public static void Main()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Path.GetFullPath("../../../Data/");
            //open document
            PdfContentEditor contentEditor = new PdfContentEditor();
            contentEditor.BindPdf(dataDir+ "input.pdf");

            //delete attachments

            //save updated PDF
            contentEditor.Save(dataDir+ "output.pdf");
Beispiel #2
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdfFacades_Attachments();
            //open document
            PdfContentEditor contentEditor = new PdfContentEditor();

            contentEditor.BindPdf(dataDir + "DeleteAllAttachments.pdf");

            //delete attachments

            //save updated PDF
            contentEditor.Save(dataDir + "DeleteAllAttachments_out.pdf");
        public static void Main()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = Path.GetFullPath("../../../Data/");
            //open document
            PdfContentEditor contentEditor = new PdfContentEditor();

            contentEditor.BindPdf(dataDir + "input.pdf");

            //delete attachments

            //save updated PDF
            contentEditor.Save(dataDir + "output.pdf");
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:DeleteAllAttachments
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_AsposePdfFacades_Attachments();
            // Open document
            PdfContentEditor contentEditor = new PdfContentEditor();
            contentEditor.BindPdf(dataDir+ "DeleteAllAttachments.pdf");

            // Delete attachments

            // Save updated PDF
            contentEditor.Save(dataDir+ "DeleteAllAttachments_out.pdf");
            // ExEnd:DeleteAllAttachments            