Beispiel #1
 public WordTranslationUIRequestEventArgs(GameObject menuParent, PhraseSequenceElement word, RectTransform target, Action successCallback, Action failureCallback) : base(menuParent)
     Word            = word;
     Target          = target;
     SuccessCallback = successCallback;
     FailureCallback = failureCallback;
Beispiel #2
 public PhraseSequence(string text)
     : this()
     var pe = new PhraseSequenceElement(PhraseSequenceElementType.Text, text);
     Translation = text;
 public WordTranslationUIRequestEventArgs(GameObject menuParent, PhraseSequenceElement word, RectTransform target, Action successCallback, Action failureCallback)
     : base(menuParent)
     Word = word;
     Target = target;
     SuccessCallback = successCallback;
     FailureCallback = failureCallback;
Beispiel #4
 public void UpdateAt(int index, PhraseSequenceElement element)
     PhraseElements.Insert(index, element);
Beispiel #5
 public bool ContainsWord(PhraseSequenceElement word, bool enforceForm = false)
     foreach (var w in PhraseElements) {
         if (PhraseSequenceElement.IsEqual(word, w, enforceForm)) {
             return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #6
 public void Add(PhraseSequenceElement element)
 public PhraseClickedEventArgs(PhraseSequenceElement word, string destination)
     this.Phrase = new PhraseSequence(word);
     this.Destination = destination;
 public static PhraseSequenceElement[] GetVerbForms(DictionaryDataEntry entry)
     var forms = GetVerbForms();
     var arr = new PhraseSequenceElement[forms.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < forms.Length; i++) {
         arr[i] = new PhraseSequenceElement(entry.ID, forms[i]);
     return arr;
Beispiel #9
 public bool AddFoundWord(PhraseSequenceElement word)
     return AddFoundWord(word.WordID);
    //managing response to keyboard entries about inputs
    void ListenToTyping(KeyCode key)
        //deleting text
        if (key == KeyCode.Backspace || key == KeyCode.Delete) {
            //if no imetext, delete the entry in front of cursor
            if(imeText == "" && cursorPosition != 0){
                setCursorPosition(cursorPosition - 1);
            //if there is imetext, delete one letter from it
                onConjugate = false;
                toConjugate = null;
                imeText = imeText.Substring(0, Mathf.Max(0, imeText.Length - 1));
        //entering letters into imeText
        if(IsText(key)){//key.ToString().Length == 1 && IsAlphabet(key.ToString()[0])){
            //set onConjugate and toConjugate as such for every action that will change imeText
            onConjugate = false;
            toConjugate = null;
            imeText += GetText(key);
        /** Potential key strokes that can be used for entering into text ***/
        //TODO maybe enable punctuations

        /** selection key strokes *****/
        int index;

        //conjugate words selection when modifying existing verbs
        if (IsNumeric (key.ToString (), out index)
            && onConjugate
            && selected < phraseSequence.PhraseElements.Count
            && phraseSequence.PhraseElements [selected].IsDictionaryWord) {
            if(index >= 0 && index < conjugateDisplay.Length && conjugateDisplay[index] != null){
                phraseSequence.UpdateAt(selected, conjugateDisplay[index]);

        else if(IsNumeric(key.ToString(), out index) && imeText != ""){
            //conjugate words selection for newly typed words
                if(index >= 0 && index < conjugateDisplay.Length && conjugateDisplay[index] != null){
                    phraseSequence.PhraseElements.Insert (cursorPosition, conjugateDisplay[index]);
                    imeText = "";
                    toConjugate = null;
                    onConjugate = false;
                    setCursorPosition(cursorPosition + 1);
            //Japanese word selection
                if(index >= 0 && index < OnDisplay.Length && OnDisplay[index] != null){
                        toConjugate = OnDisplay[index];
                        //Debug.Log (toConjugate);
                        onConjugate = true;
                        phraseSequence.PhraseElements.Insert (cursorPosition, new PhraseSequenceElement(OnDisplay[index].ID, 0));
                        imeText = "";
                        setCursorPosition(cursorPosition + 1);

