public virtual bool HasPermission(PermissionType permission, Guid? scope)
            if (this.IsAdmin)
                return true;

            if (this.IsUser)
                if (myAuthzs.Any(f => f.Permission == permission && (scope == null || f.Scope == scope)))
                    return true;

                using (var ctx = storeFactory.Create(this.UserLogin))
                    //// Authorization can be assigned directly to the user.
                    //if (ctx.Authorization.Any(f => f.Permission == permission && f.Scope == scope && f.UserName == this.UserLogin))
                    //    return true;

                    FieldInfo fi = permission.GetType().GetField(permission.ToString());
                    PermissionScopeAttribute[] attributes = (PermissionScopeAttribute[])fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PermissionScopeAttribute), false);
                    foreach (var attrib in attributes)
                        if (attrib.ScopeType == PermissionScopeType.Organization)

                            var authzdRoles = ctx.Authorization.IncludePaths("Role").Where(f => f.Permission == permission && f.Scope == scope && f.Role != null).ToList();

                            var me = ctx.Users.IncludePaths("Roles.Role").Single(f => f.Username == this.UserLogin);
                            var myDirectRoles = me.Roles.Select(f => f.Role).ToList();

                            // If my direct membership in a role means that I end up being in a role that's got the authorization, then I get the authorization.
                            if (authzdRoles.Any(f =>
                                RoleKey key = new RoleKey { Name = f.Role.Name, OrgId = f.Scope };
                                return flattenedRoles.ContainsKey(key) && (from have in myDirectRoles join need in flattenedRoles[key] on have.Id equals need.Id select have).Any();
                                return true;

                        else if (attrib.ScopeType == PermissionScopeType.MemberOfOrganization)
                            // Figure out if the user has permissions on a member due to being able to manage an organization to which the user belongs
                            // Get the member's current org id's
                            IEnumerable<Guid> orgIds = ctx.Members.Where(f => f.Id == scope.Value).SelectMany(
                                f => f.Memberships.Select(g => g.OrganizationId)).AsEnumerable();

                            // If any of the users authorizations are of the given permission on a scope of one of the user's orgs,
                            // then grant the operation.
                            if (myAuthzs.Any(f => f.Permission == permission && orgIds.Any(g => g == f.Scope)))
                                return true;
                        else if (attrib.ScopeType == PermissionScopeType.Member)
                            if (myAuthzs.Any(f => f.Permission == permission && f.Scope == scope))
                                return true;
                            throw new NotImplementedException("Don't know PermissionScope " + attrib.ScopeType.ToString());


                    //Type t = PermissionScopeTypeAttribute.GetScopeType(permission);

                    //if (t == typeof(Organization))
                    //    var me = ctx.Users.IncludePaths("Roles.Role").Single(f => f.Username == this.UserLogin);
                    //    var myDirectRoles = me.Roles.Select(f => f.Role).ToList();

                    //    // If my direct membership in a role means that I end up being in a role that's got the authorization, then I get the authorization.
                    //    if (authzdRoles.Any(f =>
                    //    {
                    //        RoleKey key = new RoleKey { Name = f.Role.Name, OrgId = f.Scope };
                    //        return flattenedRoles.ContainsKey(key) && (from have in myDirectRoles join need in flattenedRoles[key] on have.Id equals need.Id select have).Any();
                    //    }))
                    //    {
                    //        return true;
                    //    }
            return false;