Beispiel #1
        public void CreateCSV(int numberOfRecords)
            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(100, r);

            var f = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, "DeleteMeTestBiochemistry.csv"));

            bool finished            = false;
            int  finishedWithRecords = -1;

            var biochem = new Biochemistry(new Random(500));

            biochem.RowsGenerated += (s, e) =>
                finished            = e.IsFinished;
                finishedWithRecords = e.RowsWritten;

            biochem.GenerateTestDataFile(people, f, numberOfRecords);

            //one progress task only, should have reported creating the correct number of rows
            Assert.AreEqual(numberOfRecords, finishedWithRecords);

            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(File.ReadAllLines(f.FullName).Length, numberOfRecords);//can be newlines in middle of file

            Console.WriteLine("Created file: " + f.FullName);
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

            var rand = new Random(500 /*seed*/);

            var pc = new PersonCollection();

            // Generate 100 people
            pc.GeneratePeople(100, rand);

            // Generate a Biochemistry record
            var biochemRecord = new BiochemistryRecord(rand);

            //Get a random person from the collection
            var person = pc.People[rand.Next(pc.People.Length)];

            // Output some custom Xml format
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter("out.xml"))


Beispiel #3
        private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var uis = pDatasets.Controls.OfType <DataGeneratorUI>().Where(ui => ui.Generate).ToArray();

            if (!uis.Any())
                MessageBox.Show("At least one dataset must be selected");

                if (started)
                    MessageBox.Show("Generation already in progress");

                started = true;

                var r = _seed.HasValue ? new Random(_seed.Value):new Random();

                var identifiers = new PersonCollection();
                identifiers.GeneratePeople(populationSize, r);

                if (cbLookups.Checked)

                //run them at the same time
                if (!_seed.HasValue)
                    foreach (DataGeneratorUI ui in uis)
                        ui.BeginGeneration(identifiers, _extractDirectory);
                        DataGeneratorUI ui1 = ui;
                        ui.Completed += () => { Executing.Remove(ui1); AnnounceIfComplete(); };
                    Queue <DataGeneratorUI> queue = new Queue <DataGeneratorUI>(uis);
                    Execute(identifiers, queue, queue.Dequeue(), r);

            catch (Exception exception)
        public void Join_PatientIndexTable_OptionalCacheOnSameServer(DatabaseType dbType, bool createQueryCache)
             *           Server1
             *         _____________
             *        |Biochemistry|
             *               ↓
             *       ___________________
             *       | Cache (optional) |
             *            ↓ join ↓
             *    _____________________
             *    | Hospital Admissions|

            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);
            ExternalDatabaseServer cache = null;

            if (createQueryCache)
                cache = CreateCache(db);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var joinable = SetupPatientIndexTable(db, people, r, cic);

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var hospitalAdmissions = SetupPatientIndexTableUser(db, people, r, cic, joinable);

            cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer.AddChild(hospitalAdmissions, 0);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());


            if (createQueryCache)
                Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("1/1")), "Expected cache to be used for the joinable");
                Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("0/1")), "Did not create cache so expected cache usage to be 0");
        private void RunAsIdentifierList(AggregateConfiguration ac, CachedAggregateConfigurationResultsManager cache, CancellationToken token)
            var pc             = new PersonCollection();
            var requiredNumber = GetNumberToGenerate(ac);
            var rand           = new Random();

            pc.GeneratePeople(requiredNumber, rand);

            var set = new HashSet <string>(pc.People.Select(p => p.CHI));

            // there may be duplicates, if so we need to bump up the number to match the required count
            while (set.Count < requiredNumber)
                pc.GeneratePeople(1, rand);

            // generate a list of random chis
            SubmitIdentifierList("chi", set, ac, cache);
Beispiel #6
        private static IPersonCollection GetPeople(ProgramOptions opts, out Random r)
            r = opts.Seed == -1 ? new Random() : new Random(opts.Seed);

            //create a cohort of people
            IPersonCollection identifiers = new PersonCollection();

            identifiers.GeneratePeople(opts.NumberOfPatients, r);