        /**   HotKeys for selection when imeText isn't empty  ********************/
        //TODO maybe change hotkey to ctrl
        else if (key == KeyCode.Tab && imeText != "") {
            var element = new PhraseSequenceElement (PhraseSequenceElementType.Text, imeText);
            //phrase.Add (new PhraseSequenceElement(PhraseSequenceElementType.Text, imeText));
            imeText = "";
            phraseSequence.PhraseElements.Insert (cursorPosition, element);
            setCursorPosition(cursorPosition + 1);
        else if (key == KeyCode.LeftControl && imeText != "") {
            var element = new PhraseSequenceElement (PhraseSequenceElementType.ContextSlot, imeText);
            //phrase.Add (new PhraseSequenceElement(PhraseSequenceElementType.Text, imeText));
            imeText = "";
            phraseSequence.PhraseElements.Insert (cursorPosition, element);
            setCursorPosition(cursorPosition + 1);
        else if (key == KeyCode.Tab && imeText == "") {
            var element = new PhraseSequenceElement (PhraseSequenceElementType.Wildcard, "");
            //phrase.Add (new PhraseSequenceElement(PhraseSequenceElementType.Text, imeText));
            imeText = "";
            phraseSequence.PhraseElements.Insert (cursorPosition, element);
            setCursorPosition(cursorPosition + 1);
    //void DrawSlotEditor(int wordIndex){
    //    var tag = DrawTags (phraseSequence.PhraseElements [wordIndex].Tags);
    //    if (tag != null) {
    //        phraseSequence.PhraseElements[wordIndex].AddTag(tag);
    //    }
    //string DrawTags(List<string> tags){
    //    var selectionStrings = new string[GameData.Instance.PhraseClassData.Tags.Count + 1];
    //    selectionStrings [0] = "None";
    //    System.Array.Copy (GameData.Instance.PhraseClassData.Tags.ToArray (), 0, selectionStrings, 1, GameData.Instance.PhraseClassData.Tags.Count);
    //    foreach(var e in tags){
    //        if(GUILayout.Button (e)){
    //            tags.Remove(e);
    //            break;
    //        }
    //    }
    //    var selected = EditorGUILayout.Popup(0, selectionStrings);
    //    if(selected != 0){
    //        return selectionStrings[selected];
    //    }
    //    return null;
    /** tentative method to draw words
     *  draw ten words on the screen
     *  Pre: PhraseSquence phrase, int offset, the index of the first element to be drawn (starting at 0)
    void DrawTenFileterWords(PhraseSequence phrase, int offset)
        int prevCount = phrase.PhraseElements.Count;
        if (imeText != "") {
            PhraseSequenceElement element = null;

            if (imeText [0] == '*') {
                if (GUILayout.Button ("Add slot...")) {
                    element = new PhraseSequenceElement (0, 0);
                    imeText = "";
                    //phrase.Add (new PhraseSequenceElement(0, 0));
            } else {

                currentList = DictionaryData.Instance.FilterEntriesFromRomaji (imeText).ToArray ();
                if (offset + displayLines >= currentList.Length)
                    offset = Mathf.Max (0, currentList.Length - displayLines);
                if (offset < 0)
                    offset = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < displayLines; i++) {
                    if (offset + i >= currentList.Length || offset + i < 0)
                        OnDisplay[i] = null;
                        var e = currentList [offset + i];
                        string label = string.Format ("{0}:   [{1}] {2} ({3}) {4}", i + 1, e.ID, e.Kanji, e.Kana, e.EnglishSummary);
                        GUIStyle buttonStyle = new GUIStyle();
                        buttonStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.LowerLeft;
                        if (GUILayout.Button (label, buttonStyle)) {
                            element = new PhraseSequenceElement (e.ID, 0);
                            //phrase.Add (new PhraseSequenceElement(e.ID, 0));
                            imeText = "";
                        OnDisplay [i] = e;

                string buttonLabel = string.Format("{0}  [Hotkey: {1}]", "Add as plain text", ",");
                if (GUILayout.Button (buttonLabel)) {
                    element = new PhraseSequenceElement (PhraseSequenceElementType.Text, imeText);
                    //phrase.Add (new PhraseSequenceElement(PhraseSequenceElementType.Text, imeText));
                    imeText = "";
                buttonLabel = string.Format("{0}  [Hotkey: {1}]", "Add as context data", ".");
                if (GUILayout.Button (buttonLabel)) {
                    element = new PhraseSequenceElement (PhraseSequenceElementType.ContextSlot, imeText);
                    //phrase.Add (new PhraseSequenceElement(PhraseSequenceElementType.ContextSlot, imeText));
                    imeText = "";

