private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); Image img = Image.FromFile(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Background.png"); page.BackgroundImage = img; //Draw table DrawPage(page); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("ImageWaterMark.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("ImageWaterMark.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold), true); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Categories List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Categories List", format1).Height; y = y + 5; RectangleF rctg = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), page.Canvas.ClientSize); PdfLinearGradientBrush brush = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rctg, Color.Navy, Color.OrangeRed, PdfLinearGradientMode.Vertical); PdfFont font = new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 12f, PdfFontStyle.Bold); String formatted = "Beverages\nCondiments\nConfections\nDairy Products\nGrains/Cereals\nMeat/Poultry\nProduce\nSeafood"; PdfList list = new PdfList(formatted); list.Font = font; list.Indent = 8; list.TextIndent = 5; list.Brush = brush; PdfLayoutResult result = list.Draw(page, 0, y); y = result.Bounds.Bottom; PdfSortedList sortedList = new PdfSortedList(formatted); sortedList.Font = font; sortedList.Indent = 8; sortedList.TextIndent = 5; sortedList.Brush = brush; sortedList.Draw(page, 0, y); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("SimpleList.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("SimpleList.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); doc.ViewerPreferences.PageLayout = PdfPageLayout.TwoColumnLeft; //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; SetDocumentTemplate(doc, PdfPageSize.A4, margin); //create section PdfSection section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = new PdfMargins(0); SetSectionTemplate(section, PdfPageSize.A4, margin, "Section 1"); // Create one page PdfNewPage page = section.Pages.Add(); //Draw page DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); DrawPage(page); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("Template.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("Template.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); PdfTilingBrush brush = new PdfTilingBrush(new SizeF(page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Height / 3)); brush.Graphics.SetTransparency(0.3f); brush.Graphics.Save(); brush.Graphics.TranslateTransform(brush.Size.Width / 2, brush.Size.Height / 2); brush.Graphics.RotateTransform(-45); brush.Graphics.DrawString("Spire.Pdf Demo", new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 24), PdfBrushes.Violet, 0, 0, new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center)); brush.Graphics.Restore(); brush.Graphics.SetTransparency(1); page.Canvas.DrawRectangle(brush, new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), page.Canvas.ClientSize)); //Draw the page DrawPage(page); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("TextWaterMark.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("TextWaterMark.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); doc.DocumentInformation.Author = "Spire.Pdf"; //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { //create section PdfSection section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { // Create one page PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add(); DrawAutomaticField(page); } } //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("AutomaticField.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("AutomaticField.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; DrawCover(doc.Sections.Add(), margin); DrawContent(doc.Sections.Add(), margin); DrawPageNumber(doc.Sections[1], margin, 1, doc.Sections[1].Pages.Count); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("Pagination.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("Pagination.pdf"); }
private void SetSectionTemplate(PdfSection section, SizeF pageSize, PdfMargins margin, String label) { PdfPageTemplateElement leftSpace = new PdfPageTemplateElement(margin.Left, pageSize.Height); leftSpace.Foreground = true; section.Template.OddLeft = leftSpace; PdfTrueTypeFont font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f, FontStyle.Italic)); PdfStringFormat format = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); float y = (pageSize.Height - margin.Top - margin.Bottom) * (1 - 0.618f); RectangleF bounds = new RectangleF(10, y, margin.Left - 20, font.Height + 6); leftSpace.Graphics.DrawRectangle(PdfBrushes.OrangeRed, bounds); leftSpace.Graphics.DrawString(label, font, PdfBrushes.White, bounds, format); PdfPageTemplateElement rightSpace = new PdfPageTemplateElement(margin.Right, pageSize.Height); rightSpace.Foreground = true; section.Template.EvenRight = rightSpace; bounds = new RectangleF(10, y, margin.Right - 20, font.Height + 6); rightSpace.Graphics.DrawRectangle(PdfBrushes.SaddleBrown, bounds); rightSpace.Graphics.DrawString(label, font, PdfBrushes.White, bounds, format); }
private void DrawPageHeaderAndFooter(PdfPageBase page, PdfMargins margin, bool isCover) { page.Canvas.SetTransparency(0.5f); PdfImage headerImage = PdfImage.FromFile(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Header.png"); PdfImage footerImage = PdfImage.FromFile(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Footer.png"); page.Canvas.DrawImage(headerImage, new PointF(0, 0)); page.Canvas.DrawImage(footerImage, new PointF(0, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Height - footerImage.PhysicalDimension.Height)); if (isCover) { page.Canvas.SetTransparency(1); return; } PdfBrush brush = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfPen pen = new PdfPen(brush, 0.75f); PdfTrueTypeFont font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f, FontStyle.Italic), true); PdfStringFormat format = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right); format.MeasureTrailingSpaces = true; float space = font.Height * 0.75f; float x = margin.Left; float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - margin.Left - margin.Right; float y = margin.Top - space; page.Canvas.DrawLine(pen, x, y, x + width, y); y = y - 1 - font.Height; page.Canvas.DrawString("Demo of Spire.Pdf", font, brush, x + width, y, format); page.Canvas.SetTransparency(1); }
private void DrawCover(PdfSection section, PdfMargins margin) { section.PageNumber = new PdfPageNumber(); section.PageNumber.NumberStyle = PdfNumberStyle.LowerRoman; section.PageNumber.Prefix = "cover "; section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins.All = 0; PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add(); DrawPageHeaderAndFooter(page, margin, true); //refenrence content PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.LightGray; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Blue; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 8f)); PdfStringFormat format = new PdfStringFormat(); format.MeasureTrailingSpaces = true; String text1 = "(All text and picture from "; String text2 = "Wikipedia"; String text3 = ", the free encyclopedia)"; float x = 0, y = 10; x = x + margin.Left; y = y + margin.Top; page.Canvas.DrawString(text1, font1, brush1, x, y, format); x = x + font1.MeasureString(text1, format).Width; page.Canvas.DrawString(text2, font1, brush2, x, y, format); x = x + font1.MeasureString(text2, format).Width; page.Canvas.DrawString(text3, font1, brush1, x, y, format); //cover PdfBrush brush3 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfBrush brush4 = new PdfSolidBrush(new PdfRGBColor(0xf9, 0xf9, 0xf9)); PdfImage image = PdfImage.FromFile(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\SciencePersonificationBoston.jpg"); String text = Pagination.Properties.Resources.ImageDescription; float r = image.PhysicalDimension.Height / image.Height; PdfPen pen = new PdfPen(brush1, r); SizeF size = font1.MeasureString(text, image.PhysicalDimension.Width - 2); PdfTemplate template = new PdfTemplate(image.PhysicalDimension.Width + 4 * r + 4, image.PhysicalDimension.Height + 4 * r + 7 + size.Height); template.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, brush4, 0, 0, template.Width, template.Height); x = y = r + 2; template.Graphics.DrawRectangle(brush1, x, y, image.PhysicalDimension.Width + 2 * r, image.PhysicalDimension.Height + 2 * r); x = y = x + r; template.Graphics.DrawImage(image, x, y); x = x - 1; y = y + image.PhysicalDimension.Height + r + 2; template.Graphics.DrawString(text, font1, brush3, new RectangleF(new PointF(x, y), size)); float x1 = (page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - template.Width) / 2; float y1 = (page.Canvas.ClientSize.Height - margin.Top - margin.Bottom) * (1 - 0.618f) - template.Height / 2 + margin.Top; template.Draw(page.Canvas, x1, y1); //title format.Alignment = PdfTextAlignment.Center; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 24f, FontStyle.Bold)); x = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2; y = y1 + template.Height + 10; page.Canvas.DrawString(Pagination.Properties.Resources.Title, font2, brush3, x, y, format); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; SetDocumentTemplate(doc, PdfPageSize.A4, margin); // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, new PdfMargins(0)); float y = 0; //title y = DrawPageTitle(page, y); //load form config data using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Form.xml")) { XPathDocument xpathDoc = new XPathDocument(stream); XPathNodeIterator sectionNodes = xpathDoc.CreateNavigator().Select("/form/section"); int fieldIndex = 0; foreach (XPathNavigator sectionNode in sectionNodes) { //draw section label String sectionLabel = sectionNode.GetAttribute("name", ""); y = DrawFormSection(sectionLabel, page, y); XPathNodeIterator fieldNodes = sectionNode.Select("field"); foreach (XPathNavigator fieldNode in fieldNodes) { y= DrawFormField(fieldNode, doc.Form, page, y, fieldIndex++); } } } //draw button y = y + 10; float buttonWidth = 80; float buttonX = (page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - buttonWidth) / 2; RectangleF buttonBounds = new RectangleF(buttonX, y, buttonWidth, 16f); PdfButtonField button = new PdfButtonField(page, "submit"); button.Text = "Submit"; button.Bounds = buttonBounds; PdfSubmitAction submitAction = new PdfSubmitAction(""); button.Actions.MouseUp = submitAction; doc.Form.Fields.Add(button); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("FormField.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("FormField.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //Set margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; //Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; //Add title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Part List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Part List", format1).Height; y = y + 5; //Create data table PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.CellPadding = 1; table.Style.BorderPen = new PdfPen(brush1, 0.75f); table.Style.DefaultStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.SkyBlue; table.Style.DefaultStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f), true); table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.ColumnCaptions; table.Style.HeaderStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.CadetBlue; table.Style.HeaderStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 11f, FontStyle.Bold), true); table.Style.HeaderStyle.StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); table.Style.ShowHeader = true; table.Style.RepeatHeader = true; using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\demo.mdb"; OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command.CommandText = " select * from parts "; command.Connection = conn; using (OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command)) { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); dataTable.Columns.RemoveAt(1); table.DataSourceType = PdfTableDataSourceType.TableDirect; table.DataSource = dataTable; } } float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - (table.Columns.Count + 1) * table.Style.BorderPen.Width; for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) { if (i == 1) { //Set the width of the column table.Columns[i].Width = width * 0.4f * width; //Set the string format table.Columns[i].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } else { table.Columns[i].Width = width * 0.12f * width; table.Columns[i].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } } table.BeginRowLayout += new BeginRowLayoutEventHandler(table_BeginRowLayout); PdfTableLayoutFormat tableLayout = new PdfTableLayoutFormat(); tableLayout.Break = PdfLayoutBreakType.FitElement; tableLayout.Layout = PdfLayoutType.Paginate; PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y), tableLayout); y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 5; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Gray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); result.Page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* All {0} parts in the list", table.Rows.Count), font2, brush2, 5, y); //Save pdf file doc.SaveToFile("TableLayout.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launch the Pdf file PDFDocumentViewer("TableLayout.pdf"); }