Beispiel #7
        protected DiscoveredTable CreateDataset <T>(int people, int rows, Random r, out PersonCollection peopleGenerated) where T : IDataGenerator
            var f        = new DataGeneratorFactory();
            T   instance = f.Create <T>(r);

            peopleGenerated = new PersonCollection();
            peopleGenerated.GeneratePeople(people, r);

            var dt = instance.GetDataTable(peopleGenerated, rows);

            return(DiscoveredDatabaseICanCreateRandomTablesIn.CreateTable(typeof(T).Name, dt, null, false, this));
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new demography file ready for loading in the ForLoading directory of the load with the specified number of <paramref name="rows"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">Filename to generate in ForLoading e.g. "bob.csv" (cannot be relative)</param>
        /// <param name="rows"></param>
        /// <param name="r">Seed random to ensure tests are reproducible</param>
        protected FileInfo CreateFileInForLoading(string filename, int rows, Random r)
            var fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(LoadDirectory.ForLoading.FullName, Path.GetFileName(filename)));

            var demog  = new Demography(r);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(500, r);

            demog.GenerateTestDataFile(people, fi, rows);

        public void Join_PatientIndexTable_DoNotUseCacheOnDifferentServer(DatabaseType dbType)
             *           Server1                    Server 2
             *         _____________                _________
             *        |Biochemistry|    →          | Cache  | (cache is still populated but not used in the resulting join).
             *            ↓ join ↓    (do not use cache)
             *    _____________________
             *    | Hospital Admissions|

            //get the data database
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            //create the cache on the other server type (doesn't matter what type just as long as it's different).
            var dbCache =
                GetCleanedServer(Enum.GetValues(typeof(DatabaseType)).Cast <DatabaseType>().First(t => t != dbType));

            ExternalDatabaseServer cache = CreateCache(dbCache);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var joinable = SetupPatientIndexTable(db, people, r, cic);

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var hospitalAdmissions = SetupPatientIndexTableUser(db, people, r, cic, joinable);

            cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer.AddChild(hospitalAdmissions, 0);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());


            Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("1/1")), "Expected cache to be used only for the final UNION");
        public void Join_PatientIndexTable_ThreeServers()
             *           Server1                    Server 2                                Server 3
             *         _____________                                                       _________
             *        |Biochemistry|    →          (successfully caches joinable bit)      | Cache  |
             *                        ↘ join   ↘ (should crash)
             *                                  _____________________
             *                                  | Hospital Admissions|

            var server1 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MySql);
            var server2 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);
            var server3 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.Oracle);

            ExternalDatabaseServer cache = CreateCache(server3);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var joinable = SetupPatientIndexTable(server1, people, r, cic);

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var hospitalAdmissions = SetupPatientIndexTableUser(server2, people, r, cic, joinable);

            cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer.AddChild(hospitalAdmissions, 0);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());

            var hospitalAdmissionsTask = compiler.Tasks.Keys.OfType <AggregationTask>().Single(t => t.Aggregate.Equals(hospitalAdmissions));

            Assert.AreEqual(CompilationState.Crashed, hospitalAdmissionsTask.State);

            StringAssert.Contains("is not fully cached and CacheUsageDecision is MustUse", hospitalAdmissionsTask.CrashMessage.ToString());
Beispiel #11
        public static IEnumerable <FileInfo> GenerateImageFiles(this DicomDataGenerator g, int numberOfImages, Random r)
            var p = new PersonCollection();

            p.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            if (g.OutputDir.Exists)

            var inventory = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.WorkDirectory, "inventory.csv")); Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.WorkDirectory, "inventory.csv");

            g.MaximumImages = numberOfImages;
            g.GenerateTestDataFile(p, inventory, numberOfImages);

            return(g.OutputDir.GetFiles("*.dcm", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
        public void Test_CsvOption()
            var r = new Random(500);

            var outputDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.WorkDirectory, "TestCsv"));


            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(100, r);

            using (var generator = new DicomDataGenerator(r, outputDir, "CT"))
                generator.Csv           = true;
                generator.NoPixels      = true;
                generator.MaximumImages = 500;

                generator.GenerateTestDataFile(people, new FileInfo(Path.Combine(outputDir.FullName, "index.csv")), 500);

            //3 csv files + index.csv (the default one
            Assert.AreEqual(4, outputDir.GetFiles().Length);

            foreach (FileInfo f in outputDir.GetFiles())
                using (var reader = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(f.FullName), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
                    int rowcount = 0;

                    //confirms that the CSV is intact (no dodgy commas, unquoted newlines etc)
                    while (reader.Read())

                    //should be 1 row per image + 1 for header
                    if (f.Name == DicomDataGenerator.ImageCsvFilename)
                        Assert.AreEqual(501, rowcount);
        public void Join_PatientIndexTable_NotOnCacheServer()
             *           Server1                    Server 2
             *         _____________                _________
             *        |Biochemistry|    →          | Cache  |  (cache must first be populated)
             *                        ↘ join   ↘ (must use cache)
             *                                  _____________________
             *                                  | Hospital Admissions|

            var server1 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MySql);
            var server2 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);

