Beispiel #1
        public void Test2()
            var pdfmerge = new PdfMerge();

            pdfmerge.BeginMergeToFile(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory), "TestMerge.pdf"));
            pdfmerge.SetPdfInfo("Merge 1", "Simone pelaia", "Merge");

            pdfmerge.AddPdfFromFile(@"C:\Users\simone.pelaia\Desktop\Fattura estero con dettaglio.pdf");
            pdfmerge.AddBlankPageWithText("Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! \nCiao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! Ciao Simone!!!! ");


Beispiel #2
        public static response_item_type[] FillForm(pdf_stamper_request request,string mapping_root_path,string template_root_path, string output_root_path, DataTable data, string fonts_root_path, bool force_unc) {
            lock (_lock) {
                try {

                    List<Item> items_with_path = new List<Item>();
                    mappings mapping = new mappings();
                    if (File.Exists(mapping_root_path))
                        mapping = File.ReadAllText(mapping_root_path).DeserializeXml2<mappings>();

                    FileInfo mapping_path  = new FileInfo(mapping_root_path);
                    string fox_helper_path = Path.Combine(mapping_path.DirectoryName, "Fox.txt");
                    if (!File.Exists(fox_helper_path)) {
                        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
DIMENSION laArray[30,2]
laArray[1,1] = 'Obrazac1'
laArray[2,1] = 'Obrazac2'
laArray[3,1] = 'Obrazac3'
laArray[4,1] = 'Obrazac4'
laArray[5,1] = 'Obrazac5'
laArray[6,1] = 'Obrazac6'
laArray[7,1] = 'Obrazac7'
laArray[8,1] = 'Obrazac8'
laArray[9,1] = 'Obrazac9'
laArray[10,1] ='Obrazac10'
laArray[11,1] = 'Obrazac11'
laArray[12,1] = 'Obrazac12'
laArray[13,1] = 'Obrazac13'
laArray[14,1] = 'Obrazac14'
laArray[15,1] = 'Obrazac15'
laArray[16,1] = 'Obrazac16'
laArray[17,1] = 'Obrazac17'
laArray[18,1] = 'Obrazac18'
laArray[19,1] = 'Obrazac19'
laArray[20,1] ='Obrazac20'
laArray[21,1] = 'Obrazac21'
laArray[22,1] = 'Obrazac22'
laArray[23,1] = 'Obrazac23'
laArray[24,1] = 'Obrazac24'
laArray[25,1] = 'Obrazac25'
laArray[26,1] = 'Obrazac26'
laArray[27,1] = 'Obrazac27'
laArray[28,1] = 'Obrazac28'
laArray[29,1] = 'Obrazac29'
laArray[30,1] ='Obrazac30'
                        int current_index = -1;
                        foreach (var item in mapping.mapping_item) {
                            current_index = Int32.Parse(item.pdf_template.ToString().Replace("Obrazac", ""));
                            string source_document_path = item.file_path.Replace("@root", template_root_path);
                            FileInfo info = new FileInfo(source_document_path);
                            string value = string.Format("laArray[{0},2] = '{1}'", current_index, info.Name.Replace(info.Extension,String.Empty));
                    if (data.Rows.Count == 0) {
                        Logging.Singleton.WriteDebug("There is no data in the provided data table!");

                        foreach (var template in request.pdf_template_list) {
                            mapping_item_type selected = mapping.mapping_item.Where(p => p.pdf_template == template).First();

                            string source_document_path = selected.file_path.Replace("@root", template_root_path);
                            items_with_path.Add(new Item() { Path = source_document_path, PdfTemplate = template });
                        if (request.merge_output == true) {
                            string merged_document_path = Path.Combine(output_root_path, String.Format("{0}_{1}{2}", "merged", DateTime.Now.ToFileTimeUtc().ToString(), ".pdf"));

                            PdfMerge merge = new PdfMerge();
                            foreach (var item in items_with_path) {
                            merge.EnablePagination = false;
                            string result = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(merged_document_path));
                            return new response_item_type[] { new response_item_type() { pdf_template = template.MergedContent, data = force_unc? string.Empty : result, unc_path=merged_document_path } };
                        else {
                            List<response_item_type> items = new List<response_item_type>();
                            foreach (var item in items_with_path) {
                                var temp = new response_item_type() { pdf_template = item.PdfTemplate, data = force_unc ? string.Empty : Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(item.Path)), unc_path = item.Path };
                            return items.ToArray();
                    else {

