Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a PDF report from the specified report XML document using the default XSLT file and returns
        ///   the file name of the generated PDF document
        /// The default XSLT file is FMO_PDFReport_Generic.xslt in RM.CommonLibrary.Reporting.Pdf
        /// The report XML document must be compliant with the schema defined in FMO_PDFReport_Generic.xsd in
        ///   RM.CommonLibrary.Reporting.Pdf. The RM.CommonLibrary.Reporting.Pdf.ReportFactoryHelper class
        ///   provides methods that create compliant elements and attributes, but the onus is on the developer
        ///   to verify that the report XML document is compliant
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportXml">The XML report containing the report definition</param>
        /// <returns>The PDF document file name</returns>
        public string CreatePdfReport(string reportXml)
            // Validate the arguments
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reportXml))
                throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(reportXml)} must not be null or empty.");

            using (this.loggingHelper.RMTraceManager.StartTrace($"Business.{nameof(CreatePdfReport)}"))
                string methodName = typeof(PDFGeneratorBusinessService) + "." + nameof(CreatePdfReport);
                this.loggingHelper.LogMethodEntry(methodName, LoggerTraceConstants.PDFGeneratorAPIPriority, LoggerTraceConstants.PDFGeneratorBusinessServiceMethodEntryEventId);

                // Create the PDF report with a new file name
                string pdfFileName = CreatePdfReportFileName();
                string pdfFilePath = Path.Combine(this.pdfReportFolderPath, pdfFileName);
                bool   created     = PdfGenerator.CreatePDF(reportXml, pdfFilePath);
                if (!created)
                    pdfFileName = string.Empty;
                    pdfFilePath = string.Empty;

                this.loggingHelper.LogMethodExit(methodName, LoggerTraceConstants.PDFGeneratorAPIPriority, LoggerTraceConstants.PDFGeneratorBusinessServiceMethodExitEventId);