            ExternalDatabaseServer cache = CreateCache(server2);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var joinable = SetupPatientIndexTable(server1, people, r, cic);

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var hospitalAdmissions = SetupPatientIndexTableUser(server2, people, r, cic, joinable);

            cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer.AddChild(hospitalAdmissions, 0);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());


            Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("1/1")), "Expected cache to be used only for the final UNION");
Beispiel #14
        private static void RunOptionsAndReturnExitCode(ProgramOptions opts)
            if (opts.NumberOfPatients <= 0)
                opts.NumberOfPatients = 500;
            if (opts.NumberOfStudies <= 0)
                opts.NumberOfStudies = 2000;

            var dir = Directory.CreateDirectory(opts.OutputDirectory);

                Random r = opts.Seed == -1 ? new Random() : new Random(opts.Seed);

                //create a cohort of people
                IPersonCollection identifiers = new PersonCollection();
                identifiers.GeneratePeople(opts.NumberOfPatients, r);

                //Generate the dicom files (of the modalities that the user requested)
                string[] modalities = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(opts.Modalities)? opts.Modalities.Split(",") :new string[0];

                var dicomGenerator = new DicomDataGenerator(r, dir, modalities)
                    NoPixels      = opts.NoPixels,
                    Layout        = opts.Layout,
                    MaximumImages = opts.MaximumImages,

                var targetFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(dir.FullName, "DicomFiles.csv"));
                dicomGenerator.GenerateTestDataFile(identifiers, targetFile, opts.NumberOfStudies);
            catch (Exception e)
                returnCode = 2;

            returnCode = 0;
        private void RunAsPatientIndexTable(AggregateConfiguration ac, CachedAggregateConfigurationResultsManager cache, CancellationToken token)
            using DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            dt.Columns.Add("chi", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("dateOfBirth", typeof(DateTime));
            dt.Columns.Add("dateOfDeath", typeof(DateTime));

            // generate a list of random chis + date of birth/death
            var pc = new PersonCollection();

            pc.GeneratePeople(GetNumberToGenerate(ac), new Random());

            foreach (var p in pc.People)
                dt.Rows.Add(p.CHI, p.DateOfBirth, p.DateOfDeath ?? (object)DBNull.Value);

            SubmitPatientIndexTable(dt, ac, cache, true);
        //[TestCase(DatabaseType.Oracle,true)] //Oracle FAnsi doesn't currently support parameters
        public void Test_SingleServer_WithOneParameter(DatabaseType dbType, bool useParameter)
             *           Server1                        Server2
             *       _____________________         _____________________
             *        |HospitalAdmissions |   →    |      Cache         |
             *           @date_of_max

            var server1 = GetCleanedServer(dbType);
            var server2 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);

            var cache = CreateCache(server2);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");
            var ac1 = SetupAggregateConfigurationWithFilter(server1, people, r, cic, useParameter, "@date_of_max", "'2001-01-01'");

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache.ID;

            var root = cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer;

            root.AddChild(ac1, 0);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());


            Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Where(t => t.Key is AggregationContainerTask).Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("1/1")), "Expected UNION container to use the cache");
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the <see cref="BulkDataTable"/> in the <see cref="BulkDataDatabase"/> and uploads test data.  Use <see cref="ImportAsCatalogue"/> to get
        /// rdmp metadata objects pointing at the table.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetupTestData()
            //make sure database exists
            if (!BulkDataDatabase.Exists())

            //generate some people
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            //generate the test data
            var dt = _dataGenerator.GetDataTable(people, ExpectedNumberOfRowsInTestData);

            var tbl = BulkDataDatabase.ExpectTable(BulkDataTable);

            if (tbl.Exists())

            //create the table but make sure the chi is a primary key and the correct data type and that we have a sensible primary key
            Table = BulkDataDatabase.CreateTable(BulkDataTable, dt, new DatabaseColumnRequest[] {
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("chi", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 10))
                    IsPrimaryKey = true
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("dtCreated", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(DateTime)))
                    IsPrimaryKey = true
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("hb_extract", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 1))
                    IsPrimaryKey = true
        public void Join_PatientIndexTable_ThenShipToCacheForSets(DatabaseType dbType)
             *           Server1                    Server 2
             *         _____________                _________
             *        |Biochemistry|    →          | Cache  | (cache is still populated but not used in the resulting join).
             *            ↓ join ↓    (do not use cache)
             *    _______________________
             *    | Hospital Admissions 1|        →       results1
             *            EXCEPT
             *    _______________________
             *    | Hospital Admissions 2|        →        results 2
             *                                          ↓ result = 0 records

