Beispiel #1
 public Game(int cellSize)
     gameMatrix        = GameMatrices.gameMatrixWithDots;
     GameMatrixSize[0] = GameMatrix.GetLength(0);
     GameMatrixSize[1] = GameMatrix.GetLength(1);
     Human             = new Human(this.GameMatrixSize, cellSize, this, new int[] { 23, 14 }, Directions.Left, 1);
     blinky            = new Red(this.GameMatrixSize, cellSize, this, new int[] { 5, 6 }, Directions.Down, 1);
     pinky             = new Pink(this.GameMatrixSize, cellSize, this, new int[] { 29, 1 }, Directions.Right, 1);
     inky    = new Blue(this.GameMatrixSize, cellSize, this, new int[] { 29, 26 }, Directions.Up, 1);
     clyde   = new Orange(this.GameMatrixSize, cellSize, this, new int[] { 5, 26 }, Directions.Left, 1);
     Players = new Player[] { Human, blinky, pinky, inky, clyde };
     foreach (Player ght in Players)
         if (ght is AI)
             Human.HumanPositionChanged += ((AI)ght).OnHumanPositionChanged;
     blinky.RedPositionChanged += inky.OnRedPositionChanged;
     this.cellSize              = cellSize;
     dotsCount           = CountDots();
     frameTimer          = new DispatcherTimer();
     frameTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(interval);
     frameTimer.Tick    += Timer_Tick;
     gameTimer          = new Timer();
     gameTimer.Interval = gameTimerIntervals[gameTimerCounter];
     gameTimer.Elapsed += GameTimer_Elapsed;
     scaredTimer       = new DispatcherTimer();
     scaredTimer.Tick += ScaredTimer_Tick;
Beispiel #2
 public void ToggleCreepyOn(Pink p)
     if (!activeCreepyTimers.Contains(p))
Beispiel #3
 public void ToggleCreepyOff(Pink p)
     if (activeCreepyTimers.Contains(p))
Beispiel #4
 protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) //vykreslovanie mapy
     DrawMap(e.Graphics);          //vykresli sa mapa
     pacman.DrawPM(e.Graphics);    //vykresleny pacman
     Red.DrawGhost(e.Graphics);    //vykresleny cerveny duch
     Yellow.DrawGhost(e.Graphics); //vykresleny zlty duch
     Pink.DrawGhost(e.Graphics);   //vykresleny ruzovy duch
Beispiel #5
 public GameState(Pacman pacman, Red red, Pink pink, Blue blue, Brown brown)
     map         = maps[Level];
     this.Pacman = pacman;
     Ghosts[0]   = this.Red = red;
     Ghosts[1]   = this.Pink = pink;
     Ghosts[2]   = this.Blue = blue;
     Ghosts[3]   = this.Brown = brown;
Beispiel #6
 public GameState()
     map = maps[Level];
     // default position ... find out where
     Pacman    = new Pacman(Pacman.StartX, Pacman.StartY, this);
     Ghosts[0] = Red = new Red(Red.StartX, Red.StartY, this);
     Ghosts[1] = Pink = new Pink(Pink.StartX, Pink.StartY, this);
     Ghosts[2] = Blue = new Blue(Blue.StartX, Blue.StartY, this);
     Ghosts[3] = Brown = new Brown(Brown.StartX, Brown.StartY, this);
Beispiel #7
 public GameState(Pacman pacman, Red red, Pink pink, Blue blue, Brown brown)
     if (!mapsHaveBeenPreloaded)
     maps        = GameState.preloadedMaps;
     map         = maps[Level];
     this.Pacman = pacman;
     Ghosts[0]   = this.Red = red;
     Ghosts[1]   = this.Pink = pink;
     Ghosts[2]   = this.Blue = blue;
     Ghosts[3]   = this.Brown = brown;
Beispiel #8
    private static void test01()

    //  Purpose:
    //    TEST01 tests WRAP2.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    31 May 2010
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
        int m;

        Console.WriteLine("  WRAP2 performs a circular wrap.");
        Console.WriteLine("  Q is expected to range between 0 and M.");
        Console.WriteLine("  WRAP2 takes an input value of Q, and either");
        Console.WriteLine("  increments it by M+1 until in the range, or");
        Console.WriteLine("  decrements it by M+1 until in the range,");
        Console.WriteLine("  and returns the result as the function value.");

        for (m = 2; m <= 4; m++)
            Console.WriteLine("   M  Qin  Qout");
            int i;
            for (i = -5; i < 3 * m; i++)
                int q    = i;
                int q_in = q;
                Pink.wrap2(m, ref q);
                Console.WriteLine("  " + m.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(2)
                                  + "  " + q_in.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(2)
                                  + "  " + q.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(2) + "");
Beispiel #9
    private static void test02()

    //  Purpose:
    //    TEST02 tests CDELAY2.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    31 May 2010
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
        int m;

        Console.WriteLine("  CDELAY2 is a circular buffer implementation");
        Console.WriteLine("  of an M-fold delay.  Q is a counter");
        Console.WriteLine("  which is decremented by CDELAY2, but reset to M");
        Console.WriteLine("  after it reaches 0.");

        for (m = 2; m <= 4; m++)
            Console.WriteLine("   I   M  Qin  Qout");
            int q = m;
            int i;
            for (i = 1; i <= 3 * (m + 1); i++)
                int q_in = q;
                Pink.cdelay2(m, ref q);
                Console.WriteLine("  " + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(2)
                                  + "  " + m.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(2)
                                  + "  " + q_in.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(2)
                                  + "  " + q.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(2) + "");
Beispiel #10
    private static void test03()

    //  Purpose:
    //    TEST03 tests RANH.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    31 May 2010
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
        int d;

