Beispiel #1
 public Program()
     config       = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true).Build();
     Personalizer = new PersonalizerService(
Beispiel #2
        public static void AssemblyInit(TestContext context)
            IConfiguration config; // Load configuration data found in appsettings.json, need Azure authoring key and resource name to build URL to azure.

            config       = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true).Build();
            Personalizer = new PersonalizerService(
                GetConfigString(config, "PersonalizerEndpointKey"),
                GetConfigString(config, "PersonalizerResourceName"));
Beispiel #3
        private static void RunTasteTest(PersonalizerService personalizer)
            IList <RankableAction> actions = new List <RankableAction>
                new RankableAction
                    Id       = "pasta",
                    Features =
                        new List <object>()
                        new { taste = "salty", spiceLevel = "medium" }, new { nutritionLevel = 5, cuisine = "italian" }

                new RankableAction
                    Id       = "salad",
                    Features =
                        new List <object>()
                        new { taste = "salty", spiceLevel = "low" }, new { nutritionLevel = 8 }

            string         id             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            IList <object> currentContext = new List <object>()
                new { time = "morning" },
                new { taste = "salty" }

            IList <string> exclude = new List <string> {
            var          request = new RankRequest(actions, currentContext, exclude, id);
            RankResponse resp    = personalizer.Client.Rank(request);

            Assert.AreEqual("salad", resp.RewardActionId);