Beispiel #1
 public Player(Game1 game)
 { = game;
     timer     = new TimeSpan(0);
     frame     = 0;
     bounds    = new PhysicsRectangle(new Vector2(game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.X + FRAME_WIDTH * scale, game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Height - FRAME_HEIGHT / 2 * scale), FRAME_WIDTH * scale, FRAME_HEIGHT * scale);
Beispiel #2
        public static Contact RectangleVSRectangle(PhysicsRectangle r, PhysicsRectangle r1, float Delta)
            if ((r.VelX == 0) && (r.VelY == 0))
                return new Contact()
                           Collided = false

            PhysicsRectangle Expanded = new PhysicsRectangle()
                SizeX = r1.SizeX + r.SizeX,
                SizeY = r1.SizeY + r.SizeY,
                X     = r1.X - (r.SizeX / 2),
                Y     = r1.Y - (r.SizeY / 2)
            Ray ray = new Ray()
                x = r.X + (r.SizeX / 2), y = r.Y + (r.SizeY / 2), dx = r.VelX * Delta, dy = r.VelY * Delta

            //Console.WriteLine($"X:{Expanded.X} Y:{Expanded.Y}\nSizeX:{Expanded.SizeX} SizeY:{Expanded.SizeY}");

            return(RectangleVSRay(Expanded, ray));
Beispiel #3
        public static Vector2 pointOnRectangle(Vector2 point, PhysicsRectangle rect)
            var qx = point.X - rect.origin.X;
            var qy = point.Y - rect.origin.Y;

            if (qx > rect.halfWidth)
                qx = rect.halfWidth;
            else if (qx < -rect.halfWidth)
                qx = -rect.halfWidth;

            if (qy > rect.halfHeight)
                qy = rect.halfHeight;
            else if (qy < -rect.halfHeight)
                qy = -rect.halfHeight;

            return(new Vector2(qx + rect.origin.X, qy + rect.origin.Y));
Beispiel #4
        public TankPlayer(Game1 game, PhysicsRectangle tankRectangle)
            = game;
            this.tankRectangle = tankRectangle;
            turretRectangle    = new PhysicsRectangle(new Vector2(tankRectangle.origin.X, tankRectangle.origin.Y - tankRectangle.halfHeight), 15, 25);

Beispiel #5
        public void Reset()
            int randWidth  = rand.Next(50, 500);
            int randHeight = rand.Next(100, 200);

            this.bounds = new PhysicsRectangle(new Vector2(game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Width + randWidth, game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Height - randHeight / 2), randWidth, randHeight);
            velocity    = new Vector2(0);
            leftGravity = rand.Next(2, 7) * 0.1f;
Beispiel #6
        public static bool Collides(PhysicsRectangle rect1, PhysicsRectangle rect2)
            if (Math.Abs(rect1.origin.X - rect2.origin.X) > rect1.halfWidth + rect2.halfWidth)
            if (Math.Abs(rect1.origin.Y - rect2.origin.Y) > rect1.halfHeight + rect2.halfHeight)

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            particleEngine = new ParticleEngine();
            floor          = new PhysicsRectangle(new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height), GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, 50);

            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            particleEngine.LoadContent(GraphicsDevice, Content);
            debugTexture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Pixel");

            testTank         = new TankPlayer(this, new PhysicsRectangle(new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 50 / 2), 50, 50));
            testTank.texture = debugTexture;
            // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here
Beispiel #8
        public static bool Collides(PhysicsCircle circle, PhysicsRectangle rect)
            var point = Nearest.pointOnRectangle(circle.origin, rect);

            return(Within.pointInCircle(point, circle));
Beispiel #9
        public static Contact RectangleVSRay(PhysicsRectangle r, Ray l)
            float inverseX = 1.0f / l.dx;
            float inverseY = 1.0f / l.dy;

            float NearX = (r.X - l.x) * inverseX;
            float NearY = (r.Y - l.y) * inverseY;

            float FarX = ((r.X + r.SizeX) - l.x) * inverseX;
            float FarY = ((r.Y + r.SizeY) - l.y) * inverseY;

            //Console.WriteLine("X:" + inverseX + " Y:" + inverseY);

            //Console.WriteLine("X:"+(r.X - l.x) + "::"+ ((r.X + r.SizeX) - l.x));
            //Console.WriteLine("Y:"+(r.Y - l.y) + "::" + ((r.Y + r.SizeY) - l.y));

            //Console.WriteLine("X:" + NearX + "::" + FarX);
            //Console.WriteLine("Y:" + NearY + "::" + FarY);

            if (float.IsNaN(NearX) || float.IsNaN(NearY))
                return new Contact {
                           Collided = false
            if (float.IsNaN(FarX) || float.IsNaN(FarY))
                return new Contact {
                           Collided = false


            if (NearX > FarX)
                Swap(ref NearX, ref FarX);
            if (NearY > FarY)
                Swap(ref NearY, ref FarY);

            if ((NearX > FarY) || (NearY > FarX))
                return new Contact {
                           Collided = false

            float TimeHitNear = Math.Max(NearX, NearY);
            float TimeHitFar  = Math.Min(FarX, FarY);

            if (TimeHitFar < 0)
                return new Contact {
                           Collided = false

            float ContactX = l.x + (l.dx * TimeHitNear);
            float ContactY = l.y + (l.dy * TimeHitNear);

            float NormalX = 0;
            float NormalY = 0;

            if (NearX > NearY)
                if (l.dx < 0)
                    NormalX = 1;
                    NormalX = -1;
            else if (NearX < NearY)
                if (l.dy < 0)
                    NormalY = 1;
                    NormalY = -1;
            //Console.WriteLine(TimeHitNear + ":" + TimeHitFar);

            if ((TimeHitNear >= 0.0f) && (TimeHitNear < 1.0f))
                return new Contact()
                           Collided = true, NX = NormalX, NY = NormalY, TimeOfContact = TimeHitNear, X = ContactX, Y = ContactY
                return new Contact()
                           Collided = false, NX = NormalX, NY = NormalY, TimeOfContact = TimeHitNear, X = ContactX, Y = ContactY
Beispiel #10
 public static bool RectangleIntersect(PhysicsRectangle r, PhysicsRectangle r1)
     return((r.X < r1.X + r1.SizeX) && (r.X + r.SizeX > r1.X) && (r.Y < r1.Y + r1.SizeY) && (r.Y + r.SizeY > r1.Y));
Beispiel #11
 static void PrintRectangle(int index, PhysicsRectangle a)
     Console.WriteLine($"===============\nIndex:{index}\nX:{a.X} Y:{a.Y}\nSizeX:{a.SizeX} SizeY:{a.SizeY}\nDX:{a.VelX} DY:{a.VelY} Parent:{a.Parent} Hit: Up: {a.Hit[(int)Direction.Up]} Down: {a.Hit[(int)Direction.Down]} Left: {a.Hit[(int)Direction.Left]} Up: {a.Hit[(int)Direction.Right]}\n===============");