        Console.WriteLine("  RANH is a random hold function.");
        Console.WriteLine("  Given a value U and a delay D, it returns the value");
        Console.WriteLine("  U for D calls, then resets U.");

        for (d = 5; 1 <= d; d--)
            Console.WriteLine("   I   D   Q      U           Y");
            double u = 0.5;
            int    q = 3;
            int    i;
            for (i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
                double y = Pink.ranh(d, ref u, ref q);
                Console.WriteLine("  " + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(2)
                                  + "  " + d.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(2)
                                  + "  " + q.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(2)
                                  + "  " + u.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(10)
                                  + "  " + y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(10) + "");
Beispiel #11
        private static void Game_OnStart(EventArgs args)
            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Brain.exe", "braindotexe");
            Menu.AddLabel("By KK2 & MrArticuno");

            DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draw", "brainDraw");
            DrawMenu.Add("drawDisable", new CheckBox("Turn off all drawings", false));
            DrawMenu.Add("streamMode", new CheckBox("Stream Mode", false));

Beispiel #12
    private Pink Branch(Vector3 startPoint, float overshotBy = 0f, bool extraBranch = false, Directions2D._directions direction = Directions2D._directions.numDirections, _hallwayMode hall =
        if (normalBranches == maxBranches)
            Debug.Log("ERROR: attmepted to branch from pink object (" + + ") when already at max branches");

        branches [branchCount] = Instantiate(pinkTemplate[0], startPoint, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        Pink newBranchPink = branches [branchCount].GetComponentInChildren <Pink> ();

        if (direction == Directions2D._directions.numDirections)
            Directions2D._directions newDir = NewBranchDirection(startPoint);

        if (overshotBy >= 0.05f)
        newBranchPink.hallwayMode = hall;

        if (!extraBranch)

        newBranchPink.DEBUGHALL = false;

 public Pink_MeleeAttackState(Entity _entity, FiniteStateMachine _stateMachine, string _animBoolName, Transform _attackPosition, D_MeleeAttackState _stateData, Pink _pink) : base(_entity, _stateMachine, _animBoolName, _attackPosition, _stateData)
     pink = _pink;
 private void Pink_pressed(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
Beispiel #15
    private void HallwayTriggers(Collider other)
        if (DEBUGHALL)
            //Debug.Log ("HallwayTriggers called for trigger = " + other.gameObject.tag + "   object = " +;

        if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Hall Start Trigger") && !other.GetComponent <HallwayTrigger> ().hall.pinkHasTraversed)
            if (DEBUGHALL)
                Debug.Log("hit hall start trigger");

            HallwayTrigger hallTrig = other.GetComponent <HallwayTrigger> ();

            if (hallwayMode ==
                if (DEBUGHALL)
                    Debug.Log("hallway mode was off when hit");

                if (growDir == hallTrig.hallDirection)
                    // confirmed pink is growing in same direction as the length of the hallway

                    float otherPos   = Directions2D.FlattenToDirection(Directions2D.OppositeAxis(growDir), other.transform.position);
                    float pairPos    = Directions2D.FlattenToDirection(Directions2D.OppositeAxis(growDir), hallTrig.pairedTrigger.transform.position);
                    float thisPos    = Directions2D.FlattenToDirection(Directions2D.OppositeAxis(growDir), transform.position);
                    float otherScale = Directions2D.FlattenToDirection(Directions2D.OppositeAxis(growDir), other.transform.lossyScale);
                    float thisScale  = Directions2D.FlattenToDirection(Directions2D.OppositeAxis(growDir), transform.lossyScale);

                    float triggerDistance = Mathf.Abs(pairPos - otherPos);
                    float midpoint        = triggerDistance / 2 + otherPos;
                    float allowance       = thisScale - (triggerDistance - otherScale);

                    if (DEBUGHALL)
                        Debug.Log("growdir same as hallway, triggerDistance = " + triggerDistance + "   midpoint = " + midpoint + "   allowance = " + allowance);

                    if (thisPos > midpoint - allowance && thisPos < midpoint + allowance)
                        // confirmed pink is centered enough that it has hit both hall triggers
                        // it will clear the hallway walls and only needs to be extended
                        if (DEBUGHALL)
                            Debug.Log("start traversing");
                        float hallLength = Directions2D.FlattenToDirection(growDir, other.transform.position - hallTrig.oppositeTrigger.transform.position);
                        maxScaling += Mathf.Abs(hallLength);
                        hallwayMode = _hallwayMode.traversing;
                        hallTrig.hall.pinkHasTraversed = true;
                        // pink is not centered enough and needs to branch to align
                        // create connecting branch
                        Pink newBranch = Branch(FrontBranchPoint(), 0f, true, hallTrig.pairDirection, _hallwayMode.connecting);
                else if (growDir == hallTrig.pairDirection)
                    // confirmed pink is growing in direction of paired hallway trigger
                    float connectionLength = Directions2D.FlattenToDirection(growDir, other.transform.position - hallTrig.pairedTrigger.transform.position);
                    maxScaling += Mathf.Abs(connectionLength);
                    hallwayMode = _hallwayMode.connecting;
            else if (hallwayMode == _hallwayMode.connecting && hallStartTriggersHit % 2 == 1)
                // create traversing branch
                Pink newBranch = Branch(FrontBranchPoint(), 0f, true, hallTrig.hallDirection, _hallwayMode.traversing);

                float hallLength = Directions2D.FlattenToDirection(hallTrig.hallDirection, other.transform.position - hallTrig.oppositeTrigger.transform.position);
                newBranch.maxScaling += Mathf.Abs(hallLength);

                hallwayMode =;
                hallTrig.hall.pinkHasTraversed = true;

        else if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Hall End Trigger") && !hallTriggersHit.Contains(other))
            // hit end point

            if (hallwayMode == _hallwayMode.traversing && hallTriggersHit.Count > 0)
                // branch both directions
                if (DEBUGHALL)
                    Debug.Log("hit hall end trigger while traversing");

