       * CallService
       * Parms were already read. Now call the service proxy classes
    void CallService()
        if (SERVTYPE.ECHO == servtype) // Echo
          if (0 == urlSuffix.Length)
        urlSuffix = ECHO_CONTEXT;
          EchoService echosv = new EchoService();
          Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> Connecting to Echo Service...");
          echosv.Url = uriString + urlSuffix;
          Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> Connected. Sending Echo Request to "+echosv.Url+"...");
          echoStringInput echoParm = new echoStringInput();
          echoParm.echoInput = msg;
          Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> Sending message '"+ msg + "' ...");
          echoStringResponse result = echosv.echoOperation(echoParm);
          Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> The answer is '" + result.echoResponse + "'");
          catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine(">>>ECHO SERVICE EXCEPTION<<<\n" + e);
        else if (SERVTYPE.ASYNC == servtype) // Async Echo
          if (0 == urlSuffix.Length)
        urlSuffix = ECHO_CONTEXT;
          // Instantiate the service, and create the service url
          EchoService echosv = new EchoService();
          Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> Connecting to Async Echo Service...");
          echosv.Url = uriString + urlSuffix;
          Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> Connected. Sending Echo Request to "+echosv.Url+"...");
        // Create the argument object and IAsyncResult, then invoke Async
        echoStringInput echoParm = new echoStringInput();
        echoParm.echoInput = msg;
        Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> Sending Async message '" + msg + "' ...");
        IAsyncResult ar = echosv.BeginechoOperation(echoParm, EchoCallback, echosv);
        int waiting = timeout;

        // Wait for completion
        while (!ar.IsCompleted)
          if (waiting <= 0)
            Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> ERROR - Timeout waiting for reply.");
          Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> invocation still not complete");
          Thread.Sleep(1000 * SLEEPER);
          waiting -= SLEEPER;
        Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> Async Invocation Complete");
          catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine(">>>ECHO SERVICE EXCEPTION<<<\n" + e);
        else  // must be Ping
          if (0 == urlSuffix.Length)
        urlSuffix = PING_CONTEXT;
          PingService pingsv = new PingService();
          Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> Connecting to Ping Service...");
          pingsv.Url = uriString + urlSuffix;
          Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> Connected. Sending Echo Request to "+pingsv.Url+"...");
          pingStringInput pingParm = new pingStringInput();
          pingParm.pingInput = msg;
          Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> Sending message '"+ msg + "' ...");
          Console.WriteLine("CLIENT>> Ping complete. Check server log to verify message delivery.");
          catch (Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine(">>>PING SERVICE EXCEPTION<<<\n" + e);