            //get the data database
            var db = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            //create the cache on the other server type (either Sql Server or Oracle) since  MySql can't do EXCEPT or UNION etc)
            var dbCache =
                GetCleanedServer(Enum.GetValues(typeof(DatabaseType)).Cast <DatabaseType>().First(t =>
                                                                                                  t != dbType && t != DatabaseType.MySql));

            ExternalDatabaseServer cache = CreateCache(dbCache);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var joinable = SetupPatientIndexTable(db, people, r, cic);

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var hospitalAdmissions  = SetupPatientIndexTableUser(db, people, r, cic, joinable);
            var hospitalAdmissions2 = SetupAggregateConfiguration(db, people, r, cic);

            var root = cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer;

            root.AddChild(hospitalAdmissions, 0);
            root.AddChild(hospitalAdmissions2, 1);

            root.Name      = "EXCEPT";
            root.Operation = SetOperation.EXCEPT;

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());


            Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("2/2")), "Expected cache to be used for both top level operations in the EXCEPT");
        public void Test_SingleServerPatientIndexTable_WithTwoParameters(DatabaseType dbType, bool useSameName, bool useCache)
             *           Server1                                  (Also Server1 - if useCache is true)
             *        ______________________________            __________________________
             *        |   Patient Index Table       |     →    |         Cache           |
             *        |  (NA by date )              |         ↗
             *           @date_of_max '2001-01-01'
             *                                              ↗
             *            JOIN (should use cache)
             *         ___________________________       ↗
             *        | Hospitalised after NA (ac) |
             *          @date_of_max (or @maximum) '2005-01-01'
             *   (has different value so rename operations come into effect)

            var server1 = GetCleanedServer(dbType);

            var cache = useCache? CreateCache(server1): null;

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var patientIndexTable = SetupPatientIndexTableWithFilter(server1, people, r, cic, true, "@date_of_max", "'2001-01-01'");
            var ac = SetupPatientIndexTableUserWithFilter(server1, people, r, cic, patientIndexTable, true,
                                                          useSameName ? "@date_of_max": "@maximum", "'2005-01-01'");

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var root = cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer;

            root.AddChild(ac, 0);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());

            if (useSameName)
                AssertCrashed(compiler, ac, "PatientIndexTables cannot have parameters with the same name as their users.  Offending parameter(s) were @date_of_max");
                if (useCache)
                    //we should hit up the cache for the interior of the query and therefore not need the parameter
                    AssertNoErrors(compiler, ac, "@maximum='2005-01-01'", "JoinableInceptionQuery_AggregateConfiguration", "AdmissionDate. < @maximum");

                    AssertCacheUsed(compiler, root, "1/1");
                    AssertNoErrors(compiler, ac, "@date_of_max='2001-01-01'", "@maximum='2005-01-01'", "SampleDate. < @date_of_max", "AdmissionDate. < @maximum");

Beispiel #20
 protected DiscoveredTable CreateDataset <T>(DiscoveredDatabase db, int people, int rows, Random r, out PersonCollection peopleGenerated) where T : IDataGenerator
     peopleGenerated = new PersonCollection();
     peopleGenerated.GeneratePeople(people, r);
     return(CreateDataset <T>(db, peopleGenerated, rows, r));
Beispiel #21
        internal void Create(DiscoveredDatabase db, ICheckNotifier notifier, PlatformDatabaseCreationOptions options)
            if (db.Exists())
                if (options.DropDatabases)
                    throw new Exception("Database " + db.GetRuntimeName() + " already exists and allowDrop option was not specified");

            notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("About to create " + db.GetRuntimeName(), CheckResult.Success));
            //create a new database for the datasets

            notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Succesfully created " + db.GetRuntimeName(), CheckResult.Success));

            //fixed seed so everyone gets the same datasets
            var r = new Random(options.Seed);

            notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Generating people", CheckResult.Success));
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(options.NumberOfPeople, r);

            var biochem     = ImportCatalogue(Create <Biochemistry>(db, people, r, notifier, options.NumberOfRowsPerDataset, "chi", "Healthboard", "SampleDate", "TestCode"));
            var demography  = ImportCatalogue(Create <Demography>(db, people, r, notifier, options.NumberOfRowsPerDataset, "chi", "dtCreated", "hb_extract"));
            var prescribing = ImportCatalogue(Create <Prescribing>(db, people, r, notifier, options.NumberOfRowsPerDataset, "chi", "PrescribedDate", "Name")); //<- this is slooo!
            var admissions  = ImportCatalogue(Create <HospitalAdmissions>(db, people, r, notifier, options.NumberOfRowsPerDataset, "chi", "AdmissionDate"));
            var carotid     = Create <CarotidArteryScan>(db, people, r, notifier, options.NumberOfRowsPerDataset, "RECORD_NUMBER");

