Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// - Saves all MediaItems with their MIAs to the Database
        /// - In case of SingleResources in RefreshImports it also deletes all MediaItems below the current one in the database
        ///   (necessary if in a previous import this MediaItem was saved to the Database as a directory instead of a SingleResource)
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> after processing</returns>
        private async Task <PendingImportResourceNewGen> ProcessMediaItem(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
                await UpdateMediaItem(importResource.ParentDirectoryId.Value, importResource.PendingResourcePath, importResource.Aspects.Values);

                if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
                    if (importResource.IsSingleResource)
                        await DeleteUnderPath(importResource.PendingResourcePath);

                importResource.IsValid = false;
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
                importResource.IsValid = false;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// - It does nothing but drop the current <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> if
        ///   (a) this is a RefreshImport,
        ///   (b) the DateOfLastImport is more current than the LastChanged date of the resource;
        ///       the DateOfLastImport is only set for files because for directories we don't know to what filesystem date we
        ///       should compare (the LastChanged date of the directory may be unchanged although fils below have changed), and
        ///   (c) the DateOfLastImport is more current than the most recent creation date of all MIAs, wich are imported in this
        ///       ImportJob. This ensures that if a new MIA is added to the system that should be imported for this ImportJob, the
        ///       Import is actually performed although this is a RefreshImport and the MediaItems have not changed since the last Import.
        /// - For all other resources it calls all the aplicable MDEs
        /// - It then also drops the respective <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> if nothing could be extracted;
        ///   This is currently in particular the case for
        ///   - directories that are not SingleResources (as we don't have a MDE that extracts metadata for such directories, yet
        ///   - file types that non of the applicable MDEs can handle
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> after processing</returns>
        private async Task <PendingImportResourceNewGen> ProcessMediaItem(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
                importResource.Aspects = await ExtractMetadata(importResource.ResourceAccessor, importResource.ExistingAspects, _forceQuickMode).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (importResource.Aspects == null)
                    importResource.Aspects = importResource.ExistingAspects;
                if (importResource.Aspects == null)
                    importResource.IsValid = false;

            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
                importResource.IsValid = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// - Saves all MediaItems with their MIAs to the Database
        /// - In case of SingleResources in RefreshImports it also deletes all MediaItems below the current one in the database
        ///   (necessary if in a previous import this MediaItem was saved to the Database as a directory instead of a SingleResource)
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> after processing</returns>
        private async Task <PendingImportResourceNewGen> ProcessMediaItem(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
                if (importResource.MediaItemId.HasValue)
                    importResource.MediaItemId = await UpdateMediaItem(importResource.ParentDirectoryId.Value, importResource.PendingResourcePath, importResource.MediaItemId.Value, MediaItemAspect.GetAspects(importResource.Aspects), ImportJobInformation, true).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    importResource.MediaItemId = await UpdateMediaItem(importResource.ParentDirectoryId.Value, importResource.PendingResourcePath, MediaItemAspect.GetAspects(importResource.Aspects), ImportJobInformation, false).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
                    if (importResource.IsSingleResource && importResource.Aspects.ContainsKey(DirectoryAspect.ASPECT_ID))
                        await DeleteUnderPath(importResource.PendingResourcePath).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
                importResource.IsValid = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes no longer existing subdirectories from the MediaLibrary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>representing the currently processed directory</param>
        /// <param name="subDirectories">Existing subdirectories of the currently processed directory</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task DeleteNoLongerExistingSubdirectoriesFromMediaLibrary(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource, IEnumerable <IFileSystemResourceAccessor> subDirectories)
            var mediaItem = await LoadLocalItem(importResource.PendingResourcePath, EMPTY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION, EMPTY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // If the currently processed directory does not yet exist in the MediaLibrary,
            // there is no need to check for existing subdirectories in the MediaLibrary.
            if (mediaItem == null)
            var directoryId = mediaItem.MediaItemId;

            // Get the subdirectories stored in the MediaLibrary for the currently procesed directory
            // TODO: Rework this
            var subDirectoryResourcePathsInMediaLibrary = (await Browse(directoryId, PROVIDERRESOURCE_DIRECTORY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION, EMPTY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION).ConfigureAwait(false)).Select(mi => ResourcePath.Deserialize(mi[ProviderResourceAspect.ASPECT_ID][0].GetAttributeValue <String>(ProviderResourceAspect.ATTR_RESOURCE_ACCESSOR_PATH))).ToList();

            // If there are no subdirectories stored in the MediaLibrary, there is no need to delete anything
            if (!subDirectoryResourcePathsInMediaLibrary.Any())

            // Find out which subdirectories are stored in the MediaLibrary that do not exist anymore
            // in the filesystem and delete them (including all subdirectories and subitems)
            var subDirectoryResourcePathsInFileSystem     = subDirectories.Select(ra => ra.CanonicalLocalResourcePath);
            var noLongerExistingSubdirectoryResourcePaths = subDirectoryResourcePathsInMediaLibrary.Except(subDirectoryResourcePathsInFileSystem).ToList();

            foreach (var noLongerExistingSubdirectoryResourcePath in noLongerExistingSubdirectoryResourcePaths)
                await DeleteMediaItem(noLongerExistingSubdirectoryResourcePath).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Extracts relationships for the media item and adds them to the media library.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> after processing</returns>
        private async Task <PendingImportResourceNewGen> ProcessMediaItem(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
                //Check if we can extract relations for this import resource
                if (await ValidateImportResource(importResource).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    //Try to cache the resource as a matching item might get extracted later, e.g. the SeriesEpisodeExtractor
                    //might extract a matching episode and we should avoid processing the item again.
                    await CacheImportResource(importResource).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    await ExtractRelationships(importResource.ResourceAccessor, importResource.MediaItemId.Value, importResource.Aspects).ConfigureAwait(false);

