Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the LTI claims for an LtiDeepLinkingRequest.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tool">The deep linking tool.</param>
        /// <param name="person">The person being authorized.</param>
        /// <param name="course">The course (can be null).</param>
        /// <param name="platform">The platform.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Claim> GetDeepLinkingRequestClaims(
            Tool tool,
            Person person,
            Course course,
            Platform platform)
            var httpRequest = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request;

            var request = new LtiDeepLinkingRequest
                DeploymentId       = tool.DeploymentId,
                FamilyName         = person.LastName,
                GivenName          = person.FirstName,
                LaunchPresentation = new LaunchPresentationClaimValueType
                    DocumentTarget = DocumentTarget.Window,
                    Locale         = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name
                Lis = new LisClaimValueType
                    PersonSourcedId        = person.SisId,
                    CourseSectionSourcedId = course?.SisId
                Lti11LegacyUserId = person.Id.ToString(),
                Platform          = new PlatformClaimValueType
                    ContactEmail      = platform.ContactEmail,
                    Description       = platform.Description,
                    Guid              = platform.Id.ToString(),
                    Name              = platform.Name,
                    ProductFamilyCode = platform.ProductFamilyCode,
                    Url     = platform.Url,
                    Version = platform.Version
                Roles         = PeopleModel.ParsePersonRoles(person.Roles),
                TargetLinkUri = tool.DeepLinkingLaunchUrl

            // Add the context if the launch is from a course.
            if (course == null)
                // Remove context roles
                request.Roles = request.Roles.Where(r => !r.ToString().StartsWith("Context")).ToArray();
                request.Context = new ContextClaimValueType
                    Id    = course.Id.ToString(),
                    Title = course.Name,
                    Type  = new[] { ContextType.CourseSection }

            // Add the deep linking settings
            request.DeepLinkingSettings = new DeepLinkingSettingsClaimValueType
                AcceptPresentationDocumentTargets = new [] { DocumentTarget.Window },
                AcceptMultiple    = true,
                AcceptTypes       = new [] { Constants.ContentItemTypes.LtiLink },
                AutoCreate        = true,
                DeepLinkReturnUrl = _linkGenerator.GetUriByPage(
                    handler: null,
                    values: new { platformId = platform.Id, courseId = course?.Id },
                    scheme: httpRequest.Scheme,
                    host: httpRequest.Host)

            // Collect custom properties
            if (tool.CustomProperties.TryConvertToDictionary(out var custom))
                // Prepare for custom property substitutions
                var substitutions = new CustomPropertySubstitutions
                    LtiUser = new LtiUser
                        Username = person.Username

                request.Custom = substitutions.ReplaceCustomPropertyValues(custom);

            return(new List <Claim>(request.Claims));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the LTI claims for an LtiResourceLinkRequest.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceLink">The resource link.</param>
        /// <param name="gradebookColumn">The gradebool column for this resource link.</param>
        /// <param name="person">The person being authorized.</param>
        /// <param name="course">The course (can be null).</param>
        /// <param name="platform">The platform.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Claim> GetResourceLinkRequestClaims(
            ResourceLink resourceLink,
            GradebookColumn gradebookColumn,
            Person person,
            Course course,
            Platform platform)
            var httpRequest = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request;

            var request = new LtiResourceLinkRequest
                DeploymentId       = resourceLink.Tool.DeploymentId,
                FamilyName         = person.LastName,
                GivenName          = person.FirstName,
                LaunchPresentation = new LaunchPresentationClaimValueType
                    DocumentTarget = DocumentTarget.Window,
                    Locale         = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name,
                    ReturnUrl      = $"{httpRequest.Scheme}://{httpRequest.Host}"
                Lis = new LisClaimValueType
                    PersonSourcedId        = person.SisId,
                    CourseSectionSourcedId = course?.SisId
                Lti11LegacyUserId = person.Id.ToString(),
                Platform          = new PlatformClaimValueType
                    ContactEmail      = platform.ContactEmail,
                    Description       = platform.Description,
                    Guid              = platform.Id.ToString(),
                    Name              = platform.Name,
                    ProductFamilyCode = platform.ProductFamilyCode,
                    Url     = platform.Url,
                    Version = platform.Version
                ResourceLink = new ResourceLinkClaimValueType
                    Id          = resourceLink.Id.ToString(),
                    Title       = resourceLink.Title,
                    Description = resourceLink.Description
                Roles         = PeopleModel.ParsePersonRoles(person.Roles),
                TargetLinkUri = resourceLink.Tool.LaunchUrl

