public static void Run(
            String email,                       // authorization email
            String licenseKey,                  // authorization license key
            String openPath,                    // source PDF document
            String savePath,                    // output PDF document
            String configPath                   // configuration file
            Pdfix pdfix = new Pdfix();

            if (pdfix == null)
                throw new Exception("Pdfix initialization fail");

            if (!pdfix.Authorize(email, licenseKey))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            PdfDoc doc = pdfix.OpenDoc(openPath, "");

            if (doc == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            PsFileStream stm = pdfix.CreateFileStream(configPath, PsFileMode.kPsReadOnly);

            if (stm != null)
                PdfDocTemplate docTmpl = doc.GetDocTemplate();
                if (docTmpl == null)
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());
                docTmpl.LoadFromStream(stm, PsDataFormat.kDataFormatJson);

            // define a cancel progress callback
            PdfCancelProc cancel_callback = (data) =>
                // to cancel the process return 1
                Console.WriteLine("PdfCancelProc callback was called");

            PdfPage    page    = doc.AcquirePage(0);
            PdePageMap pageMap = page.AcquirePageMap(null, IntPtr.Zero);

            // define an event callback
            PdfEventProc event_callback = (data) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Page contents did change. Releasing pageMap...");
                if (pageMap != null)
                    pageMap = null;

            if (!pdfix.RegisterEvent(PdfEventType.kEventPageContentsDidChange, event_callback, IntPtr.Zero))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            if (!doc.AddTags(cancel_callback, IntPtr.Zero))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            if (!doc.Save(savePath, PdfSaveFlags.kSaveFull))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());