                importResource.IsValid = false;
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
                importResource.IsValid = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks, in case of RefreshImports, whether a refresh of a given directory is necessary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importResource">PendingImportResource of the directory to be checked</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <bool> IsRefreshNeeded(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
            var directoryPath = importResource.ResourceAccessor.CanonicalLocalResourcePath;
            var directoryItem = await LoadLocalItem(directoryPath, EMPTY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION, DIRECTORY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION);

            if (directoryItem != null)
                MediaItemAspect directoryAspect;
                if (!directoryItem.Aspects.TryGetValue(DirectoryAspect.ASPECT_ID, out directoryAspect))
                    // This is the case if the parentResourcePath was formerly imported as a single resource.
                    // We cannot reuse it and it is necessary to delete this old MediaItem.
                    await DeleteMediaItem(directoryPath);

                    directoryItem = null;
                    // This directory is already correctly stored in the MediaLibrary. No need to store it again,
                    // we just cache its ID for potential subdirectories to be stored during this refresh.
                    _parentDirectoryIds[directoryPath] = directoryItem.MediaItemId;
                    importResource.MediaItemId         = directoryItem.MediaItemId;
            return(directoryItem == null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// - Checks whether the current resource is a SingleResource.
        /// - If this is not the case (i.e. there are subitems under this resource)
        ///   - it posts all the subdirectories under this resource to this DataflowBlock
        ///   - and in case of a RefreshImport, it deletes all subdirectories of the current resource in the MediaLibrary
        ///     that do not exist anymore.
        ///  - If there are no more resources to be processed after this resource, it completes this DataflowBlock
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> after processing</returns>
        private async Task <PendingImportResourceNewGen> ProcessDirectory(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
                //ToDo: Replace this with a call to IsSingleResource once this method is implemented in the MetadataExtractors
                if (!importResource.ResourceAccessor.IsFile && await ExtractMetadata(importResource.ResourceAccessor, true) == null)
                    importResource.IsSingleResource = false;

                if (!importResource.IsSingleResource && ImportJobInformation.IncludeSubDirectories)
                    var subDirectories = FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetChildDirectories(importResource.ResourceAccessor, false) ?? new HashSet <IFileSystemResourceAccessor>();

                    // This may throw an exception in case of cancellation and therefore needs to be done before
                    // posting the subdirectories to the InputBufferBlock to avoid duplicate ImportResources when
                    // reactivating this block after it has been deserialized from disk.
                    if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
                        await DeleteNoLongerExistingSubdirectoriesFromMediaLibrary(importResource, subDirectories);

                    foreach (var subDirectory in subDirectories)
                        this.Post(new PendingImportResourceNewGen(importResource.ResourceAccessor.CanonicalLocalResourcePath, subDirectory, ToString(), ParentImportJobController));

            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
                importResource.IsValid = false;
                var inputBlock = (TransformBlock <PendingImportResourceNewGen, PendingImportResourceNewGen>)InputBlock;
                if (inputBlock.InputCount == 0 && inputBlock.OutputCount == 0)
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// - SingleResources are just passed to the next DataflowBlock
        /// - If it's not a SingleResource
        ///   - it finds all the files in the current directory,
        ///   - in case of a RefreshImport
        ///     - it deletes all the files in the MediaLibrary that do not exist anymore in the filesystem,
        ///     - it stores the DateOfLastImport of all the files in the <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a HashSet of <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>s containing the current <see cref="PendingImportResource"/>
        /// after processing as well as <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>s for all files in the current directory
        /// </returns>
        private async Task <IEnumerable <PendingImportResourceNewGen> > ProcessChanges(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
            var result = new HashSet <PendingImportResourceNewGen> {

                if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
                    // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
                    IEnumerable <MediaItem> mediaItems = await GetUpdatableMediaItems(PROVIDERRESOURCE_IMPORTER_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION, null);

                    if (mediaItems != null)
                        foreach (MediaItem mi in mediaItems)
                            IList <MultipleMediaItemAspect> providerAspects = null;
                            if (MediaItemAspect.TryGetAspects(mi.Aspects, ProviderResourceAspect.Metadata, out providerAspects))
                                ResourcePath      path        = ResourcePath.Deserialize(providerAspects[0].GetAttributeValue <String>(ProviderResourceAspect.ATTR_RESOURCE_ACCESSOR_PATH));
                                Guid?             directoryId = providerAspects[0].GetAttributeValue <Guid?>(ProviderResourceAspect.ATTR_PARENT_DIRECTORY_ID);
                                IResourceAccessor ra;
                                if (path.TryCreateLocalResourceAccessor(out ra) && ra is IFileSystemResourceAccessor)
                                    IFileSystemResourceAccessor f   = ra as IFileSystemResourceAccessor;
                                    string       dirPath            = ResourcePathHelper.GetDirectoryName(ra.Path);
                                    ResourcePath dirRa              = ResourcePath.BuildBaseProviderPath(ra.ParentProvider.Metadata.ResourceProviderId, dirPath);
                                    PendingImportResourceNewGen pir = new PendingImportResourceNewGen(dirRa, f, ToString(), ParentImportJobController, directoryId, mi.MediaItemId);
                                    pir.DateOfLastImport = DateTime.MinValue; //Force update
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
                importResource.IsValid = false;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Caches the aspects of the specified <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importResource">The <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> containing the aspects to cache.</param>
        /// <returns>A Task that completes when the item has been cached.</returns>
        protected async Task <bool> CacheImportResource(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
            MediaItem item   = new MediaItem(importResource.MediaItemId.Value, importResource.Aspects);
            bool      result = false;
            await _cacheSync.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                foreach (IRelationshipRoleExtractor roleExtractor in GetLinkedRoleExtractors(importResource.Aspects))
                    result |= _relationshipCache.TryAddItem(item, roleExtractor);
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// - Sets the ParentDirectoryId of the current <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>
        /// - If the current resource is not a SingleResource (which are saved by the <see cref="MediaItemSaveBlock"/>)
        ///   - it saves the directory MediaItem to the MediaLibrary
        ///   - for RereshImports it is only saved if it is not yet in the MediaLibrary.
        /// - If it has been saved, it sets the MediaItemId of the current <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> after processing</returns>
        private async Task <PendingImportResourceNewGen> ProcessDirectory(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
                importResource.ParentDirectoryId = await GetParentDirectoryId(importResource.ParentDirectory);

