);

                        case EffectType.RenderPictureDown:
                            // down
                            int downY = (BufferHt + imght - 1) - (int)((imght + BufferHt) * position) - y;

                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(x - xoffset + xOffsetAdj, downY + yOffsetAdj, hsv);

                        case EffectType.RenderPictureUpleft:
                            int upLeftY = (int)((imght + BufferHt) * position) - y;

                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(Convert.ToInt32(x + BufferWi - (state % ((imgwidth + BufferWi) * speedfactor)) / speedfactor) + xOffsetAdj, upLeftY + yOffsetAdj, hsv);
                            break;                                     // up-left

                        case EffectType.RenderPictureDownleft:
                            int downLeftY = BufferHt + imght - (int)((imght + BufferHt) * position) - y;

                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(Convert.ToInt32(x + BufferWi - (state % ((imgwidth + BufferWi) * speedfactor)) / speedfactor) + xOffsetAdj, downLeftY + yOffsetAdj, hsv);
                            break;                                     // down-left

                        case EffectType.RenderPictureUpright:
                            int upRightY = (int)((imght + BufferHt) * position) - y;

                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(Convert.ToInt32(x + (state % ((imgwidth + BufferWi) * speedfactor)) / speedfactor - imgwidth) + xOffsetAdj, upRightY + yOffsetAdj, hsv);
                            break;                                     // up-right

                        case EffectType.RenderPictureDownright:
                            int downRightY = BufferHt + imght - (int)((imght + BufferHt) * position) - y;

                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(Convert.ToInt32(x + (state % ((imgwidth + BufferWi) * speedfactor)) / speedfactor - imgwidth) + xOffsetAdj, downRightY + yOffsetAdj, hsv);
                            break;                                     // down-right

                        case EffectType.RenderPicturePeekaboo0:
                            //Peek a boo
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(x - xoffset + xOffsetAdj, BufferHt + yoffset - y + yOffsetAdj, hsv);

                        case EffectType.RenderPictureWiggle:
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(x + xoffset + xOffsetAdj, yoffset - y + yOffsetAdj, hsv);

                        case EffectType.RenderPicturePeekaboo90:
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(BufferWi + xoffset - y + xOffsetAdj, x - yoffset + yOffsetAdj, hsv);

                        case EffectType.RenderPicturePeekaboo180:
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(x - xoffset + xOffsetAdj, y - yoffset + yOffsetAdj, hsv);

                        case EffectType.RenderPicturePeekaboo270:
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(y - xoffset + xOffsetAdj, BufferHt + yoffset - x + yOffsetAdj, hsv);

                            // no movement - centered
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(x - xoffset + xOffsetAdj, yoffset - y + yOffsetAdj, hsv);
Beispiel #5
        protected override void RenderEffect(int effectFrame, ref PixelFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            int repeat = Repeat;

            switch (ButterflyType)
            case ButterflyType.Type1:
            case ButterflyType.Type5:
                repeat = Repeat * 3;

            case ButterflyType.Type4:
                repeat = Repeat * 6;

            double h        = 0.0;
            int    maxframe = BufferHt;
            double position = (GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(effectFrame) * Iterations) % 1;
            int    curState = (int)(TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds * position * repeat);
            int    frame    = (BufferHt * curState / (int)TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds) % maxframe;
            double offset   = curState / TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds;

            if (Direction == Direction.Forward)
                offset = -offset;
            for (int x = 0; x < BufferWi; x++)
                int y;
                for (y = 0; y < BufferHt; y++)
                    double n;
                    double x1;
                    double y1;
                    double f;
                    int    d;
                    int    x0;
                    int    y0;
                    switch (ButterflyType)
                    case ButterflyType.Type1:
                        n = Math.Abs((x * x - y * y) * Math.Sin(offset + ((x + y) * pi2 / (BufferHt + BufferWi))));
                        d = x * x + y * y;

                        //  This section is to fix the colors on pixels at {0,1} and {1,0}
                        x0 = x + 1;
                        y0 = y + 1;
                        if ((x == 0 && y == 1))
                            n = Math.Abs((x * x - y0 * y0) * Math.Sin(offset + ((x + y0) * pi2 / (BufferHt + BufferWi))));
                            d = x * x + y0 * y0;
                        if ((x == 1 && y == 0))
                            n = Math.Abs((x0 * x0 - y * y) * Math.Sin(offset + ((x0 + y) * pi2 / (BufferHt + BufferWi))));
                            d = x0 * x0 + y * y;
                        // end of fix

