private void LoadComputerRAM(Phase3Computer computer, uint nBytes)
     for (uint i = 0; i < nBytes; ++i)
         computer.WriteByte((ushort)i, (byte)(i + 1));
        public void Computer()
            uint nBytes = 0x100;   // do not set higher than 0x10000 (64K)

            var computer = new Phase3Computer("test", nBytes);

            // turn on the computer
            computer.V.V = VoltageSignal.HIGH;
            // get ready to write to RAM
            computer.Clr.V = VoltageSignal.HIGH;

            LoadComputerRAM(computer, nBytes);

            // allow the oscillator to drive the computer
            computer.Clr.V = VoltageSignal.LOW;

            // at the end of a clock cycle, show computer output
            computer.Clk.Changed += clk => { if (clk.V == VoltageSignal.LOW)
                                                 Trace.TraceInformation($"PC: {computer.PC}; Output: {computer.ToString()}; Bulbs: {computer.Panel.Bulbs}");

            // show starting state
            Trace.TraceInformation($"PC: {computer.PC}; Output: {computer.ToString()}; Bulbs: {computer.Panel.Bulbs}");
            // and...go!
            computer.Oscillator.Start();  // synchronous--doesn't return until done