                // Directories that are single resources (such as DVD directories) are not saved in this DataflowBlock
                // We just pass them to the next DataflowBlock.
                if (!importResource.IsSingleResource)
                    // We only save to the MediaLibrary if
                    // (a) this is a FirstTimeImport (i.e. not a RefreshImport), or
                    // (b) this is a RefreshImport and the respective directory MediaItem is not yet in the MediaLibrary
                    if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Import || await IsRefreshNeeded(importResource))
                        if (importResource.ParentDirectoryId == null)
                            // If we cannot determine the parent directory ID we have an error case and
                            // cannot save this directory MediaItem
                            importResource.IsValid = false;
                        Guid newId = await AddDirectory(importResource.ResourceAccessor, importResource.ParentDirectoryId.Value);

                        importResource.MediaItemId = newId;
                        _parentDirectoryIds[importResource.PendingResourcePath] = newId;
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
                importResource.IsValid = false;
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// - It does nothing but drop the current <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> if
        ///   (a) this is a RefreshImport,
        ///   (b) the DateOfLastImport is more current than the LastChanged date of the resource;
        ///       the DateOfLastImport is only set for files because for directories we don't know to what filesystem date we
        ///       should compare (the LastChanged date of the directory may be unchanged although fils below have changed), and
        ///   (c) the DateOfLastImport is more current than the most recent creation date of all MIAs, wich are imported in this
        ///       ImportJob. This ensures that if a new MIA is added to the system that should be imported for this ImportJob, the
        ///       Import is actually performed although this is a RefreshImport and the MediaItems have not changed since the last Import.
        /// - For all other resources it calls all the aplicable MDEs
        /// - It then also drops the respective <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> if nothing could be extracted;
        ///   This is currently in particular the case for
        ///   - directories that are not SingleResources (as we don't have a MDE that extracts metadata for such directories, yet
        ///   - file types that non of the applicable MDEs can handle
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> after processing</returns>
        private async Task <PendingImportResourceNewGen> ProcessMediaItem(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
                if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
                    // Do not import again, if the file or directory wasn't changed since the last import
                    // and there were no new relevant MIAs added since then.
                    // ToDo: We should only omit MDEs that get their data from the file or directory itself. All others should be called anyway.
                    if (importResource.DateOfLastImport > importResource.ResourceAccessor.LastChanged &&
                        importResource.DateOfLastImport > await _mostRecentMiaCreationDate.Value)
                        importResource.IsValid = false;

                importResource.Aspects = await ExtractMetadata(importResource.ResourceAccessor, _forceQuickMode);

                if (importResource.Aspects == null)
                    importResource.IsValid = false;

            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
                importResource.IsValid = false;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the specified <paramref name="importResource"/> has a valid media item id, and in the case
        /// of an import resource restored from disk attempts to load its aspects from the media library.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importResource">The <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to validate.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the import resource has a valid media item id and aspects.</returns>
        private async Task <bool> ValidateImportResource(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
            //It's possible for the media item id to be empty, particularly in the case of subtitles where no mergable media item
            //was found in the database. Don't process the item if that is the case
            if (!importResource.MediaItemId.HasValue || importResource.MediaItemId.Value == Guid.Empty ||
                !_processedMediaItemIds.TryAdd(importResource.MediaItemId.Value, DUMMY_DICTIONARY_VALUE))

            //Aspects will only be null if this import resource was restored from disk
            if (importResource.Aspects != null)

            //No aspects, this resource was restored from disk, try and restore the aspects from the media library.
            //Throttle the number of concurrent database connections to avoid a spike during startup.
            await _loadItemThrottle.WaitAsync(_ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

                //Try and restore the aspects
                MediaItem loadItem = await LoadLocalItem(importResource.MediaItemId.Value, null, await GetAllManagedMediaItemAspectTypes().ConfigureAwait(false)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (loadItem == null)
                importResource.Aspects = loadItem.Aspects;
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// - SingleResources are just passed to the next DataflowBlock
        /// - If it's not a SingleResource
        ///   - it finds all the files in the current directory,
        ///   - in case of a RefreshImport
        ///     - it deletes all the files in the MediaLibrary that do not exist anymore in the filesystem,
        ///     - it stores the DateOfLastImport of all the files in the <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a HashSet of <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>s containing the current <see cref="PendingImportResource"/>
        /// after processing as well as <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>s for all files in the current directory
        /// </returns>
        private async Task <IEnumerable <PendingImportResourceNewGen> > ProcessDirectory(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
            var result = new HashSet <PendingImportResourceNewGen> {

