Beispiel #1
        private Double rWidth      = 175; // millimeters

        /// <summary>Creates this report.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method overrides the method <see cref="Root.Reports.Report.Create"/> of the base class <see cref="Root.Reports.Report"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        protected override void Create()
            FontDef  fd = new FontDef(this, FontDef.StandardFont.Helvetica);
            FontProp fp = new FontPropMM(fd, 1.9);
            Double   rY = 40; // vertical position in millimeters

            new Page(this);
            FontProp fp_Title = new FontPropMM(fd, 8);

            page_Cur.AddCB_MM(rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "List Layout Manager Sample"));
            rY += 18;

            // create list
            ListLayoutManager llm = null;

            using (llm = new ListLayoutManager(this)) {
                PenProp pp_BorderLine = new PenPropMM(this, 0.4, Color.Blue);
                PenProp pp_GridLine   = new PenPropMM(this, 0.1, Color.Blue);

                llm.tlmColumnDef_Default.penProp_BorderH = pp_BorderLine;
                llm.tlmCellDef_Default.penProp_Line      = pp_GridLine;

                TlmColumn col_Number = new TlmColumnMM(llm, 10);
                col_Number.tlmCellDef_Default.rAlignH          = RepObj.rAlignCenter;
                col_Number.tlmCellDef_Default.rAlignV          = RepObj.rAlignCenter;
                col_Number.tlmCellDef_Default.penProp_LineLeft = pp_BorderLine;

                TlmColumn col_Text = new TlmColumnMM(llm, 100);
                col_Text.tlmCellDef_Default.tlmTextMode = TlmTextMode.MultiLine;

                TlmColumn col_Author = new TlmColumnMM(llm, rWidth - llm.rWidthMM);
                col_Author.tlmCellDef_Default.penProp_LineRight = pp_BorderLine;
                col_Author.tlmCellDef_Default.brushProp_Back    = new BrushProp(this, Color.FromArgb(255, 210, 210));

                llm.container_CreateMM(page_Cur, rMarginLeft, rY); // immediately creates a container

                // first row
                col_Number.Add(new RepString(fp, "1."));
                col_Text.Add(new RepString(fp, "Rapunzel "));
                col_Author.Add(new RepString(fp, "Gebrüder Grimm"));

                TlmRow row = llm.tlmRow_New();
                col_Text.Add(new RepString(fp, "There once was a woman and a man that lived next to a witch. They were very happy. The lady saw rapunzel in the witch’s garden and she really wanted to eat it. When she ate it, she liked it. "));

                // second row
                llm.tlmCellDef_Default.penProp_LineTop = pp_BorderLine;
                row = llm.tlmRow_New();
                row.aTlmCell[col_Text].penProp_Line     = new PenPropMM(this, 0.5, Color.Red);
                row.aTlmCell[col_Text].iOrderLineRight  = 1;
                row.aTlmCell[col_Text].iOrderLineBottom = 1;
                col_Number.Add(new RepString(fp, "2."));
                col_Text.Add(new RepString(fp, "The Princess and the Pea"));
                col_Author.Add(new RepString(fp, "Hans Christian Andersen"));

                llm.tlmCellDef_Default.penProp_LineTop = pp_GridLine;
                col_Text.Add(new RepString(fp, "In a far away land, there lived a prince who wanted a real princess to be his wife. He traveled around the world to find her. He returned alone and unhappy to his kingdom."));
                col_Text.Add(new RepString(fp, "One stormy night, a princess arrived at the door. The lightening was flashing. Torrents of rain were rushing down. The princess's clothes were soaked. Water was running into the heels of her shoes and out the toes. It was a dreadful storm."));

                // third row
                llm.tlmCellDef_Default.penProp_LineTop = pp_BorderLine;
                col_Number.Add(new RepString(fp, "3."));
                col_Text.Add(new RepString(fp, "Hansel and Gretel"));
                col_Author.Add(new RepString(fp, "Gebrüder Grimm"));

                llm.tlmCellDef_Default.penProp_LineTop = pp_GridLine;
                col_Text.Add(new RepString(fp, "Once upon a time in a vast forest lived a poor family. Since there was a famine, they had zero food."));
                col_Text.NewLineMM(fp.rLineFeedMM + 1);
                col_Text.Add(new RepString(fp, "There was a woodcutter who had a mean wife and a boy named Hansel and a girl named Gretel. The mean wife decided to get rid of Hansel and Gretel so she could have more food. The children overheard her plan to leave them in the forest. Hansel gathered pebbles from his yard."));
            rY        += llm.rCurY_MM + 1.5;
            fp.rSizeMM = 1.5;
            page_Cur.AddRT_MM(rMarginLeft + rWidth, rY, new RepString(fp, "End of list"));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>Creates this report</summary>
        protected override void Create()
            FontDef  fd       = new FontDef(this, FontDef.StandardFont.Helvetica);
            FontProp fp       = new FontPropMM(fd, 3);
            FontProp fp_Title = new FontPropMM(fd, 20);

            fp_Title.bBold = true;
            FontProp  fp_Small = new FontPropMM(fd, 1.3);
            PenProp   pp       = new PenPropMM(this, 0.2, Color.Blue);
            BrushProp bp       = new BrushProp(this, Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 240));

