Beispiel #1
    private void HandleStart(List <string> output, string input)
        if (input.Equals("look"))
            output.Add("sitting in class, next to cute girl");
            if (this.pencilState == PencilState.NotStolen)
                output.Add("I can see a pencil in her desk, and I have cheetos in my own.");
                output.Add("I have cheetos in my desk and a hard-on in my pants.");

        if (input.Equals("get pencil"))
            if (this.pencilState == PencilState.NotStolen)
                output.Add("quickly steal pencil so she'll need to talk to me");
                output.Add("stuff it in pocket for safe keeping");
                output.Add("later, she asks to borrow pencil");
                this.locationState = Locations.Pencil;
                this.pencilState   = PencilState.Stolen;
                output.Add("can't steal her pencil again");
        else if (input.Equals("eat chips"))
            output.Add("start eating flaming hot cheetos");
            output.Add("I love this shit");
            this.locationState = Locations.Cheetos;
        else if (input.Equals("talk girl"))
            output.Add("I stammer out something insightful towards the girl");
            output.Add("\"Vriska isn't really fat, Andrew Hussie is just a troll.\"");
            output.Add("She turns towards me, \"Are you talking to me?\"");
            this.locationState = Locations.Talking;
        else if (input.Equals("f**k girl"))
            output.Add("She's a 2/10, so obv would f**k, but I should talk to her or something first.");
Beispiel #2
 public void Reset()
     this.locationState = Locations.Start;
     this.pencilState   = PencilState.NotStolen;
     this.girlState     = GirlState.PostStarted;
Beispiel #3
    private void HandlePencil(List <string> output, string input)
        switch (this.pencilState)
        case PencilState.Stolen:
            if (input.Contains("look"))
                output.Add("she looks like she wants a pencil");
            else if (
                input.Equals("get pencil") ||
                input.Equals("give pencil"))
                output.Add("Pull out her pencil, it's covered in pocket chocolate");
                output.Add("She sees it. Mortified, I stammer, \"I-it's not poop\"");
                output.Add("Think: f**k, I gotta get this chocolate off somehow");
                this.pencilState = PencilState.Shitty;
            else if (input.Contains("talk"))
                output.Add("Hands clam up");
                output.Add("O-oh, yeah. J-j-just a sec.");
                output.Add("Shove hand in pocket");
                output.Add("Wtfwtf, growing more frantic as I check each pocket once, then twice");
                output.Add("Shove hands in pockets so hard and deep Mrs. TeacherLady collapses in o****m");
                output.Add("Tear open backpack with such force, blackhole opens");
                output.Add("Time stretches to infinity as as I'm pulled into my own undoing");
                output.Add("My last sight before my eyes are atomized is a pencil under my desk");
                GameManager.Instance.UnlockMedal(output, "be atomized", MedalTypes.BeAtomized);
                output.Add("inb4 that's not how blackholes are formed");
                output.Add("(be me to play again)");

        case PencilState.Shitty:
            if (input.Contains("look"))
                output.Add("be panicked, holding a pencil covered in chocolate.");
                output.Add("F**k, I gotta wipe this up or like eat it or something.");
            else if (input.Contains("eat"))
                output.Add("eat some chocolate. \"see?\"");
                output.Add("\"oh, okay\", she says, and reaches for the pencil");
                output.Add("She slips and grabs my crotch instead");
                output.Add("she apologizes and takes her pencil");
                output.Add("class continues");
                this.pencilState   = PencilState.Diamonds;
                this.locationState = Locations.Start;
            else if (input.Contains("wipe"))
                output.Add("wipe the pencil. now I'm covered in chocolate too.");
                output.Add("shes screaming now, everyone's looking");
                output.Add("\"It's not poop!\", I yell");
                output.Add("spaghetti erupts from my pockets, covered in chocolate");
                output.Add("students start hopping on their desks");
                output.Add("hooting and screeching, flinging pocket chocolate at each other");
                output.Add("kids start supplementing chocolate with real shit");
                output.Add("the teacher sits calmly chewing a banana as shitty chocolate spaghetti flies past");
                output.Add("My vision fades as I succumb to \"It's not poop\"");
                GameManager.Instance.UnlockMedal(output, "be not poop", MedalTypes.BeNotPoop);
                output.Add("(be me to play again)");