                ICollection <IFileSystemResourceAccessor> files;
                ICollection <IFileSystemResourceAccessor> stubFiles           = new HashSet <IFileSystemResourceAccessor>();
                IDictionary <ResourcePath, DateTime>      path2LastImportDate = new Dictionary <ResourcePath, DateTime>();
                IDictionary <ResourcePath, Guid>          path2MediaItem      = new Dictionary <ResourcePath, Guid>();
                IEnumerable <MediaItem> mediaItems = null;
                if (importResource.IsSingleResource)
                    files = new HashSet <IFileSystemResourceAccessor> {
                    MediaItem mi = await LoadLocalItem(importResource.PendingResourcePath, PROVIDERRESOURCE_IMPORTER_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION, null).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (mi != null)
                        mediaItems = new List <MediaItem>(new MediaItem[] { mi });
                        importResource.MediaItemId = mi.MediaItemId;
                    files = FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetFiles(importResource.ResourceAccessor, false, false) ?? new HashSet <IFileSystemResourceAccessor>();
                    SingleMediaItemAspect directoryAspect;
                    // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
                    // TODO: Rework this
                    mediaItems = (await Browse(importResource.MediaItemId.Value, PROVIDERRESOURCE_IMPORTER_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION, DIRECTORY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION).ConfigureAwait(false))
                                 .Where(mi => !MediaItemAspect.TryGetAspect(mi.Aspects, DirectoryAspect.Metadata, out directoryAspect));
                if (mediaItems != null)
                    foreach (MediaItem mi in mediaItems)
                        //Check metadata and files:
                        // 1. Last import date is lower than file change date => Refresh needed
                        // 2. Media item ID is empty => Reimport/import needed
                        // 3. Media item is dirty => Reimport/import needed
                        IList <MultipleMediaItemAspect> providerAspects = null;
                        if (MediaItemAspect.TryGetAspects(mi.Aspects, ProviderResourceAspect.Metadata, out providerAspects))
                            foreach (var pra in providerAspects)
                                bool         isStub = pra.GetAttributeValue <int>(ProviderResourceAspect.ATTR_TYPE) == ProviderResourceAspect.TYPE_STUB;
                                ResourcePath path   = ResourcePath.Deserialize(pra.GetAttributeValue <String>(ProviderResourceAspect.ATTR_RESOURCE_ACCESSOR_PATH));
                                if (!path2LastImportDate.ContainsKey(path) && importResource.PendingResourcePath.IsSameOrParentOf(path))
                                    //If last refresh is equal to added date, it has never been through the refresh cycle, so set low last change date
                                    //All media items must be added because the paths are later used to delete no longer existing media items
                                    var lastImportDate = mi.Aspects[ImporterAspect.ASPECT_ID][0].GetAttributeValue <DateTime>(ImporterAspect.ATTR_LAST_IMPORT_DATE);
                                    if (mi.Aspects[ImporterAspect.ASPECT_ID][0].GetAttributeValue <bool>(ImporterAspect.ATTR_DIRTY)) //If it is dirty, refresh is needed
                                        path2LastImportDate.Add(path, DateTime.MinValue);
                                        path2LastImportDate.Add(path, lastImportDate);
                                if (!importResource.IsSingleResource && !isStub && !path2MediaItem.ContainsKey(path))
                                    path2MediaItem.Add(path, mi.MediaItemId);

                                // Stub items need their media item id because the do no have a unique path
                                // So add them now as long as the needed info is known
                                if (isStub)
                                    IFileSystemResourceAccessor file = null;
                                        IResourceAccessor ra;
                                        if (path.TryCreateLocalResourceAccessor(out ra))
                                            file = ra as IFileSystemResourceAccessor;
                                    catch { }

                                    // Only add it if it still exists
                                    if (files.Where(f => file != null && f.CanonicalLocalResourcePath == file.CanonicalLocalResourcePath).Any())

                                        DateTime dateTime;
                                        PendingImportResourceNewGen pir = new PendingImportResourceNewGen(importResource.ResourceAccessor.CanonicalLocalResourcePath, file, ToString(),
                                                                                                          ParentImportJobController, importResource.MediaItemId, mi.MediaItemId, true);
                                        pir.ExistingAspects = mi.Aspects;
                                        if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
                                            if (path2LastImportDate.TryGetValue(pir.PendingResourcePath, out dateTime))
                                                pir.DateOfLastImport = dateTime;
                    await DeleteNoLongerExistingFilesFromMediaLibrary(files, path2LastImportDate.Keys).ConfigureAwait(false);

                //Add new stub items
                foreach (var file in files.Where(f => !path2LastImportDate.Keys.Contains(f.CanonicalLocalResourcePath)))
                    if (await IsStubResource(file).ConfigureAwait(false))

                        DateTime dateTime;
                        var      stubAspects = await ExtractStubItems(file).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (stubAspects != null)
                            foreach (var aspects in stubAspects)
                                PendingImportResourceNewGen pir = new PendingImportResourceNewGen(importResource.ResourceAccessor.CanonicalLocalResourcePath, file, ToString(),
                                                                                                  ParentImportJobController, importResource.MediaItemId, null, true);
                                pir.ExistingAspects = aspects;
                                if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
                                    if (path2LastImportDate.TryGetValue(pir.PendingResourcePath, out dateTime))
                                        pir.DateOfLastImport = dateTime;

                //Remove stub files from files collection so they don't get added again
                foreach (IFileSystemResourceAccessor file in stubFiles)
                    IFileSystemResourceAccessor stub = files.Where(f => f.CanonicalLocalResourcePath == file.CanonicalLocalResourcePath).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (stub != null)

                //Add importers for files if any
                if (!importResource.IsSingleResource)
                    if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Import)
                        //Only import new files so only add non existing paths
                        result.UnionWith(files.Where(f => !path2LastImportDate.Keys.Contains(f.CanonicalLocalResourcePath)).
                                         Select(f => new PendingImportResourceNewGen(importResource.ResourceAccessor.CanonicalLocalResourcePath, f, ToString(), ParentImportJobController, importResource.MediaItemId)));
                        result.UnionWith(files.Select(f => new PendingImportResourceNewGen(importResource.ResourceAccessor.CanonicalLocalResourcePath, f, ToString(), ParentImportJobController, importResource.MediaItemId,
                                                                                           path2MediaItem.ContainsKey(f.CanonicalLocalResourcePath) ? path2MediaItem[f.CanonicalLocalResourcePath] : (Guid?)null)));
                    // We set the directory resource as invalid because directories have no need for further processing
                    importResource.IsValid = false;