            //the following should not be extractable
                                      e => e.DeleteInDatabase(),

            //the following should be special approval only
                                      e => {
                e.ExtractionCategory = ExtractionCategory.SpecialApprovalRequired;

            var vConditions = ImportCatalogue(db.ExpectTable("vConditions"));
            var vOperations = ImportCatalogue(db.ExpectTable("vOperations"));

            CreateGraph(biochem, "Test Codes", "TestCode", false, null);
            CreateGraph(biochem, "Test Codes By Date", "SampleDate", true, "TestCode");

            CreateFilter(biochem, "Creatinine", "TestCode", "TestCode like '%CRE%'", @"Serum creatinine is a blood measurement.  It is an indicator of renal health.");
            CreateFilter(biochem, "Test Code", "TestCode", "TestCode like @code", "Filters any test code set");

            CreateExtractionInformation(demography, "Age", "date_of_birth", "FLOOR(DATEDIFF(DAY, date_of_birth, GETDATE()) / 365.25) As Age");
            var fAge = CreateFilter(demography, "Older at least x years", "Age", "FLOOR(DATEDIFF(DAY, date_of_birth, GETDATE()) / 365.25) >= @age", "Patients age is greater than or equal to the provided @age");

            SetParameter(fAge, "@age", "int", "16");

            CreateGraph(demography, "Patient Ages", "Age", false, null);

            CreateGraph(prescribing, "Approved Name", "ApprovedName", false, null);
            CreateGraph(prescribing, "Approved Name Over Time", "PrescribedDate", true, "ApprovedName");

            CreateGraph(prescribing, "Bnf", "FormattedBnfCode", false, null);
            CreateGraph(prescribing, "Bnf Over Time", "PrescribedDate", true, "FormattedBnfCode");

                CreateGraph(vConditions, "Conditions frequency", "Field", false, "Condition"),
                "Common Conditions Only",
                @"(Condition in 
(select top 40 Condition from vConditions c
 WHERE Condition <> 'NULL' AND Condition <> 'Nul' 
 group by Condition order by count(*) desc))");

                CreateGraph(vOperations, "Operation frequency", "Field", false, "Operation"),
                "Common Operation Only",
                @"(Operation in 
(select top 40 Operation from vOperations c
 WHERE Operation <> 'NULL' AND Operation <> 'Nul' 
 group by Operation order by count(*) desc))");

            //group these all into the same folder
            admissions.Folder = new CatalogueFolder(admissions, @"\admissions");
            vConditions.Folder = new CatalogueFolder(vConditions, @"\admissions");
            vOperations.Folder = new CatalogueFolder(vOperations, @"\admissions");

            //Create cohort store database
            var wizard = new CreateNewCohortDatabaseWizard(db, _repos.CatalogueRepository, _repos.DataExportRepository, false);
            var externalCohortTable = wizard.CreateDatabase(new PrivateIdentifierPrototype("chi", "varchar(10)"), new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier());

            //Find the pipeline for committing cohorts
            var cohortCreationPipeline = _repos.CatalogueRepository.GetAllObjects <Pipeline>().FirstOrDefault(p => p?.Source?.Class == typeof(CohortIdentificationConfigurationSource).FullName);

            if (cohortCreationPipeline == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find a cohort committing pipeline");

            //A cohort creation query
            var f = CreateFilter(vConditions, "Lung Cancer Condition", "Condition", "Condition like 'C349'", "ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code C34.9 Malignant neoplasm of unspecified part of bronchus or lung");

            var cic = CreateCohortIdentificationConfiguration((ExtractionFilter)f);

            var cohort = CommitCohortToNewProject(cic, externalCohortTable, cohortCreationPipeline, "Lung Cancer Project", "P1 Lung Cancer Patients", 123, out Project project);

            var cohortTable = cohort.ExternalCohortTable.DiscoverCohortTable();

            using (var con = cohortTable.Database.Server.GetConnection())
                //delete half the records (so we can simulate cohort refresh)
                var cmd = cohortTable.Database.Server.GetCommand(string.Format("DELETE TOP (10) PERCENT from {0}", cohortTable.GetFullyQualifiedName()), con);

            var ec1 = CreateExtractionConfiguration(project, cohort, "First Extraction (2016 - project 123)", true, notifier, biochem, prescribing, demography);
            var ec2 = CreateExtractionConfiguration(project, cohort, "Project 123 - 2017 Refresh", true, notifier, biochem, prescribing, demography, admissions);
            var ec3 = CreateExtractionConfiguration(project, cohort, "Project 123 - 2018 Refresh", true, notifier, biochem, prescribing, demography, admissions);