                BranchBloom(FrontBranchPoint(), 0f, true);
                hallwayMode =;
Beispiel #16
        private void CarregandoTema(Theme theme)
            switch (theme)
            case Theme.Principal:
                var principal = new Principal();
                ColorPrimary         = principal.ColorPrimary;
                ColorDark            = principal.ColorDark;
                ColorLight           = principal.ColorLight;
                ColorAccent          = principal.ColorAccent;
                ColorTextIcons       = principal.ColorTextIcons;
                ColorTextPrimary     = principal.ColorTextPrimary;
                ColorTextSecondary   = principal.ColorTextSecondary;
                ColorDivider         = principal.ColorDivider;
                ColorButtonPrimary   = principal.ColorButtonPrimary;
                ColorButtonSecondary = principal.ColorButtonSecondary;

            case Theme.Red:
                var red = new Red();
                ColorPrimary = red.ColorPrimary;
                ColorDark    = red.ColorDark;
                ColorLight   = red.ColorLight;
                ColorAccent  = red.ColorAccent;
                IconCart     = red.IconCart;
                IconChat     = red.IconChat;
                IconCatalogo = red.IconCatalogo;

            case Theme.Pink:
                var pink = new Pink();
                ColorPrimary = pink.ColorPrimary;
                ColorDark    = pink.ColorDark;
                ColorLight   = pink.ColorLight;
                ColorAccent  = pink.ColorAccent;
                IconCart     = pink.IconCart;
                IconChat     = pink.IconChat;
                IconCatalogo = pink.IconCatalogo;

            case Theme.Purple:
                var purple = new Purple();
                ColorPrimary = purple.ColorPrimary;
                ColorDark    = purple.ColorDark;
                ColorLight   = purple.ColorLight;
                ColorAccent  = purple.ColorAccent;
                IconCart     = purple.IconCart;
                IconChat     = purple.IconChat;
                IconCatalogo = purple.IconCatalogo;

            case Theme.DeepPurple:
                var deepPurple = new DeepPurple();
                ColorPrimary = deepPurple.ColorPrimary;
                ColorDark    = deepPurple.ColorDark;
                ColorLight   = deepPurple.ColorLight;
                ColorAccent  = deepPurple.ColorAccent;
                IconCart     = deepPurple.IconCart;
                IconChat     = deepPurple.IconChat;
                IconCatalogo = deepPurple.IconCatalogo;

            case Theme.Indigo:
                var indigo = new Indigo();
                ColorPrimary = indigo.ColorPrimary;
                ColorDark    = indigo.ColorDark;
                ColorLight   = indigo.ColorLight;
                ColorAccent  = indigo.ColorAccent;
                IconCart     = indigo.IconCart;
                IconChat     = indigo.IconChat;
                IconCatalogo = indigo.IconCatalogo;

            case Theme.Blue:
                var blue = new Blue();
                ColorPrimary = blue.ColorPrimary;
                ColorDark    = blue.ColorDark;
                ColorLight   = blue.ColorLight;
                ColorAccent  = blue.ColorAccent;
                IconCart     = blue.IconCart;
                IconChat     = blue.IconChat;
                IconCatalogo = blue.IconCatalogo;

            case Theme.LightBlue:
                var lightBlue = new LightBlue();
                ColorPrimary = lightBlue.ColorPrimary;
                ColorDark    = lightBlue.ColorDark;
                ColorLight   = lightBlue.ColorLight;
                ColorAccent  = lightBlue.ColorAccent;
                IconCart     = lightBlue.IconCart;
                IconChat     = lightBlue.IconChat;
                IconCatalogo = lightBlue.IconCatalogo;

            case Theme.Cyan:
                var cyan = new Cyan();
                ColorPrimary = cyan.ColorPrimary;
                ColorDark    = cyan.ColorDark;
                ColorLight   = cyan.ColorLight;
                ColorAccent  = cyan.ColorAccent;
                IconCart     = cyan.IconCart;
                IconChat     = cyan.IconChat;
                IconCatalogo = cyan.IconCatalogo;

            case Theme.Teal:
                var teal = new Teal();
                ColorPrimary = teal.ColorPrimary;
                ColorDark    = teal.ColorDark;
                ColorLight   = teal.ColorLight;
                ColorAccent  = teal.ColorAccent;
                IconCart     = teal.IconCart;
                IconChat     = teal.IconChat;
                IconCatalogo = teal.IconCatalogo;

            case Theme.Brown:
                var brown = new Brown();
                ColorPrimary = brown.ColorPrimary;
                ColorDark    = brown.ColorDark;
                ColorLight   = brown.ColorLight;
                ColorAccent  = brown.ColorAccent;
                IconCart     = brown.IconCart;
                IconChat     = brown.IconChat;
                IconCatalogo = brown.IconCatalogo;

Beispiel #17
        private void Drawing_OnEndScene(EventArgs args)
            if (Config.Item("disableDraws").GetValue<bool>())

            bool blink = true;

            if ((int)(Game.Time * 10) % 2 == 0)
                blink = false;

            var minimap = Config.Item("minimap").GetValue<bool>();
            var HpBar = Config.Item("HpBar").GetValue<bool>();
            var championInfo = Config.Item("championInfo").GetValue<bool>();
            var ScreenRadar = Config.Item("ScreenRadar").GetValue<bool>();
            var ScreenRadarEnemy = Config.Item("ScreenRadarEnemy").GetValue<bool>();
            var ScreenRadarJungler = Config.Item("ScreenRadarJungler").GetValue<bool>();
            var SpellTrackerEnemy = Config.Item("SpellTrackerEnemy").GetValue<bool>();
            var SpellTrackerAlly = Config.Item("SpellTrackerAlly").GetValue<bool>();
            var SpellTrackerMe = Config.Item("SpellTrackerMe").GetValue<bool>();
            var SpellTrackerLvl = Config.Item("SpellTrackerLvl").GetValue<bool>();
            var ShowClicks = Config.Item("ShowClicks").GetValue<bool>();
            var championInfoHD = Config.Item("championInfoHD").GetValue<bool>();
            float posY = (Config.Item("posY").GetValue<Slider>().Value * 0.001f) * Drawing.Height;
            float posX = (Config.Item("posX").GetValue<Slider>().Value * 0.001f) * Drawing.Width;