                        DataRow row = data.Rows[0];
                        string id_pog = string.Empty;
                        if (data.Columns.Contains("id_pog"))
                            id_pog = row["id_pog"].ToString();

                        if (request.debug_mode) {
                            foreach (DataColumn column in data.Columns) {
                                Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Data column [{0}] has a value [{1}]", column.ToString(), row[column].ToString());

                        foreach (var template in request.pdf_template_list) {
                            mapping_item_type selected = mapping.mapping_item.Where(p => p.pdf_template == template).First();

                            string source_document_path = selected.file_path.Replace("@root", template_root_path);
                            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(source_document_path);

                            string destination_document_path = Path.Combine(output_root_path,
                                f.Name.Replace(f.Extension, ""),

                            items_with_path.Add(new Item() { Path = destination_document_path, PdfTemplate = template });

                            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(source_document_path);
                            using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileStream(destination_document_path, FileMode.Create))) {
                                AcroFields fields = stamper.AcroFields;

                                //Full path to the Unicode Arial file
                                //string ARIALUNI_TFF = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts), "ARIALUNI.TTF");

                                //Create a base font object making sure to specify IDENTITY-H
                                //BaseFont bf = BaseFont.CreateFont(ARIALUNI_TFF, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);

                                //Create a specific font object
                                //Font f = new Font(bf, 12, Font.NORMAL);
                                iTextSharp.text.pdf.BaseFont baseFont  = iTextSharp.text.pdf.BaseFont.CreateFont(Path.Combine(fonts_root_path,"arial.ttf"),"Windows-1250", true);

                                if (request.debug_mode) {
                                    foreach (var key in fields.Fields.Keys) {
                                        Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Pdf field [{0}]. Data type [{1}]", key, fields.GetFieldType(key));

                                foreach (var key in fields.Fields.Keys) {

                                    var items = selected.mapping.Where(p => p.data_field == key);
                                    if (items.Count() == 1) {
                                        var item = items.First();
                                        if (item.column_name == UNKNOWN)
                                        if (data.Columns.Contains(item.column_name)) {
                                            string value = row[item.column_name].ToString();

                                            if (item.field_type == data_field_type.CheckBox) {
                                                int int_value = 0;
                                                bool boolean_value = false;
                                                if(Int32.TryParse(value, out int_value))
                                                    value = int_value == 0? "No" : "Yes";
                                                else if (Boolean.TryParse(value, out boolean_value))
                                                    value = boolean_value == false? "No" : "Yes";
                                                    throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Invalid Value [{0}] was provided for Check box type field!", value));
                                            fields.SetField(key, value);
                                        else {
                                            Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Column {0} does not belong to table {1}! Check your mappings for template {2}", item.column_name, data.TableName, template);
                                    else if (items.Count() == 0) {

                                        var current = selected.mapping.ToList();

                                        data_field_type field_type = data_field_type.Text;
                                        if (key.Contains("Check"))
                                            field_type = data_field_type.CheckBox;
                                        else if (key.Contains("Radio"))
                                            field_type = data_field_type.RadioButton;

                                        current.Add(new mapping_type() { column_name = UNKNOWN, data_field = key, field_type = field_type });

                                        selected.mapping = current.ToArray();

                                        File.WriteAllText(mapping_root_path, mapping.SerializeXml());
                                    else {
                                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                                // flatten form fields and close document
                                if (request.read_only || (request.merge_output && request.pdf_template_list.Length > 1)) {
                                    Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Form flattening requested... Read only {0}, Merge output {1}, Template list count {2}", request.read_only, request.merge_output, request.pdf_template_list.Length);
                                    stamper.FormFlattening = true;

