public ArrayList ComputeTheValues(ref int TotalHeight)
            if (SequenceLength >= 2000 && SequenceLength < 5000)
                BIGSEG = 500;
                SMALLSEG = 50;
            else if (SequenceLength > 5000 && SequenceLength < 20000)
                BIGSEG = 1000;
                SMALLSEG = 100;
            else if (SequenceLength >= 20000)
                BIGSEG = 5000;
                SMALLSEG = 500;
                BIGSEG = 100;
                SMALLSEG = 10;

            //Height += TotalPeptides * PEPROWHEIGHT;

            int EndLength = ((SequenceLength / SMALLSEG) + 1) * SMALLSEG;
            int smallStepNumber = EndLength / SMALLSEG;
            float smallstep = NETWIDTH / (float)smallStepNumber;
            UNIT = smallstep / SMALLSEG;

            string strSQL = string.Format("select a.pp_relation_seq,a.location,b.peptide_sequence,b.sequence_length,b.peptide_sequence,a.unique_peptide from pp_relation_tbl a, peptide_tbl b where b.peptide_sequence= a.peptide_sequence and a.location <> -1 and a.protein_id='{0}' order by a.location", ProteinID);
            DataSet   result = DBInterface.QuerySQL2(strSQL);
            int i = 0;
            ArrayList PepRectArray = new ArrayList();
            int MaxRight = 0;
            int row = 0;
            int MaxRow = 1;
            if (result != null)
                for (int j=0;j<result.Tables[0].Rows.Count ;j++)
                    int location = int.Parse (result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[1].ToString ()) ;// GetInt64(1);
                    string pepid = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[2].ToString ();
                    int length = int.Parse (result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[3].ToString ());

                    if (location >= MaxRight)
                        row = 0;

                    PepRectInfo pri = new PepRectInfo();
                    pri.Sequence = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[4].ToString ();
                    pri.PepID = pepid;
                    pri.Location = location;
                    pri.Length = length;
                    pri.left = (int)(location * UNIT + MARGIN) ;
           = row * PEPROWHEIGHT + AXISY + 30;
                    pri.bottom = + (int)(PEPROWHEIGHT / 2);
                    pri.right = MARGIN + (int)((length+location ) * UNIT) ;
                    if (pri.right - pri.left < 2)
                        pri.right = pri.left + 2;
                    if (result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[5].ToString()  =="0")
                        pri.bUnique = false;
                        pri.bUnique = true;
                    i += 1;

                    row += 1;
                    if (row > MaxRow)
                        MaxRow = row;
                    if (location + length > MaxRight)
                        MaxRight = location + length;



            TotalHeight = Height + MaxRow * PEPROWHEIGHT;
            return PepRectArray;
Beispiel #2
        public ArrayList ComputeTheValues(ref int TotalHeight)
            if (SequenceLength >= 2000 && SequenceLength < 5000)
                BIGSEG   = 500;
                SMALLSEG = 50;
            else if (SequenceLength > 5000 && SequenceLength < 20000)
                BIGSEG   = 1000;
                SMALLSEG = 100;
            else if (SequenceLength >= 20000)
                BIGSEG   = 5000;
                SMALLSEG = 500;
                BIGSEG   = 100;
                SMALLSEG = 10;

            //Height += TotalPeptides * PEPROWHEIGHT;

            int   EndLength       = ((SequenceLength / SMALLSEG) + 1) * SMALLSEG;
            int   smallStepNumber = EndLength / SMALLSEG;
            float smallstep       = NETWIDTH / (float)smallStepNumber;

            UNIT = smallstep / SMALLSEG;

            string strSQL = string.Format("select a.pp_relation_seq,a.location,b.peptide_sequence,b.sequence_length,b.peptide_sequence,a.unique_peptide from pp_relation_tbl a, peptide_tbl b where b.peptide_sequence= a.peptide_sequence and a.location <> -1 and a.protein_id='{0}' order by a.location", ProteinID);
            DataSet   result       = DBInterface.QuerySQL2(strSQL);
            int       i            = 0;
            ArrayList PepRectArray = new ArrayList();
            int       MaxRight     = 0;
            int       row          = 0;
            int       MaxRow       = 1;

            if (result != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < result.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                    int    location = int.Parse(result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[1].ToString());// GetInt64(1);
                    string pepid    = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[2].ToString();
                    int    length   = int.Parse(result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[3].ToString());

                    if (location >= MaxRight)
                        row = 0;

                    PepRectInfo pri = new PepRectInfo();
                    pri.Sequence = result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[4].ToString();
                    pri.PepID    = pepid;
                    pri.Location = location;
                    pri.Length   = length;
                    pri.left     = (int)(location * UNIT + MARGIN);
                = row * PEPROWHEIGHT + AXISY + 30;
                    pri.bottom   = + (int)(PEPROWHEIGHT / 2);
                    pri.right    = MARGIN + (int)((length + location) * UNIT);
                    if (pri.right - pri.left < 2)
                        pri.right = pri.left + 2;
                    if (result.Tables[0].Rows[j].ItemArray[5].ToString() == "0")
                        pri.bUnique = false;
                        pri.bUnique = true;
                    i += 1;

                    row += 1;
                    if (row > MaxRow)
                        MaxRow = row;
                    if (location + length > MaxRight)
                        MaxRight = location + length;

            TotalHeight = Height + MaxRow * PEPROWHEIGHT;