Beispiel #1
        public void t6(PigpiodIf pigpiodIf, CancellationToken ct)
            PigpiodIf.Callback callback = null;
                int tp, t, p;

                Console.WriteLine("\r\nTrigger tests.");

                pigpiodIf.gpio_write(GPIO, PigpiodIf.PI_LOW);

                tp = 0;

                int    t6_count   = 0;
                int    t6_on      = 0;
                UInt32 t6_on_tick = 0;
                callback = pigpiodIf.callback(GPIO, PigpiodIf.EITHER_EDGE, (gpio, level, tick, user) =>
                    if (level == 1)
                        t6_on_tick = tick;
                        if (t6_on_tick != 0)
                            t6_on += (int)(tick - t6_on_tick);


                for (t = 0; t < 5; t++)
                    p   = 10 + (t * 10);
                    tp += p;
                    pigpiodIf.gpio_trigger(GPIO, (UInt32)p, 1);


                CHECK(6, 1, t6_count, 5, 0, "gpio trigger count", ct);

                CHECK(6, 2, t6_on, tp, 25, "gpio trigger pulse length", ct);
Beispiel #2
        public void tc(PigpiodIf pigpiodIf, CancellationToken ct)
            int h, x, b, e;

            byte[] buf = new byte[128];

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nSPI tests.");

            /* this test requires a MCP3202 on SPI1 channel 2 */

            h = pigpiodIf.spi_open(2, 50000, 256 + 0);
            CHECK(12, 1, h, 0, 0, "spi open", ct);

            for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                buf = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x80, 0x00 };
                b   = pigpiodIf.spi_xfer((UInt32)h, buf, buf);
                CHECK(12, 2, b, 3, 0, "spi xfer", ct);
                if (b == 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} ", ((buf[1] & 0x0F) * 256) | buf[2]);

            e = pigpiodIf.spi_close((UInt32)h);
            CHECK(12, 99, e, 0, 0, "spi close", ct);
Beispiel #3
        public void t7(PigpiodIf pigpiodIf, CancellationToken ct)
            PigpiodIf.Callback callback = null;
                int c, oc;

                Console.WriteLine("\r\nWatchdog tests.");

                int t7_count = 0;
                /* type of edge shouldn't matter for watchdogs */
                callback = pigpiodIf.callback(GPIO, PigpiodIf.FALLING_EDGE, (gpio, level, tick, user) =>
                    if (level == PigpiodIf.PI_TIMEOUT)

                pigpiodIf.set_watchdog(GPIO, 50);                 /* 50 ms, 20 per second */
                oc = t7_count;
                c = t7_count - oc;
                CHECK(7, 1, c, 39, 5, "set watchdog on count", ct);

                pigpiodIf.set_watchdog(GPIO, 0);                 /* 0 switches watchdog off */
                oc = t7_count;
                c = t7_count - oc;
                CHECK(7, 2, c, 0, 1, "set watchdog off count", ct);
Beispiel #4
        public void ta(PigpiodIf pigpiodIf, CancellationToken ct)
            int    h, b, e;
            string TEXT;

            byte[] recv = new byte[2048];

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nSerial link tests.");

            /* this test needs RXD and TXD to be connected */

            h = pigpiodIf.serial_open("/dev/ttyAMA0", 57600, 0);

            CHECK(10, 1, h, 0, 0, "serial open", ct);

            pigpiodIf.time_sleep(0.1);                  /* allow time for transmission */

            b = pigpiodIf.serial_read((UInt32)h, recv); /* flush buffer */

            b = pigpiodIf.serial_data_available((UInt32)h);
            CHECK(10, 2, b, 0, 0, "serial data available", ct);

            TEXT = @"

		To be, or not to be, that is the question -
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer

		The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
            var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(TEXT);

            e = pigpiodIf.serial_write((UInt32)h, bytes);
            CHECK(10, 3, e, 0, 0, "serial write", ct);

            e = pigpiodIf.serial_write_byte((UInt32)h, 0xAA);
            e = pigpiodIf.serial_write_byte((UInt32)h, 0x55);
            e = pigpiodIf.serial_write_byte((UInt32)h, 0x00);
            e = pigpiodIf.serial_write_byte((UInt32)h, 0xFF);

            CHECK(10, 4, e, 0, 0, "serial write byte", ct);

            pigpiodIf.time_sleep(0.1);             /* allow time for transmission */

            b = pigpiodIf.serial_data_available((UInt32)h);
            CHECK(10, 5, b, bytes.Length + 4, 0, "serial data available", ct);

            recv = new byte[bytes.Length];
            b    = pigpiodIf.serial_read((UInt32)h, recv);
            CHECK(10, 6, b, bytes.Length, 0, "serial read", ct);
            recv = recv.Take(b).ToArray();
            string text = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(recv);