                // If this is a RefreshImport and we found files of the current directory in the MediaLibrary,
                // store the DateOfLastImport in the PendingImportResource
                if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
                    DateTime dateTime;
                    if (path2LastImportDate != null)
                        foreach (var pir in result)
                            if (path2LastImportDate.TryGetValue(pir.PendingResourcePath, out dateTime))
                                pir.DateOfLastImport = dateTime;

            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
                importResource.IsValid = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// - Saves all MediaItems with their MIAs to the Database
    /// - In case of SingleResources in RefreshImports it also deletes all MediaItems below the current one in the database
    ///   (necessary if in a previous import this MediaItem was saved to the Database as a directory instead of a SingleResource)
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> after processing</returns>
    private async Task<PendingImportResourceNewGen> ProcessMediaItem(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
        // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
        await UpdateMediaItem(importResource.ParentDirectoryId.Value, importResource.PendingResourcePath, importResource.Aspects.Values);

        if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
            await DeleteUnderPath(importResource.PendingResourcePath);

        importResource.IsValid = false;
        return importResource;
      catch (TaskCanceledException)
        return importResource;
      catch (Exception ex)
        ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
        importResource.IsValid = false;
        return importResource;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// - Loads MediaItems with their MIAs from the Database for RefreshImports if last update was more than a day ago.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> after processing</returns>
        private async Task <PendingImportResourceNewGen> ProcessMediaItem(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
                if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
                    // Do not import again, if the file or directory wasn't changed since the last import
                    // and there were no new relevant MIAs added since then.
                    // ToDo: We should only omit MDEs that get their data from the file or directory itself. All others should be called anyway.
                    if (importResource.DateOfLastImport > importResource.ResourceAccessor.LastChanged &&
                        importResource.DateOfLastImport > await _mostRecentMiaCreationDate.Value.ConfigureAwait(false) &&
                        importResource.IsValid = false;

                    //if (importResource.DateOfLastImport == DateTime.MinValue)
                    //  ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Info("File {0} force import", importResource.PendingResourcePath);
                    //else if (importResource.DateOfLastImport < importResource.ResourceAccessor.LastChanged)
                    //  ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Info("File {0} changed after import {1} < {2}", importResource.PendingResourcePath, importResource.DateOfLastImport, importResource.ResourceAccessor.LastChanged);
                    //else if (importResource.DateOfLastImport < await _mostRecentMiaCreationDate.Value)
                    //  ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Info("File {0} changed before aspect change", importResource.PendingResourcePath);
                    //else if (!importResource.MediaItemId.HasValue)
                    //  ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Info("File {0} needs import", importResource.PendingResourcePath);

                    ICollection <Guid> aspects = await GetAllManagedMediaItemAspectTypes().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    List <Guid> optionalAspects = new List <Guid>(aspects);
                    if (optionalAspects.Contains(ProviderResourceAspect.ASPECT_ID))

                    List <Guid> requiredAspects = new List <Guid>();

                    // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
                    MediaItem mediaItem = null;
                    if (importResource.MediaItemId.HasValue)
                        mediaItem = await LoadLocalItem(importResource.MediaItemId.Value, requiredAspects.AsEnumerable(), optionalAspects.AsEnumerable()).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    else if (!importResource.IsStubResource)
                        mediaItem = await LoadLocalItem(importResource.PendingResourcePath, requiredAspects.AsEnumerable(), optionalAspects.AsEnumerable()).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    if (mediaItem != null)
                        SingleMediaItemAspect directoryAspect;
                        if (MediaItemAspect.TryGetAspect(mediaItem.Aspects, DirectoryAspect.Metadata, out directoryAspect))
                            importResource.IsValid = false;

                        importResource.ExistingAspects = mediaItem.Aspects;
                        importResource.MediaItemId     = mediaItem.MediaItemId;
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
                importResource.IsValid = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// - Checks whether the current resource is a SingleResource.
    /// - If this is not the case (i.e. there are subitems under this resource)
    ///   - it posts all the subdirectories under this resource to this DataflowBlock
    ///   - and in case of a RefreshImport, it deletes all subdirectories of the current resource in the MediaLibrary
    ///     that do not exist anymore.
    ///  - If there are no more resources to be processed after this resource, it completes this DataflowBlock
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> after processing</returns>
    private async Task<PendingImportResourceNewGen> ProcessDirectory(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
        //ToDo: Replace this with a call to IsSingleResource once this method is implemented in the MetadataExtractors
        if (!importResource.ResourceAccessor.IsFile && await ExtractMetadata(importResource.ResourceAccessor, true) == null)
          importResource.IsSingleResource = false;

        if (!importResource.IsSingleResource && ImportJobInformation.IncludeSubDirectories)
          var subDirectories = FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetChildDirectories(importResource.ResourceAccessor, false) ?? new HashSet<IFileSystemResourceAccessor>();