                        if (items_with_path.Count() == 1) {
                            string path = items_with_path.First().Path;
                            var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
                            string result = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                            Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Response lenght is {0} bytes", bytes.Length);
                            return new response_item_type[] { new response_item_type() { pdf_template = items_with_path.First().PdfTemplate, data = force_unc ? string.Empty : result, unc_path = path } };
                            //return new response_item_type[] { new response_item_type() { pdf_template = items_with_path.First().PdfTemplate, data = Convert.ToBase64String(new byte[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}) } };
                        else {
                            if (request.merge_output == true) {
                                string merged_document_path = Path.Combine(output_root_path, String.Format("{0}_{1}{2}{3}", id_pog.Replace("/","-").Trim(), "merged", DateTime.Now.ToFileTimeUtc().ToString(), ".pdf"));

                                //List<string> file_names = new List<string>();
                                //foreach (var item in items_with_path) {
                                //    file_names.Add(item.Path);
                                //var path = MergePdfForms(file_names, merged_document_path);

                                PdfMerge merge = new PdfMerge();
                                foreach (var item in items_with_path) {

                                merge.EnablePagination = false;
                                //using (FileStream file = new FileStream(merged_document_path, FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write)) {
                                //    byte[] bytes = new byte[stream.Length];
                                //    stream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)stream.Length);
                                //    file.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                                //    stream.Close();

                                var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(merged_document_path);
                                string result = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                                Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Response lenght is {0} bytes", bytes.Length);
                                return new response_item_type[] { new response_item_type() { pdf_template = template.MergedContent, data = force_unc ? string.Empty : result, unc_path = merged_document_path } };
                            else {
                                List<response_item_type> items = new List<response_item_type>();
                                foreach (var item in items_with_path) {
                                    var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(item.Path);
                                    string result = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                                    Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Response lenght is {0} bytes", bytes.Length);
                                    var temp = new response_item_type() { pdf_template = item.PdfTemplate, data = force_unc ? string.Empty : result, unc_path = item.Path };
                                    //var temp = new response_item_type() { pdf_template = item.PdfTemplate, data = Convert.ToBase64String(new byte[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}) };

                                return items.ToArray();
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    string message = Logging.CreateExceptionMessage(ex);
                    return null;
Beispiel #3
        public static response_item_type[] FillForm(pdf_stamper_request request, string mapping_root_path, string template_root_path, string output_root_path, DataTable data, string fonts_root_path, bool force_unc)
            lock (_lock) {
                try {
                    List <Item> items_with_path = new List <Item>();
                    mappings    mapping         = new mappings();
                    if (File.Exists(mapping_root_path))
                        mapping = File.ReadAllText(mapping_root_path).DeserializeXml2 <mappings>();

                    FileInfo mapping_path = new FileInfo(mapping_root_path);

                     * string fox_helper_path = Path.Combine(mapping_path.DirectoryName, "Fox.txt");
                     * if (!File.Exists(fox_helper_path)) {
                     *  StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
                     *  b.Append(@"
                     * DIMENSION laArray[30,2]
                     * laArray[1,1] = 'Obrazac1'
                     * laArray[2,1] = 'Obrazac2'
                     * laArray[3,1] = 'Obrazac3'
                     * laArray[4,1] = 'Obrazac4'
                     * laArray[5,1] = 'Obrazac5'
                     * laArray[6,1] = 'Obrazac6'
                     * laArray[7,1] = 'Obrazac7'
                     * laArray[8,1] = 'Obrazac8'
                     * laArray[9,1] = 'Obrazac9'
                     * laArray[10,1] ='Obrazac10'
                     * laArray[11,1] = 'Obrazac11'
                     * laArray[12,1] = 'Obrazac12'
                     * laArray[13,1] = 'Obrazac13'
                     * laArray[14,1] = 'Obrazac14'
                     * laArray[15,1] = 'Obrazac15'
                     * laArray[16,1] = 'Obrazac16'
                     * laArray[17,1] = 'Obrazac17'
                     * laArray[18,1] = 'Obrazac18'
                     * laArray[19,1] = 'Obrazac19'
                     * laArray[20,1] ='Obrazac20'
                     * laArray[21,1] = 'Obrazac21'
                     * laArray[22,1] = 'Obrazac22'
                     * laArray[23,1] = 'Obrazac23'
                     * laArray[24,1] = 'Obrazac24'
                     * laArray[25,1] = 'Obrazac25'
                     * laArray[26,1] = 'Obrazac26'
                     * laArray[27,1] = 'Obrazac27'
                     * laArray[28,1] = 'Obrazac28'
                     * laArray[29,1] = 'Obrazac29'
                     * laArray[30,1] ='Obrazac30'
                     * ");
                     *  int current_index = -1;
                     *  foreach (var item in mapping.mapping_item) {
                     *      current_index = Int32.Parse(item.pdf_template.ToString().Replace("Obrazac", ""));
                     *      string source_document_path = item.file_path.Replace("@root", template_root_path);
                     *      FileInfo info = new FileInfo(source_document_path);
                     *      string value = string.Format("laArray[{0},2] = '{1}'", current_index, info.Name.Replace(info.Extension,String.Empty));
                     *      b.AppendLine(value);
                     *  }
                     *  File.WriteAllText(fox_helper_path,b.ToString());
                     * }
                    if (data.Rows.Count == 0)
                        Logging.Singleton.WriteDebug("There is no data in the provided data table!");

