public void NativeVsMz5ChromatogramPerformanceTest(string zipFile, string skyFile, string rawFile,
                                                           bool centroided = false,
                                                           LockMassParameters lockMassParameters = null)
            if (!RunPerfTests)
                return; // PerfTests only run when the global RunPerfTests flag is set
            _loopcount = LOOPS_AVG;

            // Caller may have disabled logging, but we depend on it for data gathering.
            using (new LogInfoLevel())
                for (var loop = 0; loop < _loopcount + 1; loop++) // one extra initial loop for warmup
                    // compare mz5 and raw import times
                    TestFilesZip = GetPerfTestDataURL(zipFile);
                    var mz5File = Path.ChangeExtension(rawFile, "mz5");
                    TestFilesPersistent = new[] { rawFile, mz5File }; // list of files that we'd like to unzip alongside parent zipFile, and (re)use in place
                    _testFilesDir       = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, TestFilesZip, null, TestFilesPersistent);
                    _baseSkyFile        = _testFilesDir.GetTestPath(skyFile);
                    string nativeResults = _testFilesDir.GetTestPath(rawFile);
                    var    rawfiles      = new List <string>();
                    var    mz5Results    = Path.ChangeExtension(nativeResults, "mz5");
                    if (centroided)
                        rawfiles.Add(nativeResults);                                                      // First time through is centroided
                    rawfiles.Add(mz5Results);                                                             // Then mz5
                    rawfiles.Add(nativeResults);                                                          // Then normal
                    MsDataFileImpl.PerfUtilFactory.IssueDummyPerfUtils = (loop == 0) && (_loopcount > 0); // turn on performance measurement after warmup loop
                    var centroidedThisPass = centroided;
                    var type = 0;
                    foreach (var resultspath in rawfiles)
                        _replicateName = loop + "_" + type++;
                        _skyFile       = _baseSkyFile.Replace(".sky", "_" + _replicateName + ".sky");
                        _dataFile      = resultspath;
                        _centroided    = centroidedThisPass;


                        centroidedThisPass = false;
                var logs   = Log.GetMemoryAppendedLogEvents();
                var stats  = PerfUtilFactory.SummarizeLogs(logs, TestFilesPersistent); // show summary, combining native per test and mz5 per test
                var report = stats.Replace(_testFilesDir.PersistentFilesDir.Replace(':', '_'), "");
                Console.Write(report);                                                 // Want this to appear in nightly log

                var log = new Log("Summary");
        public void AllVsMz5OptimzeCeImportPerformanceTests()
            if (!RunPerfTests)
                return; // PerfTests only run when the global RunPerfTests flag is set
            _loopCount = 3;
            var logs  = Log.GetMemoryAppendedLogEvents();
            var stats = PerfUtilFactory.SummarizeLogs(logs, TestFilesPersistent); // show summary, combining native per test and mz5 per test
            var log   = new Log("Summary");

            log.Info(stats.Replace(_testFilesDir.PersistentFilesDir, ""));
Beispiel #3
        public void WatersLockmassPerfTest()
            TestFilesZip        = "";
            TestFilesPersistent = new[] { "ID19638_01_UCA195_2533_082715.raw" }; // List of files that we'd like to unzip alongside parent zipFile, and (re)use in place

            MsDataFileImpl.PerfUtilFactory.IssueDummyPerfUtils = false;          // Turn on performance measurement


            var logs  = Log.GetMemoryAppendedLogEvents();
            var stats = PerfUtilFactory.SummarizeLogs(logs, TestFilesPersistent); // Show summary
            var log   = new Log("Summary");

            if (TestFilesDirs != null)
                log.Info(stats.Replace(TestFilesDir.PersistentFilesDir, "")); // Remove tempfile info from log
Beispiel #4
        public void WatersIMSImportTest()
            TestFilesZip        = "";
            TestFilesPersistent = new[] { "ID12692_01_UCA168_3727_040714.raw", "ID12692_01_UCA168_3727_040714_IA_final_fragment.csv" }; // List of files that we'd like to unzip alongside parent zipFile, and (re)use in place