            int Width = 103;
            int Height = 8;
            int XOffset = 10;
            int YOffset = 20;
            var FillColor = System.Drawing.Color.GreenYellow;
            var Color = System.Drawing.Color.Azure;

            var hudSpace = 0;
            var area = 5000;
            var notPos = new Vector2(Drawing.Width / 2 - 150, Drawing.Height / 6);

            var centerScreenWorld = Drawing.ScreenToWorld(centerScreen);
            if (Config.Item("Notification").GetValue<bool>())
                var noti = NotificationsList.FirstOrDefault();
                if (noti != null)
                    if (noti.TimeRec == 0)
                        noti.TimeRec = Utils.TickCount;
                    else if (Utils.TickCount - noti.TimeRec > 3000)
                        float time = Utils.TickCount - noti.TimeRec;
                        float calcOpacity = 1;

                        if (time < 500)
                            calcOpacity = time / 500;
                        else if (time > 2500)
                            calcOpacity = (3000 - time) / 500;

                        var opacity = new ColorBGRA(256, 256, 256, 0.9f * calcOpacity);
                        Not.Position = notPos;

                        if (noti.Lost)
                            Not.Color = new ColorBGRA(0, 0.5f, 1f, 0.6f * calcOpacity);

                            Not.Color = new ColorBGRA(0.5f, 0, 0, 0.6f * calcOpacity);


                        if (noti.Lost)
                            Lost.Position = notPos + new Vector2(81, 8);
                            Lost.Color = opacity;
                            Isready.Position = notPos + new Vector2(81, 8);
                            Isready.Color = opacity;

                        noti.SpellIco.Position = notPos + new Vector2(8, 8);
                        noti.SpellIco.Color = opacity;

                        noti.Hero.Position = notPos + new Vector2(152, 8);
                        noti.Hero.Color = opacity;
                        noti.Hero.Scale = new Vector2(0.547f, 0.547f);

            if (Config.Item("showWards").GetValue<bool>())
                #region showWards
                var circleSize = 30;
                foreach (var obj in OKTWward.HiddenObjList.Where(obj => Render.OnScreen(Drawing.WorldToScreen(obj.pos))))
                    if (obj.pos.IsOnScreen())
                        var pos = Drawing.WorldToScreen(obj.pos) + new Vector2(-50, -50); ;
                        if (obj.type == 1)
                            Drawing.DrawText(pos.X - 15, pos.Y - 13, System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen, MakeNiceNumber(obj.endTime - Game.Time));
                            Ward.Position = pos + new Vector2(10, 10);

                            DrawFontTextMap(Tahoma13, ((int)(obj.endTime - Game.Time)).ToString(), obj.pos + new Vector3(-18, 18, 0), SharpDX.Color.White);
                        else if (obj.type == 2)
                            Pink.Position = pos + new Vector2(10, 10);

                        else if (obj.type == 3)
                            OktwCommon.DrawTriangleOKTW(circleSize, obj.pos, System.Drawing.Color.Orange);
                            DrawFontTextMap(Tahoma13, "! " + (int)(obj.endTime - Game.Time), obj.pos, SharpDX.Color.Orange);

                        var pos = Drawing.WorldToMinimap(obj.pos);
                        if (obj.type == 1)
                            WardMM.Position = pos;
                        else if (obj.type == 2)
                            PinkMM.Position = pos;
                        else if (obj.type == 3)


            foreach (var hero in OKTWtracker.ChampionInfoList.Where(x => !x.Hero.IsDead))
                var barPos = hero.Hero.HPBarPosition;
                var q = hero.Hero.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.Q);
                var w = hero.Hero.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.W);
                var e = hero.Hero.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.E);
                var r = hero.Hero.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.R);

                if (hero.Hero.IsVisible && ((SpellTrackerAlly && (hero.Hero.IsAlly && !hero.Hero.IsMe)) || (SpellTrackerEnemy && hero.Hero.IsEnemy) || (SpellTrackerMe && hero.Hero.IsMe)))
                    if (hero.Hero.IsAlly)
                        barPos = barPos + new Vector2(0, -4);
                    if (hero.Hero.IsMe)
                        barPos = barPos + new Vector2(25, -7);

                    Drawing.DrawLine(barPos + new Vector2(7, 34), barPos + new Vector2(115, 34), 9, System.Drawing.Color.DimGray);
                    Drawing.DrawLine(barPos + new Vector2(8, 35), barPos + new Vector2(113, 35), 7, System.Drawing.Color.Black);

                    var qCal = Math.Max(Math.Min((q.CooldownExpires - Game.Time) / q.Cooldown, 1), 0);
                    var wCal = Math.Max(Math.Min((w.CooldownExpires - Game.Time) / w.Cooldown, 1), 0);
                    var eCal = Math.Max(Math.Min((e.CooldownExpires - Game.Time) / e.Cooldown, 1), 0);
                    var rCal = Math.Max(Math.Min((r.CooldownExpires - Game.Time) / r.Cooldown, 1), 0);