private void buttonRun_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog saveFiledialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFiledialog.Filter = "PDF Document (*.pdf)|*.pdf"; bool?result = saveFiledialog.ShowDialog(); if (!result.HasValue || !result.Value) { return; } //create a pdf document PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; //create one page PdfPageBase page = document.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin, PdfPageRotateAngle.RotateAngle0, PdfPageOrientation.Landscape); float y = 0; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold), true); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Vendor List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Vendor List", format1).Height; y = y + 5; PdfGrid grid = new PdfGrid(); grid.Style.CellPadding = new PdfPaddings(1, 1, 1, 1); grid.Columns.Add(this.dataGridVendorList.Columns.Count); float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - (grid.Columns.Count + 1); grid.Columns[0].Width = width * 0.25f; grid.Columns[1].Width = width * 0.25f; grid.Columns[2].Width = width * 0.25f; grid.Columns[3].Width = width * 0.15f; grid.Columns[4].Width = width * 0.10f; //header of grid PdfGridRow headerRow = grid.Headers.Add(1)[0]; headerRow.Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 11f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold), true); String[] header = { "Vendor Name", "Address", "City", "State", "Country" }; for (int i = 0; i < header.Length; i++) { headerRow.Cells[i].Value = header[i]; headerRow.Cells[i].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } headerRow.Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.SeaGreen; //datarow of grid int rowIndex = 1; foreach (Vendor vendor in this.dataSource) { PdfGridRow row = grid.Rows.Add(); row.Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f), true); row.Cells[0].Value = vendor.VendorName; row.Cells[1].Value = vendor.Address; row.Cells[2].Value = vendor.City; row.Cells[3].Value = vendor.State; row.Cells[4].Value = vendor.Country; row.Cells[0].Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.LightGray; row.Cells[0].StringFormat = row.Cells[1].StringFormat = row.Cells[2].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); row.Cells[3].StringFormat = row.Cells[4].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); if (rowIndex % 2 == 0) { row.Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.YellowGreen; } else { row.Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Bisque; } rowIndex++; } StringBuilder totalAmount = new StringBuilder(); var groupByCountry = this.dataSource.GroupBy(v => v.Country) .Select(g => new { Name = g.Key, Count = g.Count() }); foreach (var item in groupByCountry) { totalAmount.AppendFormat("{0}:\t{1}", item.Name, item.Count); totalAmount.AppendLine(); } PdfGridRow totalAmountRow = grid.Rows.Add(); totalAmountRow.Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Plum; totalAmountRow.Cells[0].Value = "Total Amount"; totalAmountRow.Cells[0].Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold), true); totalAmountRow.Cells[0].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); totalAmountRow.Cells[1].ColumnSpan = 4; totalAmountRow.Cells[1].Value = totalAmount.ToString(); totalAmountRow.Cells[1].Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold | System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic), true); // = new Font("Arial", 10f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); totalAmountRow.Cells[1].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); PdfLayoutResult resultl = grid.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + resultl.Bounds.Height + 5; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Gray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); resultl.Page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* All {0} vendors in the list", grid.Rows.Count - 1), font2, brush2, 5, y); //Save pdf file. using (Stream stream = saveFiledialog.OpenFile()) { document.SaveToStream(stream); } document.Close(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold), true); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Categories List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Categories List", format1).Height; y = y + 5; RectangleF rctg = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), page.Canvas.ClientSize); PdfLinearGradientBrush brush2 = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rctg, Color.Navy, Color.OrangeRed, PdfLinearGradientMode.Vertical); PdfLinearGradientBrush brush3 = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rctg, Color.OrangeRed, Color.Navy, PdfLinearGradientMode.Vertical); PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f), true); PdfTrueTypeFont font3 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 8f), true); PdfOrderedMarker marker1 = new PdfOrderedMarker(PdfNumberStyle.LowerRoman, new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 10f)); PdfOrderedMarker marker2 = new PdfOrderedMarker(PdfNumberStyle.Numeric, new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 8f)); PdfSortedList vendorList = new PdfSortedList(font2); vendorList.Indent = 0; vendorList.TextIndent = 5; vendorList.Brush = brush2; vendorList.Marker = marker1; using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\demo.mdb"; OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command.CommandText = " select VendorNo, VendorName from vendors "; command.Connection = conn; OleDbCommand command2 = new OleDbCommand(); command2.CommandText = " select Description from parts where VendorNo = @VendorNo"; command2.Connection = conn; OleDbParameter param = new OleDbParameter("@VendorNo", OleDbType.Double); command2.Parameters.Add(param); conn.Open(); OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { double id = reader.GetDouble(0); PdfListItem item = vendorList.Items.Add(reader.GetString(1)); PdfSortedList subList = new PdfSortedList(font3); subList.Marker = marker2; subList.Brush = brush3; item.SubList = subList; subList.TextIndent = 20; command2.Parameters[0].Value = id; using (OleDbDataReader reader2 = command2.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader2.Read()) { subList.Items.Add(reader2.GetString(0)); } } String maxNumberLabel = Convert.ToString(subList.Items.Count); subList.Indent = 30 - font3.MeasureString(maxNumberLabel).Width; } } PdfTextLayout textLayout = new PdfTextLayout(); textLayout.Break = PdfLayoutBreakType.FitPage; textLayout.Layout = PdfLayoutType.Paginate; vendorList.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y), textLayout); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("List.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("List.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Chocolate; //Draw page DrawPage(page); page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Coral; //Draw page DrawPage(page); page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A3, margin, PdfPageRotateAngle.RotateAngle180, PdfPageOrientation.Landscape); page.BackgroundColor = Color.LightPink; //Draw page DrawPage(page); //create section PdfSection section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; page = section.Pages.Add(); //Draw page DrawPage(page); //set background color page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.LightSkyBlue; DrawPage(page); //Landscape section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; section.PageSettings.Orientation = PdfPageOrientation.Landscape; page = section.Pages.Add(); DrawPage(page); //Rotate 90 section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; section.PageSettings.Rotate = PdfPageRotateAngle.RotateAngle90; page = section.Pages.Add(); DrawPage(page); //Rotate 180 section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; section.PageSettings.Rotate = PdfPageRotateAngle.RotateAngle180; page = section.Pages.Add(); DrawPage(page); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("PageSetup.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("PageSetup.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Country List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Country List", format1).Height; y = y + 5; String[] data = { "Name;Capital;Continent;Area;Population", "Argentina;Buenos Aires;South America;2777815;32300003", "Bolivia;La Paz;South America;1098575;7300000", "Brazil;Brasilia;South America;8511196;150400000", "Canada;Ottawa;North America;9976147;26500000", "Chile;Santiago;South America;756943;13200000", "Colombia;Bagota;South America;1138907;33000000", "Cuba;Havana;North America;114524;10600000", "Ecuador;Quito;South America;455502;10600000", "El Salvador;San Salvador;North America;20865;5300000", "Guyana;Georgetown;South America;214969;800000", "Jamaica;Kingston;North America;11424;2500000", "Mexico;Mexico City;North America;1967180;88600000", "Nicaragua;Managua;North America;139000;3900000", "Paraguay;Asuncion;South America;406576;4660000", "Peru;Lima;South America;1285215;21600000", "United States of America;Washington;North America;9363130;249200000", "Uruguay;Montevideo;South America;176140;3002000", "Venezuela;Caracas;South America;912047;19700000" }; String[][] dataSource = new String[data.Length][]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { dataSource[i] = data[i].Split(';'); } PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.CellPadding = 2; table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.Rows; table.Style.HeaderRowCount = 1; table.Style.ShowHeader = true; table.DataSource = dataSource; PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + result.Bounds.Height + 5; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Gray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* {0} countries in the list.", data.Length - 1), font2, brush2, 5, y); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("SimpleTable.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("SimpleTable.pdf"); }
private PdfPageBase DrawPages(PdfDocument doc) { //Set margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; //Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; //Title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Part List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Part List", format1).Height; y = y + 5; //Create data table PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.CellPadding = 2; table.Style.BorderPen = new PdfPen(brush1, 0.75f); table.Style.DefaultStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.SkyBlue; table.Style.DefaultStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f)); table.Style.AlternateStyle = new PdfCellStyle(); table.Style.AlternateStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.LightYellow; table.Style.AlternateStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f)); table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.ColumnCaptions; table.Style.HeaderStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.CadetBlue; table.Style.HeaderStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 11f, FontStyle.Bold)); table.Style.HeaderStyle.StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); table.Style.ShowHeader = true; using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\demo.mdb"; OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command.CommandText = " select Description, OnHand, OnOrder, Cost, ListPrice from parts "; command.Connection = conn; using (OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command)) { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); table.DataSourceType = PdfTableDataSourceType.TableDirect; table.DataSource = dataTable; } } float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - (table.Columns.Count + 1) * table.Style.BorderPen.Width; for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { table.Columns[i].Width = width * 0.40f * width; table.Columns[i].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } else { table.Columns[i].Width = width * 0.15f * width; table.Columns[i].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } } PdfTableLayoutFormat tableLayout = new PdfTableLayoutFormat(); tableLayout.Break = PdfLayoutBreakType.FitElement; tableLayout.Layout = PdfLayoutType.Paginate; PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y), tableLayout); y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 3; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Gray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); result.Page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* {0} parts in the list.", table.Rows.Count), font2, brush2, 5, y); return(result.Page); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); doc.ViewerPreferences.PageMode = PdfPageMode.FullScreen; //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; //create section PdfSection section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; section.PageSettings.Transition = new PdfPageTransition(); section.PageSettings.Transition.Duration = 2; section.PageSettings.Transition.Style = PdfTransitionStyle.Fly; section.PageSettings.Transition.PageDuration = 1; PdfNewPage page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Red; DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Green; DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue; DrawPage(page); section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; section.PageSettings.Transition = new PdfPageTransition(); section.PageSettings.Transition.Duration = 2; section.PageSettings.Transition.Style = PdfTransitionStyle.Box; section.PageSettings.Transition.PageDuration = 1; page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Orange; DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Brown; DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Navy; DrawPage(page); section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; section.PageSettings.Transition = new PdfPageTransition(); section.PageSettings.Transition.Duration = 2; section.PageSettings.Transition.Style = PdfTransitionStyle.Split; section.PageSettings.Transition.Dimension = PdfTransitionDimension.Vertical; section.PageSettings.Transition.Motion = PdfTransitionMotion.Inward; section.PageSettings.Transition.PageDuration = 1; page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Orange; DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Brown; DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Navy; DrawPage(page); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("Transition.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("Transition.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //Set the margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; //Add a page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; //Title PdfBrush brush = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Country List", font, brush, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format); y = y + font.MeasureString("Country List", format).Height; y = y + 5; //Create data table PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.BorderPen = new PdfPen(brush, 0.5f); //Header style table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.Rows; table.Style.HeaderRowCount = 1; table.Style.ShowHeader = true; table.Style.HeaderStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.CadetBlue; table.Style.HeaderStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 14f, FontStyle.Bold)); table.Style.HeaderStyle.StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); //Repeat header table.Style.RepeatHeader = true; //Body style table.Style.DefaultStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.SkyBlue; table.Style.DefaultStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f)); table.Style.AlternateStyle = new PdfCellStyle(); table.Style.AlternateStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.LightYellow; table.Style.AlternateStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f)); table.DataSource = GetData(); foreach (PdfColumn column in table.Columns) { column.StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } //Set the row height table.BeginRowLayout += new BeginRowLayoutEventHandler(table_BeginRowLayout); //Draw text below the table PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + result.Bounds.Height + 5; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Gray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* {0} countries in the list.", table.Rows.Count), font2, brush2, 5, y); //Save the document doc.SaveToFile("AddRepeatingColumn_out.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launch the Pdf PDFDocumentViewer("AddRepeatingColumn_out.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; PdfSection section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add(); float y = 10; PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Bold), true); RectangleF rctg = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), page.Canvas.ClientSize); PdfLinearGradientBrush brush2 = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(rctg, Color.Navy, Color.OrangeRed, PdfLinearGradientMode.Vertical); //draw Codabar PdfTextWidget text = new PdfTextWidget(); text.Font = font1; text.Text = "Codabar:"; PdfLayoutResult result = text.Draw(page, 0, y); page = result.Page; y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2; PdfCodabarBarcode barcode1 = new PdfCodabarBarcode("00:12-3456/7890"); barcode1.