            #region Page 1
            Page page = new Page(this);
            page.AddCB_MM(40, new RepString(fp_Title, "Text Sample"));
            fp_Title.rSizeMM     = 4;
            fp_Title.rLineFeedMM = 8;

            // font sample
            Double rX = 20;
            Double rY = 60;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "Fonts"));
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;
            FontDef[] aFontDef = { new FontDef(this, FontDef.StandardFont.Courier), fd, new FontDef(this, FontDef.StandardFont.TimesRoman) };
            foreach (FontDef fontDef in aFontDef)
                FontProp fp_Test = new FontPropMM(fontDef, 2.8);
                page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Test, fontDef.sFontName));
                fp_Test.bBold = true;
                page.AddMM(rX + 30, rY, new RepString(fp_Test, fontDef.sFontName + " Bold"));
                fp_Test.bBold   = false;
                fp_Test.bItalic = true;
                page.AddMM(rX + 72, rY, new RepString(fp_Test, fontDef.sFontName + " Italic"));
                fp_Test.bItalic    = false;
                fp_Test.bUnderline = true;
                page.AddMM(rX + 120, rY, new RepString(fp_Test, fontDef.sFontName + " Underline"));
                rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;

            rY      += 3;
            aFontDef = new FontDef[] { new FontDef(this, "Symbol"), new FontDef(this, "ZapfDingbats") };
            foreach (FontDef fontDef in aFontDef)
                FontProp fp_Test = new FontPropMM(fontDef, 3);
                page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, fontDef.sFontName));
                page.AddMM(rX + 30, rY, new RepString(fp_Test, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"));
                rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            rY += 10;

            // Int32 sample
            rX = 20;
            Double rYcopy = rY;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "Int32 Values"));
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "no format string"));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepInt32(fp, 12345));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"0000000\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepInt32(fp, 12345, "0000000"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#,#\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepInt32(fp, 12345, "$#,#"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#;($#);Zero\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepInt32(fp, 12345, "$#;($#);Zero"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#;($#);Zero\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepInt32(fp, -12345, "$#;($#);Zero"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#;($#);Zero\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepInt32(fp, 0, "$#;($#);Zero"));

            // Single / Double sample
            rX = 115;
            rY = rYcopy;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "Single / Double Values"));
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "no format string"));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepReal64(fp, 123.456));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"0.0000\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepReal64(fp, 123.456, "0.0000"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#,#0.00\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepReal64(fp, 123.456, "$#,#0.00"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#.0;($#.0);Zero\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepReal64(fp, 123.456, "$#.0;($#.0);Zero"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#.0;($#.0);Zero\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepReal64(fp, -123.456, "$#.0;($#.0);Zero"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"$#.0;($#.0);Zero\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepReal64(fp, 0, "$#.0;($#.0);Zero"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM + 10;

            // DateTime sample
            rX     = 20;
            rYcopy = rY;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "DateTime Values"));
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "no format string"));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepDateTime(fp, DateTime.Now));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"D\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepDateTime(fp, DateTime.Now, "D"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"t\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepDateTime(fp, DateTime.Now, "t"));
            rY += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp, "format \"dd.MM.yyyy\""));
            page.AddRightMM(rX + 80, rY, new RepDateTime(fp, DateTime.Now, "dd.MM.yyyy"));

            // color sample
            StaticContainer sc = new StaticContainer(RT.rPointFromMM(100), RT.rPointFromMM(100));
            page.AddMM(115, rYcopy + 5, sc);
            sc.AddAlignedMM(-2, RepObj.rAlignLeft, -6, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepRectMM(bp, 85, 33));
            rY = 0;
            sc.AddMM(0, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "Colors"));
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;
            sc.AddMM(0, rY, new RepString(fp, "Red"));
            fp.color = Color.Red;  fp.bUnderline = true;
            sc.AddRightMM(80, rY, new RepString(fp, "ABCDEFGHIJKLM"));
            fp.color = Color.Black;  fp.bUnderline = false;
            rY      += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            sc.AddMM(0, rY, new RepString(fp, "Green"));
            fp.color = Color.Green;  fp.bUnderline = true;
            sc.AddRightMM(80, rY, new RepString(fp, "ABCDEFGHIJKLM"));
            fp.color = Color.Black;  fp.bUnderline = false;
            rY      += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            sc.AddMM(0, rY, new RepString(fp, "Blue"));
            fp.color = Color.Blue;  fp.bUnderline = true;
            sc.AddRightMM(80, rY, new RepString(fp, "ABCDEFGHIJKLM"));
            fp.color = Color.Black;  fp.bUnderline = false;
            rY      += fp.rLineFeedMM;
            sc.AddMM(0, rY, new RepString(fp, "RGB(255,180,255)"));
            fp.color = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 255);  fp.bUnderline = true;
            sc.AddRightMM(80, rY, new RepString(fp, "ABCDEFGHIJKLM"));
            fp.color = Color.Black;  fp.bUnderline = false;
            rY      += rYcopy + fp.rLineFeedMM + 10;