            ReleaseAllConfigurations(notifier, ec1, ec2, ec3);
Beispiel #22
        private DiscoveredTable BuildExampleExtractionTable(DiscoveredDatabase db, string modality, int recordCount, bool useDcmFileExtension)
            var tbl = db.CreateTable(modality + "_IsExtractable",
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("StudyInstanceUID", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 64), false),
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("SeriesInstanceUID", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 64), false),
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("SOPInstanceUID", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 64), false)
                    IsPrimaryKey = true
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("IsExtractableToDisk", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(bool))),
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("IsExtractableToDisk_Reason", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 512)),
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("RelativeFileArchiveURI", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(string), 512), false),
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("IsOriginal", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(bool)), false),
                new DatabaseColumnRequest("IsPrimary", new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(bool)), false),
                new DatabaseColumnRequest(SpecialFieldNames.DataLoadRunID, new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(int))),
                new DatabaseColumnRequest(SpecialFieldNames.ValidFrom, new DatabaseTypeRequest(typeof(DateTime))),

            if (recordCount > 0)
                var r = new Random(500);

                DicomDataGenerator g = new DicomDataGenerator(r, null);
                g.MaximumImages = recordCount;

                var persons = new PersonCollection();
                persons.GeneratePeople(500, r);

                while (recordCount > 0)
                    foreach (var image in g.GenerateStudyImages(persons.People[r.Next(persons.People.Length)], out var study))
                        tbl.Insert(new Dictionary <string, object>()
                            { "StudyInstanceUID", image.GetSingleValue <string>(DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID) },
                            { "SeriesInstanceUID", image.GetSingleValue <string>(DicomTag.SeriesInstanceUID) },
                            { "SOPInstanceUID", image.GetSingleValue <string>(DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID) },

                            { "IsExtractableToDisk", true },
                            { "IsExtractableToDisk_Reason", DBNull.Value },
                            { "RelativeFileArchiveURI", image.GetSingleValue <string>(DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID) + (useDcmFileExtension ? ".dcm" :"") },
                            { "IsOriginal", image.GetValues <string>(DicomTag.ImageType)[0] == "ORIGINAL" },
                            { "IsPrimary", image.GetValues <string>(DicomTag.ImageType)[1] == "PRIMARY" },

                            { SpecialFieldNames.DataLoadRunID, 1 },
                            { SpecialFieldNames.ValidFrom, DateTime.Now },


                        if (recordCount <= 0)

        //[TestCase(DatabaseType.Oracle)] //Oracle FAnsi doesn't currently support parameters
        public void Test_SingleServer_WithTwoParameters(DatabaseType dbType, bool useCache)
             *           Server1                        Server2
             *        ____________________         _____________________
             *        |HospitalAdmissions |   →    |      Cache         |
             *           @date_of_max
             *        ____________________     ↗
             *        |HospitalAdmissions |
             *           @date_of_max
             *   (has different value so rename operations come into effect)

            var server1 = GetCleanedServer(dbType);
            var server2 = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);

            var cache = useCache ? CreateCache(server2): null;

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var ac1 = SetupAggregateConfigurationWithFilter(server1, people, r, cic, true, "@date_of_max", "'2001-01-01'");
            var ac2 = SetupAggregateConfigurationWithFilter(server1, people, r, cic, true, "@date_of_max", "'2005-01-01'");

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache?.ID;

            var root = cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer;

            root.AddChild(ac1, 0);
            root.AddChild(ac2, 1);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());


            //each container on it's own ran with the normal SQL
            AssertNoErrors(compiler, ac1, "@date_of_max='2001-01-01'");
            AssertNoErrors(compiler, ac2, "@date_of_max='2005-01-01'");

            if (useCache)
                //the root container run with dual cache fetch and no parameters
                AssertNoErrors(compiler, root, "IndexedExtractionIdentifierList");
                AssertCacheUsed(compiler, root, "2/2");
                //the root container ran with a rename operations (no cache available)
                AssertNoErrors(compiler, root, "@date_of_max='2001-01-01'", "@date_of_max_2='2005-01-01'");
                AssertCacheUsed(compiler, root, "0/2");
        public void Test_EXCEPT_TwoAggregates(DatabaseType dbType)
             *           Server1
             *       _____________________
             *        |HospitalAdmissions x2|
             *         ↓ both run into    ↓
             *       ___________________
             *       |       Cache     |
             *      HospitalAdmissions
             *          EXCEPT
             *      HospitalAdmissions (copy)
             *         = 0

            var db    = GetCleanedServer(dbType);
            var cache = CreateCache(db);

            var r      = new Random(500);
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(5000, r);