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f; barcode1.EnableCheckDigit = true; barcode1.ShowCheckDigit = true; barcode1.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom; barcode1.TextColor = Color.Blue; barcode1.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = barcode1.Bounds.Bottom + 5; //draw Code11Barcode text.Text = "Code11:"; result = text.Draw(page, 0, y); page = result.Page; y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2; PdfCode11Barcode barcode2 = new PdfCode11Barcode("123-4567890"); barcode2.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f; barcode2.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom; barcode2.TextColor = Color.Blue; barcode2.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = barcode2.Bounds.Bottom + 5; //draw Code128-A text.Text = "Code128-A:"; result = text.Draw(page, 0, y); page = result.Page; y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2; PdfCode128ABarcode barcode3 = new PdfCode128ABarcode("HELLO 00-123"); barcode3.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f; barcode3.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom; barcode3.TextColor = Color.Blue; barcode3.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = barcode3.Bounds.Bottom + 5; //draw Code128-B text.Text = "Code128-B:"; result = text.Draw(page, 0, y); page = result.Page; y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2; PdfCode128BBarcode barcode4 = new PdfCode128BBarcode("Hello 00-123"); barcode4.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f; barcode4.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom; barcode4.TextColor = Color.Blue; barcode4.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = barcode4.Bounds.Bottom + 5; //draw Code32 text.Text = "Code32:"; result = text.Draw(page, 0, y); page = result.Page; y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2; PdfCode32Barcode barcode5 = new PdfCode32Barcode("16273849"); barcode5.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f; barcode5.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom; barcode5.TextColor = Color.Blue; barcode5.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = barcode5.Bounds.Bottom + 5; page = section.Pages.Add(); y = 10; //draw Code39 text.Text = "Code39:"; result = text.Draw(page, 0, y); page = result.Page; y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2; PdfCode39Barcode barcode6 = new PdfCode39Barcode("16-273849"); barcode6.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f; barcode6.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom; barcode6.TextColor = Color.Blue; barcode6.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = barcode6.Bounds.Bottom + 5; //draw Code39-E text.Text = "Code39-E:"; result = text.Draw(page, 0, y); page = result.Page; y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2; PdfCode39ExtendedBarcode barcode7 = new PdfCode39ExtendedBarcode("16-273849"); barcode7.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f; barcode7.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom; barcode7.TextColor = Color.Blue; barcode7.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = barcode7.Bounds.Bottom + 5; //draw Code93 text.Text = "Code93:"; result = text.Draw(page, 0, y); page = result.Page; y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2; PdfCode93Barcode barcode8 = new PdfCode93Barcode("16-273849"); barcode8.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f; barcode8.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom; barcode8.TextColor = Color.Blue; barcode8.QuietZone.Bottom = 5; barcode8.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = barcode8.Bounds.Bottom + 5; //draw Code93-E text.Text = "Code93-E:"; result = text.Draw(page, 0, y); page = result.Page; y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 2; PdfCode93ExtendedBarcode barcode9 = new PdfCode93ExtendedBarcode("16-273849"); barcode9.BarcodeToTextGapHeight = 1f; barcode9.TextDisplayLocation = TextLocation.Bottom; barcode9.TextColor = Color.Blue; barcode9.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = barcode9.Bounds.Bottom + 5; //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("Barcode.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("Barcode.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin, PdfPageRotateAngle.RotateAngle0, PdfPageOrientation.Landscape); float y = 10; float x1 = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold), true); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Vendor List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Vendor List", format1).Height; y = y + 5; String[] data = { "VendorName;Address1;City;State;Country", "Cacor Corporation;161 Southfield Rd;Southfield;OH;U.S.A.", "Underwater;50 N 3rd Street;Indianapolis;IN;U.S.A.", "J.W. Luscher Mfg.;65 Addams Street;Berkely;MA;U.S.A.", "Scuba Professionals;3105 East Brace;Rancho Dominguez;CA;U.S.A.", "Divers' Supply Shop;5208 University Dr;Macon;GA;U.S.A.", "Techniques;52 Dolphin Drive;Redwood City;CA;U.S.A.", "Perry Scuba;3443 James Ave;Hapeville;GA;U.S.A.", "Beauchat, Inc.;45900 SW 2nd Ave;Ft Lauderdale;FL;U.S.A.", "Amor Aqua;42 West 29th Street;New York;NY;U.S.A.", "Aqua Research Corp.;P.O. Box 998;Cornish;NH;U.S.A.", "B&K Undersea Photo;116 W 7th Street;New York;NY;U.S.A.", "Diving International Unlimited;1148 David Drive;San Diego;DA;U.S.A.", "Nautical Compressors;65 NW 167 Street;Miami;FL;U.S.A.", "Glen Specialties, Inc.;17663 Campbell Lane;Huntington Beach;CA;U.S.A.", "Dive Time;20 Miramar Ave;Long Beach;CA;U.S.A.", "Undersea Systems, Inc.;18112 Gotham Street;Huntington Beach;CA;U.S.A.", "Felix Diving;310 S Michigan Ave;Chicago;IL;U.S.A.", "Central Valley Skin Divers;160 Jameston Ave;Jamaica;NY;U.S.A.", "Parkway Dive Shop;241 Kelly Street;South Amboy;NJ;U.S.A.", "Marine Camera & Dive;117 South Valley Rd;San Diego;CA;U.S.A.", "Dive Canada;275 W Ninth Ave;Vancouver;British Columbia;Canada", "Dive & Surf;P.O. Box 20210;Indianapolis;IN;U.S.A.", "Fish Research Labs;29 Wilkins Rd Dept. SD;Los Banos;CA;U.S.A." }; PdfGrid grid = new PdfGrid(); grid.Style.CellPadding = new PdfPaddings(1, 1, 1, 1); String[] header = data[0].Split(';'); grid.Columns.Add(header.Length); float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - (grid.Columns.Count + 1); grid.Columns[0].Width = width * 0.25f; grid.Columns[1].Width = width * 0.25f; grid.Columns[2].Width = width * 0.25f; grid.Columns[3].Width = width * 0.15f; grid.Columns[4].Width = width * 0.10f; PdfGridRow headerRow = grid.Headers.Add(1)[0]; headerRow.Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 11f, FontStyle.Bold), true); headerRow.Style.BackgroundBrush = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(x1, 0), Color.Red, Color.Blue); for (int i = 0; i < header.Length; i++) { headerRow.Cells[i].Value = header[i]; headerRow.Cells[i].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); if (i == 0) { headerRow.Cells[i].Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Gray; } } Random random = new Random(); Dictionary<String, int> groupByCountry = new Dictionary<String, int>(); for (int r = 1; r < data.Length; r++) { PdfGridRow row = grid.Rows.Add(); row.Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f), true); byte[] buffer = new byte[6]; random.NextBytes(buffer); PdfRGBColor color1 = new PdfRGBColor(buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2]); PdfRGBColor color2 = new PdfRGBColor(buffer[3], buffer[4], buffer[5]); row.Style.BackgroundBrush = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(x1, 0), color1, color2); String[] rowData = data[r].Split(';'); for (int c = 0; c < rowData.Length; c++) { row.Cells[c].Value = rowData[c]; if (c == 0) { row.Cells[c].Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Gray; } if(c < 3) { row.Cells[c].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } else { row.Cells[c].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } if (c == 4) { if (groupByCountry.ContainsKey(rowData[c])) { groupByCountry[rowData[c]] = groupByCountry[rowData[c]] + 1; } else { groupByCountry[rowData[c]] = 1; } } } } StringBuilder totalAmount = new StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair<String, int> country in groupByCountry) { totalAmount.AppendFormat("{0}:\t{1}", country.Key, country.Value); totalAmount.AppendLine(); } PdfGridRow totalAmountRow = grid.Rows.Add(); totalAmountRow.Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Plum; totalAmountRow.Cells[0].Value = "Total Amount"; totalAmountRow.Cells[0].Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, FontStyle.Bold), true); totalAmountRow.Cells[0].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); totalAmountRow.Cells[1].ColumnSpan = 4; totalAmountRow.Cells[1].Value = totalAmount.ToString(); totalAmountRow.Cells[1].Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic), true); totalAmountRow.Cells[1].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); //append product list PdfGrid productList = new PdfGrid(); productList.Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 8f), true); using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\demo.mdb"; OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command.CommandText = " select p.Description " + " from vendors v " + " inner join parts p " + " on v.VendorNo = p.VendorNo " + " where v.VendorName = 'Cacor Corporation'"; command.Connection = conn; using (OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command)) { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); productList.DataSource = dataTable; } } productList.Headers[0].Cells[0].Value = "Cacor Corporation"; productList.Headers[0].Cells[0].Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 8f, FontStyle.Bold), true); productList.Headers[0].Cells[0].Style.Borders.All = new PdfPen(new PdfTilingBrush(new SizeF(1, 1)), 0); grid.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value = productList; grid.Rows[0].Cells[0].StringFormat.Alignment = PdfTextAlignment.Left; PdfLayoutResult result = grid.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + result.Bounds.Height + 5; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Gray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); result.Page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* All {0} vendors in the list", grid.Rows.Count - 1), font2, brush2, 5, y); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("Grid.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("Grid.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; float x = 0; PdfTrueTypeFont font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 12)); String label = "Simple Link: "; PdfStringFormat format = new PdfStringFormat(); format.MeasureTrailingSpaces = true; page.Canvas.DrawString(label, font, PdfBrushes.OrangeRed, 0, y, format); x = font.MeasureString(label, format).Width; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Underline)); String url1 = ""; page.Canvas.DrawString(url1, font1, PdfBrushes.Blue, x, y); y = y + font1.MeasureString(url1).Height; label = "Web Link: "; page.Canvas.DrawString(label, font, PdfBrushes.OrangeRed, 0, y, format); x = font.MeasureString(label, format).Width; String text = "e-iceblue"; PdfTextWebLink link2 = new PdfTextWebLink(); link2.Text = text; link2.Url = url1; link2.Font = font1; link2.Brush = PdfBrushes.Blue; link2.DrawTextWebLink(page.Canvas, new PointF(x, y)); y = y + font1.MeasureString(text).Height; label = "URI Annonationa: "; page.Canvas.DrawString(label, font, PdfBrushes.OrangeRed, 0, y, format); x = font.MeasureString(label, format).Width; text = "Google"; PointF location = new PointF(x, y); SizeF size = font1.MeasureString(text); RectangleF linkBounds = new RectangleF(location, size); PdfUriAnnotation link3 = new PdfUriAnnotation(linkBounds); link3.Border = new PdfAnnotationBorder(0); link3.Uri = ""; (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(link3); page.Canvas.DrawString(text, font1, PdfBrushes.Blue, x, y); y = y + size.Height; label = "URI Annonationa Action: "; page.Canvas.DrawString(label, font, PdfBrushes.OrangeRed, 0, y, format); x = font.MeasureString(label, format).Width; text = "JavaScript Action (Click Me)"; location = new PointF(x, y); size = font1.MeasureString(text); linkBounds = new RectangleF(location, size); PdfUriAnnotation link4 = new PdfUriAnnotation(linkBounds); link4.Border = new PdfAnnotationBorder(0.75f); link4.Color = Color.LightGray; //script String script = "app.alert({" + " cMsg: \"Hello.\"," + " nIcon: 3," + " cTitle: \"JavaScript Action\"" + "});"; PdfJavaScriptAction action = new PdfJavaScriptAction(script); link4.Action = action; (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(link4); page.Canvas.DrawString(text, font1, PdfBrushes.Blue, x, y); y = y + size.Height; //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("Link.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("Link.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; //create section PdfSection section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add(); float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Attachment", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Attachment", format1).Height; y = y + 5; //attachment PdfAttachment attachment = new PdfAttachment("Header.png"); attachment.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Header.png"); attachment.Description = "Page header picture of demo."; attachment.MimeType = "image/png"; doc.Attachments.Add(attachment); attachment = new PdfAttachment("Footer.png"); attachment.