Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The main thread method that will pop from the stack, then split the file
        /// based on the header defined in the passed in stack
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <param name="stack"></param>
        /// <param name="numOfFiles"></param>
        public void split(string filename, ConcurrentStack <String> stack, int numOfFiles)
            while (!stack.IsEmpty)
                //If we fail popping, we may be attempting to access
                //at the same time as someone else. This means the stack
                //might have emptied since we last checked so we check again
                if (!stack.TryPop(out string header))
                //If we got this far, then we have a header
                FieldSplitter splitter = new FieldSplitter();
                DebugLog.logConsole("Splitting " + filename + " file based on " + header);
                splitter.splitFile(filename, header, numOfFiles);
                //remove our reference to splitter for the next iteration
                splitter = null;

                double perc = ((double)(numOfFiles - stack.Count) / (double)numOfFiles) * 100;

                PercentageClass.UpdatePercentage("Splitting " + header, perc);
                DebugLog.logConsole("File splitting: " + perc.ToString("#.##") + "% total");
            //Since the stack is empty, we are done
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a file path. If the file already exists in the cache,
        /// the file is deleted from the cache. The cache directory
        /// is then filled with the corresponding files
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filein"></param>
        public static void parseDataIntoCache(string filein)
            long         fileSize = new FileInfo(filein).Length;
            StreamReader fileIN   = new StreamReader(filein);
            string       line     = "";

            line = fileIN.ReadLine();
            //These are the string headers
            string[] parsedPoints = line.Replace(" ", "").Split(',');
            //Creates cache directories for file
            //Writers for their own subjective
            FileStream[]   streams = new FileStream[parsedPoints.Length - 1];
            BinaryWriter[] writers = new BinaryWriter[parsedPoints.Length - 1];
            //We're doing something a bit weird here, but it saves time in the
            //post-parsing stage if we do it now.
            //we're going to save the min and max of each header into its own file.
            //The min max array goes [header1Min, header1Max, header2min, ...]
            float[] minMaxArray = new float[2 * (parsedPoints.Length - 1)];
            //here we set the min max to be -+inf
            for (int i = 0; i < minMaxArray.Length; i++)
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    minMaxArray[i] = float.MaxValue;
                    minMaxArray[i] = float.MinValue;
            //creating a string array so that we know where to write our min max arrays to at each end
            string[] minMaxDestinations = new string[parsedPoints.Length - 1];
            //for each header, we create a directory within it, then
            //a file named full.NBF in each which we will write to over
            //the course of the parsing
            //We don't care about the cell number as that is held natively
            for (int i = 1; i < parsedPoints.Length - 2; i++)
                string headerPath = FileStructure.createHeaderDirectory(parsedPoints[i]);
                streams[i - 1] = File.Open(headerPath + "full.bnf", FileMode.Create);
                writers[i - 1] = new BinaryWriter(streams[i - 1]);
                //here we do the add the headerpath to our minMacDestinations
                minMaxDestinations[i - 1] = headerPath;
            long bytes = 0;
            int  count = 0;

            DebugLog.logConsole("Reading " + filein + "...");
            //As long as the string is not null or empty
            while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(line = fileIN.ReadLine()))
                bytes       += Encoding.ASCII.GetByteCount(line);
                parsedPoints = line.Replace(" ", "").Split(',');
                //For each point, save it to it's respective file
                //again we don't care about cell number
                for (int i = 1; i < parsedPoints.Length - 2; i++)
                    float point = float.Parse(parsedPoints[i]);
                    writers[i - 1].Write(point);
                    //checking our min max of each point
                    if (point < minMaxArray[2 * (i - 1)])
                        minMaxArray[2 * (i - 1)] = point;
                    if (point > minMaxArray[(2 * (i - 1)) + 1])
                        minMaxArray[(2 * (i - 1)) + 1] = point;
                //For measuring progress
                if (count == 500000)
                    count = 0;
                    double perc = ((double)bytes / (double)fileSize) * 100;
                    PercentageClass.UpdatePercentage("Parsing", perc);
                    DebugLog.logConsole("Parsing File :" + perc.ToString("#.##") + "%");
            //Closing the outputs
            foreach (BinaryWriter w in writers)
                if (w != null)
            foreach (FileStream s in streams)
                if (s != null)
            //We are done with the input
            //Now we write the min max of each header to file
            for (int i = 0; i < minMaxDestinations.Length; i++)
                if (minMaxDestinations[i] == null)
                Stream       stream = File.Create(minMaxDestinations[i] + "mmAray.bin");
                BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
                DebugLog.logConsole(minMaxDestinations[i] +
                                    "mmAray.bin had minimum :\n\t" + minMaxArray[i * 2].ToString() +
                                    "\nand maximum :\n\t" + minMaxArray[(i * 2) + 1].ToString());
                writer.Write(minMaxArray[i * 2]);
                writer.Write(minMaxArray[(i * 2) + 1]);
Beispiel #3
        public void createMesh(ConcurrentStack <string> stack, int resolution, string[] axis, float[] minMaxArray, float isoLevel)
            DebugLog.logConsole("Mesh creation thread started");
            totalMeshes = stack.Count;
            while (!stack.IsEmpty)
                //If we fail popping, we may be attempting to access
                //at the same time as someone else. This means the stack
                //might have emptied since we last checked so we check again
                if (!stack.TryPop(out string file))
                //If we got this far, then we have a file
                DebugLog.logConsole(file + " has been selected");
                SingularMesh alg   = alg = new SingularMesh();
                VoxelArray   array = null;
                    array = alg.createPointCloud(file, resolution, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2], minMaxArray);
                catch (Exception) { DebugLog.logConsole("Threading failed at array creation for " + file); }
                MarchingCubes test = new MarchingCubes();
                IM intermediate = null;
                    intermediate = test.CreateMesh(array.toFloatArray());
                catch (Exception) { DebugLog.logConsole("Threading failed at intermediate creation for " + file); }
                    if (intermediate.verts.Count > 64999)
                        DebugLog.logConsole("Dividing " + file);
                        IM[] divs = intermediate.divideIntoSmall();
                        for (int i = 0; i < divs.Length; i++)
                            divs[i].WriteIntermediateToFile(alg.outputPath + "_" + i + ".IMF");
                        intermediate.WriteIntermediateToFile(alg.outputPath + ".IMF");
                    DebugLog.logConsole(alg.outputPath + ".IMF");
                catch (Exception e) { DebugLog.logConsole(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace + "\n" + file + "\n--------------------------------------------"); }

                array        = null;
                alg          = null;
                intermediate = null;

                    double perc = ((double)(totalMeshes - stack.Count) / (double)totalMeshes) * 100;
                    PercentageClass.UpdatePercentage("Creating Mesh", perc);
                    DebugLog.logConsole("Mesh Creation: " + perc.ToString("#.##") + "% total");
                catch (Exception) { DebugLog.logConsole("Threading failed at percentage writing for " + file); }