            // alignment sample
            rX = 20;
            String s = "Alignment";
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, s));
            Double rLengthMM = fp_Title.rGetTextWidthMM(s);
            page.AddMM(rX, rY + 3, new RepLineMM(pp, rLengthMM, 0));
            page.AddMM(rX, rY + 2, new RepLineMM(pp, 0, 2));
            page.AddMM(rX + rLengthMM, rY + 2, new RepLineMM(pp, 0, 2));
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX + rLengthMM / 2, RepObj.rAlignCenter, rY + 4, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepReal64(fp_Small, rLengthMM, "0.0 mm"));
            rX  = 100;
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;
            Double rD = 15;
            bp.color = Color.LightSkyBlue;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY + rD, new RepRectMM(bp, rD, rD));
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX, RepObj.rAlignRight, rY, RepObj.rAlignBottom, new RepString(fp, "right - bottom"));
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX, RepObj.rAlignRight, rY + rD, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepString(fp, "right - top"));
            page.AddMM(rX + rD, rY, new RepString(fp, "left - bottom")); // default
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX + rD, RepObj.rAlignLeft, rY + rD, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepString(fp, "left - top"));
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX + rD / 2, RepObj.rAlignCenter, rY + rD / 2, RepObj.rAlignCenter, new RepString(fp, "center"));
            rY += 30;

            // rotated string
            rX = 60;
            page.AddMM(20, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "Rotated Strings"));
            rY    += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM + 10;
            rYcopy = rY;
            rD     = 10;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY + rD, new RepRectMM(bp, rD, rD));
            fp.rAngle = 45;
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX + rD, RepObj.rAlignLeft, rY + rD, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepString(fp, "[45°]"));
            fp.rAngle = 135;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY + rD, new RepString(fp, "[135°]"));
            fp.rAngle = 225;
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX, RepObj.rAlignLeft, rY, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepString(fp, "[225°]"));
            fp.rAngle = 315;
            page.AddMM(rX + rD, rY, new RepString(fp, "[315°]"));
            fp.rAngle = 0;

            rX            = 155;
            rY            = rYcopy;
            fp.bUnderline = true;
            page.AddMM(rX, rY + rD, new RepRectMM(bp, rD, rD));
            fp.rAngle = 45;
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX, RepObj.rAlignRight, rY, RepObj.rAlignBottom, new RepString(fp, "1/4 * PI"));
            fp.rAngle = 135;
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX + rD, RepObj.rAlignRight, rY, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepString(fp, "3/4 * PI"));
            fp.rAngle = 225;
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX + rD, RepObj.rAlignRight, rY + rD, RepObj.rAlignBottom, new RepString(fp, "5/4 * PI"));
            fp.rAngle = 315;
            page.AddAlignedMM(rX, RepObj.rAlignRight, rY + rD, RepObj.rAlignTop, new RepString(fp, "7/4 * PI"));
            fp.rAngle     = 0.0;
            fp.bUnderline = false;
            rY           += 35;

            #region Page 2
            rX = 20;
            rY = 60;
            String sText = "Once upon a time there was a miller who was poor, but he had a beautiful daughter." + Environment.NewLine +
                           "Now it happened that he was talking with the king one time, and in order to make himself seem important, " +
                           "he said to the king, \"I have a daughter who can spin straw into gold.\"";
            page = new Page(this);
            page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_Title, "Best Fitting Font"));
            rY += fp_Title.rLineFeedMM;

            page.AddLT_MM(rX, rY, new RepRectMM(bp, 80, 40));
            FontProp fp_BestFit = fp_Title.fontProp_GetBestFitMM(sText, 80, 40, 1);
            rY += fp_BestFit.rLineFeedMM;
            Int32 iStart = 0;
            while (iStart <= sText.Length)
                String sLine = fp_BestFit.sGetTextLine(sText, RT.rPointFromMM(80), ref iStart, TextSplitMode.Line);
                page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_BestFit, sLine));
                rY += fp_BestFit.rLineFeedMM;
            rY += 10;

            page.AddLT_MM(rX, rY, new RepRectMM(bp, 40, 40));
            fp_BestFit = fp.fontProp_GetBestFitMM(sText, 40, 40, 1);
            rY        += fp_BestFit.rLineFeedMM;
            iStart     = 0;
            while (iStart <= sText.Length)
                String sLine = fp_BestFit.sGetTextLine(sText, RT.rPointFromMM(40), ref iStart, TextSplitMode.Line);
                page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_BestFit, sLine));
                rY += fp_BestFit.rLineFeedMM;
            rY += 10;

            page.AddLT_MM(rX, rY, new RepRectMM(bp, 30, 30));
            fp_BestFit = fp.fontProp_GetBestFitMM(sText, 30, 30, 1);
            rY        += fp_BestFit.rLineFeedMM;
            iStart     = 0;
            while (iStart <= sText.Length)
                String sLine = fp_BestFit.sGetTextLine(sText, RT.rPointFromMM(30), ref iStart, TextSplitMode.Line);
                page.AddMM(rX, rY, new RepString(fp_BestFit, sLine));
                rY += fp_BestFit.rLineFeedMM;