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Footer.png"); attachment.Description = "Page footer picture of demo."; attachment.MimeType = "image/png"; doc.Attachments.Add(attachment); PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Bold)); PointF location = new PointF(0, y); String label = "Sales Report Chart"; byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\SalesReportChart.png"); SizeF size = font2.MeasureString(label); RectangleF bounds = new RectangleF(location, size); page.Canvas.DrawString(label, font2, PdfBrushes.DarkOrange, bounds); bounds = new RectangleF(bounds.Right + 3, bounds.Top, font2.Height / 2, font2.Height); PdfAttachmentAnnotation annotation1 = new PdfAttachmentAnnotation(bounds, "SalesReportChart.png", data); annotation1.Color = Color.Teal; annotation1.Flags = PdfAnnotationFlags.ReadOnly; annotation1.Icon = PdfAttachmentIcon.Graph; annotation1.Text = "Sales Report Chart"; (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation1); y = y + size.Height + 2; location = new PointF(0, y); label = "Science Personification Boston"; data = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\SciencePersonificationBoston.jpg"); size = font2.MeasureString(label); bounds = new RectangleF(location, size); page.Canvas.DrawString(label, font2, PdfBrushes.DarkOrange, bounds); bounds = new RectangleF(bounds.Right + 3, bounds.Top, font2.Height / 2, font2.Height); PdfAttachmentAnnotation annotation2 = new PdfAttachmentAnnotation(bounds, "SciencePersonificationBoston.jpg", data); annotation2.Color = Color.Orange; annotation2.Flags = PdfAnnotationFlags.NoZoom; annotation2.Icon = PdfAttachmentIcon.PushPin; annotation2.Text = "SciencePersonificationBoston.jpg, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"; (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation2); y = y + size.Height + 2; location = new PointF(0, y); label = "Picture of Science"; data = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Wikipedia_Science.png"); size = font2.MeasureString(label); bounds = new RectangleF(location, size); page.Canvas.DrawString(label, font2, PdfBrushes.DarkOrange, bounds); bounds = new RectangleF(bounds.Right + 3, bounds.Top, font2.Height / 2, font2.Height); PdfAttachmentAnnotation annotation3 = new PdfAttachmentAnnotation(bounds, "Wikipedia_Science.png", data); annotation3.Color = Color.SaddleBrown; annotation3.Flags = PdfAnnotationFlags.Locked; annotation3.Icon = PdfAttachmentIcon.Tag; annotation3.Text = "Wikipedia_Science.png, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"; (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation3); y = y + size.Height + 2; location = new PointF(0, y); label = "Hawaii Killer Font"; data = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Hawaii_Killer.ttf"); size = font2.MeasureString(label); bounds = new RectangleF(location, size); page.Canvas.DrawString(label, font2, PdfBrushes.DarkOrange, bounds); bounds = new RectangleF(bounds.Right + 3, bounds.Top, font2.Height / 2, font2.Height); PdfAttachmentAnnotation annotation4 = new PdfAttachmentAnnotation(bounds, "Hawaii_Killer.ttf", data); annotation4.Color = Color.CadetBlue; annotation4.Flags = PdfAnnotationFlags.NoRotate; annotation4.Icon = PdfAttachmentIcon.Paperclip; annotation4.Text = "Hawaii Killer Font, from"; (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation4); y = y + size.Height + 2; //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("Attachment.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("Attachment.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Part List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Part List", format1).Height; y = y + 2; //table top PdfDestination tableTopDest = new PdfDestination(page); tableTopDest.Location = new PointF(0, y); tableTopDest.Mode = PdfDestinationMode.Location; tableTopDest.Zoom = 1f; //Draw table PdfTrueTypeFont buttonFont = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, FontStyle.Bold)); float buttonWidth = 70; float buttonHeight = buttonFont.Height * 1.5f; float tableTop = y; PdfLayoutResult tableLayoutResult = DrawTable(page, y + buttonHeight + 5); //table bottom PdfDestination tableBottomDest = new PdfDestination(tableLayoutResult.Page); tableBottomDest.Location = new PointF(0, tableLayoutResult.Bounds.Bottom); tableBottomDest.Mode = PdfDestinationMode.Location; tableBottomDest.Zoom = 1f; //go to table bottom float x = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - buttonWidth; PdfStringFormat format2 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); RectangleF buttonBounds = new RectangleF(x, tableTop, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); page.Canvas.DrawRectangle(PdfBrushes.DarkGray, buttonBounds); page.Canvas.DrawString("To Bottom", buttonFont, PdfBrushes.CadetBlue, buttonBounds, format2); PdfGoToAction action1 = new PdfGoToAction(tableBottomDest); PdfActionAnnotation annotation1 = new PdfActionAnnotation(buttonBounds, action1); annotation1.Border = new PdfAnnotationBorder(0.75f); annotation1.Color = Color.LightGray; (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation1); //go to table top float tableBottom = tableLayoutResult.Bounds.Bottom + 5; buttonBounds = new RectangleF(x, tableBottom, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); tableLayoutResult.Page.Canvas.DrawRectangle(PdfBrushes.DarkGray, buttonBounds); tableLayoutResult.Page.Canvas.DrawString("To Top", buttonFont, PdfBrushes.CadetBlue, buttonBounds, format2); PdfGoToAction action2 = new PdfGoToAction(tableTopDest); PdfActionAnnotation annotation2 = new PdfActionAnnotation(buttonBounds, action2); annotation2.Border = new PdfAnnotationBorder(0.75f); annotation2.Color = Color.LightGray; (tableLayoutResult.Page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation2); //goto last page PdfNamedAction action3 = new PdfNamedAction(PdfActionDestination.LastPage); doc.AfterOpenAction = action3; //script String script = "app.alert({" + " cMsg: \"Oh no, you want to leave me.\"," + " nIcon: 3," + " cTitle: \"JavaScript Action\"" + "});"; PdfJavaScriptAction action4 = new PdfJavaScriptAction(script); doc.BeforeCloseAction = action4; //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("Action.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("Action.pdf"); }
public static void CreatePDF() { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create new page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Customer Report", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Customer Report", format1).Height; y = y + 5; String[][] dataSource; using (var db = new AirportDbContext()) { var tickets = db.Tickets.Select(x => new { Company = x.Company.Name, Destination = x.Destination.Name, CustomerName = x.Customer.FirstName + " " + x.Customer.LastName, Date = x.TravelingDate, Price = x.Price.ToString() }); var counter = 1; dataSource = new String[tickets.Count() + 1][]; dataSource[0] = new string[] { "Company", "Destination", "Customer", "Date", "Price" }; foreach (var ticket in tickets) { var date = ticket.Date.Date.ToShortDateString(); dataSource[counter] = new string[] { ticket.Company, ticket.Destination, ticket.CustomerName, date, ticket.Price }; counter++; } } String[] data = { "Name;Capital;Continent;Area;Population", "Argentina;Buenos Aires;South America;2777815;32300003", "Bolivia;La Paz;South America;1098575;7300000", "Brazil;Brasilia;South America;8511196;150400000", "Canada;Ottawa;North America;9976147;26500000", }; PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.CellPadding = 2; table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.Rows; table.Style.HeaderRowCount = 1; table.Style.ShowHeader = true; table.DataSource = dataSource; PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + result.Bounds.Height + 5; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Gray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("TicketsReport.pdf"); doc.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("TicketsReport.pdf"); }
private void DrawContent(PdfSection section, PdfMargins margin) { section.PageNumber = new PdfPageNumber(); section.PageNumber.NumberStyle = PdfNumberStyle.Numeric; section.PageNumber.Prefix = "page "; section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins.All = 0; PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add(); DrawPageHeaderAndFooter(page, margin, false); float x = margin.Left; float y = margin.Top + 8; float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - margin.Left - margin.Right; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f), true); PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfPen pen1 = new PdfPen(brush1, 0.75f); page.Canvas.DrawString(Pagination.Properties.Resources.Title, font1, brush1, x, y); y = y + font1.MeasureString(Pagination.Properties.Resources.Title).Height + 6; page.Canvas.DrawLine(pen1, x, y, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - margin.Right, y); y = y + 1.75f; String content = Pagination.Properties.Resources.Content; String[] lines = content.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, FontStyle.Italic), true); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(); format1.MeasureTrailingSpaces = true; format1.LineSpacing = font2.Height * 1.5f; format1.ParagraphIndent = font2.MeasureString("\t", format1).Width; y = y + font2.Height * 0.5f; SizeF size = font2.MeasureString(lines[0], width, format1); page.Canvas.DrawString(lines[0], font2, brush1, new RectangleF(new PointF(x, y), size), format1); y = y + size.Height; PdfTrueTypeFont font3 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f), true); PdfStringFormat format2 = new PdfStringFormat(); format2.LineSpacing = font3.Height * 1.4f; format2.MeasureTrailingSpaces = true; size = font3.MeasureString(lines[1], width, format2); page.Canvas.DrawString(lines[1], font3, brush1, new RectangleF(new PointF(x, y), size), format2); y = y + size.Height; y = y + font3.Height * 0.75f; float indent = font3.MeasureString("\t\t", format2).Width; float x1 = x + indent; size = font3.MeasureString(lines[2], width - indent, format2); page.Canvas.DrawString(lines[2], font3, brush1, new RectangleF(new PointF(x1, y), size), format2); y = y + size.Height + font3.Height * 0.75f; StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 3; i < lines.Length; i++) { buff.AppendLine(lines[i]); } content = buff.ToString(); PdfStringLayouter textLayouter = new PdfStringLayouter(); PdfStringLayoutResult result = textLayouter.Layout(content, font3, format2, new SizeF(width, float.MaxValue)); foreach (LineInfo line in result.Lines) { if ((line.LineType & LineType.FirstParagraphLine) == LineType.FirstParagraphLine) { y = y + font3.Height * 0.75f; } if (y > (page.Canvas.ClientSize.Height - margin.Bottom - result.LineHeight)) { page = section.Pages.Add(); DrawPageHeaderAndFooter(page, margin, false); y = margin.Top; } page.Canvas.DrawString(line.Text, font3, brush1, x, y, format2); y = y + result.LineHeight; } }
public static void UdskrivBilag(tblbilag Bilag) { int Regnskabid = (int)Bilag.regnskabid; recMemRegnskab rec_regnskab = (from r in Program.memRegnskab where r.Rid == Regnskabid select r).First(); string firma = rec_regnskab.Firmanavn; string regnskabsnavn = rec_regnskab.Navn; DateTime startdato = (DateTime)rec_regnskab.Start; DateTime slutdato = (DateTime)rec_regnskab.S**t; DateTime bilagsdato = (DateTime)Bilag.dato; int startMonth = startdato.Month; int bilagMonth = bilagsdato.Month; int regnskabsaar = slutdato.Year; int pnr; if (bilagMonth < startMonth) { pnr = bilagMonth + 12 - startMonth + 1; } else { pnr = bilagMonth - startMonth + 1; } DateTime PeriodeMonthYear = new DateTime(slutdato.Year, pnr, 1); string Periode = PeriodeMonthYear.ToString("MM"); //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); doc.DocumentInformation.Author = "Hafsjold Data ApS"; doc.DocumentInformation.Title = String.Format("Bogføringsbilag {0}", regnskabsnavn); doc.DocumentInformation.Creator = "Trans2SummaHDA"; doc.DocumentInformation.Subject = String.Format("Bilag {0}", ((int)Bilag.bilag).ToString()); doc.DocumentInformation.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width; float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left); string s = String.Format("Bogføringsbilag {0}", regnskabsnavn); page.Canvas.DrawString(s, font1, brush1, 1, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString(s, format1).Height; y = y + 25; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format2 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left); s = String.Format("Dato: {0}", ((DateTime)Bilag.dato).ToShortDateString()); page.Canvas.DrawString(s, font2, brush2, 1, y, format2); PdfStringFormat format21 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); s = String.Format("Periode: {0}", Periode); page.Canvas.DrawString(s, font2, brush2, width / 2, y, format21); PdfStringFormat format22 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right); s = String.Format("Bilag: {0}", ((int)Bilag.bilag).ToString()); page.Canvas.DrawString(s, font2, brush2, width, y, format22); y = y + font2.MeasureString(s, format2).Height; y = y + 25; String[][] dataSource = new String[Bilag.tbltrans.Count + 1][]; int i = 0; foreach (tbltran t in Bilag.tbltrans) { if (i == 0) { String[] headings = new String[5]; headings[0] = "Tekst"; headings[1] = "Kontonr"; headings[2] = "Kontonavn"; headings[3] = "Debet"; headings[4] = "Kredit"; dataSource[i++] = headings; } String[] datarow = new String[5]; datarow[0] = t.tekst; datarow[1] = t.kontonr.ToString(); datarow[2] = t.kontonavn; datarow[3] = t.debet != null ? ((decimal)(t.debet)).ToString("#,0.00;-#,0.00") : ""; datarow[4] = t.kredit != null ? ((decimal)(t.kredit)).ToString("#,0.00;-#,0.00") : ""; dataSource[i++] = datarow; } PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.CellPadding = 5; //2; table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.Rows; table.Style.HeaderRowCount = 1; table.Style.HeaderStyle.StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); table.Style.HeaderStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f, FontStyle.Bold)); table.Style.ShowHeader = true; table.Style.RepeatHeader = true; table.DataSource = dataSource; table.Columns[0].Width = width * 0.30f * width; table.Columns[0].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); table.Columns[1].Width = width * 0.10f * width; table.Columns[1].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); table.Columns[2].Width = width * 0.30f * width; table.Columns[2].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); table.Columns[3].Width = width * 0.15f * width; table.Columns[3].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); table.Columns[4].Width = width * 0.15f * width; table.Columns[4].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + result.Bounds.Height + 5; //Save pdf file. string BilagPath = (from r in Program.karTrans2Summa where r.key == "BilagPath" select r.value).First(); string BilagNavn = String.Format(@"Bilag {0}.pdf", ((int)Bilag.bilag).ToString()); string filename = Path.Combine(BilagPath, BilagNavn); doc.SaveToFile(filename); doc.Close(); }
