private ReadOnlyCollection <PaymentOption> GetPaymentOptions(string shopName)
            var paymentService = new PaymentServiceProvider();
            var request        = new GetPaymentOptionsRequest(shopName);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PaymentManager" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paymentServiceProvider">The payment service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="cartManager">The cart manager.</param>
        public PaymentManager([NotNull] PaymentServiceProvider paymentServiceProvider, [NotNull] CartManager cartManager)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(paymentServiceProvider, "paymentServiceProvider");

            this.PaymentServiceProvider = paymentServiceProvider;
            this.CartManager            = cartManager;
Beispiel #3
        public PaymentManager(PaymentServiceProvider paymentServiceProvider, CartManager cartManager, StorefrontContext storefrontContext)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(paymentServiceProvider, nameof(paymentServiceProvider));

            PaymentServiceProvider = paymentServiceProvider;
            CartManager            = cartManager;
            StorefrontContext      = storefrontContext;
Beispiel #4
        public ManagerResponse <PaymentClientTokenResult, string> GetPaymentClientToken()
            var request = new ServiceProviderRequest();
            var result  = PaymentServiceProvider.RunPipeline <ServiceProviderRequest, PaymentClientTokenResult>("commerce.payments.getClientToken", request);


            return(new ManagerResponse <PaymentClientTokenResult, string>(result, result.ClientToken));
Beispiel #5
        public PaymentManager(
            IConnectServiceProvider connectServiceProvider,
            IPaymentMapper paymentMapper,
            ILogService <CommonLog> logService) : base(logService)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(connectServiceProvider, nameof(connectServiceProvider));
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(paymentMapper, nameof(paymentMapper));

            this.paymentServiceProvider = connectServiceProvider.GetPaymentServiceProvider();
            this.paymentMapper          = paymentMapper;
Beispiel #6
        public PaymentManagerTests()
            var connectServiceProvider = Substitute.For <IConnectServiceProvider>();
            var logService             = Substitute.For <ILogService <CommonLog> >();
            var paymentMapper          = Substitute.For <IPaymentMapper>();

            this.paymentServiceProvider = Substitute.For <PaymentServiceProvider>();

            this.fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new OmitOnRecursionCustomization());

            this.paymentManager = Substitute.For <PaymentManager>(connectServiceProvider, paymentMapper, logService);
        private ReadOnlyCollection <PaymentMethod> GetPaymentMethods(PaymentOption paymentOption, Cart cart)
            var paymentService = new PaymentServiceProvider();
            var request        = new GetPaymentMethodsRequest(paymentOption, cart.ShopName);

            var shippingParty = cart.Parties.FirstOrDefault(x => (string)x.Properties["Name"] == Constants.DefaultShipmentAddressName);

            if (shippingParty != null)
                request.Properties["Country"] = shippingParty.Country;

Beispiel #8
        public ActionResult Index()
            var paymentServiceProvider = new PaymentServiceProvider();

            var request = new ServiceProviderRequest();

            request.CurrencyCode = "EUR";

            var result =
                paymentServiceProvider.RunPipeline <ServiceProviderRequest, PaymentClientTokenResult>(
                    "commerce.payments.getClientToken", request);

        private ReadOnlyCollection <PaymentPrice> GetPaymentMethodPrices(ReadOnlyCollection <PaymentMethod> paymentMethods, Cart cart)
            var paymentLookupList = new List <PaymentLookup>();

            foreach (var paymentMethod in paymentMethods)
                paymentLookupList.Add(new PaymentLookup()
                    MethodId = paymentMethod.PaymentOptionId

            var paymentService = new PaymentServiceProvider();
            var request        = new GetPricesForPaymentsRequest(cart.ShopName, paymentLookupList, cart);