          // This may throw an exception in case of cancellation and therefore needs to be done before
          // posting the subdirectories to the InputBufferBlock to avoid duplicate ImportResources when
          // reactivating this block after it has been deserialized from disk.
          if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
            await DeleteNoLongerExistingSubdirectoriesFromMediaLibrary(importResource, subDirectories);

          foreach (var subDirectory in subDirectories)
            this.Post(new PendingImportResourceNewGen(importResource.ResourceAccessor.CanonicalLocalResourcePath, subDirectory, ToString(), ParentImportJobController));

        return importResource;
      catch (TaskCanceledException)
        return importResource;
      catch (Exception ex)
        ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
        importResource.IsValid = false;
        return importResource;
        var inputBlock = (TransformBlock<PendingImportResourceNewGen, PendingImportResourceNewGen>)InputBlock;
        if (inputBlock.InputCount == 0 && inputBlock.OutputCount == 0)
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks, in case of RefreshImports, whether a refresh of a given directory is necessary
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="importResource">PendingImportResource of the directory to be checked</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private async Task<bool> IsRefreshNeeded(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
   var directoryPath = importResource.ResourceAccessor.CanonicalLocalResourcePath;
   var directoryItem = await LoadLocalItem(directoryPath, EMPTY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION, DIRECTORY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION);
   if (directoryItem != null)
     MediaItemAspect directoryAspect;
     if (!directoryItem.Aspects.TryGetValue(DirectoryAspect.ASPECT_ID, out directoryAspect))
       // This is the case if the parentResourcePath was formerly imported as a single resource.
       // We cannot reuse it and it is necessary to delete this old MediaItem.
       await DeleteMediaItem(directoryPath);
       directoryItem = null;
       // This directory is already correctly stored in the MediaLibrary. No need to store it again,
       // we just cache its ID for potential subdirectories to be stored during this refresh.
       _parentDirectoryIds[directoryPath] = directoryItem.MediaItemId;
       importResource.MediaItemId = directoryItem.MediaItemId;
   return (directoryItem == null);
    /// <summary>
    /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// - It does nothing but drop the current <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> if
    ///   (a) this is a RefreshImport,
    ///   (b) the DateOfLastImport is more current than the LastChanged date of the resource;
    ///       the DateOfLastImport is only set for files because for directories we don't know to what filesystem date we
    ///       should compare (the LastChanged date of the directory may be unchanged although fils below have changed), and
    ///   (c) the DateOfLastImport is more current than the most recent creation date of all MIAs, wich are imported in this
    ///       ImportJob. This ensures that if a new MIA is added to the system that should be imported for this ImportJob, the
    ///       Import is actually performed although this is a RefreshImport and the MediaItems have not changed since the last Import.
    /// - For all other resources it calls all the aplicable MDEs
    /// - It then also drops the respective <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> if nothing could be extracted;
    ///   This is currently in particular the case for
    ///   - directories that are not SingleResources (as we don't have a MDE that extracts metadata for such directories, yet
    ///   - file types that non of the applicable MDEs can handle
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> after processing</returns>
    private async Task<PendingImportResourceNewGen> ProcessMediaItem(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
        if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
          // Do not import again, if the file or directory wasn't changed since the last import
          // and there were no new relevant MIAs added since then.
          // ToDo: We should only omit MDEs that get their data from the file or directory itself. All others should be called anyway.
          if (importResource.DateOfLastImport > importResource.ResourceAccessor.LastChanged &&
              importResource.DateOfLastImport > await _mostRecentMiaCreationDate.Value)
            importResource.IsValid = false;
            return importResource;
        importResource.Aspects = await ExtractMetadata(importResource.ResourceAccessor, _forceQuickMode);
        if (importResource.Aspects == null)
          importResource.IsValid = false;

        return importResource;
      catch (TaskCanceledException)
        return importResource;
      catch (Exception ex)
        ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
        importResource.IsValid = false;
        return importResource;
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// - SingleResources are just passed to the next DataflowBlock
        /// - If it's not a SingleResource
        ///   - it finds all the files in the current directory,
        ///   - in case of a RefreshImport
        ///     - it deletes all the files in the MediaLibrary that do not exist anymore in the filesystem,
        ///     - it stores the DateOfLastImport of all the files in the <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a HashSet of <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>s containing the current <see cref="PendingImportResource"/>
        /// after processing as well as <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>s for all files in the current directory
        /// </returns>
        private async Task <IEnumerable <PendingImportResourceNewGen> > ProcessDirectory(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
            var result = new HashSet <PendingImportResourceNewGen> {

                if (importResource.IsSingleResource)

                // FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetFiles also returns files that were identified as virtual directories by
                // FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetChildDirectories (such as zip-files).
                // ToDo: Clarify if this is a bug
                var files = FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetFiles(importResource.ResourceAccessor, false) ?? new HashSet <IFileSystemResourceAccessor>();
                IDictionary <ResourcePath, DateTime> path2LastImportDate = null;

                if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
                    MediaItemAspect directoryAspect;
                    // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
                    path2LastImportDate = (await Browse(importResource.MediaItemId.Value, PROVIDERRESOURCE_IMPORTER_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION, DIRECTORY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION))
                                          .Where(mi => !mi.Aspects.TryGetValue(DirectoryAspect.ASPECT_ID, out directoryAspect))
                                          .ToDictionary(mi => ResourcePath.Deserialize(mi[ProviderResourceAspect.ASPECT_ID].GetAttributeValue <String>(ProviderResourceAspect.ATTR_RESOURCE_ACCESSOR_PATH)), mi => mi[ImporterAspect.ASPECT_ID].GetAttributeValue <DateTime>(ImporterAspect.ATTR_LAST_IMPORT_DATE));
                    await DeleteNoLongerExistingFilesFromMediaLibrary(files, path2LastImportDate.Keys);

                result.UnionWith(files.Select(f => new PendingImportResourceNewGen(importResource.ResourceAccessor.CanonicalLocalResourcePath, f, ToString(), ParentImportJobController, importResource.MediaItemId)));

                // If this is a RefreshImport and we found files of the current directory in the MediaLibrary,
                // store the DateOfLastImport in the PendingImportResource
                DateTime dateTime;
                if (path2LastImportDate != null)
                    foreach (var pir in result)
                        if (path2LastImportDate.TryGetValue(pir.PendingResourcePath, out dateTime))
                            pir.DateOfLastImport = dateTime;