public void BankUdbetalingsUdskrifter(dbData3060DataContext p_dbData3060, int lobnr) { var antal = (from c in p_dbData3060.tbltilpbs where == lobnr select c).Count(); if (antal == 0) { throw new Exception("101 - Der er ingen PBS forsendelse for id: " + lobnr); } var qrykrd = from k in p_dbData3060.tblMedlems join h in p_dbData3060.tbloverforsels on k.Nr equals h.Nr where h.tilpbsid == lobnr select new { k.Nr, k.Navn, h.betalingsdato, h.advistekst, h.advisbelob, h.bankregnr, h.bankkontonr, h.SFaknr, }; // Start loop over betalinger i tbloverforsel int testantal = qrykrd.Count(); foreach (var krd in qrykrd) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); doc.DocumentInformation.Author = "Løbeklubben Puls 3060"; doc.DocumentInformation.Title = String.Format("Bankudbetaling {0}", ""); doc.DocumentInformation.Creator = "Medlem3060"; doc.DocumentInformation.Subject = String.Format("Faktura {0}", ((int)krd.SFaknr).ToString()); doc.DocumentInformation.CreationDate = DateTime.Now; //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A5, margin); float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width; float y = 5; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left); string s = String.Format("Bankudbetaling {0}", ((int)krd.SFaknr).ToString()); page.Canvas.DrawString(s, font1, brush1, 1, y, format1); y = y + 35; String[][] dataSource = new String[7][]; int i = 0; String[] datarow = new String[2]; datarow[0] = "Tekst på eget kontoudtog"; datarow[1] = krd.advistekst; dataSource[i++] = datarow; datarow = new String[2]; datarow[0] = "Navn/kendenavn"; datarow[1] = krd.Navn; dataSource[i++] = datarow; datarow = new String[2]; datarow[0] = "Regnr"; datarow[1] = krd.bankregnr; dataSource[i++] = datarow; datarow = new String[2]; datarow[0] = "Konto"; datarow[1] = krd.bankkontonr; dataSource[i++] = datarow; datarow = new String[2]; datarow[0] = "Tekst til beløbsmodtager"; datarow[1] = krd.advistekst; dataSource[i++] = datarow; datarow = new String[2]; datarow[0] = "Beløb"; datarow[1] = ((decimal)(krd.advisbelob)).ToString("#0.00;-#0.00"); dataSource[i++] = datarow; datarow = new String[2]; datarow[0] = "Betalingsdato"; datarow[1] = ((DateTime)krd.betalingsdato).ToShortDateString(); dataSource[i++] = datarow; PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.CellPadding = 5; //2; table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.Rows; table.Style.HeaderRowCount = 0; table.Style.HeaderStyle.StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); table.Style.HeaderStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f, FontStyle.Bold)); table.Style.ShowHeader = true; table.Style.RepeatHeader = true; table.DataSource = dataSource; table.Columns[0].Width = 100; // width * 0.30f * width; table.Columns[0].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); table.Columns[1].Width = 100; // width * 0.10f * width; table.Columns[1].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + result.Bounds.Height + 5; //Save pdf file. string BilagPath = (from r in Program.karMedlemPrivat where r.key == "BankudbetalingPath" select r.value).First(); string BilagNavn = String.Format(@"Faktura {0}.pdf", ((int)krd.SFaknr).ToString()); string filename = Path.Combine(BilagPath, BilagNavn); doc.SaveToFile(filename); doc.Close(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //Create PdfUnitConvertor to convert the unit PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); //Setting for page margin PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.0f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; //Add the first page PdfPageBase page1 = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); //Define a PdfBrush PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; //Define a font PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Bold), true); //Set the string format PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left); //Set the position for drawing float x = 0; float y = 50; //Text string string specification = "The sample demonstrates how to create a local document link in PDF document."; //Draw text string on first page page1.Canvas.DrawString(specification, font1, brush1, x, y, format1); //Use MeasureString to get the height of string y = y + font1.MeasureString(specification, format1).Height + 10; //Add the second page PdfPageBase page2 = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); //String text string PageContent = "This is the second page!"; //Draw text string on second page page2.Canvas.DrawString(PageContent, font1, brush1, x, y, format1); //Add DocumentLinkAnnotation on the first page and link to the second page AddDocumentLinkAnnotation(doc, 0, 1, y); String result = "DocumentLinkAnnotation_out.pdf"; //Save the document doc.SaveToFile(result); //Launch the Pdf file PDFDocumentViewer(result); }
private PdfPageBase DrawPages(PdfDocument doc) { //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Part List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Part List", format1).Height; y = y + 5; //create data table PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.CellPadding = 2; table.Style.BorderPen = new PdfPen(brush1, 0.75f); table.Style.DefaultStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.SkyBlue; table.Style.DefaultStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f)); table.Style.AlternateStyle = new PdfCellStyle(); table.Style.AlternateStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.LightYellow; table.Style.AlternateStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f)); table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.ColumnCaptions; table.Style.HeaderStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.CadetBlue; table.Style.HeaderStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 11f, FontStyle.Bold)); table.Style.HeaderStyle.StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); table.Style.ShowHeader = true; using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\demo.mdb"; OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command.CommandText = " select Description, OnHand, OnOrder, Cost, ListPrice from parts "; command.Connection = conn; using (OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command)) { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); table.DataSourceType = PdfTableDataSourceType.TableDirect; table.DataSource = dataTable; } } float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - (table.Columns.Count + 1) * table.Style.BorderPen.Width; for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { table.Columns[i].Width = width * 0.40f * width; table.Columns[i].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } else { table.Columns[i].Width = width * 0.15f * width; table.Columns[i].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } } PdfTableLayoutFormat tableLayout = new PdfTableLayoutFormat(); tableLayout.Break = PdfLayoutBreakType.FitElement; tableLayout.Layout = PdfLayoutType.Paginate; PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y), tableLayout); y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 3; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Gray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); result.Page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* {0} parts in the list.", table.Rows.Count), font2, brush2, 5, y); return result.Page; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Country List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Country List", format1).Height; y = y + 5; //create data table PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.CellPadding = 2; table.Style.BorderPen = new PdfPen(brush1, 0.75f); table.Style.DefaultStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.SkyBlue; table.Style.DefaultStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f)); table.Style.AlternateStyle = new PdfCellStyle(); table.Style.AlternateStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.LightYellow; table.Style.AlternateStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f)); table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.ColumnCaptions; table.Style.HeaderStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.CadetBlue; table.Style.HeaderStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 11f, FontStyle.Bold)); table.Style.HeaderStyle.StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); table.Style.ShowHeader = true; using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\demo.mdb"; OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command.CommandText = " select Name,Capital,Continent,Area,Population from country "; command.Connection = conn; using (OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command)) { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); table.DataSourceType = PdfTableDataSourceType.TableDirect; table.DataSource = dataTable; } } float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - (table.Columns.Count + 1) * table.Style.BorderPen.Width; table.Columns[0].Width = width * 0.24f * width; table.Columns[0].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); table.Columns[1].Width = width * 0.21f * width; table.Columns[1].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); table.Columns[2].Width = width * 0.24f * width; table.Columns[2].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); table.Columns[3].Width = width * 0.13f * width; table.Columns[3].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); table.Columns[4].Width = width * 0.18f * width; table.Columns[4].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + result.Bounds.Height + 5; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Gray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* {0} countries in the list.", table.Rows.Count), font2, brush2, 5, y); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("DataSource.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("DataSource.pdf"); }
public FileResult Download(int year, int id) { //Create a pdf document.<br> PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); Participant data = TheRace.Historical(year).Participants.Where(p => p.Startnumber == id).First(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(1f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(1f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create new page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfFont font32b = new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 40f, PdfFontStyle.Bold); ; PdfFont font32 = new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.TimesRoman, 32f, PdfFontStyle.Regular); PdfFont font20b = new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.TimesRoman, 20f, PdfFontStyle.Bold); PdfFont font20 = new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.TimesRoman, 18f, PdfFontStyle.Regular); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left); format1.WordWrap = PdfWordWrapType.Word; //Draw the image PdfImage image = PdfImage.FromFile(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images/price.jpg")); float width = image.Width; float height = image.Height; float x = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - width; page.Canvas.DrawImage(image, x, y, width, height); page.Canvas.DrawString(data.Splits(data.Classes[0].Id).Last().Position.ToString() + ".", font32b, brush1, x + 60, y + 50, format1); y = image.Height; page.Canvas.DrawString(data.Name, font32b, brush1, 0, y, format1); y = y + font32b.MeasureString(data.Name, format1).Height + 15; foreach (ParticipantClass c in data.Classes.Where(c => c.Official)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(c.Name); sb.Append(" - "); var res = data.Leg(c.Id, 248); if (res != null) sb.Append(data.Leg(c.Id, 248).Position); sb.Append(".plass"); page.Canvas.DrawString(sb.ToString(), font20, brush1, 0, y, format1); y += font20.MeasureString(sb.ToString(), format1).Height + 15; } List<String[]> splits = data.Splits(data.Classes[0].Id).Select(p => new String[] { p.Leg, p.IsSuper ? "" : p.Name, p.Time }).ToList<String[]>(); if (splits.Count() > 0) { splits.Add(new String[] { "Totaltid", "", data.TotalTime }); y = y + 30; page.Canvas.DrawString("Etappetider", font20b, brush1, 0, y, format1); y += font20b.MeasureString("Etappetider", format1).Height + 5; PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.BorderPen = new PdfPen(Color.Transparent); table.Style.DefaultStyle.TextBrush = brush1; table.Style.DefaultStyle.Font = font20; table.Style.DefaultStyle.BorderPen = new PdfPen(Color.Transparent); table.Style.CellPadding = 2; table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.Rows; table.Style.HeaderRowCount = 0; table.Style.ShowHeader = false; table.Style.AlternateStyle = new PdfCellStyle(); table.Style.AlternateStyle.TextBrush = brush1; table.Style.AlternateStyle.Font = font20; table.Style.AlternateStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.LightGray; table.Style.AlternateStyle.BorderPen = new PdfPen(Color.Transparent); table.DataSource = splits.ToArray<String[]>(); PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + result.Bounds.Height + 5; } StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("Start # "); s.Append(data.Startnumber.ToString()); s.Append(" Emit # "); s.Append(data.EmitID.ToString()); y += 50; page.Canvas.DrawString(s.ToString(), font20, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Height - 60; image = PdfImage.FromFile(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images/kjeringi2016_logo-2.png")); width = image.Width; height = image.Height; x = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - width; page.Canvas.DrawImage(image, 0, y, width, height); image = PdfImage.FromFile(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images/difi-logo.png")); width = image.Width; height = image.Height; x = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - width; page.Canvas.DrawImage(image, x, y, width, height); doc.SaveToFile(@"c:\temp\KjeringiOpen-" + year.ToString() + "_" + id.ToString() + ".pdf"); return File(@"c:\temp\KjeringiOpen-" + year.ToString() + "_" + id.ToString() + ".pdf", "application/pdf"); }
private void SetDocumentTemplate(PdfDocument doc, SizeF pageSize, PdfMargins margin) { PdfPageTemplateElement leftSpace = new PdfPageTemplateElement(margin.Left, pageSize.Height); doc.Template.Left = leftSpace; PdfPageTemplateElement topSpace = new PdfPageTemplateElement(pageSize.Width, margin.Top); topSpace.Foreground = true; doc.Template.Top = topSpace; //draw header label PdfTrueTypeFont font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f, FontStyle.Italic)); PdfStringFormat format = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right); String label = "Demo of Spire.Pdf"; SizeF size = font.MeasureString(label, format); float y = topSpace.Height - font.Height - 1; PdfPen pen = new PdfPen(Color.Black, 0.75f); topSpace.Graphics.SetTransparency(0.5f); topSpace.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, margin.Left, y, pageSize.Width - margin.Right, y); y = y - 1 - size.Height; topSpace.Graphics.DrawString(label, font, PdfBrushes.Black, pageSize.Width - margin.Right, y, format); PdfPageTemplateElement rightSpace = new PdfPageTemplateElement(margin.Right, pageSize.Height); doc.Template.Right = rightSpace; PdfPageTemplateElement bottomSpace = new PdfPageTemplateElement(pageSize.Width, margin.Bottom); bottomSpace.Foreground = true; doc.Template.Bottom = bottomSpace; //draw footer label y = font.Height + 1; bottomSpace.Graphics.SetTransparency(0.5f); bottomSpace.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, margin.Left, y, pageSize.Width - margin.Right, y); y = y + 1; PdfPageNumberField pageNumber = new PdfPageNumberField(); PdfPageCountField pageCount = new PdfPageCountField(); PdfCompositeField pageNumberLabel = new PdfCompositeField(); pageNumberLabel.AutomaticFields = new PdfAutomaticField[] { pageNumber, pageCount }; pageNumberLabel.Brush = PdfBrushes.Black; pageNumberLabel.Font = font; pageNumberLabel.StringFormat = format; pageNumberLabel.Text = "page {0} of {1}"; pageNumberLabel.Draw(bottomSpace.Graphics, pageSize.Width - margin.Right, y); PdfImage headerImage = PdfImage.FromFile(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Header.png"); PointF pageLeftTop = new PointF(-margin.Left, -margin.Top); PdfPageTemplateElement header = new PdfPageTemplateElement(pageLeftTop, headerImage.PhysicalDimension); header.Foreground = false; header.Graphics.SetTransparency(0.5f); header.Graphics.DrawImage(headerImage, 0, 0); doc.Template.Stamps.Add(header); PdfImage footerImage = PdfImage.FromFile(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Footer.png"); y = pageSize.Height - footerImage.PhysicalDimension.Height; PointF footerLocation = new PointF(-margin.Left, y); PdfPageTemplateElement footer = new PdfPageTemplateElement(footerLocation, footerImage.PhysicalDimension); footer.Foreground = false; footer.Graphics.SetTransparency(0.5f); footer.Graphics.DrawImage(footerImage, 0, 0); doc.Template.Stamps.Add(footer); }