                    if (q.Level > 0)
                        Drawing.DrawLine(barPos + new Vector2(9, 36), barPos + new Vector2(33 - (24 * qCal), 36), 5, qCal > 0 ? System.Drawing.Color.Orange : System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen);
                        if (SpellTrackerLvl)
                            for (int i = 0 ; i < Math.Min(q.Level, 5) ; i++)
                                Drawing.DrawLine(barPos + new Vector2(10 + i * 5, 37), barPos + new Vector2(11 + i * 5, 37), 3, System.Drawing.Color.Black);
                    if (w.Level > 0)
                        Drawing.DrawLine(barPos + new Vector2(35, 36), barPos + new Vector2(59 - (24 * wCal), 36), 5, wCal > 0 ? System.Drawing.Color.Orange : System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen);
                        if (SpellTrackerLvl)
                            for (int i = 0 ; i < Math.Min(w.Level, 5) ; i++)
                                Drawing.DrawLine(barPos + new Vector2(36 + i * 5, 37), barPos + new Vector2(37 + i * 5, 37), 3, System.Drawing.Color.Black);
                    if (e.Level > 0)
                        Drawing.DrawLine(barPos + new Vector2(61, 36), barPos + new Vector2(85 - (24 * eCal), 36), 5, eCal > 0 ? System.Drawing.Color.Orange : System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen);
                        if (SpellTrackerLvl)
                            for (int i = 0 ; i < Math.Min(e.Level, 5) ; i++)
                                Drawing.DrawLine(barPos + new Vector2(62 + i * 5, 37), barPos + new Vector2(63 + i * 5, 37), 3, System.Drawing.Color.Black);
                    if (r.Level > 0)
                        Drawing.DrawLine(barPos + new Vector2(87, 36), barPos + new Vector2(112 - (24 * rCal), 36), 5, rCal > 0 ? System.Drawing.Color.Orange : System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen);
                        if (SpellTrackerLvl)
                            for (int i = 0 ; i < Math.Min(r.Level, 5) ; i++)
                                Drawing.DrawLine(barPos + new Vector2(88 + i * 5, 37), barPos + new Vector2(89 + i * 5, 37), 3, System.Drawing.Color.Black);

                if (hero.Hero.IsMe)

                if (hero.Hero.IsEnemy)
                    if (ShowClicks && hero.Hero.IsValidTarget() && hero.LastWayPoint.IsValid() && hero.Hero.Position.Distance(hero.LastWayPoint) > 100)
                        drawLine(hero.Hero.Position, hero.LastWayPoint, 1, System.Drawing.Color.Red);
                        DrawFontTextMap(Tahoma13, hero.Hero.ChampionName, hero.LastWayPoint, SharpDX.Color.WhiteSmoke);
                    #region Damage indicators
                    if (HpBar && hero.Hero.IsHPBarRendered && hero.Hero.Position.IsOnScreen())
                        if (HpBar)
                            float QdmgDraw = 0, WdmgDraw = 0, EdmgDraw = 0, RdmgDraw = 0, damage = 0;
                            bool qRdy = Player.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.Q).IsReady();
                            bool wRdy = Player.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.W).IsReady();
                            bool eRdy = Player.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.E).IsReady();
                            bool rRdy = Player.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.R).IsReady();

                            float qDmg = 0;
                            float wDmg = 0;
                            float eDmg = 0;
                            float rDmg = 0;

                            if (qRdy)
                                qDmg = (float)Player.GetSpellDamage(hero.Hero, SpellSlot.Q);
                            if (wRdy)
                                wDmg = (float)Player.GetSpellDamage(hero.Hero, SpellSlot.W);
                            if (eRdy)
                                eDmg = (float)Player.GetSpellDamage(hero.Hero, SpellSlot.E);
                            if (rRdy)
                                rDmg = (float)Player.GetSpellDamage(hero.Hero, SpellSlot.R);

                            damage = qDmg + wDmg + eDmg + rDmg;

                            if (qRdy)
                                QdmgDraw = (qDmg / damage);

                            if (wRdy && Player.ChampionName != "Kalista")
                                WdmgDraw = (wDmg / damage);

                            if (eRdy)
                                EdmgDraw = (eDmg / damage);

                            if (rRdy)
                                RdmgDraw = (rDmg / damage);

                            var percentHealthAfterDamage = Math.Max(0, hero.Hero.Health - damage) / hero.Hero.MaxHealth;

                            var yPos = barPos.Y + YOffset;
                            var xPosDamage = barPos.X + XOffset + Width * percentHealthAfterDamage;
                            var xPosCurrentHp = barPos.X + XOffset + Width * hero.Hero.Health / hero.Hero.MaxHealth;

                            float differenceInHP = xPosCurrentHp - xPosDamage;
                            var pos1 = barPos.X + XOffset + (107 * percentHealthAfterDamage);

                            for (int i = 0; i < differenceInHP; i++)
                                if (qRdy && i < QdmgDraw * differenceInHP)
                                    Drawing.DrawLine(pos1 + i, yPos, pos1 + i, yPos + Height, 1, System.Drawing.Color.Cyan);
                                else if (wRdy && i < (QdmgDraw + WdmgDraw) * differenceInHP)
                                    Drawing.DrawLine(pos1 + i, yPos, pos1 + i, yPos + Height, 1, System.Drawing.Color.Orange);
                                else if (eRdy && i < (QdmgDraw + WdmgDraw + EdmgDraw) * differenceInHP)
                                    Drawing.DrawLine(pos1 + i, yPos, pos1 + i, yPos + Height, 1, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);
                                else if (rRdy && i < (QdmgDraw + WdmgDraw + EdmgDraw + RdmgDraw) * differenceInHP)
                                    Drawing.DrawLine(pos1 + i, yPos, pos1 + i, yPos + Height, 1, System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen);
                    if (minimap)
                        if (!hero.Hero.IsVisible)
                            var minimapSprite = hero.MinimapSprite;

                            var lastWP = hero.LastWayPoint;
                            var heroPos = hero.PredictedPos;

                            if (!hero.LastWayPoint.IsZero)
                                if (heroPos.Distance(lastWP) < 1200)
                                    lastWP = heroPos.Extend(lastWP, 1200);
                                Drawing.DrawLine(Drawing.WorldToMinimap(heroPos), Drawing.WorldToMinimap(lastWP), 2, System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed);