                        foreach (var template in request.pdf_template_list)
                            mapping_item_type selected = mapping.mapping_item.Where(p => p.pdf_template == template).First();

                            string source_document_path = selected.file_path.Replace("@root", template_root_path);
                            items_with_path.Add(new Item()
                                Path = source_document_path, PdfTemplate = template
                        if (request.merge_output == true)
                            string merged_document_path = Path.Combine(output_root_path, String.Format("{0}_{1}{2}", "merged", DateTime.Now.ToFileTimeUtc().ToString(), ".pdf"));

                            PdfMerge merge = new PdfMerge();
                            foreach (var item in items_with_path)
                            merge.EnablePagination = false;
                            string result = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(merged_document_path));
                            return(new response_item_type[] { new response_item_type()
                                                                  pdf_template = template.MergedContent, data = force_unc? string.Empty : result, unc_path = merged_document_path
                                                              } });
                            List <response_item_type> items = new List <response_item_type>();
                            foreach (var item in items_with_path)
                                var temp = new response_item_type()
                                    pdf_template = item.PdfTemplate, data = force_unc ? string.Empty : Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(item.Path)), unc_path = item.Path
                        DataRow row    = data.Rows[0];
                        string  id_pog = string.Empty;
                        if (data.Columns.Contains("id_pog"))
                            id_pog = row["id_pog"].ToString();

                        if (request.debug_mode)
                            foreach (DataColumn column in data.Columns)
                                Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Data column [{0}] has a value [{1}]", column.ToString(), row[column].ToString());

                        foreach (var template in request.pdf_template_list)
                            mapping_item_type selected = mapping.mapping_item.Where(p => p.pdf_template == template).First();

                            string   source_document_path = selected.file_path.Replace("@root", template_root_path);
                            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(source_document_path);

                            string destination_document_path = Path.Combine(output_root_path,
                                                                                          id_pog.Replace("/", "-").Trim(),
                                                                                          f.Name.Replace(f.Extension, ""),

                            items_with_path.Add(new Item()
                                Path = destination_document_path, PdfTemplate = template

                            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(source_document_path);
                            using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileStream(destination_document_path, FileMode.Create))) {
                                AcroFields fields = stamper.AcroFields;

                                //Full path to the Unicode Arial file
                                //string ARIALUNI_TFF = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts), "ARIALUNI.TTF");

                                //Create a base font object making sure to specify IDENTITY-H
                                //BaseFont bf = BaseFont.CreateFont(ARIALUNI_TFF, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);

                                //Create a specific font object
                                //Font f = new Font(bf, 12, Font.NORMAL);
                                iTextSharp.text.pdf.BaseFont baseFont = iTextSharp.text.pdf.BaseFont.CreateFont(Path.Combine(fonts_root_path, "arial.ttf"), "Windows-1250", true);

                                if (request.debug_mode)
                                    foreach (var key in fields.Fields.Keys)
                                        Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Pdf field [{0}]. Data type [{1}]", key, fields.GetFieldType(key));