private void DrawPageNumber(PdfSection section, PdfMargins margin, int startNumber, int pageCount) { foreach (PdfPageBase page in section.Pages) { page.Canvas.SetTransparency(0.5f); PdfBrush brush = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfPen pen = new PdfPen(brush, 0.75f); PdfTrueTypeFont font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f, FontStyle.Italic), true); PdfStringFormat format = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right); format.MeasureTrailingSpaces = true; float space = font.Height * 0.75f; float x = margin.Left; float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - margin.Left - margin.Right; float y = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Height - margin.Bottom + space; page.Canvas.DrawLine(pen, x, y, x + width, y); y = y + 1; String numberLabel = String.Format("{0} of {1}", startNumber++, pageCount); page.Canvas.DrawString(numberLabel, font, brush, x + width, y, format); page.Canvas.SetTransparency(1); } }
private void crearFacturaPDF(String title) { //create a new pdf document PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(); //add one blank page PdfPageBase page = pdfDoc.Pages.Add(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; float y = 40; float infoMargin = 120; Cliente c = findCliente(fac_cliente.Text); //Encabezado PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.BlueViolet; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Calibri", 11f)); ; PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left); page.Canvas.DrawString(c.cl_nombre, font1, brush1, infoMargin, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString(title, format1).Height + 5; page.Canvas.DrawString(c.cl_ruc, font1, brush1, infoMargin, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString(title, format1).Height + 5; page.Canvas.DrawString(c.cl_direccion, font1, brush1, infoMargin, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString(title, format1).Height + 5; page.Canvas.DrawString(fac_fecha.Text, font1, brush1, infoMargin, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString(title, format1).Height + 30; //Productos PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Green; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); float x = 30; float totalX = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - 2 * x; foreach (FacturaItem fi in _FacturaItemsCollection) { page.Canvas.DrawString(fi.fi_codigo, font2, brush2, x, y, format1); x = x + 0.15f * totalX; page.Canvas.DrawString(fi.fi_nombre, font2, brush2, x, y, format1); x = x + 0.55f * totalX; page.Canvas.DrawString(fi.fi_cantidad.ToString("n2"), font2, brush2, x, y, format1); x = x + 0.15f * totalX; page.Canvas.DrawString(fi.fi_importe.ToString("n2"), font2, brush2, x, y, format1); y = y + font2.MeasureString(fi.fi_nombre, format1).Height + 5; x = 30; } //Tail y = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Height - 60; infoMargin = x + 0.85f * totalX; page.Canvas.DrawString(fact_total.ToString("n2"), font1, brush1, infoMargin, y, format1); y = y - font1.MeasureString(fact_total.ToString(), format1).Height - 5; page.Canvas.DrawString(fact_iva.ToString("n2"), font1, brush1, infoMargin, y, format1); y = y - font1.MeasureString(fact_total.ToString(), format1).Height - 5; page.Canvas.DrawString(fact_subtotal.ToString("n2"), font1, brush1, infoMargin, y, format1); y = y - font1.MeasureString(fact_subtotal.ToString(), format1).Height - 5; //page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* {0} productos en la base de datos.", dataSource.Length - 1), font2, brush2, 5, y); //save the pdf document String filename = title + ".pdf"; pdfDoc.SaveToFile(@filename); //launch the pdf document System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@filename); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; //create section PdfSection section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add(); float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Attachment", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Attachment", format1).Height; y = y + 5; //attachment PdfAttachment attachment = new PdfAttachment("Header.png"); attachment.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Header.png"); attachment.Description = "Page header picture of demo."; attachment.MimeType = "image/png"; doc.Attachments.Add(attachment); attachment = new PdfAttachment("Footer.png"); attachment.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Footer.png"); attachment.Description = "Page footer picture of demo."; attachment.MimeType = "image/png"; doc.Attachments.Add(attachment); PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Bold)); PointF location = new PointF(0, y); String label = "Sales Report Chart"; byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\SalesReportChart.png"); SizeF size = font2.MeasureString(label); RectangleF bounds = new RectangleF(location, size); page.Canvas.DrawString(label, font2, PdfBrushes.DarkOrange, bounds); bounds = new RectangleF(bounds.Right + 3, bounds.Top, font2.Height / 2, font2.Height); PdfAttachmentAnnotation annotation1 = new PdfAttachmentAnnotation(bounds, "SalesReportChart.png", data); annotation1.Color = Color.Teal; annotation1.Flags = PdfAnnotationFlags.ReadOnly; annotation1.Icon = PdfAttachmentIcon.Graph; annotation1.Text = "Sales Report Chart"; (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation1); y = y + size.Height + 2; location = new PointF(0, y); label = "Science Personification Boston"; data = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\SciencePersonificationBoston.jpg"); size = font2.MeasureString(label); bounds = new RectangleF(location, size); page.Canvas.DrawString(label, font2, PdfBrushes.DarkOrange, bounds); bounds = new RectangleF(bounds.Right + 3, bounds.Top, font2.Height / 2, font2.Height); PdfAttachmentAnnotation annotation2 = new PdfAttachmentAnnotation(bounds, "SciencePersonificationBoston.jpg", data); annotation2.Color = Color.Orange; annotation2.Flags = PdfAnnotationFlags.NoZoom; annotation2.Icon = PdfAttachmentIcon.PushPin; annotation2.Text = "SciencePersonificationBoston.jpg, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"; (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation2); y = y + size.Height + 2; location = new PointF(0, y); label = "Picture of Science"; data = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Wikipedia_Science.png"); size = font2.MeasureString(label); bounds = new RectangleF(location, size); page.Canvas.DrawString(label, font2, PdfBrushes.DarkOrange, bounds); bounds = new RectangleF(bounds.Right + 3, bounds.Top, font2.Height / 2, font2.Height); PdfAttachmentAnnotation annotation3 = new PdfAttachmentAnnotation(bounds, "Wikipedia_Science.png", data); annotation3.Color = Color.SaddleBrown; annotation3.Flags = PdfAnnotationFlags.Locked; annotation3.Icon = PdfAttachmentIcon.Tag; annotation3.Text = "Wikipedia_Science.png, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"; (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation3); y = y + size.Height + 2; location = new PointF(0, y); label = "Hawaii Killer Font"; data = File.ReadAllBytes(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\Hawaii_Killer.ttf"); size = font2.MeasureString(label); bounds = new RectangleF(location, size); page.Canvas.DrawString(label, font2, PdfBrushes.DarkOrange, bounds); bounds = new RectangleF(bounds.Right + 3, bounds.Top, font2.Height / 2, font2.Height); PdfAttachmentAnnotation annotation4 = new PdfAttachmentAnnotation(bounds, "Hawaii_Killer.ttf", data); annotation4.Color = Color.CadetBlue; annotation4.Flags = PdfAnnotationFlags.NoRotate; annotation4.Icon = PdfAttachmentIcon.Paperclip; annotation4.Text = "Hawaii Killer Font, from"; (page as PdfNewPage).Annotations.Add(annotation4); y = y + size.Height + 2; //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("Attachment.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("Attachment.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Part List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Part List", format1).Height; y = y + 5; //create data table PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.CellPadding = 1; table.Style.BorderPen = new PdfPen(brush1, 0.75f); table.Style.DefaultStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.SkyBlue; table.Style.DefaultStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f), true); table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.ColumnCaptions; table.Style.HeaderStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.CadetBlue; table.Style.HeaderStyle.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 11f, FontStyle.Bold), true); table.Style.HeaderStyle.StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); table.Style.ShowHeader = true; table.Style.RepeatHeader = true; using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\demo.mdb"; OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command.CommandText = " select * from parts "; command.Connection = conn; using (OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command)) { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); dataTable.Columns.RemoveAt(1); table.DataSourceType = PdfTableDataSourceType.TableDirect; table.DataSource = dataTable; } } float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - (table.Columns.Count + 1) * table.Style.BorderPen.Width; for(int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) { if (i == 1) { table.Columns[i].Width = width * 0.4f * width; table.Columns[i].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } else { table.Columns[i].Width = width * 0.12f * width; table.Columns[i].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } } table.BeginRowLayout += new BeginRowLayoutEventHandler(table_BeginRowLayout); PdfTableLayoutFormat tableLayout = new PdfTableLayoutFormat(); tableLayout.Break = PdfLayoutBreakType.FitElement; tableLayout.Layout = PdfLayoutType.Paginate; PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y), tableLayout); y = result.Bounds.Bottom + 5; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Gray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); result.Page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* All {0} parts in the list", table.Rows.Count), font2, brush2, 5, y); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("TableLayout.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("TableLayout.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; //create section PdfSection section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = section.Pages.Add(); float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Sales Report", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Sales Report", format1).Height; y = y + 5; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 11f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfTrueTypeFont font3 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, FontStyle.Bold)); using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\demo.mdb"; conn.Open(); OleDbCommand partQueryCommand = PreparePartQueryCommand(conn); OleDbCommand orderItemQueryCommand = PrepareOrderItemQueryCommand(conn); DataTable vendors = GetVendors(conn); for (int i = 0; i < vendors.Rows.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) { //next page page = section.Pages.Add(); y = 0; } //draw vendor String vendorTitle = String.Format("{0}. {1}", i + 1, vendors.Rows[i].ItemArray[1]); PdfLayoutResult drawVendorLayoutResult = DrawVendor(page, vendors, i, vendorTitle, y); //add vendor bookmark PdfDestination vendorBookmarkDest = new PdfDestination(page, new PointF(0, y)); PdfBookmark vendorBookmark = doc.Bookmarks.Add(vendorTitle); vendorBookmark.Color = Color.SaddleBrown; vendorBookmark.DisplayStyle = PdfTextStyle.Bold; vendorBookmark.Action = new PdfGoToAction(vendorBookmarkDest); y = drawVendorLayoutResult.Bounds.Bottom + 5; page = drawVendorLayoutResult.Page; //get parts of vendor DataTable parts = GetParts(partQueryCommand, (double)vendors.Rows[i].ItemArray[0]); for (int j = 0; j < parts.Rows.Count; j++) { if (j > 0) { //next page page = section.Pages.Add(); y = 0; } //draw part String partTitle = String.Format("{0}.{1}. {2}", i + 1, j + 1, parts.Rows[j].ItemArray[1]); PdfLayoutResult drawPartLayoutResult = DrawPart(page, parts, j, partTitle, y); //add part bookmark PdfDestination partBookmarkDest = new PdfDestination(page, new PointF(0, y)); PdfBookmark partBookmark = vendorBookmark.Add(partTitle); partBookmark.Color = Color.Coral; partBookmark.DisplayStyle = PdfTextStyle.Italic; partBookmark.Action = new PdfGoToAction(partBookmarkDest); y = drawPartLayoutResult.Bounds.Bottom + 5; page = drawPartLayoutResult.Page; //get order items String orderItemsTitle = String.Format("{0} - Order Items", parts.Rows[j].ItemArray[1]); DataTable orderItems = GetOrderItems(orderItemQueryCommand, (double)parts.Rows[j].ItemArray[0]); DrawOrderItems(page, orderItems, orderItemsTitle, y); } } } //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("Bookmark.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("Bookmark.pdf"); }
public void Treatment(Route NewRoute, Player NewUser) { idroute = NewRoute.idroute; username = NewUser.nickname; string stringRoute = "Route of " + username; PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins() { Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point), Bottom = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point), Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point), Right = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point), }; PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); float y = 10; PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Blue; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold)); PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 8f, FontStyle.Regular)); page.Canvas.DrawString("©thelittlewozniak", font2, brush2, 350, 0); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString(stringRoute, font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString(stringRoute, format1).Height; y = y + 5; InfoUser[0, 0] = "Name:"; InfoUser[1, 0] = "Rapidity"; InfoUser[2, 0] = "Trust"; InfoUser[0, 1] = NewUser.nickname; InfoUser[1, 1] = NewUser.rapidity.RapidityName; InfoUser[2, 1] =; PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.BorderPen = new PdfPen(PdfBrushes.Transparent, 0f); table.Style.DefaultStyle.BorderPen = new PdfPen(PdfBrushes.Transparent, 0f); table.DataSource = InfoUser; PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + 70; string[,] InfoRoute = new string[6, 2]; InfoRoute[0, 0] = "IDROUTE: "; InfoRoute[1, 0] = "WAZELINK: "; InfoRoute[2, 0] = "MAPSLINK: "; InfoRoute[3, 0] = "DISTANCEKM: "; InfoRoute[4, 0] = "TIMEMIN: "; InfoRoute[5, 0] = "STATUS: "; InfoRoute[0, 1] = NewRoute.idroute.ToString(); InfoRoute[1, 1] = NewRoute.wazelink; InfoRoute[2, 1] = NewRoute.mapslink + "\r\n"; InfoRoute[3, 1] = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(NewRoute.distance), 1)); InfoRoute[4, 1] = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(NewRoute.time), 1)); InfoRoute[5, 1] = NewRoute.status.statusName; PdfTable table2 = new PdfTable(); table2.DataSource = InfoRoute; table2.Style.CellPadding = 5; PdfLayoutResult result2 = table2.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); stringRoute = stringRoute + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + ".pdf"; doc.SaveToFile(stringRoute); doc.Close(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(stringRoute); }
