Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the equivalent to a P4 command.
        /// Note that P4UnParsedRecordSet returns Empty from fstat.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">the p4 command, like "edit"</param>
        /// <param name="message">The first line of the P4 command result if no error, else the error message.</param>
        /// <param name="recordSet">The recordSet from P4</param>
        /// <param name="args">The args to add to the P4 command.</param>
        /// <returns>false if error (see message)</returns>
        private bool SendCommand(string command, out string message, out Perforce.P4.P4CommandResult recordSet, params string[] args)
            string argsStr = Concatenate(args);

                //Log.Information(String.Format("P4Service.SendCommand() Starting: {0} {1}", command, argsStr));
                var cmd  = new Perforce.P4.P4Command(_p4Repository.Connection, command, true);
                var opts = new Perforce.P4.StringList(args);

                recordSet = cmd.Run(opts);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(String.Format("P4Service.SendCommand() Exception: {0}", ex.Message));
                message   = ex.Message;
                recordSet = null;

            if (recordSet.ErrorList != null && recordSet.ErrorList.Count > 0)
                List <string> errors = new List <string>();
                foreach (var error in recordSet.ErrorList)
                    if (error.SeverityLevel >= Perforce.P4.ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED)
                        Log.Error(String.Format("P4Service.SendCommand(): {0} {1}", error.ErrorCode, error.ErrorMessage));
                    else if (error.SeverityLevel == Perforce.P4.ErrorSeverity.E_WARN)
                        Log.Warning(String.Format("P4Service.SendCommand(): {0} {1}", error.ErrorCode, error.ErrorMessage));
                    else if (error.SeverityLevel == Perforce.P4.ErrorSeverity.E_INFO)
                        Log.Information(String.Format("P4Service.SendCommand(): {0} {1}", error.ErrorCode, error.ErrorMessage));
                if (errors.Count > 1)
                    message = string.Join("\n", errors);

            message = Concatenate(recordSet.InfoOutput);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                Log.Information(String.Format("P4Service.SendCommand() 3: {0}", message));

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add to states the state for each file, all at one time (Fast)
        /// If there's an exception, falls back to doing one at a time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filesUnderPerforceRoot">the VS fileNames for files already verified to be under the Perforce root</param>
        /// <param name="p4FileNames">parallel list of the P4 fileNames for files in filesUnderPerforceRoot</param>
        /// <param name="states">The dictionary we are loading. Key is vsFileName</param>
        private void AddStatesForAllFilesUnderPerforceRoot(List <string> filesUnderPerforceRoot, List <string> p4FileNames, IDictionary <string, FileState> states)
            if (filesUnderPerforceRoot.Count == 0)
            Perforce.P4.P4CommandResult recordSet = null;
            string message;
            bool   result = SendCommand("fstat", out message, out recordSet, p4FileNames.ToArray());

            if (!result)
                //Some kind of error. Try to do each file individually so the error doesn't reflect on EVERY file
                AddStateForEachFile(filesUnderPerforceRoot, states);

            if (recordSet.TaggedOutput.Count <= 0)
                foreach (var vsFileName in filesUnderPerforceRoot)
                    states[vsFileName] = FileState.NotInPerforce;

            // Now decode each record. Missing records must be NotInPerforce
            // The key to filesWithState is p4FileName
            var filesWithState = new Dictionary <string, FileState>(filesUnderPerforceRoot.Count);

            foreach (var record in recordSet.TaggedOutput)
                string    p4FileName;
                FileState state = GetFileStateFromRecordSet(record, out p4FileName);
                filesWithState[p4FileName.ToLower()] = state;

            var keysTmp   = new List <string>(filesWithState.Count);
            var statesTmp = new List <FileState>(filesWithState.Count);
            foreach (var kvp in filesWithState)

            // Now set each state we return.
            for (int i = 0; i < filesUnderPerforceRoot.Count; i++)
                string    vsFileName = filesUnderPerforceRoot[i];
                var       p4FileName = GetP4FileName(vsFileName);
                FileState state;
                bool      hasState = filesWithState.TryGetValue(p4FileName.ToLower(), out state);
                if (hasState)
                    states[vsFileName] = state;
                    states[vsFileName] = FileState.NotInPerforce;