            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
                importResource.IsValid = false;
Beispiel #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// - SingleResources are just passed to the next DataflowBlock
    /// - If it's not a SingleResource
    ///   - it finds all the files in the current directory,
    ///   - in case of a RefreshImport
    ///     - it deletes all the files in the MediaLibrary that do not exist anymore in the filesystem,
    ///     - it stores the DateOfLastImport of all the files in the <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
    /// <returns>
    /// a HashSet of <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>s containing the current <see cref="PendingImportResource"/>
    /// after processing as well as <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>s for all files in the current directory
    /// </returns>
    private async Task<IEnumerable<PendingImportResourceNewGen>> ProcessDirectory(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
      var result = new HashSet<PendingImportResourceNewGen> { importResource };
        if (importResource.IsSingleResource)
          return result;

        // FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetFiles also returns files that were identified as virtual directories by
        // FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetChildDirectories (such as zip-files).
        // ToDo: Clarify if this is a bug
        var files = FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetFiles(importResource.ResourceAccessor, false) ?? new HashSet<IFileSystemResourceAccessor>();
        IDictionary<ResourcePath, DateTime> path2LastImportDate = null;

        if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Refresh)
          MediaItemAspect directoryAspect;
          // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
          path2LastImportDate = (await Browse(importResource.MediaItemId.Value, PROVIDERRESOURCE_IMPORTER_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION, DIRECTORY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION))
            .Where(mi => !mi.Aspects.TryGetValue(DirectoryAspect.ASPECT_ID, out directoryAspect))
            .ToDictionary(mi => ResourcePath.Deserialize(mi[ProviderResourceAspect.ASPECT_ID].GetAttributeValue<String>(ProviderResourceAspect.ATTR_RESOURCE_ACCESSOR_PATH)), mi => mi[ImporterAspect.ASPECT_ID].GetAttributeValue<DateTime>(ImporterAspect.ATTR_LAST_IMPORT_DATE));
          await DeleteNoLongerExistingFilesFromMediaLibrary(files, path2LastImportDate.Keys);

        result.UnionWith(files.Select(f => new PendingImportResourceNewGen(importResource.ResourceAccessor.CanonicalLocalResourcePath, f, ToString(), ParentImportJobController, importResource.MediaItemId)));

        // If this is a RefreshImport and we found files of the current directory in the MediaLibrary,
        // store the DateOfLastImport in the PendingImportResource
        DateTime dateTime;
        if (path2LastImportDate != null)
          foreach (var pir in result)
            if(path2LastImportDate.TryGetValue(pir.PendingResourcePath, out dateTime))
              pir.DateOfLastImport = dateTime;

        return result;
      catch (TaskCanceledException)
        return result;
      catch (Exception ex)
        ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
        importResource.IsValid = false;
        return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// - Sets the ParentDirectoryId of the current <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>
 /// - If the current resource is not a SingleResource (which are saved by the <see cref="MediaItemSaveBlock"/>)
 ///   - it saves the directory MediaItem to the MediaLibrary
 ///   - for RereshImports it is only saved if it is not yet in the MediaLibrary.
 /// - If it has been saved, it sets the MediaItemId of the current <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
 /// <returns><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> after processing</returns>
 private async Task<PendingImportResourceNewGen> ProcessDirectory(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
     importResource.ParentDirectoryId = await GetParentDirectoryId(importResource.ParentDirectory);
     // Directories that are single resources (such as DVD directories) are not saved in this DataflowBlock
     // We just pass them to the next DataflowBlock.
     if (!importResource.IsSingleResource)
       // We only save to the MediaLibrary if
       // (a) this is a FirstTimeImport (i.e. not a RefreshImport), or
       // (b) this is a RefreshImport and the respective directory MediaItem is not yet in the MediaLibrary
       if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Import || await IsRefreshNeeded(importResource))
         if (importResource.ParentDirectoryId == null)
           // If we cannot determine the parent directory ID we have an error case and
           // cannot save this directory MediaItem
           importResource.IsValid = false;
           return importResource;
         Guid newId = await AddDirectory(importResource.ResourceAccessor, importResource.ParentDirectoryId.Value);
         importResource.MediaItemId = newId;
         _parentDirectoryIds[importResource.PendingResourcePath] = newId;
     return importResource;
   catch (TaskCanceledException)
     return importResource;
   catch (Exception ex)
     ServiceRegistration.Get<ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
     importResource.IsValid = false;
     return importResource;
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process method for the InnerBlock
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// - SingleResources are just passed to the next DataflowBlock
        /// - If it's not a SingleResource
        ///   - it finds all the files in the current directory,
        ///   - in case of a RefreshImport
        ///     - it deletes all the files in the MediaLibrary that do not exist anymore in the filesystem,
        ///     - it stores the DateOfLastImport of all the files in the <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/> to be processed</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// a HashSet of <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>s containing the current <see cref="PendingImportResource"/>
        /// after processing as well as <see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>s for all files in the current directory
        /// </returns>
        private async Task <IEnumerable <PendingImportResourceNewGen> > ProcessDirectory(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource)
            var result = new HashSet <PendingImportResourceNewGen> {

                if (importResource.IsSingleResource)

                // FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetFiles also returns files that were identified as virtual directories by
                // FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetChildDirectories (such as zip-files).
                // ToDo: Clarify if this is a bug
                var files = FileSystemResourceNavigator.GetFiles(importResource.ResourceAccessor, false) ?? new HashSet <IFileSystemResourceAccessor>();
                IDictionary <ResourcePath, DateTime> path2LastImportDate = null;
                IDictionary <ResourcePath, Guid>     path2MediaItem      = null;