private String crearPDFoculto(String title, String[][] dataSource, String[] extraInfo) { //create a new pdf document PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(); //add one blank page PdfPageBase page = pdfDoc.Pages.Add(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; float y = 10; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.BlueViolet; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Calibri", 13f)); ; PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString(title, font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString(title, format1).Height; y = y + 5; PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.CellPadding = 2; table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.Rows; table.Style.HeaderRowCount = 1; table.Style.ShowHeader = true; table.DataSource = dataSource; PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + result.Bounds.Height + 5; if (extraInfo != null) { PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Green; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); foreach (String item in extraInfo) { page.Canvas.DrawString(item, font2, brush2, 5, y); y = y + font2.MeasureString(item, format1).Height; y = y + 5; } } //page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* {0} productos en la base de datos.", dataSource.Length - 1), font2, brush2, 5, y); //save the pdf document String filename = "data/" + title + ".pdf"; pdfDoc.SaveToFile(@filename); return filename; //launch the pdf document //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@filename); }
protected void createPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get the PDF Standard // By default the Full PDF standard is used PdfStandardSubset pdfStandard = PdfStandardSubset.Full; if (pdfARadioButton.Checked) { pdfStandard = PdfStandardSubset.Pdf_A_1b; } else if (pdfXRadioButton.Checked) { pdfStandard = PdfStandardSubset.Pdf_X_1a; } // Get the Color Space // By default the RGB color space is used ColorSpace pdfColorSpace = ColorSpace.RGB; if (grayScaleRadioButton.Checked) { pdfColorSpace = ColorSpace.Gray; } else if (cmykRadioButton.Checked) { pdfColorSpace = ColorSpace.CMYK; } // Create the PDF document Document pdfDocument = null; // Get the server IP and port String serverIP = textBoxServerIP.Text; uint serverPort = uint.Parse(textBoxServerPort.Text); if (pdfStandard == PdfStandardSubset.Full && pdfColorSpace == ColorSpace.RGB) { // Create a PDF document with default standard and color space pdfDocument = new Document(serverIP, serverPort); } else { // Create a PDF document with the selected standard and color space pdfDocument = new Document(serverIP, serverPort, pdfStandard, pdfColorSpace); } // Set optional service password if (textBoxServicePassword.Text.Length > 0) { pdfDocument.ServicePassword = textBoxServicePassword.Text; } // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode pdfDocument.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c="; // Get the selected PDF page size PdfPageSize pdfPageSize = SelectedPdfPageSize(); // Get the selected PDF page orientation PdfPageOrientation pdfPageOrientation = SelectedPdfPageOrientation(); // Get the PDF page margins PdfMargins pdfPageMargins = new PdfMargins(float.Parse(leftMarginTextBox.Text), float.Parse(rightMarginTextBox.Text), float.Parse(topMarginTextBox.Text), float.Parse(bottomMarginTextBox.Text)); // Create a PDF page in PDF document PdfPage firstPdfPage = pdfDocument.AddPage(pdfPageSize, pdfPageMargins, pdfPageOrientation); // The URL of the HTML page to convert to PDF string urlToConvert = ""; // Create the HTML to PDF element HtmlToPdfElement htmlToPdfElement = new HtmlToPdfElement(urlToConvert); // Optionally set a delay before conversion to allow asynchonous scripts to finish htmlToPdfElement.ConversionDelay = 2; // Add the HTML to PDF element to PDF document firstPdfPage.AddElement(htmlToPdfElement); // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save(); // Send the PDF as response to browser // Set response content type Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf"); // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Create_PDF_Documents.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString())); // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response Response.BinaryWrite(outPdfBuffer); // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing Response.End(); }
private void buttonRun_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog saveFiledialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFiledialog.Filter = "PDF Document (*.pdf)|*.pdf"; bool? result = saveFiledialog.ShowDialog(); if (!result.HasValue || !result.Value) { return; } //create a pdf document PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = ConvertUnits(1.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; //create one page PdfPageBase page = document.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin, PdfPageRotateAngle.RotateAngle0, PdfPageOrientation.Landscape); float y = 0; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfInternalFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold), true); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Vendor List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Vendor List", format1).Height; y = y + 5; PdfGrid grid = new PdfGrid(); grid.Style.CellPadding = new PdfPaddings(1, 1, 1, 1); grid.Columns.Add(this.dataGridVendorList.Columns.Count); float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - (grid.Columns.Count + 1); grid.Columns[0].Width = width * 0.25f; grid.Columns[1].Width = width * 0.25f; grid.Columns[2].Width = width * 0.25f; grid.Columns[3].Width = width * 0.15f; grid.Columns[4].Width = width * 0.10f; //header of grid PdfGridRow headerRow = grid.Headers.Add(1)[0]; headerRow.Style.Font = new PdfInternalFont(new Font("Arial", 11f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold), true); String[] header = { "Vendor Name", "Address", "City", "State", "Country" }; for (int i = 0; i < header.Length; i++) { headerRow.Cells[i].Value = header[i]; headerRow.Cells[i].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } headerRow.Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.SeaGreen; //datarow of grid int rowIndex = 1; foreach (Vendor vendor in this.dataSource) { PdfGridRow row = grid.Rows.Add(); row.Style.Font = new PdfInternalFont(new Font("Arial", 10f), true); row.Cells[0].Value = vendor.VendorName; row.Cells[1].Value = vendor.Address; row.Cells[2].Value = vendor.City; row.Cells[3].Value = vendor.State; row.Cells[4].Value = vendor.Country; row.Cells[0].Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.LightGray; row.Cells[0].StringFormat = row.Cells[1].StringFormat = row.Cells[2].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); row.Cells[3].StringFormat = row.Cells[4].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); if (rowIndex % 2 == 0) { row.Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.YellowGreen; } else { row.Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Bisque; } rowIndex++; } StringBuilder totalAmount = new StringBuilder(); var groupByCountry = this.dataSource.GroupBy(v => v.Country) .Select(g => new { Name = g.Key, Count = g.Count() }); foreach (var item in groupByCountry) { totalAmount.AppendFormat("{0}:\t{1}", item.Name, item.Count); totalAmount.AppendLine(); } PdfGridRow totalAmountRow = grid.Rows.Add(); totalAmountRow.Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Plum; totalAmountRow.Cells[0].Value = "Total Amount"; totalAmountRow.Cells[0].Style.Font = new PdfInternalFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold), true); totalAmountRow.Cells[0].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); totalAmountRow.Cells[1].ColumnSpan = 4; totalAmountRow.Cells[1].Value = totalAmount.ToString(); totalAmountRow.Cells[1].Style.Font = new PdfInternalFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold | System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic), true); totalAmountRow.Cells[1].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); PdfLayoutResult resultl = grid.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + resultl.Bounds.Height + 5; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Gray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfInternalFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); resultl.Page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* All {0} vendors in the list", grid.Rows.Count - 1), font2, brush2, 5, y); //Save pdf file. using (Stream stream = saveFiledialog.OpenFile()) { document.SaveToStream(stream); } document.Close(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); doc.ViewerPreferences.PageMode = PdfPageMode.FullScreen; //Set the margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; //Create one section PdfSection section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; section.PageSettings.Transition = new PdfPageTransition(); section.PageSettings.Transition.Duration = 2; section.PageSettings.Transition.Style = PdfTransitionStyle.Fly; section.PageSettings.Transition.PageDuration = 1; PdfNewPage page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Red; DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Green; DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue; DrawPage(page); section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; section.PageSettings.Transition = new PdfPageTransition(); section.PageSettings.Transition.Duration = 2; section.PageSettings.Transition.Style = PdfTransitionStyle.Box; section.PageSettings.Transition.PageDuration = 1; page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Orange; DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Brown; DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Navy; DrawPage(page); section = doc.Sections.Add(); section.PageSettings.Size = PdfPageSize.A4; section.PageSettings.Margins = margin; section.PageSettings.Transition = new PdfPageTransition(); section.PageSettings.Transition.Duration = 2; section.PageSettings.Transition.Style = PdfTransitionStyle.Split; section.PageSettings.Transition.Dimension = PdfTransitionDimension.Vertical; section.PageSettings.Transition.Motion = PdfTransitionMotion.Inward; section.PageSettings.Transition.PageDuration = 1; page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Orange; DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Brown; DrawPage(page); page = section.Pages.Add(); page.BackgroundColor = Color.Navy; DrawPage(page); //Save the document doc.SaveToFile("Transition.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launch the Pdf file PDFDocumentViewer("Transition.pdf"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create a pdf document. PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); //margin PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(2.54f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(3.17f, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = margin.Left; // Create one page PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin, PdfPageRotateAngle.RotateAngle0, PdfPageOrientation.Landscape); float y = 10; float x1 = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width; //title PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 16f, FontStyle.Bold), true); PdfStringFormat format1 = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); page.Canvas.DrawString("Vendor List", font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y, format1); y = y + font1.MeasureString("Vendor List", format1).Height; y = y + 5; String[] data = { "VendorName;Address1;City;State;Country", "Cacor Corporation;161 Southfield Rd;Southfield;OH;U.S.A.", "Underwater;50 N 3rd Street;Indianapolis;IN;U.S.A.", "J.W. Luscher Mfg.;65 Addams Street;Berkely;MA;U.S.A.", "Scuba Professionals;3105 East Brace;Rancho Dominguez;CA;U.S.A.", "Divers' Supply Shop;5208 University Dr;Macon;GA;U.S.A.", "Techniques;52 Dolphin Drive;Redwood City;CA;U.S.A.", "Perry Scuba;3443 James Ave;Hapeville;GA;U.S.A.", "Beauchat, Inc.;45900 SW 2nd Ave;Ft Lauderdale;FL;U.S.A.", "Amor Aqua;42 West 29th Street;New York;NY;U.S.A.", "Aqua Research Corp.;P.O. Box 998;Cornish;NH;U.S.A.", "B&K Undersea Photo;116 W 7th Street;New York;NY;U.S.A.", "Diving International Unlimited;1148 David Drive;San Diego;DA;U.S.A.", "Nautical Compressors;65 NW 167 Street;Miami;FL;U.S.A.", "Glen Specialties, Inc.;17663 Campbell Lane;Huntington Beach;CA;U.S.A.", "Dive Time;20 Miramar Ave;Long Beach;CA;U.S.A.", "Undersea Systems, Inc.;18112 Gotham Street;Huntington Beach;CA;U.S.A.", "Felix Diving;310 S Michigan Ave;Chicago;IL;U.S.A.", "Central Valley Skin Divers;160 Jameston Ave;Jamaica;NY;U.S.A.", "Parkway Dive Shop;241 Kelly Street;South Amboy;NJ;U.S.A.", "Marine Camera & Dive;117 South Valley Rd;San Diego;CA;U.S.A.", "Dive Canada;275 W Ninth Ave;Vancouver;British Columbia;Canada", "Dive & Surf;P.O. Box 20210;Indianapolis;IN;U.S.A.", "Fish Research Labs;29 Wilkins Rd Dept. SD;Los Banos;CA;U.S.A." }; PdfGrid grid = new PdfGrid(); grid.Style.CellPadding = new PdfPaddings(1, 1, 1, 1); String[] header = data[0].Split(';'); grid.Columns.Add(header.Length); float width = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - (grid.Columns.Count + 1); grid.Columns[0].Width = width * 0.25f; grid.Columns[1].Width = width * 0.25f; grid.Columns[2].Width = width * 0.25f; grid.Columns[3].Width = width * 0.15f; grid.Columns[4].Width = width * 0.10f; PdfGridRow headerRow = grid.Headers.Add(1)[0]; headerRow.Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 11f, FontStyle.Bold), true); headerRow.Style.BackgroundBrush = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(x1, 0), Color.Red, Color.Blue); for (int i = 0; i < header.Length; i++) { headerRow.Cells[i].Value = header[i]; headerRow.Cells[i].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); if (i == 0) { headerRow.Cells[i].Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Gray; } } Random random = new Random(); Dictionary <String, int> groupByCountry = new Dictionary <String, int>(); for (int r = 1; r < data.Length; r++) { PdfGridRow row = grid.Rows.Add(); row.Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f), true); byte[] buffer = new byte[6]; random.NextBytes(buffer); PdfRGBColor color1 = new PdfRGBColor(buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2]); PdfRGBColor color2 = new PdfRGBColor(buffer[3], buffer[4], buffer[5]); row.Style.BackgroundBrush = new PdfLinearGradientBrush(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(x1, 0), color1, color2); String[] rowData = data[r].Split(';'); for (int c = 0; c < rowData.Length; c++) { row.Cells[c].Value = rowData[c]; if (c == 0) { row.Cells[c].Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Gray; } if (c < 3) { row.Cells[c].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } else { row.Cells[c].