            // Add the context if the launch is from a course.
            if (course == null)
                // Remove context roles
                request.Roles = request.Roles.Where(r => !r.ToString().StartsWith("Context")).ToArray();
                request.Context = new ContextClaimValueType
                    Id    = course.Id.ToString(),
                    Title = course.Name,
                    Type  = new[] { ContextType.CourseSection }

                request.AssignmentGradeServices = new AssignmentGradeServicesClaimValueType
                    Scope = new List <string>
                    LineItemUrl = gradebookColumn == null ? null : _linkGenerator.GetUriByRouteValues(Constants.ServiceEndpoints.Ags.LineItemService,
                                                                                                      new { contextId = course.Id, lineItemId = gradebookColumn.Id }, httpRequest.Scheme, httpRequest.Host),
                    LineItemsUrl = _linkGenerator.GetUriByRouteValues(Constants.ServiceEndpoints.Ags.LineItemsService,
                                                                      new { contextId = course.Id }, httpRequest.Scheme, httpRequest.Host)

                request.NamesRoleService = new NamesRoleServiceClaimValueType
                    ContextMembershipUrl = _linkGenerator.GetUriByRouteValues(Constants.ServiceEndpoints.Nrps.MembershipService,
                                                                              new { contextId = course.Id }, httpRequest.Scheme, httpRequest.Host)

            // Collect custom properties
            if (!resourceLink.Tool.CustomProperties.TryConvertToDictionary(out var custom))
                custom = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            if (resourceLink.CustomProperties.TryConvertToDictionary(out var linkDictionary))
                foreach (var property in linkDictionary)
                    if (custom.ContainsKey(property.Key))
                        custom[property.Key] = property.Value;
                        custom.Add(property.Key, property.Value);

            // Prepare for custom property substitutions
            var substitutions = new CustomPropertySubstitutions
                LtiUser = new LtiUser
                    Username = person.Username

            request.Custom = substitutions.ReplaceCustomPropertyValues(custom);

            return(new List <Claim>(request.Claims));
Beispiel #3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns members of the course.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The request.</param>
        /// <returns>The members of the sample course.</returns>
        protected override async Task <ActionResult <MembershipContainer> > OnGetMembershipAsync(GetMembershipRequest request)
            // In this sample app, each registered app user has an associated platform,
            // course, and membership. So look up the user that owns the requested course.

            if (!int.TryParse(request.ContextId, out var contextId))
                var name = $"{nameof(request)}.{nameof(request.ContextId)}";
                ModelState.AddModelError(name, $"The {name} field cannot be converted into a course id.");
                return(BadRequest(new ValidationProblemDetails(ModelState)));

            if (!await _courseValidator.UserHasAccess(contextId))
                return(Unauthorized(new ProblemDetails
                    Title = "Not authorized",
                    Detail = "User not authorized to access the requested course."

            var course = await _context.GetCourseAsync(contextId);

            if (course == null)
                return(NotFound(new ProblemDetails
                    Title = ReasonPhrases.GetReasonPhrase(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound),
                    Detail = "Course not found"

            var user = await _context.GetUserByCourseIdAsync(course.Id);

            var membership = new MembershipContainer
                Id      = Request.GetDisplayUrl(),
                Context = new Context
                    Id    = user.Course.Id.ToString(),
                    Title = user.Course.Name

            if (user.People.Any())
                var people = user.People
                             .Select(p => new Member
                    FamilyName         = p.LastName,
                    GivenName          = p.FirstName,
                    Roles              = PeopleModel.ParsePersonRoles(p.Roles),
                    Status             = MemberStatus.Active,
                    LisPersonSourcedId = p.SisId,
                    UserId             = p.Id.ToString(),
                    Email              = p.Email

                if (request.Rlid.IsPresent())
                    if (!int.TryParse(request.Rlid, out var resourceLinkId))
                        var name = $"{nameof(request)}.{nameof(request.ContextId)}";
                        ModelState.AddModelError(name, $"The {name} field cannot be converted into a resource linkid id.");
                        return(BadRequest(new ValidationProblemDetails(ModelState)));

                    people = people.Where(p => user.Course.ResourceLinks.Any(l => l.Id == resourceLinkId));

                if (request.Role.HasValue)
                    people = people.Where(p => p.Roles.Any(r => r == request.Role.Value));

                membership.Members = people.ToList();