                                foreach (var key in fields.Fields.Keys)
                                    var items = selected.mapping.Where(p => p.data_field == key);
                                    if (items.Count() == 1)
                                        var item = items.First();
                                        if (item.column_name == UNKNOWN)
                                        if (data.Columns.Contains(item.column_name))
                                            string value = row[item.column_name].ToString();

                                            if (item.field_type == data_field_type.CheckBox)
                                                int  int_value     = 0;
                                                bool boolean_value = false;
                                                if (Int32.TryParse(value, out int_value))
                                                    value = int_value == 0? "No" : "Yes";
                                                else if (Boolean.TryParse(value, out boolean_value))
                                                    value = boolean_value == false? "No" : "Yes";
                                                    throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Invalid Value [{0}] was provided for Check box type field!", value));
                                            fields.SetField(key, value);
                                            Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Column {0} does not belong to table {1}! Check your mappings for template {2}", item.column_name, data.TableName, template);
                                    else if (items.Count() == 0)
                                        var current = selected.mapping.ToList();

                                        data_field_type field_type = data_field_type.Text;
                                        if (key.Contains("Check"))
                                            field_type = data_field_type.CheckBox;
                                        else if (key.Contains("Radio"))
                                            field_type = data_field_type.RadioButton;

                                        current.Add(new mapping_type()
                                            column_name = UNKNOWN, data_field = key, field_type = field_type

                                        selected.mapping = current.ToArray();

                                        File.WriteAllText(mapping_root_path, mapping.SerializeXml());
                                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                                // flatten form fields and close document
                                if (request.read_only || (request.merge_output && request.pdf_template_list.Length > 1))
                                    Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Form flattening requested... Read only {0}, Merge output {1}, Template list count {2}", request.read_only, request.merge_output, request.pdf_template_list.Length);
                                    stamper.FormFlattening = true;

                        if (items_with_path.Count() == 1)
                            string path   = items_with_path.First().Path;
                            var    bytes  = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
                            string result = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                            Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Response lenght is {0} bytes", bytes.Length);
                            return(new response_item_type[] { new response_item_type()
                                                                  pdf_template = items_with_path.First().PdfTemplate, data = force_unc ? string.Empty : result, unc_path = path
                                                              } });
                            //return new response_item_type[] { new response_item_type() { pdf_template = items_with_path.First().PdfTemplate, data = Convert.ToBase64String(new byte[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}) } };
                            if (request.merge_output == true)
                                string merged_document_path = Path.Combine(output_root_path, String.Format("{0}_{1}{2}{3}", id_pog.Replace("/", "-").Trim(), "merged", DateTime.Now.ToFileTimeUtc().ToString(), ".pdf"));

                                //List<string> file_names = new List<string>();
                                //foreach (var item in items_with_path) {
                                //    file_names.Add(item.Path);
                                //var path = MergePdfForms(file_names, merged_document_path);

                                PdfMerge merge = new PdfMerge();
                                foreach (var item in items_with_path)

                                merge.EnablePagination = false;
                                //using (FileStream file = new FileStream(merged_document_path, FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write)) {
                                //    byte[] bytes = new byte[stream.Length];
                                //    stream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)stream.Length);
                                //    file.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                                //    stream.Close();

                                var    bytes  = File.ReadAllBytes(merged_document_path);
                                string result = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                                Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Response lenght is {0} bytes", bytes.Length);
                                return(new response_item_type[] { new response_item_type()
                                                                      pdf_template = template.MergedContent, data = force_unc ? string.Empty : result, unc_path = merged_document_path
                                                                  } });
                                List <response_item_type> items = new List <response_item_type>();
                                foreach (var item in items_with_path)
                                    var    bytes  = File.ReadAllBytes(item.Path);
                                    string result = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                                    Logging.Singleton.WriteDebugFormat("Response lenght is {0} bytes", bytes.Length);
                                    var temp = new response_item_type()
                                        pdf_template = item.PdfTemplate, data = force_unc ? string.Empty : result, unc_path = item.Path
                                    //var temp = new response_item_type() { pdf_template = item.PdfTemplate, data = Convert.ToBase64String(new byte[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}) };

                catch (Exception ex) {
                    string message = Logging.CreateExceptionMessage(ex);