                            minimapSprite.Position = Drawing.WorldToMinimap(heroPos) - new Vector2(10, 10);

                    if (championInfo && championInfoHD)

                        var hudSprite = hero.HudSprite;

                        if (!hero.Hero.IsVisible)
                            hudSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.DimGray.ToArgb());
                            hudSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.White.ToArgb());

                        Vector2 hudPos = new Vector2(posX + hudSpace, posY);
                        float scale = 0.5f;
                        hudSprite.Scale = new Vector2(scale, scale);
                        hudSprite.Position = hudPos - new Vector2(12, 10);

                        var vec1manaB = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 9, hudPos.Y + 48);
                        var vec2manaB = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8 + 50 + 3, hudPos.Y + 48);
                        Drawing.DrawLine(vec1manaB, vec2manaB, 18, System.Drawing.Color.DarkGoldenrod);

                        var vec1hpB = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8, hudPos.Y + 49);
                        var vec2hpB = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8 + 50 + 2, hudPos.Y + 49);
                        Drawing.DrawLine(vec1hpB, vec2hpB, 16, System.Drawing.Color.Black);

                        System.Drawing.Color color = System.Drawing.Color.LimeGreen;
                        if (hero.Hero.HealthPercent < 30)
                            color = System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed;
                        else if (hero.Hero.HealthPercent < 50)
                            color = System.Drawing.Color.DarkOrange;
                        var vec1hp = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 7, hudPos.Y + 50);
                        var vec2hp = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 7 + hero.Hero.HealthPercent / 2, hudPos.Y + 50);
                        Drawing.DrawLine(vec1hp, vec2hp, 7, color);

                        var vec1mana = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 7, hudPos.Y + 59);
                        var vec2mana = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 7 + hero.Hero.ManaPercent / 2, hudPos.Y + 59);
                        Drawing.DrawLine(vec1mana, vec2mana, 5, System.Drawing.Color.DodgerBlue);
                        var vecHudLevel = new Vector2(hudPos.X + 30, hudPos.Y + 33);

                        DrawFontTextScreen(HudLevel, hero.Hero.Level.ToString(), vecHudLevel.X, vecHudLevel.Y, SharpDX.Color.White);

                            if (Game.Time - hero.FinishRecallTime < 4)
                                DrawFontTextScreen(RecFont, "    FINISH", hudPos.X - 10, hudPos.Y + 18, SharpDX.Color.YellowGreen);
                            else if (hero.StartRecallTime <= hero.AbortRecallTime && Game.Time - hero.AbortRecallTime < 4)
                                DrawFontTextScreen(RecFont, "    ABORT", hudPos.X - 10, hudPos.Y + 18, SharpDX.Color.Yellow);
                            else if (Game.Time - hero.StartRecallTime < 8)
                                var recallPercent = (Game.Time - hero.StartRecallTime) / 8;
                                var vec1rec = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 9, hudPos.Y + 35);
                                var vec2rec = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8 + 50 + 3, hudPos.Y + 35);
                                Drawing.DrawLine(vec1rec, vec2rec, 14, System.Drawing.Color.DarkGoldenrod);

                                vec1rec = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8, hudPos.Y + 36);
                                vec2rec = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8 + 50 + 2, hudPos.Y + 36);
                                Drawing.DrawLine(vec1rec, vec2rec, 12, System.Drawing.Color.Black);

                                vec1rec = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 7, hudPos.Y + 37);
                                vec2rec = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 7 + 100 * recallPercent / 2, hudPos.Y + 37);
                                Drawing.DrawLine(vec1rec, vec2rec, 10, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);

                                if (blink)
                                    DrawFontTextScreen(RecFont, "RECALLING", hudPos.X - 10, hudPos.Y + 18, SharpDX.Color.White);


                        var ult = hero.Hero.Spellbook.Spells[3];
                        var sum1 = hero.Hero.Spellbook.Spells[4];
                        var sum2 = hero.Hero.Spellbook.Spells[5];

                        if (ult != null)
                            var sumTime = ult.CooldownExpires - Game.Time;

                            var spritePos = new Vector2(hudPos.X + 3, hudPos.Y - 53);
                            var vecHudCd = new Vector2(hudPos.X + 10, hudPos.Y - 46);
                            var sumSprite = GetSummonerIcon("r");
                            sumSprite.Position = spritePos;

                            sumSprite.Scale = new Vector2(0.4f, 0.4f);
                            if (hero.Hero.Level < 6)
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.DimGray.ToArgb());
                            else if (sumTime < 0)
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.White.ToArgb());
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.DimGray.ToArgb());
                                DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(sumTime), vecHudCd.X, vecHudCd.Y, SharpDX.Color.White);

                        if (sum1 != null)
                            var sumTime = sum1.CooldownExpires - Game.Time;

                            var vecFlashPos = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 10, hudPos.Y - 30);
                            var vecHudCd = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 4, hudPos.Y - 24);
                            var sumSprite = GetSummonerIcon(sum1.Name);
                            sumSprite.Position = vecFlashPos;
                            sumSprite.Scale = new Vector2(0.4f, 0.4f);

                            if (sumTime < 0)
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.White.ToArgb());
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.DimGray.ToArgb());
                                DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(sumTime), vecHudCd.X, vecHudCd.Y, SharpDX.Color.White);

                        if (sum2 != null)
                            var sumTime = sum2.CooldownExpires - Game.Time;

                            var vecHealPos = new Vector2(hudPos.X + 15, hudPos.Y - 30);
                            var vecHudCd = new Vector2(hudPos.X + 22, hudPos.Y - 24);
                            var sumSprite = GetSummonerIcon(sum2.Name);
                            sumSprite.Position = vecHealPos;
                            sumSprite.Scale = new Vector2(0.4f, 0.4f);