            CHECK(10, 7, string.Compare(TEXT, text), 0, 0, "serial read", ct);

            b = pigpiodIf.serial_read_byte((UInt32)h);
            CHECK(10, 8, b, 0xAA, 0, "serial read byte", ct);

            b = pigpiodIf.serial_read_byte((UInt32)h);
            CHECK(10, 9, b, 0x55, 0, "serial read byte", ct);

            b = pigpiodIf.serial_read_byte((UInt32)h);
            CHECK(10, 10, b, 0x00, 0, "serial read byte", ct);

            b = pigpiodIf.serial_read_byte((UInt32)h);
            CHECK(10, 11, b, 0xFF, 0, "serial read byte", ct);

            b = pigpiodIf.serial_data_available((UInt32)h);
            CHECK(10, 12, b, 0, 0, "serial data availabe", ct);

            e = pigpiodIf.serial_close((UInt32)h);
            CHECK(10, 13, e, 0, 0, "serial close", ct);
Beispiel #5
        public void t2(PigpiodIf pigpiodIf, CancellationToken ct)
            PigpiodIf.Callback callback = null;
                int dc, f, r, rr, oc;

                Console.WriteLine("\r\nPWM dutycycle/range/frequency tests.");

                pigpiodIf.set_PWM_range(GPIO, 255);
                pigpiodIf.set_PWM_frequency(GPIO, 0);
                f = pigpiodIf.get_PWM_frequency(GPIO);
                CHECK(2, 1, f, 10, 0, "set PWM range, set/get PWM frequency", ct);

                int t2_count = 0;
                callback = pigpiodIf.callback(GPIO, PigpiodIf.EITHER_EDGE, (gpio, level, tick, user) =>

                pigpiodIf.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, 0);
                dc = pigpiodIf.get_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO);
                CHECK(2, 2, dc, 0, 0, "get PWM dutycycle", ct);

                pigpiodIf.time_sleep(0.5);                 /* allow old notifications to flush */
                oc = t2_count;
                f = t2_count - oc;
                CHECK(2, 3, f, 0, 0, "set PWM dutycycle, callback", ct);

                pigpiodIf.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, 128);
                dc = pigpiodIf.get_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO);
                CHECK(2, 4, dc, 128, 0, "get PWM dutycycle", ct);

                oc = t2_count;
                f = t2_count - oc;
                CHECK(2, 5, f, 40, 5, "set PWM dutycycle, callback", ct);

                pigpiodIf.set_PWM_frequency(GPIO, 100);
                f = pigpiodIf.get_PWM_frequency(GPIO);
                CHECK(2, 6, f, 100, 0, "set/get PWM frequency", ct);

                oc = t2_count;
                f = t2_count - oc;
                CHECK(2, 7, f, 400, 1, "callback", ct);

                pigpiodIf.set_PWM_frequency(GPIO, 1000);
                f = pigpiodIf.get_PWM_frequency(GPIO);
                CHECK(2, 8, f, 1000, 0, "set/get PWM frequency", ct);

                oc = t2_count;
                f = t2_count - oc;
                CHECK(2, 9, f, 4000, 1, "callback", ct);

                r = pigpiodIf.get_PWM_range(GPIO);
                CHECK(2, 10, r, 255, 0, "get PWM range", ct);

                rr = pigpiodIf.get_PWM_real_range(GPIO);
                CHECK(2, 11, rr, 200, 0, "get PWM real range", ct);

                pigpiodIf.set_PWM_range(GPIO, 2000);
                r = pigpiodIf.get_PWM_range(GPIO);
                CHECK(2, 12, r, 2000, 0, "set/get PWM range", ct);

                rr = pigpiodIf.get_PWM_real_range(GPIO);
                CHECK(2, 13, rr, 200, 0, "get PWM real range", ct);
                pigpiodIf.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, 0);

Beispiel #6
        public void t9(PigpiodIf pigpiodIf, CancellationToken ct)
            PigpiodIf.Callback callback = null;
                int      s, oc, c, e;
                UInt32[] p = new UInt32[10];

                Console.WriteLine("\r\nScript store/run/status/stop/delete tests.");

                pigpiodIf.gpio_write(GPIO, 0);                 /* need known state */

                 * 100 loops per second
                 * p0 number of loops
                 * p1 GPIO
                string script = @"

   ld p9 p0
   tag 0
   w p1 1
   mils 5
   w p1 0
   mils 5
   dcr p9
   jp 0";

                int t9_count = 0;
                callback = pigpiodIf.callback(GPIO, PigpiodIf.RISING_EDGE, (gpio, level, tick, user) =>

                var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(script);
                s = pigpiodIf.store_script(bytes);