                SingleMediaItemAspect directoryAspect;
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
                // TODO: Rework this
                IEnumerable <MediaItem> mediaItems = (await Browse(importResource.MediaItemId.Value, PROVIDERRESOURCE_IMPORTER_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION, DIRECTORY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION))
                                                     .Where(mi => !MediaItemAspect.TryGetAspect(mi.Aspects, DirectoryAspect.Metadata, out directoryAspect));
                if (mediaItems != null)
                    path2LastImportDate = new Dictionary <ResourcePath, DateTime>();
                    path2MediaItem      = new Dictionary <ResourcePath, Guid>();
                    foreach (MediaItem mi in mediaItems)
                        //Check metadata and files:
                        // 1. Last import date is lower than file change date => Refresh needed
                        // 2. Media item ID is empty => Reimport/import needed
                        // 3. Media item is dirty => Reimport/import needed
                        IList <MultipleMediaItemAspect> providerAspects = null;
                        if (MediaItemAspect.TryGetAspects(mi.Aspects, ProviderResourceAspect.Metadata, out providerAspects))
                            foreach (var pra in providerAspects)
                                ResourcePath path = ResourcePath.Deserialize(pra.GetAttributeValue <String>(ProviderResourceAspect.ATTR_RESOURCE_ACCESSOR_PATH));
                                if (!path2LastImportDate.ContainsKey(path))
                                    //If last refresh is equal to added date, it has never been through the refresh cycle, so set low last change date
                                    //All media items must be added because the paths are later used to delete no longer existing media items
                                    var lastImportDate = mi.Aspects[ImporterAspect.ASPECT_ID][0].GetAttributeValue <DateTime>(ImporterAspect.ATTR_LAST_IMPORT_DATE);
                                    var addedDate      = mi.Aspects[ImporterAspect.ASPECT_ID][0].GetAttributeValue <DateTime>(ImporterAspect.ATTR_DATEADDED);
                                    if ((lastImportDate - addedDate).TotalSeconds <= 5)
                                        path2LastImportDate.Add(path, DateTime.MinValue);
                                        path2LastImportDate.Add(path, lastImportDate);
                                if (!path2MediaItem.ContainsKey(path))
                                    //If it is dirty, leave media item ID empty
                                    if (mi.Aspects[ImporterAspect.ASPECT_ID][0].GetAttributeValue <bool>(ImporterAspect.ATTR_DIRTY))

                                    path2MediaItem.Add(path, mi.MediaItemId);
                    await DeleteNoLongerExistingFilesFromMediaLibrary(files, path2LastImportDate.Keys);

                if (ImportJobInformation.JobType == ImportJobType.Import)
                    //Only import new files so only add non existing paths
                    result.UnionWith(files.Where(f => !path2LastImportDate.Keys.Contains(f.CanonicalLocalResourcePath)).
                                     Select(f => new PendingImportResourceNewGen(importResource.ResourceAccessor.CanonicalLocalResourcePath, f, ToString(), ParentImportJobController, importResource.MediaItemId)));
                    result.UnionWith(files.Select(f => new PendingImportResourceNewGen(importResource.ResourceAccessor.CanonicalLocalResourcePath, f, ToString(), ParentImportJobController, importResource.MediaItemId,
                                                                                       path2MediaItem.ContainsKey(f.CanonicalLocalResourcePath) ? path2MediaItem[f.CanonicalLocalResourcePath] : (Guid?)null)));

                    // If this is a RefreshImport and we found files of the current directory in the MediaLibrary,
                    // store the DateOfLastImport in the PendingImportResource
                    DateTime dateTime;
                    if (path2LastImportDate != null)
                        foreach (var pir in result)
                            if (path2LastImportDate.TryGetValue(pir.PendingResourcePath, out dateTime))
                                pir.DateOfLastImport = dateTime;

            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ServiceRegistration.Get <ILogger>().Warn("ImporterWorker.{0}.{1}: Error while processing {2}", ex, ParentImportJobController, ToString(), importResource);
                importResource.IsValid = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes no longer existing subdirectories from the MediaLibrary
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="importResource"><see cref="PendingImportResourceNewGen"/>representing the currently processed directory</param>
 /// <param name="subDirectories">Existing subdirectories of the currently processed directory</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private async Task DeleteNoLongerExistingSubdirectoriesFromMediaLibrary(PendingImportResourceNewGen importResource, IEnumerable<IFileSystemResourceAccessor> subDirectories)
   var mediaItem = await LoadLocalItem(importResource.PendingResourcePath, EMPTY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION, EMPTY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION);
   // If the currently processed directory does not yet exist in the MediaLibrary,
   // there is no need to check for existing subdirectories in the MediaLibrary.
   if (mediaItem == null)
   var directoryId = mediaItem.MediaItemId;
   // Get the subdirectories stored in the MediaLibrary for the currently procesed directory
   var subDirectoryResourcePathsInMediaLibrary = (await Browse(directoryId, PROVIDERRESOURCE_DIRECTORY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION, EMPTY_MIA_ID_ENUMERATION)).Select(mi => ResourcePath.Deserialize(mi[ProviderResourceAspect.ASPECT_ID].GetAttributeValue<String>(ProviderResourceAspect.ATTR_RESOURCE_ACCESSOR_PATH))).ToList();
   // If there are no subdirectories stored in the MediaLibrary, there is no need to delete anything
   if (!subDirectoryResourcePathsInMediaLibrary.Any())
   // Find out which subdirectories are stored in the MediaLibrary that do not exist anymore
   // in the filesystem and delete them (including all subdirectories and subitems)
   var subDirectoryResourcePathsInFileSystem = subDirectories.Select(ra => ra.CanonicalLocalResourcePath);
   var noLongerExistingSubdirectoryResourcePaths = subDirectoryResourcePathsInMediaLibrary.Except(subDirectoryResourcePathsInFileSystem).ToList();
   foreach (var noLongerExistingSubdirectoryResourcePath in noLongerExistingSubdirectoryResourcePaths)
     await DeleteMediaItem(noLongerExistingSubdirectoryResourcePath);