                            if (sumTime < 0)
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.White.ToArgb());
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.DimGray.ToArgb());
                                DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(sumTime), vecHudCd.X, vecHudCd.Y, SharpDX.Color.White);
                        hudSpace += 65;
                    else if (championInfo)
                        var hudSprite = hero.HudSprite;

                        if (!hero.Hero.IsVisible)
                            hudSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.DimGray.ToArgb());
                            hudSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.White.ToArgb());

                        Vector2 hudPos = new Vector2(posX + hudSpace, posY);
                        float scale = 0.33f;
                        hudSprite.Scale = new Vector2(scale, scale);
                        hudSprite.Position = hudPos - new Vector2(11, -8);

                        var vec1manaB = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 9, hudPos.Y + 48);
                        var vec2manaB = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8 + 33 + 3, hudPos.Y + 48);
                        Drawing.DrawLine(vec1manaB, vec2manaB, 18, System.Drawing.Color.DarkGoldenrod);

                        var vec1hpB = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8, hudPos.Y + 49);
                        var vec2hpB = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8 + 33 + 2, hudPos.Y + 49);
                        Drawing.DrawLine(vec1hpB, vec2hpB, 16, System.Drawing.Color.Black);

                        System.Drawing.Color color = System.Drawing.Color.LimeGreen;
                        if (hero.Hero.HealthPercent < 30)
                            color = System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed;
                        else if (hero.Hero.HealthPercent < 50)
                            color = System.Drawing.Color.DarkOrange;
                        var vec1hp = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 7, hudPos.Y + 50);
                        var vec2hp = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 7 +  33 * hero.Hero.HealthPercent * 0.01f, hudPos.Y + 50);
                        Drawing.DrawLine(vec1hp, vec2hp, 7, color);

                        var vec1mana = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 7, hudPos.Y + 59);
                        var vec2mana = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 7 + 33 * hero.Hero.ManaPercent * 0.01f, hudPos.Y + 59);
                        Drawing.DrawLine(vec1mana, vec2mana, 5, System.Drawing.Color.DodgerBlue);
                        var vecHudLevel = new Vector2(hudPos.X + 15, hudPos.Y + 36);
                        DrawFontTextScreen(HudLevel2, hero.Hero.Level.ToString(), vecHudLevel.X, vecHudLevel.Y, SharpDX.Color.White);
                            if (Game.Time - hero.FinishRecallTime < 4)
                                DrawFontTextScreen(HudLevel2, "FINISH", hudPos.X - 9, hudPos.Y + 18, SharpDX.Color.YellowGreen);
                            else if (hero.StartRecallTime <= hero.AbortRecallTime && Game.Time - hero.AbortRecallTime < 4)
                                DrawFontTextScreen(HudLevel2, "ABORT", hudPos.X - 9, hudPos.Y + 18, SharpDX.Color.Yellow);
                            else if (Game.Time - hero.StartRecallTime < 8)
                                var recallPercent = (Game.Time - hero.StartRecallTime) / 8;
                                var vec1rec = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 9, hudPos.Y + 35);
                                var vec2rec = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8 + 33 + 3, hudPos.Y + 35);
                                Drawing.DrawLine(vec1rec, vec2rec, 14, System.Drawing.Color.DarkGoldenrod);

                                vec1rec = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8, hudPos.Y + 36);
                                vec2rec = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8 + 33 + 2, hudPos.Y + 36);
                                Drawing.DrawLine(vec1rec, vec2rec, 12, System.Drawing.Color.Black);

                                vec1rec = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 7, hudPos.Y + 37);
                                vec2rec = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 7 + 33 * recallPercent, hudPos.Y + 37);
                                Drawing.DrawLine(vec1rec, vec2rec, 10, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow);

                                if (blink)
                                    DrawFontTextScreen(HudLevel2, "RECALL", hudPos.X - 9, hudPos.Y + 18, SharpDX.Color.White);


                        var ult = hero.Hero.Spellbook.Spells[3];
                        var sum1 = hero.Hero.Spellbook.Spells[4];
                        var sum2 = hero.Hero.Spellbook.Spells[5];

                        if (ult != null)
                            var sumTime = ult.CooldownExpires - Game.Time;

                            var spritePos = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 2, hudPos.Y - 30);
                            var vecHudCd = new Vector2(hudPos.X + 2, hudPos.Y - 24);
                            var sumSprite = GetSummonerIcon("r");
                            sumSprite.Position = spritePos;

                            sumSprite.Scale = new Vector2(0.35f, 0.35f);
                            if (hero.Hero.Level < 6)
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.DimGray.ToArgb());
                            else if (sumTime < 0)
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.White.ToArgb());
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.DimGray.ToArgb());
                                DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(sumTime), vecHudCd.X, vecHudCd.Y, SharpDX.Color.White);

                        if (sum1 != null)
                            var sumTime = sum1.CooldownExpires - Game.Time;

                            var vecFlashPos = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 13, hudPos.Y - 10);
                            var vecHudCd = new Vector2(hudPos.X - 8, hudPos.Y - 5);
                            var sumSprite = GetSummonerIcon(sum1.Name);
                            sumSprite.Position = vecFlashPos;
                            sumSprite.Scale = new Vector2(0.35f, 0.35f);
                            if (sumTime < 0)
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.White.ToArgb());
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.DimGray.ToArgb());
                                DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(sumTime), vecHudCd.X, vecHudCd.Y, SharpDX.Color.White);

                        if (sum2 != null)
                            var sumTime = sum2.CooldownExpires - Game.Time;

                            var vecHealPos = new Vector2(hudPos.X + 9, hudPos.Y - 10);
                            var vecHudCd = new Vector2(hudPos.X + 15, hudPos.Y - 5);
                            var sumSprite = GetSummonerIcon(sum2.Name);
                            sumSprite.Position = vecHealPos;
                            sumSprite.Scale = new Vector2(0.35f, 0.35f);