                /* Wait for script to finish initing. */
                while (true)
                    e = pigpiodIf.script_status((UInt32)s, p);
                    if (e != PigpiodIf.PI_SCRIPT_INITING)

                oc = t9_count;
                pigpiodIf.run_script((UInt32)s, new UInt32[] { 99, GPIO });
                c = t9_count - oc;
                CHECK(9, 1, c, 100, 0, "store/run script", ct);

                oc = t9_count;
                pigpiodIf.run_script((UInt32)s, new UInt32[] { 200, GPIO });
                while (true)
                    e = pigpiodIf.script_status((UInt32)s, p);
                    if (e != PigpiodIf.PI_SCRIPT_RUNNING)
                c = t9_count - oc;
                CHECK(9, 2, c, 201, 0, "run script/script status", ct);

                oc = t9_count;
                pigpiodIf.run_script((UInt32)s, new UInt32[] { 2000, GPIO });
                while (true)
                    e = pigpiodIf.script_status((UInt32)s, p);
                    if (e != PigpiodIf.PI_SCRIPT_RUNNING)
                    if (p[9] < 1600)
                c = t9_count - oc;
                CHECK(9, 3, c, 410, 10, "run/stop script/script status", ct);

                e = pigpiodIf.delete_script((UInt32)s);
                CHECK(9, 4, e, 0, 0, "delete script", ct);
Beispiel #7
        public void t5(PigpiodIf pigpiodIf, CancellationToken ct)
            PigpiodIf.Callback callback = null;
                int BAUD = 4800;

                string TEXT = @"
Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;
Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;
Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,
Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.
Grim - visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front;
And now, instead of mounting barded steeds
To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,
He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber
To the lascivious pleasing of a lute.

                TEXT = TEXT.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

                PigpiodIf.GpioPulse[] wf = new PigpiodIf.GpioPulse[]
                    new PigpiodIf.GpioPulse()
                        gpioOn = 1 << GPIO, gpioOff = 0, usDelay = 10000
                    new PigpiodIf.GpioPulse()
                        gpioOn = 0, gpioOff = 1 << GPIO, usDelay = 30000
                    new PigpiodIf.GpioPulse()
                        gpioOn = 1 << GPIO, gpioOff = 0, usDelay = 60000
                    new PigpiodIf.GpioPulse()
                        gpioOn = 0, gpioOff = 1 << GPIO, usDelay = 100000

                int e, oc, c, wid;

                byte[] recv = new byte[2048];

                Console.WriteLine("\r\nWaveforms & serial read/write tests.");

                int t5_count = 0;
                callback = pigpiodIf.callback(GPIO, PigpiodIf.FALLING_EDGE, (gpio, level, tick, user) =>

                pigpiodIf.set_mode(GPIO, PigpiodIf.PI_OUTPUT);

                e = pigpiodIf.wave_clear();
                CHECK(5, 1, e, 0, 0, "callback, set mode, wave clear", ct);

                e = pigpiodIf.wave_add_generic(wf);
                CHECK(5, 2, e, 4, 0, "pulse, wave add generic", ct);

                wid = pigpiodIf.wave_create();
                e   = pigpiodIf.wave_send_repeat((UInt32)wid);
                if (e < 14)
                    CHECK(5, 3, e, 9, 0, "wave tx repeat", ct);
                    CHECK(5, 3, e, 19, 0, "wave tx repeat", ct);

                oc = t5_count;
                c = t5_count - oc;
                CHECK(5, 4, c, 50, 2, "callback", ct);

                e = pigpiodIf.wave_tx_stop();
                CHECK(5, 5, e, 0, 0, "wave tx stop", ct);

                e = pigpiodIf.bb_serial_read_open(GPIO, (UInt32)BAUD, 8);
                CHECK(5, 6, e, 0, 0, "serial read open", ct);

                var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(TEXT);
                e = pigpiodIf.wave_add_serial(GPIO, (UInt32)BAUD, 8, 2, 5000000, bytes);
                CHECK(5, 7, e, 3405, 0, "wave clear, wave add serial", ct);

                wid = pigpiodIf.wave_create();
                e   = pigpiodIf.wave_send_once((UInt32)wid);
                if (e < 6964)
                    CHECK(5, 8, e, 6811, 0, "wave tx start", ct);
                    CHECK(5, 8, e, 7116, 0, "wave tx start", ct);

                oc = t5_count;
                c = t5_count - oc;
                CHECK(5, 9, c, 0, 0, "callback", ct);

                oc = t5_count;
                while (pigpiodIf.wave_tx_busy() != 0)
                c = t5_count - oc;
                CHECK(5, 10, c, 1702, 0, "wave tx busy, callback", ct);

