Beispiel #1
        public void PickChromatogramPeaks()
            // Make sure times are evenly spaced before doing any peak detection.

            // Pick peak groups at the precursor level
            foreach (var chromDataSet in _dataSets)
                chromDataSet.PickChromatogramPeaks(_retentionTimes, _isAlignedTimes);

            // Merge where possible and pick peak groups at the peptide level
            foreach (var dataSets in ComparableDataSets)

            // Adjust peak dimensions based on peak picking
            foreach (var chromDataSet in _dataSets)

            var detailedCalcs = DetailedPeakFeatureCalculators.Select(calc => (IPeakFeatureCalculator)calc).ToList();

            foreach (var listPeakSets in _listListPeakSets)
                var maxPossibleShift = GetMaxPossibleShift(listPeakSets);

                // Score the peaks under the legacy model score
                foreach (var peakSet in listPeakSets.Where(peakSet => peakSet != null))
                    var context = new PeakScoringContext(_document);
                    peakSet.ScorePeptideSets(context, detailedCalcs);


            // Propagate sorting down to precursor level

            // Sort transition group level peaks by retention time and record the best peak
            foreach (var chromDataSet in _dataSets)
        public void ScorePeptideSets(PeakScoringContext context, IList <IPeakFeatureCalculator> detailFeatureCalculators)
            var modelCalcs     = ScoringModel.PeakFeatureCalculators;
            var detailFeatures = new float [detailFeatureCalculators.Count];
            var modelFeatures  = new float [modelCalcs.Count];
            // Here we score both the detailFeatureCalculators (for storage)
            // and the peak calculators of the legacy model (for import-stage peak scoring)
            // This will cause some scores to be calculated multiple times, but score
            // caching should make this fast.
            var allFeatureCalculators = detailFeatureCalculators.Union(modelCalcs);
            // Calculate summary data once for all scores
            var summaryData = new PeptidePeakDataConverter <IDetailedPeakData>(this);

            foreach (var calc in allFeatureCalculators)
                float feature;
                var   summaryCalc = calc as SummaryPeakFeatureCalculator;
                if (summaryCalc != null)
                    feature = summaryCalc.Calculate(context, summaryData);
                    feature = calc.Calculate(context, this);
                int detailIndex = detailFeatureCalculators.IndexOf(calc);
                if (detailIndex != -1)
                    detailFeatures[detailIndex] = feature;
                int modelIndex = modelCalcs.IndexOf(calc);
                if (modelIndex != -1)
                    modelFeatures[modelIndex] = double.IsNaN(feature) ? 0 : feature;
            CombinedScore = ScoringModel.Score(modelFeatures);
            foreach (var peak in this.Where(peak => peak.PeakGroup != null))
                peak.PeakGroup.DetailScores = detailFeatures;