                            if (sumTime < 0)
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.White.ToArgb());
                                sumSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.DimGray.ToArgb());
                                DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(sumTime), vecHudCd.X, vecHudCd.Y, SharpDX.Color.White);
                        hudSpace += 45;

                if (ScreenRadar && !hero.Hero.Position.IsOnScreen() && (!ScreenRadarEnemy || hero.Hero.IsEnemy) && (!ScreenRadarJungler || hero.IsJungler))
                    var dis = centerScreenWorld.Distance(hero.Hero.Position);
                    if (dis < area)
                        float scale = 1.1f;

                        if (dis < area)
                            scale -= dis / area;

                        var normalSprite = hero.NormalSprite;

                        Vector2 dupa2 = centerScreen.Extend(Drawing.WorldToScreen(hero.Hero.Position), Drawing.Height / 2 - 120);

                        normalSprite.Scale = new Vector2(scale, scale);

                        if (hero.Hero.IsEnemy)
                            if (!hero.Hero.IsHPBarRendered)
                                dupa2 = centerScreen.Extend(Drawing.WorldToScreen(hero.LastWayPoint), Drawing.Height / 2 - 120);
                                normalSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.DimGray.ToArgb());
                                normalSprite.Color = new ColorBGRA(System.Drawing.Color.White.ToArgb());
                        normalSprite.Scale = new Vector2(scale, scale);
                        normalSprite.Position = dupa2;
Beispiel #18
 public Pink_StunState(Entity _entity, FiniteStateMachine _stateMachine, string _animBoolName, D_StunState _stateData, Pink _pink) : base(_entity, _stateMachine, _animBoolName, _stateData)
     pink = _pink;
Beispiel #19
        private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) //vsetko co sa udeje pocas jedneho ticku timeru
            int pacManX, pacManY;                           //premenne ktore hovoria na ktorom indexe na mape map pacman stoji

            pacManX = pacman.PM_X / 40;                     //preratavanie suradnice X
            pacManY = pacman.PM_Y / 40;                     //preratavanie suradnice Y

            if (TestCollision() == true)
                goToMenu(); //ak nastala kolizia ukonci hru

            //skontroluj ci nezjedol mincu a vymaz ju
            if (map[pacManX, pacManY] == 2)
                map[pacManX, pacManY] = 0;

            //posun pacmana
            if ((pacman.PM_direction == 0) && (map[pacManX, pacManY - 1] != 1))
                pacman.PM_Y = pacman.PM_Y - 40;
            if ((pacman.PM_direction == 1) && (map[pacManX - 1, pacManY] != 1))
                pacman.PM_X = pacman.PM_X - 40;
            if ((pacman.PM_direction == 2) && (map[pacManX, pacManY + 1] != 1))
                pacman.PM_Y = pacman.PM_Y + 40;
            if ((pacman.PM_direction == 3) && (map[pacManX + 1, pacManY] != 1))
                pacman.PM_X = pacman.PM_X + 40;

            //skontroluj koliziu ducha a pacmana
            if (TestCollision() == true)
                goToMenu(); //ak nastala kolizia ukonci hru

            //pohyb duchov, cerveny duch chodi dokola po krajoch, zlty a ruzovy sa pohybuju nahodne
            //funkcia OneStep() vrati true ak sa pohli
            Random rnd = new Random(); //pre zlteho a ruzoveho ducha

            //cerveny duch
            if (Red.OneStep() == false) //ak sa cerveny neposunul, otoci sa dolava a posunie sa
                if (Red.direction == 0)
                    Red.direction = 1;
                else if (Red.direction == 1)
                    Red.direction = 2;
                else if (Red.direction == 2)
                    Red.direction = 3;
                else if (Red.direction == 3)
                    Red.direction = 0;

            //zlty duch
            if (Yellow.OneStep() == false)        //ak sa zlty neposunul, otoci sa nahodne a pokracuje
                while (Yellow.OneStep() == false) //kym sa nemoze posunut, toci sa
                    Yellow.direction = rnd.Next(0, 4);
            else //nahodne sa moze otocit aj ked nenarazi na stenu, je tu 30 percentna sanca, inak by sa po case jeho trasa zmenila na trasu cerveneho
                int zmena = rnd.Next(0, 10);
                if (zmena < 3)
                    Yellow.direction = rnd.Next(0, 4);

            //ruzovy duch, robi to iste co zlty
            if (Pink.OneStep() == false)        //ak sa ruzovy neposunul, otoci sa nahodne a pokracuje
                while (Pink.OneStep() == false) //kym sa nemoze posunut, toci sa
                    Pink.direction = rnd.Next(0, 4);
            else //nahodne sa moze otocit aj ked nenarazi na stenu, je tu 30 percentna sanca, inak by sa po case jeho trasa zmenila na trasu cerveneho
                int zmena = rnd.Next(0, 10);
                if (zmena < 3)
                    Pink.direction = rnd.Next(0, 4);

            //skontroluj ci hrac nepresiel level
            if (zostavajuciPocetPenazi == 0)
                if (momentalnyLevel == 3) //vyhral hru
                    //vypyta si username a ulozi ho do tabulky (cize do textfile Score.txt v priecinku Debug) na prve miesto
                    string username = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Zadaj svoje meno:", "Gratulujem! Vyhral si hru so skore 300!", "unknown", -1, -1);
                    UpdateScore(300, username); //300 je high score (maximalne 50+100+150 penazi moze pozbierat)
                    goToMenu();                 //vrati sa do menu
                else //nastavi ho o level vyssie
                    MessageBox.Show("Gratulujem! Postupujes do dalsieho levelu!");
                    zostavajuciPocetPenazi = momentalnyLevel * 50;
                    RozmiestniPeniaze(zostavajuciPocetPenazi); //rozmiestni mince nahodne
                    timer.Interval = timer.Interval - 100;     //nastavi hru rychlejsie
            Invalidate(); //updatnutie celej mapy