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); } if (c == 4) { if (groupByCountry.ContainsKey(rowData[c])) { groupByCountry[rowData[c]] = groupByCountry[rowData[c]] + 1; } else { groupByCountry[rowData[c]] = 1; } } } } StringBuilder totalAmount = new StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair <String, int> country in groupByCountry) { totalAmount.AppendFormat("{0}:\t{1}", country.Key, country.Value); totalAmount.AppendLine(); } PdfGridRow totalAmountRow = grid.Rows.Add(); totalAmountRow.Style.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.Plum; totalAmountRow.Cells[0].Value = "Total Amount"; totalAmountRow.Cells[0].Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, FontStyle.Bold), true); totalAmountRow.Cells[0].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); totalAmountRow.Cells[1].ColumnSpan = 4; totalAmountRow.Cells[1].Value = totalAmount.ToString(); totalAmountRow.Cells[1].Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 10f, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic), true); totalAmountRow.Cells[1].StringFormat = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right, PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle); //append product list PdfGrid productList = new PdfGrid(); productList.Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 8f), true); using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection()) { conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\demo.mdb"; OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command.CommandText = " select p.Description " + " from vendors v " + " inner join parts p " + " on v.VendorNo = p.VendorNo " + " where v.VendorName = 'Cacor Corporation'"; command.Connection = conn; using (OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command)) { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); productList.DataSource = dataTable; } } productList.Headers[0].Cells[0].Value = "Cacor Corporation"; productList.Headers[0].Cells[0].Style.Font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 8f, FontStyle.Bold), true); productList.Headers[0].Cells[0].Style.Borders.All = new PdfPen(new PdfTilingBrush(new SizeF(1, 1)), 0); grid.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value = productList; grid.Rows[0].Cells[0].StringFormat.Alignment = PdfTextAlignment.Left; PdfLayoutResult result = grid.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y = y + result.Bounds.Height + 5; PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.Gray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 9f)); result.Page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* All {0} vendors in the list", grid.Rows.Count - 1), font2, brush2, 5, y); //Save pdf file. doc.SaveToFile("Grid.pdf"); doc.Close(); //Launching the Pdf file. PDFDocumentViewer("Grid.pdf"); }
public void printReport(DateTime sDateStart, DateTime sDateEnd, string sStatus, int Tank) { string sFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd"); sFileName = sFileName.Replace(".", ""); sFileName = "Report_" + sFileName.Replace(" ", ""); string sStartDate = sDateStart.Year + "-" + sDateStart.Month + "-" + sDateStart.Day; string sFinDate = sDateEnd.Year + "-" + sDateEnd.Month + "-" + sDateEnd.Day; string sqlQuery = "select id, datefin, tankId, setp, mass, vol, cntst, cntfin, status, sourcetank from datatable"; sqlQuery += " where (datecreate between '" + sStartDate + " 00:00:00' and '" + sFinDate + " 23:59:59')"; if (!sStatus.Equals("всі")) { sqlQuery += " and (status = '" + sStatus + "')"; } if (Tank > 0) { sqlQuery += " and (sourcetank = '" + Tank.ToString() + "')"; } sqlQuery += " union select '', 'Разом', '', '', sum(mass), sum(vol), '', '', '', '' from datatable"; sqlQuery += " where (datecreate between '" + sStartDate + " 00:00:00' and '" + sFinDate + " 23:59:59')"; command.CommandText = sqlQuery; OdbcDataReader dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); List <List <string> > data = new List <List <string> >(); List <string> dataHeader = new List <string>(); dataHeader.Add("ID"); dataHeader.Add("Дата"); dataHeader.Add("Флексітанк"); dataHeader.Add("Завдання,кг"); dataHeader.Add("Маса,кг"); dataHeader.Add("Об'єм,л"); dataHeader.Add("Поч.покази, кг"); dataHeader.Add("Кін.покази, кг"); dataHeader.Add("Статус"); dataHeader.Add("Бак"); data.Add(dataHeader); int records = 0; while (dataReader.Read()) { List <string> dataRow = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < dataHeader.Count; i++) { if (!dataReader.GetValue(i).Equals(dbnull)) { dataRow.Add(dataReader.GetValue(i).ToString()); } else { dataRow.Add(""); } } data.Add(dataRow); records++; } dataReader.Close(); if (records <= 1) { MessageBox.Show("Записів за вибраними критеріями не знайдено", "Звіт", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } string[,] dataArray = new string[data.Count, data[0].Count]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < data[0].Count; j++) { dataArray[i, j] = data[i][j]; } } PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); PdfUnitConvertor unitCvtr = new PdfUnitConvertor(); PdfMargins margin = new PdfMargins(); margin.Top = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(1.5F, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Bottom = margin.Top; margin.Left = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(1.7F, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); margin.Right = unitCvtr.ConvertUnits(0.6F, PdfGraphicsUnit.Centimeter, PdfGraphicsUnit.Point); PdfPageBase page = doc.Pages.Add(PdfPageSize.A4, margin); PdfStringFormat alignCenter = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Center); PdfStringFormat alignLeft = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Left); PdfStringFormat alignJustify = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Justify); PdfStringFormat alignRight = new PdfStringFormat(PdfTextAlignment.Right); Single y = 4; PdfBrush brush1 = PdfBrushes.Black; PdfTrueTypeFont font1 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Times", 16, FontStyle.Bold), true); PdfBrush brush2 = PdfBrushes.DarkGray; PdfTrueTypeFont font2 = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Regular), true); PdfTrueTypeFont fontTable = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Times", 10, FontStyle.Regular), true); PdfTrueTypeFont fontHeader = new PdfTrueTypeFont(new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold), true); PdfStringFormat format1 = alignCenter; string sTitle = "Дані наливу з " + sDateStart.Day.ToString("d2") + "." + sDateStart.Month.ToString("d2") + "." + sDateStart.Year + " по "; sTitle += sDateEnd.Day.ToString("d2") + "." + sDateEnd.Month.ToString("d2") + "." + sDateEnd.Year + " (включно)"; page.Canvas.DrawString(sTitle, font1, brush1, page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width / 2, y + 20, format1); y += 30 + font1.MeasureString(sTitle, format1).Height; PdfTable table = new PdfTable(); table.Style.BorderPen = new PdfPen(brush1, 0.001f); table.Style.DefaultStyle.Font = fontTable; table.Style.DefaultStyle.BorderPen = new PdfPen(brush1, 0.001f); table.Style.CellPadding = 1; table.Style.HeaderSource = PdfHeaderSource.Rows; table.Style.HeaderRowCount = 1; table.Style.ShowHeader = true; table.Style.HeaderStyle.Font = fontHeader; table.Style.RepeatHeader = true; table.Style.HeaderStyle.BackgroundBrush = PdfBrushes.LightGray; table.Style.HeaderStyle.StringFormat = alignCenter; table.Style.HeaderStyle.StringFormat.LineAlignment = PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle; table.Style.DefaultStyle.StringFormat = alignCenter; table.Style.HeaderStyle.StringFormat.LineAlignment = PdfVerticalAlignment.Middle; table.DataSource = dataArray; Single tableWidth = page.Canvas.ClientSize.Width - (table.Columns.Count + 1) * table.Style.BorderPen.Width; // id, datefin, tankId, setp, mass, vol, cntst, cntfin, status, sourcetank table.Columns[0].Width = 0.05f * tableWidth; // ID table.Columns[1].Width = 0.2f * tableWidth; // Date table.Columns[2].Width = 0.2f * tableWidth; // tankId 0.4 table.Columns[3].Width = 0.075f * tableWidth; // setp table.Columns[4].Width = 0.075f * tableWidth; // mass 0.55 table.Columns[5].Width = 0.075f * tableWidth; // vol 0.625 table.Columns[6].Width = 0.1f * tableWidth; // count start table.Columns[7].Width = 0.1f * tableWidth; // count fin table.Columns[8].Width = 0.1f * tableWidth; // status table.Columns[9].Width = 0.025f * tableWidth; // sourceTank PdfLayoutResult result = table.Draw(page, new PointF(0, y)); y += result.Bounds.Height + 10; page.Canvas.DrawString(String.Format("* {0} записів знайдено ", records - 1), font2, brush2, 5, 0); page.Canvas.DrawString("Створено " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss"), font2, brush2, 200, 0); doc.SaveToFile("C:/FillFlex/Reports/" + sFileName + ".pdf"); doc.Close(); DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("C:/FillFlex/Reports/" + sFileName + ".pdf успішно створено. Відкрити?", "Звіт", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:/FillFlex/Reports/" + sFileName + ".pdf"); } }
async private void PrintInvoice_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { order.PaymentType = 0; double finalPayment = Convert.ToDouble(lblFinalPayment.Text); if (finalPayment == 0) { await DisplayAlert("صدور فاکتور", "فاکتور به مبلغ صفر نمیتواتد در سیستم ثبت گردد", "باشه"); } else { await SandoghcheController._connection.InsertAsync(order); await SandoghcheController._connection.InsertAllAsync(order.OrderDetails); await SandoghcheController._connection.UpdateWithChildrenAsync(order); await UpdateProductsAmount(); if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS) { //iOS stuff } else if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android) { PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); doc.PageSettings.Size = new Syncfusion.Drawing.SizeF(300, 800); PdfMargins margins = new PdfMargins(); margins.All = 10; doc.PageSettings.Margins = margins; PdfPage page = doc.Pages.Add(); PdfGraphics graphics = page.Graphics; //var test = GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames(); Stream fontStream = typeof(EditPage).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Sandoghche.Images.IRANSans(FaNum).ttf"); PdfFont font = new PdfTrueTypeFont(fontStream, 10); PdfStringFormat format = new PdfStringFormat(); format.TextDirection = PdfTextDirection.RightToLeft; format.Alignment = PdfTextAlignment.Center; PdfStringFormat format2 = new PdfStringFormat(); format2.TextDirection = PdfTextDirection.RightToLeft; format2.Alignment = PdfTextAlignment.Right; PdfStringFormat format3 = new PdfStringFormat(); format3.TextDirection = PdfTextDirection.RightToLeft; format3.Alignment = PdfTextAlignment.Left; graphics.DrawString(lblClient.Text, font, PdfBrushes.Black, new RectangleF(0, 0, page.GetClientSize().Width, page.GetClientSize().Height), format); graphics.DrawString("فاکتور فروش", font, PdfBrushes.Black, new RectangleF(0, 20, page.GetClientSize().Width, page.GetClientSize().Height), format); graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfBrushes.Black, .5f), new PointF(0, 40), new PointF(300, 40)); graphics.DrawString("تاریخ :" + SandoghcheController.GetPersianDate(Convert.ToDateTime(order.DateCreated)), font, PdfBrushes.Black, new RectangleF(0, 42, page.GetClientSize().Width, page.GetClientSize().Height), format); graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfBrushes.Black, .5f), new PointF(0, 60), new PointF(300, 60)); graphics.DrawString("ردیف عنوان تعداد قیمت واحد قیمت کل ", font, PdfBrushes.Black, new RectangleF(0, 60, page.GetClientSize().Width, page.GetClientSize().Height), format); graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfBrushes.Black, .5f), new PointF(0, 75), new PointF(300, 75)); string source = ""; int length = 5; string result = source.PadRight(length).Substring(0, length); int height = 75; foreach (var item in order.OrderDetails) { string rowNumber = item.RowNumber.ToString().PadLeft(5).Substring(0, 5); string productText = item.ProductText.PadRight(20).Substring(0, 20); string Number = item.Number.ToString().PadLeft(5).Substring(0, 5); string Price = item.Price.ToString().PadLeft(12).Substring(0, 12); string TotalPrice = item.TotalPrice.ToString().PadLeft(12).Substring(0, 12); graphics.DrawString(rowNumber, font, PdfBrushes.Black, 285, height, format2); graphics.DrawString(productText, font, PdfBrushes.Black, 255, height, format2); graphics.DrawString(Number, font, PdfBrushes.Black, 130, height, format2); graphics.DrawString(Price, font, PdfBrushes.Black, 110, height, format2); graphics.DrawString(TotalPrice, font, PdfBrushes.Black, 55, height, format2); height += 15; graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfBrushes.Black, .5f), new PointF(0, height), new PointF(300, height)); productText = ""; } graphics.DrawString("مالیات : " + (order.Tax1 + order.Tax2).ToString(), font, PdfBrushes.Black, new RectangleF(0, height, page.GetClientSize().Width, page.GetClientSize().Height), format3); graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfBrushes.Black, .5f), new PointF(0, height), new PointF(100, height)); height += 15; graphics.DrawString("سرویس : " + order.TotalServiceFee.ToString(), font, PdfBrushes.Black, new RectangleF(0, height, page.GetClientSize().Width, page.GetClientSize().Height), format3); graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfBrushes.Black, .5f), new PointF(0, height), new PointF(100, height)); height += 15; graphics.DrawString("پیک : " + order.DeliveryFee.ToString(), font, PdfBrushes.Black, new RectangleF(0, height, page.GetClientSize().Width, page.GetClientSize().Height), format3); graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfBrushes.Black, .5f), new PointF(0, height), new PointF(100, height)); height += 15; graphics.DrawString("تخفیف : " + order.TotalDiscount.ToString(), font, PdfBrushes.Black, new RectangleF(0, height, page.GetClientSize().Width, page.GetClientSize().Height), format3); graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfBrushes.Black, .5f), new PointF(0, height), new PointF(100, height)); height += 15; graphics.DrawString("توضیحات : " + order.Comment, font, PdfBrushes.Black, new RectangleF(0, height, page.GetClientSize().Width, page.GetClientSize().Height), format3); graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfBrushes.Black, .5f), new PointF(0, height), new PointF(100, height)); height += 15; graphics.DrawString("جمع کل : " + order.FinalPayment.ToString(), font, PdfBrushes.Black, new RectangleF(0, height, page.GetClientSize().Width, page.GetClientSize().Height), format3); graphics.DrawLine(new PdfPen(PdfBrushes.Black, .5f), new PointF(0, height), new PointF(300, height)); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); doc.Save(stream); byte[] test = stream.ToArray(); doc.Close(true); DependencyService.Get <IPrintPdf>().PrintPdf(test, order.OrderId); } else if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.UWP) { DependencyService.Get <IPrint>().Print(order, "فاکتور فروش", clientName); } await setOrderNumber(); await setReceiptNumber(); lblTax.Text = "0"; lblDiscount.Text = "0"; lblService.Text = "0"; lblTax.Text = "0"; lblFinalPayment.Text = "0"; lblTotalPrice.Text = "0"; lblDelivery.Text = "0"; ProductsDataGrid.ItemsSource = null; lstProducts.ItemsSource = null; await getCategories(); order = new Order(); } }