                        h = d > 0.001 ? n / d : 0.0;

                    case ButterflyType.Type2:
                        f  = (frame < maxframe / 2) ? frame + 1 : maxframe - frame;
                        x1 = (x - BufferWi / 2.0) / f;
                        y1 = (y - BufferHt / 2.0) / f;
                        h  = Math.Sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1);

                    case ButterflyType.Type3:
                        f  = (frame < maxframe / 2) ? frame + 1 : maxframe - frame;
                        f  = f * 0.1 + BufferHt / 60.0;
                        x1 = (x - BufferWi / 2.0) / f;
                        y1 = (y - BufferHt / 2.0) / f;
                        h  = Math.Sin(x1) * Math.Cos(y1);

                    case ButterflyType.Type4:
                        n = ((x * x - y * y) * Math.Sin(offset + ((x + y) * pi2 / (BufferHt + BufferWi))));
                        d = x * x + y * y;

                        //  This section is to fix the colors on pixels at {0,1} and {1,0}
                        x0 = x + 1;
                        y0 = y + 1;
                        if ((x == 0 && y == 1))
                            n = ((x * x - y0 * y0) * Math.Sin(offset + ((x + y0) * pi2 / (BufferHt + BufferWi))));
                            d = x * x + y0 * y0;
                        if ((x == 1 && y == 0))
                            n = ((x0 * x0 - y * y) * Math.Sin(offset + ((x0 + y) * pi2 / (BufferHt + BufferWi))));
                            d = x0 * x0 + y * y;
                        // end of fix

                        h = d > 0.001 ? n / d : 0.0;

                        var fractpart = h - (Math.Floor(h));
                        h = fractpart;
                        if (h < 0)
                            h = 1.0 + h;

                    case ButterflyType.Type5:
                        n = Math.Abs((x * x - y * y) * Math.Sin(offset + ((x + y) * pi2 / (BufferHt * BufferWi))));
                        d = x * x + y * y;

                        //  This section is to fix the colors on pixels at {0,1} and {1,0}
                        x0 = x + 1;
                        y0 = y + 1;
                        if ((x == 0 && y == 1))
                            n = Math.Abs((x * x - y0 * y0) * Math.Sin(offset + ((x + y0) * pi2 / (BufferHt * BufferWi))));
                            d = x * x + y0 * y0;
                        if ((x == 1 && y == 0))
                            n = Math.Abs((x0 * x0 - y * y) * Math.Sin(offset + ((x0 + y) * pi2 / (BufferHt * BufferWi))));
                            d = x0 * x0 + y * y;
                        // end of fix

                        h = d > 0.001 ? n / d : 0.0;
                    HSV    hsv   = new HSV(h, 1.0, 1.0);
                    double level = LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(effectFrame) * 100) / 100;
                    if (BackgroundChunks <= 1 || (int)(h * BackgroundChunks) % BackgroundSkips != 0)
                        if (ColorScheme == ColorScheme.Gradient)
                            Color color = Color.GetColorAt(h);
                            hsv = HSV.FromRGB(color);
                        hsv.V = hsv.V * level;
                        frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, hsv);
Beispiel #6
        protected override void RenderEffect(int frame, ref PixelFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            double position = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame);
            int    x, y;

            if (frame == 0)
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < _fireBuffer.Count(); i++)
                    _fireBuffer[i] = 0;

            int maxHt = BufferHt;
            int maxWi = BufferWi;

            if (Location == FireDirection.Left || Location == FireDirection.Right)
                maxHt = BufferWi;
                maxWi = BufferHt;

            // build fire
            for (x = 0; x < maxWi; x++)
                var r = x % 2 == 0 ? 190 + (Rand() % 10) : 100 + (Rand() % 50);
                SetFireBuffer(x, 0, r, maxWi, maxHt);

            double interval = GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame);

            int h = (int)Height.GetValue(interval * 100);

            if (h <= 0)
                h = 1;
            int step = 255 * 100 / maxHt / h;

            for (y = 1; y < maxHt; y++)
                for (x = 0; x < maxWi; x++)
                    var v1  = GetFireBuffer(x - 1, y - 1, maxWi, maxHt);
                    var v2  = GetFireBuffer(x + 1, y - 1, maxWi, maxHt);
                    var v3  = GetFireBuffer(x, y - 1, maxWi, maxHt);
                    var v4  = GetFireBuffer(x, y - 1, maxWi, maxHt);
                    var n   = 0;
                    var sum = 0;
                    if (v1 >= 0)
                        sum += v1;
                    if (v2 >= 0)
                        sum += v2;
                    if (v3 >= 0)
                        sum += v3;
                    if (v4 >= 0)
                        sum += v4;
                    var newIndex = n > 0 ? sum / n : 0;
                    if (newIndex > 0)
                        newIndex += (Rand() % 100 < 20) ? step : -step;
                        if (newIndex < 0)
                            newIndex = 0;
                        if (newIndex >= FirePalette.Count())
                            newIndex = FirePalette.Count() - 1;
                    SetFireBuffer(x, y, newIndex, maxWi, maxHt);
            for (y = 0; y < maxHt; y++)
                for (x = 0; x < maxWi; x++)
                    int xp = x;
                    int yp = y;
                    if (Location == FireDirection.Top || Location == FireDirection.Right)
                        yp = maxHt - y - 1;
                    if (Location == FireDirection.Left || Location == FireDirection.Right)
                        int t = xp;
                        xp = yp;
                        yp = t;