            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "cic");

            var ac1 = SetupAggregateConfiguration(db, people, r, cic);
            var ac2 = SetupAggregateConfiguration(db, people, r, cic);

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = cache.ID;

            var root = cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer;

            root.Operation = SetOperation.EXCEPT;
            root.Name      = "EXCEPT";
            root.AddChild(ac1, 0);
            root.AddChild(ac2, 1);

            var compiler = new CohortCompiler(cic);
            var runner   = new CohortCompilerRunner(compiler, 50000);

            runner.Run(new CancellationToken());

            if (dbType == DatabaseType.MySql)
                var crashed = compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Key.State == CompilationState.Crashed);
                StringAssert.Contains("INTERSECT / UNION / EXCEPT are not supported by MySql", crashed.Key.CrashMessage.Message);


            Assert.AreEqual(compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Value != null && t.Value.IsResultsForRootContainer).Key.FinalRowCount, 0);
            Assert.Greater(compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Key is AggregationTask at && at.Aggregate.Equals(ac1)).Key.FinalRowCount, 0); //both ac should have the same total
            Assert.Greater(compiler.Tasks.Single(t => t.Key is AggregationTask at && at.Aggregate.Equals(ac2)).Key.FinalRowCount, 0); // that is not 0

            Assert.IsTrue(compiler.Tasks.Any(t => t.Key.GetCachedQueryUseCount().Equals("2/2")), "Expected EXCEPT container to use the cache");
Beispiel #25
        public void Test_ZipFileNotation(bool expressRelative)
            //get a clean database to upload to
            var db = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);

            //create a folder in which to generate some dicoms
            var dirToLoad = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, nameof(Test_ZipFileNotation)));

            if (dirToLoad.Exists)


            //generate some random dicoms
            var r = new Random(999);
            DicomDataGenerator generator = new DicomDataGenerator(r, dirToLoad, "CT")
                MaximumImages = 5
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(1, r);
            generator.GenerateTestDataFile(people, new FileInfo("./inventory.csv"), 1);

            //This generates
            // Test_ZipFile
            //      2015
            //          3
            //              18
            //                  751140 2.25.166922918107154891877498685128076062226.dcm
            //                  751140 2.25.179610809676265137473873365625829826423.dcm
            //                  751140 2.25.201969634959506849065133495434871450465.dcm
            //                  751140 2.25.237492679533001779093365416814254319890.dcm
            //                  751140 2.25.316241631782653383510844072713132248731.dcm

            var yearDir = dirToLoad.GetDirectories().Single();

            StringAssert.IsMatch("\\d{4}", yearDir.Name);

            //should be 5 images in the zip file
            var dicomFiles = yearDir.GetFiles("*.dcm", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            Assert.AreEqual(5, dicomFiles.Length);

            //e.g. \2015\3\18\2.25.223398837779449245317520567111874824918.dcm
            //e.g. \2015\3\18\2.25.179610809676265137473873365625829826423.dcm
            var relativePathWithinZip1 = dicomFiles[0].FullName.Substring(dirToLoad.FullName.Length);
            var relativePathWithinZip2 = dicomFiles[1].FullName.Substring(dirToLoad.FullName.Length);

            //zip them up
            FileInfo zip = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, nameof(Test_ZipFile) + ".zip")); Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, nameof(Test_ZipFile) + ".zip");

            if (zip.Exists)

            ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(dirToLoad.FullName, zip.FullName);

            //e.g. E:\RdmpDicom\Rdmp.Dicom.Tests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2\!\2015\3\18\2.25.223398837779449245317520567111874824918.dcm
            string pathToLoad1 = zip.FullName + "!" + relativePathWithinZip1;
            string pathToLoad2 = zip.FullName + "!" + relativePathWithinZip2;

            var loadMeTextFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(dirToLoad.FullName, "LoadMe.txt"));

            //tell the source to load the zip
            File.WriteAllText(loadMeTextFile.FullName, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, pathToLoad1, pathToLoad2));

            var f = new FlatFileToLoad(loadMeTextFile);

            //Setup source
            var source = new DicomFileCollectionSource {
                FilenameField = "RelativeFileArchiveURI"

            if (expressRelative)
                source.ArchiveRoot = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory;

            var worklist = new FlatFileToLoadDicomFileWorklist(f);

            //Setup destination
            var destination = new DataTableUploadDestination {
                AllowResizingColumnsAtUploadTime = true