            MsDataFileImpl.PerfUtilFactory.IssueDummyPerfUtils = false;                                                                 // Turn on performance measurement


            var logs  = Log.GetMemoryAppendedLogEvents();
            var stats = PerfUtilFactory.SummarizeLogs(logs, TestFilesPersistent); // Show summary
            var log   = new Log("Summary");

            if (TestFilesDirs != null)
                log.Info(stats.Replace(TestFilesDir.PersistentFilesDir, "")); // Remove tempfile info from log
Beispiel #5
        [Timeout(6000000)]  // Initial download can take a long time
        public void BrukerDiaPasefImportTest()
            // RunPerfTests = true; // Uncomment this to force test to run in IDE
            TestFilesZip        = "";
            TestFilesPersistent = new[] { ".d" };                       // List of file basenames that we'd like to unzip alongside parent zipFile, and (re)use in place

            MsDataFileImpl.PerfUtilFactory.IssueDummyPerfUtils = false; // Turn on performance measurement


            var logs  = Log.GetMemoryAppendedLogEvents();
            var stats = PerfUtilFactory.SummarizeLogs(logs, TestFilesPersistent); // Show summary
            var log   = new Log("Summary");

            if (TestFilesDirs != null)
                log.Info(stats.Replace(TestFilesDir.PersistentFilesDir, "")); // Remove tempfile info from log
        public void AgilentIMSImportTest()

            TestFilesZip        = "";
            TestFilesPersistent = new[] { "19pep_1700V_pos_3May14_Legolas.d", "19pep_1700V_CE22_pos_5May14_Legolas.d" }; // list of files that we'd like to unzip alongside parent zipFile, and (re)use in place

            MsDataFileImpl.PerfUtilFactory.IssueDummyPerfUtils = false;                                                  // turn on performance measurement


            var logs  = Log.GetMemoryAppendedLogEvents();
            var stats = PerfUtilFactory.SummarizeLogs(logs, TestFilesPersistent); // show summary
            var log   = new Log("Summary");

            if (TestFilesDirs != null)
                log.Info(stats.Replace(TestFilesDir.PersistentFilesDir, "")); // Remove tempfile info from log
        [Timeout(6000000)]  // Initial download can take a long time
        public void AgilentSpectrumMillIMSImportTest()
            // RunPerfTests = true;  // Uncomment to force this to run in UI
            TestFilesZip        = GetPerfTestDataURL(@"");
            TestFilesPersistent = new[] { "40minG_WBP_wide_z2-3" };     // List of file basenames that we'd like to unzip alongside parent zipFile, and (re)use in place

            MsDataFileImpl.PerfUtilFactory.IssueDummyPerfUtils = false; // Turn on performance measurement


            var logs  = Log.GetMemoryAppendedLogEvents();
            var stats = PerfUtilFactory.SummarizeLogs(logs, TestFilesPersistent); // Show summary
            var log   = new Log("Summary");

            if (TestFilesDirs != null)
                log.Info(stats.Replace(TestFilesDir.PersistentFilesDir, "")); // Remove tempfile info from log
Beispiel #8
        private void AgilentSpectrumMillTest(int testCase)
            // RunPerfTests = true; // Uncomment this to force test to run in UI
            _testCase    = testCase;
            TestFilesZip = _testCase == 1 ? "" :
            TestFilesPersistent = new[] { ".d" };                       // List of file basenames that we'd like to unzip alongside parent zipFile, and (re)use in place

            MsDataFileImpl.PerfUtilFactory.IssueDummyPerfUtils = false; // Turn on performance measurement


            var logs  = Log.GetMemoryAppendedLogEvents();
            var stats = PerfUtilFactory.SummarizeLogs(logs, TestFilesPersistent); // Show summary
            var log   = new Log("Summary");

            if (TestFilesDirs != null)
                log.Info(stats.Replace(TestFilesDir.PersistentFilesDir, "")); // Remove tempfile info from log