        //				if (GUILayout.Button ("Add as tag")) {
        //					element = new PhraseSequenceElement (PhraseSequenceElementType.TaggedSlot, imeText);
        //					//phrase.Add(new PhraseSequenceElement(PhraseSequenceElementType.TaggedSlot, imeText));
        //					imeText = "";
        //				}
                buttonLabel = string.Format("{0}  [Hotkey: {1}]", "Add as wildcard", "/");
                if (GUILayout.Button (buttonLabel)) {
                    element = new PhraseSequenceElement (PhraseSequenceElementType.Wildcard, imeText);
                    //phrase.Add(new PhraseSequenceElement(PhraseSequenceElementType.Wildcard, imeText));
                    imeText = "";

                if (element != null) {
                    phrase.PhraseElements.Insert (cursorPosition, element);

                if (GUILayout.Button ("Search...")) {
                    var searchResultList = DictionaryData.SearchDictionaryWithStartingRomaji (imeText);
                    DictionaryEntrySelectionWindow.Open (searchResultList);

        if (prevCount != phrase.PhraseElements.Count) {
            setCursorPosition(cursorPosition + 1);
    public static bool WildcardCompare(PhraseSequenceElement e1, PhraseSequenceElement e2)
        if (e1.ElementType == PhraseSequenceElementType.Wildcard) {
            return true;

        if (e2.ElementType == PhraseSequenceElementType.Wildcard) {
            return true;

        return StrictCompare(e1, e2);
    public static bool StrictCompare(PhraseSequenceElement e1, PhraseSequenceElement e2)
        if (!e1.Comparable) {
            return false;

        if (!e2.Comparable) {
            return false;

        if (e1.ElementType != e2.ElementType) {
            return false;

        switch (e1.ElementType) {
            case PhraseSequenceElementType.FixedWord:
                return e1.WordID == e2.WordID;
            case PhraseSequenceElementType.ContextSlot:
            case PhraseSequenceElementType.TaggedSlot:
                return e1.Text == e2.Text;
            case PhraseSequenceElementType.Wildcard:
                return e2.ElementType == PhraseSequenceElementType.Wildcard;
        return false;
    public static bool IsEqual(PhraseSequenceElement e1, PhraseSequenceElement e2, bool enforceForm = false)
        if (e1 == null || e2 == null) {
            return e1 == e2;

        if (e1.WordID >= 1000000) {
            if (enforceForm) {
                return e1.WordID == e2.WordID && e1.FormID == e2.FormID;
            } else {
                return e1.WordID == e2.WordID;
        } else {
            return e1.ElementType == e2.ElementType && e1.Text == e2.Text;
Beispiel #15
 public PhraseEventArgs(PhraseSequenceElement word)
     Phrase = new PhraseSequence();
Beispiel #16
 public PhraseSequence(PhraseSequenceElement word)
     : this()
     Translation = word.GetTranslation();
Beispiel #17
 public bool ContainsFoundWord(PhraseSequenceElement word)
     return ContainsFoundWord(word.WordID);
Beispiel #18
        public static PhraseSequenceElement[] GetForms(DictionaryDataEntry entry)
            if (additionalForms.ContainsKey(entry.Kanji)) {
                var forms = new PhraseSequenceElement[additionalForms[entry.Kanji].Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < forms.Length; i++) {
                    forms[i] = new PhraseSequenceElement(entry.ID, i);
                return forms;

            switch (entry.GetPartOfSpeech()) {
                case PartOfSpeech.GodanVerb:
                case PartOfSpeech.IchidanVerb:
                case PartOfSpeech.Copula:
                case PartOfSpeech.SuruVerb:
                    return GetVerbForms(entry);

                case PartOfSpeech.Adjective:
                    return GetAdjectiveForms(entry);

                    return new PhraseSequenceElement[] { new PhraseSequenceElement(entry.ID, 0) };