                    Color color = FirePalette.GetColor(GetFireBuffer(x, y, maxWi, maxHt));
                    var   hsv   = HSV.FromRGB(color);
                    if (HueShift > 0)
                        hsv.H = hsv.H + (HueShift / 100.0f);

                    hsv.V = hsv.V * LevelCurve.GetValue(position * 100) / 100;
                    //if (color.R == 0 && color.G == 0 && color.B == 0)
                    //	color = Color.Transparent;

                    frameBuffer.SetPixel(xp, yp, hsv);
Beispiel #7
 protected override void CleanUpRender()
     tempBuffer = null;
Beispiel #8
        protected override void SetupRender()
            if (BufferHt <= 1)
                return;                            //Invalid configuration
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;

            // initialize
            tempBuffer = new PixelFrameBuffer(BufferWi, BufferHt);

            // place Count snowflakes
            for (int n = 0; n < FlakeCount; n++)
                var deltaY = BufferHt / 4;
                var y0     = (n % 4) * deltaY;
                if (y0 + deltaY > BufferHt)
                    deltaY = BufferHt - y0;
                // find unused space
                int check;
                for (check = 0; check < 20; check++)
                    x = Rand() % BufferWi;
                    y = y0 + (Rand() % deltaY);
                    if (tempBuffer.GetColorAt(x, y) == Color.Black)

                SnowflakeType type = SnowflakeType == SnowflakeType.Random ? RandomFlakeType <SnowflakeType>() : SnowflakeType;
                // draw flake
                switch (type)
                case SnowflakeType.Single:
                    // single node
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, CenterColor);

                case SnowflakeType.Five:
                    // 5 nodes
                    if (x < 1)
                        x += 1;
                    if (y < 1)
                        y += 1;
                    if (x > BufferWi - 2)
                        x -= 1;
                    if (y > BufferHt - 2)
                        y -= 1;
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, CenterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x - 1, y, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x + 1, y, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y - 1, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y + 1, OuterColor);

                case SnowflakeType.Three:
                    // 3 nodes
                    if (x < 1)
                        x += 1;
                    if (y < 1)
                        y += 1;
                    if (x > BufferWi - 2)
                        x -= 1;
                    if (y > BufferHt - 2)
                        y -= 1;
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, CenterColor);
                    if (Rand() % 100 > 50)                             // % 2 was not so Random
                        tempBuffer.SetPixel(x - 1, y, OuterColor);
                        tempBuffer.SetPixel(x + 1, y, OuterColor);
                        tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y - 1, OuterColor);
                        tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y + 1, OuterColor);

                case SnowflakeType.Nine:
                    // 9 nodes
                    if (x < 2)
                        x += 2;
                    if (y < 2)
                        y += 2;
                    if (x > BufferWi - 3)
                        x -= 2;
                    if (y > BufferHt - 3)
                        y -= 2;
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, CenterColor);
                    int i;
                    for (i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
                        tempBuffer.SetPixel(x - i, y, OuterColor);
                        tempBuffer.SetPixel(x + i, y, OuterColor);
                        tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y - i, OuterColor);
                        tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y + i, OuterColor);

                case SnowflakeType.Thirteen:
                    // 13 nodes
                    if (x < 2)
                        x += 2;
                    if (y < 2)
                        y += 2;
                    if (x > BufferWi - 3)
                        x -= 2;
                    if (y > BufferHt - 3)
                        y -= 2;
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, CenterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x - 1, y, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x + 1, y, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y - 1, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x, y + 1, OuterColor);

                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x - 1, y + 2, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x + 1, y + 2, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x - 1, y - 2, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x + 1, y - 2, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x + 2, y - 1, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x + 2, y + 1, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x - 2, y - 1, OuterColor);
                    tempBuffer.SetPixel(x - 2, y + 1, OuterColor);
Beispiel #9
        protected override void RenderEffect(int frame, ref PixelFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            int    colorcnt        = Colors.Count();
            int    spiralCount     = colorcnt * Repeat;
            int    deltaStrands    = BufferWi / spiralCount;
            int    spiralThickness = (deltaStrands * Thickness / 100) + 1;
            int    spiralGap       = deltaStrands - spiralThickness;
            int    thicknessState  = 0;
            int    spiralState     = 0;
            double position        = (GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * Speed) % 1;

            switch (Direction)
            case SpiralDirection.Forward:
                spiralState = (int)(position * BufferWi * 10);

