Beispiel #1
        //check to see if the player could jump or fall between the provided nodes
        private static CONNECTION_TYPE GetConnectionBetween(NODE_TYPE sourceNodeType, NODE_TYPE destNodeType, Physics.Vector2D sourceNodePosition, Physics.Vector2D destinationNodePosition)
            //a fall node should never be the destination of a jump or a fall, just the sourcepoint for a fall
            if (destNodeType == NODE_TYPE.FALL)

            Physics.Player        examplePlayer = new Physics.Player();
            Physics.PhysicsEngine physEng       = Physics.PhysicsEngine.GetPhysicsEngine();

            //if a fall connection is possible, return it
            if ((sourceNodeType == NODE_TYPE.FALL ||
                 sourceNodeType == NODE_TYPE.WALL) &&
                physEng.CanPlayerFallFromTo(examplePlayer, sourceNodePosition, destinationNodePosition))

            //if a jump connection is possible, return it
            if ((sourceNodeType == NODE_TYPE.FLOOR ||
                 sourceNodeType == NODE_TYPE.WALL) &&
                physEng.CanPlayerJumpFromTo(examplePlayer, sourceNodePosition, destinationNodePosition))

Beispiel #2
        //the same as DrawJumpRange except it shows what areas the player can currently fall to
        private void DrawFallRange(Graphics displayDevice)
            Physics.RigidBody temp = new Physics.RigidBody();
            temp.Shape = new Physics.Circle(7);
            temp.SetPosition(new Physics.Vector2D());

            //draw a grid of dots 40 units apart
            for (int i = -700; i < 700; i += 40)
                for (int j = -360; j < 400; j += 40)
                    //calculate the position of the dot
                    temp.Position.X  = playerCharacter.playerBody.Position.X + i;
                    temp.Position.X -= temp.Position.X % 40;
                    temp.Position.Y  = playerCharacter.playerBody.Position.Y + j;
                    temp.Position.Y -= temp.Position.Y % 40;

                    //set colour based on ability to fall to calculated position
                    if (physEng.CanPlayerFallFromTo(playerCharacter, playerCharacter.playerBody.Position, temp.Position))
                        temp.Shape.mColor = Color.Black;
                        temp.Shape.mColor = Color.White;

                    //draw a dot at that position
                    mRenderer.Draw(temp, displayDevice);