            //setup pipeline
            var contextFactory = new DataFlowPipelineContextFactory <DataTable>();
            var context        = contextFactory.Create(PipelineUsage.FixedDestination | PipelineUsage.FixedDestination);

            //run pipeline
            var pipe = new DataFlowPipelineEngine <DataTable>(context, source, destination, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());

            pipe.Initialize(db, worklist);
            pipe.ExecutePipeline(new GracefulCancellationToken());

            var finalTable = db.ExpectTable(destination.TargetTableName);

            using (var dt = finalTable.GetDataTable())
                //should be 2 rows (since we told it to only load 2 files out of the zip)
                Assert.AreEqual(2, dt.Rows.Count);

                string pathInDbToDicomFile = (string)dt.Rows[0]["RelativeFileArchiveURI"];

                //We expect either something like:
                // E:/RdmpDicom/Rdmp.Dicom.Tests/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.2/!2015/3/18/2.25.160787663560951826149226183314694084702.dcm
                // ./!2015/3/18/2.25.105592977437473375573190160334447272386.dcm

                //the path referenced should be the file read in relative/absolute format
                    expressRelative ? $@"./{zip.Name}![\d./]*.dcm":

                StringAssert.Contains(yearDir.Name, pathInDbToDicomFile, "Expected zip file to have subdirectories and for them to be loaded correctly");

                //confirm we can read that out again
                using (var pool = new ZipPool())
                    var path = new AmbiguousFilePath(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, pathInDbToDicomFile);

Beispiel #26
        public void Test_ZipFile(bool expressRelative)
            //get a clean database to upload to
            var db = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);

            //create a folder in which to generate some dicoms
            var dirToLoad = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, nameof(Test_ZipFile)));

            if (dirToLoad.Exists)


            //generate some random dicoms
            var r = new Random(999);
            DicomDataGenerator generator = new DicomDataGenerator(r, dirToLoad, "CT")
                MaximumImages = 5
            var people = new PersonCollection();

            people.GeneratePeople(1, r);
            generator.GenerateTestDataFile(people, new FileInfo("./inventory.csv"), 1);

            //This generates
            // Test_ZipFile
            //      2015
            //          3
            //              18
            //                  751140 2.25.166922918107154891877498685128076062226.dcm
            //                  751140 2.25.179610809676265137473873365625829826423.dcm
            //                  751140 2.25.201969634959506849065133495434871450465.dcm
            //                  751140 2.25.237492679533001779093365416814254319890.dcm
            //                  751140 2.25.316241631782653383510844072713132248731.dcm

            var yearDir = dirToLoad.GetDirectories().Single();

            StringAssert.IsMatch("\\d{4}", yearDir.Name);

            //zip them up
            FileInfo zip = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, nameof(Test_ZipFile) + ".zip")); Path.Combine(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, nameof(Test_ZipFile) + ".zip");

            if (zip.Exists)

            ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(dirToLoad.FullName, zip.FullName);

            //tell the source to load the zip
            var f = new FlatFileToLoad(zip);

            var source = new DicomFileCollectionSource {
                FilenameField = "RelativeFileArchiveURI"

            if (expressRelative)
                source.ArchiveRoot = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory;

            source.PreInitialize(new FlatFileToLoadDicomFileWorklist(f), new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());

            var tbl         = source.GetChunk(new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener(), new GracefulCancellationToken());
            var destination = new DataTableUploadDestination();

            destination.PreInitialize(db, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());
            destination.AllowResizingColumnsAtUploadTime = true;
            destination.ProcessPipelineData(tbl, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener(), new GracefulCancellationToken());
            destination.Dispose(new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener(), null);

            var finalTable = db.ExpectTable(destination.TargetTableName);

            using (var dt = finalTable.GetDataTable())
                //should be 5 rows in the final table (5 images)
                Assert.AreEqual(5, dt.Rows.Count);

                string pathInDbToDicomFile = (string)dt.Rows[0]["RelativeFileArchiveURI"];

                //We expect either something like:
                // E:/RdmpDicom/Rdmp.Dicom.Tests/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.2/!2015/3/18/2.25.160787663560951826149226183314694084702.dcm
                // ./!2015/3/18/2.25.105592977437473375573190160334447272386.dcm

                //the path referenced should be the file read in relative/absolute format
                    expressRelative ? $@"./{zip.Name}![\d./]*.dcm":

                StringAssert.Contains(yearDir.Name, pathInDbToDicomFile, "Expected zip file to have subdirectories and for them to be loaded correctly");

                //confirm we can read that out again
                using (var pool = new ZipPool())
                    var path = new AmbiguousFilePath(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory, pathInDbToDicomFile);