            case SpiralDirection.Backwards:
                spiralState = (int)(position * BufferWi * -10);

            if (Grow && Shrink)
                thicknessState = (int)(position <= 0.5 ? spiralGap * (position * 2) : spiralGap * ((1 - position) * 2));
            else if (Grow)
                thicknessState = (int)(spiralGap * position);
            else if (Shrink)
                thicknessState = (int)(spiralGap * (1.0 - position));

            spiralThickness += thicknessState;
            double level = LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100;

            for (int ns = 0; ns < spiralCount; ns++)
                var strandBase = ns * deltaStrands;
                int colorIdx   = ns % colorcnt;

                int thick;
                for (thick = 0; thick < spiralThickness; thick++)
                    var strand = (strandBase + thick) % BufferWi;
                    int y;
                    for (y = 0; y < BufferHt; y++)
                        Color color;
                        var   x = (strand + (spiralState / 10) + (y * Rotation / BufferHt)) % BufferWi;
                        if (x < 0)
                            x += BufferWi;
                        if (Blend)
                            color = Colors[colorIdx].GetColorAt((double)(BufferHt - y - 1) / BufferHt);
                            color = Colors[colorIdx].GetColorAt((double)thick / spiralThickness);
                        if (Show3D)
                            var hsv = HSV.FromRGB(color);

                            if (Rotation < 0)
                                hsv.V = (float)((double)(thick + 1) / spiralThickness);
                                hsv.V = (float)((double)(spiralThickness - thick) / spiralThickness);
                            hsv.V = hsv.V * level;
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, hsv);
                            var hsv = HSV.FromRGB(color);
                            hsv.V = hsv.V * level;
                            frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, hsv);
Beispiel #10
        protected override void RenderEffect(int frame, ref PixelFrameBuffer frameBuffer)
            using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(BufferWi, BufferHt))
                using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                    var text        = TextMode == TextMode.Normal ? TextLines.Where(x => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToList() : SplitTextIntoCharacters(TextLines);
                    int numberLines = text.Count();

                    SizeF textsize = new SizeF(0, 0);

                    foreach (string t in text)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(t))
                            var size = graphics.MeasureString(t, Font);
                            if (size.Width > textsize.Width)
                                textsize = size;
                    _maxTextSize = Convert.ToInt32(textsize.Width * .95);
                    int    maxht            = Convert.ToInt32(textsize.Height * numberLines);
                    int    offsetLeft       = (((BufferWi - _maxTextSize) / 2) * 2 + Position) / 2;
                    int    offsetTop        = (((BufferHt - maxht) / 2) * 2 + Position) / 2;
                    double intervalPosition = (GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * Speed) % 1;
                    Point  point;

                    switch (Direction)
                    case TextDirection.Left:
                        // left
                        int leftX = BufferWi - (int)(intervalPosition * (textsize.Width + BufferWi));

                        point =
                            new Point(Convert.ToInt32(CenterStop ? Math.Max(leftX, (BufferWi - (int)textsize.Width) / 2) : leftX), offsetTop);

                        DrawText(text, graphics, point);


                    case TextDirection.Right:
                        // right
                        int rightX = -_maxTextSize + (int)(intervalPosition * (_maxTextSize + BufferWi));

                        point =
                            new Point(Convert.ToInt32(CenterStop ? Math.Min(rightX, (BufferWi - (int)textsize.Width) / 2) : rightX), offsetTop);
                        DrawText(text, graphics, point);

                    case TextDirection.Up:
                        // up
                        int upY = BufferHt - (int)(((textsize.Height * numberLines) + BufferHt) * intervalPosition);

                        point = new Point(offsetLeft,
                                          Convert.ToInt32(CenterStop ? Math.Max(upY, (BufferHt - (int)(textsize.Height * numberLines)) / 2): upY));
                        DrawText(text, graphics, point);

                    case TextDirection.Down:
                        // down
                        int downY = -(int)(textsize.Height * numberLines) + (int)(((textsize.Height * numberLines) + BufferHt) * intervalPosition);

                        point = new Point(offsetLeft,
                                                                        ? Math.Min(downY, (BufferHt - (int)(textsize.Height * numberLines)) / 2)
                                                                        : downY));
                        DrawText(text, graphics, point);

                        // no movement - centered
                        point = new Point(((BufferWi - _maxTextSize) / 2) + PositionX, offsetTop);
                        DrawText(text, graphics, point);

                    // copy to frameBuffer
                    for (int x = 0; x < BufferWi; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < BufferHt; y++)
                            Color color = bitmap.GetPixel(x, BufferHt - y - 1);

                            if (!EmptyColor.Equals(color))
                                var hsv = HSV.FromRGB(color);
                                hsv.V = hsv.V * LevelCurve.GetValue(GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(frame) * 100) / 100;
                                frameBuffer.SetPixel(x, y, hsv);