                c    = pigpiodIf.bb_serial_read(GPIO, recv);
                recv = recv.Take(c).ToArray();
                string text = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(recv);
                CHECK(5, 11, string.Compare(TEXT, text), 0, 0, "wave tx busy, serial read", ct);

                e = pigpiodIf.bb_serial_read_close(GPIO);
                CHECK(5, 12, e, 0, 0, "serial read close", ct);

                c = pigpiodIf.wave_get_micros();
                CHECK(5, 13, c, 6158148, 0, "wave get micros", ct);

                c = pigpiodIf.wave_get_high_micros();
                if (c > 6158148)
                    c = 6158148;
                CHECK(5, 14, c, 6158148, 0, "wave get high micros", ct);

                c = pigpiodIf.wave_get_max_micros();
                CHECK(5, 15, c, 1800000000, 0, "wave get max micros", ct);

                c = pigpiodIf.wave_get_pulses();
                CHECK(5, 16, c, 3405, 0, "wave get pulses", ct);

                c = pigpiodIf.wave_get_high_pulses();
                CHECK(5, 17, c, 3405, 0, "wave get high pulses", ct);

                c = pigpiodIf.wave_get_max_pulses();
                CHECK(5, 18, c, 12000, 0, "wave get max pulses", ct);

                c = pigpiodIf.wave_get_cbs();
                if (c < 6963)
                    CHECK(5, 19, c, 6810, 0, "wave get cbs", ct);
                    CHECK(5, 19, c, 7115, 0, "wave get cbs", ct);

                c = pigpiodIf.wave_get_high_cbs();
                if (c < 6963)
                    CHECK(5, 20, c, 6810, 0, "wave get high cbs", ct);
                    CHECK(5, 20, c, 7115, 0, "wave get high cbs", ct);

                c = pigpiodIf.wave_get_max_cbs();
                CHECK(5, 21, c, 25016, 0, "wave get max cbs", ct);
Beispiel #8
        public void t3(PigpiodIf pigpiodIf, CancellationToken ct)
            PigpiodIf.Callback callback = null;
                int[] pw = new int[] { 500, 1500, 2500 };
                int[] dc = new int[] { 20, 40, 60, 80 };

                int   f, rr, v;
                float on, off;

                int t;

                Console.WriteLine("\r\nPWM/Servo pulse accuracy tests.");

                int    t3_reset = 1;
                int    t3_count = 0;
                UInt32 t3_tick  = 0;
                float  t3_on    = 0.0f;
                float  t3_off   = 0.0f;
                callback = pigpiodIf.callback(GPIO, PigpiodIf.EITHER_EDGE, (gpio, level, tick, user) =>
                    UInt32 td;

                    //Console.WriteLine("pi={0} g{1} l={2} t={3}", pi, gpio, level, tick);
                    if (t3_reset != 0)
                        t3_count = 0;
                        t3_on    = 0.0f;
                        t3_off   = 0.0f;
                        t3_reset = 0;
                        td = tick - t3_tick;

                        if (level == 0)
                            t3_on += td;
                            t3_off += td;

                    t3_tick = tick;

                for (t = 0; t < 3; t++)
                    pigpiodIf.set_servo_pulsewidth(GPIO, (UInt32)pw[t]);
                    v = pigpiodIf.get_servo_pulsewidth(GPIO);
                    CHECK(3, t + t + 1, v, pw[t], 0, "get servo pulsewidth", ct);

                    t3_reset = 1;
                    on  = t3_on;
                    off = t3_off;
                    CHECK(3, t + t + 2, (int)((1000.0 * (on + off)) / on), (int)(20000000.0 / pw[t]), 1,
                          "set servo pulsewidth", ct);

                pigpiodIf.set_servo_pulsewidth(GPIO, 0);
                pigpiodIf.set_PWM_frequency(GPIO, 1000);
                f = pigpiodIf.get_PWM_frequency(GPIO);
                CHECK(3, 7, f, 1000, 0, "set/get PWM frequency", ct);

                rr = pigpiodIf.set_PWM_range(GPIO, 100);
                CHECK(3, 8, rr, 200, 0, "set PWM range", ct);

                for (t = 0; t < 4; t++)
                    pigpiodIf.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, (UInt32)dc[t]);
                    v = pigpiodIf.get_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO);
                    CHECK(3, t + t + 9, v, dc[t], 0, "get PWM dutycycle", ct);

                    t3_reset = 1;
                    on  = t3_on;
                    off = t3_off;
                    CHECK(3, t + t + 10, (int)((1000.0 * on) / (on + off)), (int)(10.0 * dc[t]), 1,
                          "set PWM dutycycle", ct);
                pigpiodIf.set_PWM_dutycycle(GPIO, 0);