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CheckoutService"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shippingServiceProvider">The shipping service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="paymentServiceProvider">The payment service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="customerServiceProvider">The customer service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="cartService">The cart service.</param>
        /// <param name="shopName">The shop name.</param>
        public CheckoutService(
            [NotNull] ShippingServiceProvider shippingServiceProvider,
            [NotNull] PaymentServiceProvider paymentServiceProvider,
            [NotNull] CustomerServiceProvider customerServiceProvider,
            [NotNull] ICartService cartService,
            [NotNull] string shopName)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(shippingServiceProvider, "shippingServiceProvider");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(paymentServiceProvider, "paymentServiceProvider");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(customerServiceProvider, "customerServiceProvider");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(cartService, "cartService");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(shopName, "shopName");

            this._shippingServiceProvider = shippingServiceProvider;
            this._paymentServiceProvider  = paymentServiceProvider;
            this._customerServiceProvider = customerServiceProvider;
            this._cartService             = cartService;
            this.shopName = shopName;
Beispiel #11
        public ManagerResponse <GetPaymentMethodsResult, IEnumerable <PaymentMethod> > GetPaymentMethods(string userId, PaymentOption paymentOption)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(paymentOption, nameof(paymentOption));

            var result = new GetPaymentMethodsResult {
                Success = false
            var cartResult = CartManager.GetCart(userId);

            if (!cartResult.ServiceProviderResult.Success || cartResult.Result == null)
                return(new ManagerResponse <GetPaymentMethodsResult, IEnumerable <PaymentMethod> >(result, null));

            var request = new GetPaymentMethodsRequest(cartResult.Result, paymentOption);

            result = PaymentServiceProvider.GetPaymentMethods(request);

            return(new ManagerResponse <GetPaymentMethodsResult, IEnumerable <PaymentMethod> >(result, result.PaymentMethods.ToList()));
Beispiel #12
        public ManagerResponse <GetPaymentOptionsResult, IEnumerable <PaymentOption> > GetPaymentOptions(string userId)
            var result = new GetPaymentOptionsResult {
                Success = false
            var cartResult = CartManager.GetCart(userId);

            if (!cartResult.ServiceProviderResult.Success || cartResult.Result == null)
                return(new ManagerResponse <GetPaymentOptionsResult, IEnumerable <PaymentOption> >(result, null));

            if (StorefrontContext.Current == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot be called without a valid storefront context.");
            var request = new GetPaymentOptionsRequest(StorefrontContext.Current.ShopName, cartResult.Result);

            result = PaymentServiceProvider.GetPaymentOptions(request);

            return(new ManagerResponse <GetPaymentOptionsResult, IEnumerable <PaymentOption> >(result, result.PaymentOptions.ToList()));
 public PaymentManager(IConnectServiceProvider connectServiceProvider)
     Assert.ArgumentNotNull(connectServiceProvider, nameof(connectServiceProvider));
     this.paymentServiceProvider = connectServiceProvider.GetPaymentServiceProvider();
Beispiel #14
        public ActionResult RequestPayment()
            // If you are OK with calling a uCommerce API at this point, you can simply call:

            // --- BEGIN uCommerce API.

            // TransactionLibrary.RequestPayments();
            // return Redirect("/confirmation"); // This line is only required when using the DefaultPaymentMethod for the demo store.

            // --- END uCommerce API.

            // If you want to use the FederatedPayment parts of Commerce Connect. This is what you need to do, to make it work
            var cart = GetCart();

            // For this demo store, it is assumed, that there is only one payment info associated with the order.

            // 1. You need to get the payment service URL for the payment
            var paymentService = new PaymentServiceProvider();
            var baseUrl        = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(paymentService.GetPaymentServiceUrl(new GetPaymentServiceUrlRequest()).Url) ?? string.Empty;

            // 2. You then need to add the payment method id and the payment id to the Url returned from the service.
            var paymentInfo = cart.Payment.First();
            var completeUrl = string.Format(baseUrl, paymentInfo.PaymentMethodID, paymentInfo.ExternalId);

            // 3. In an IFrame set the url to the url from step 2.
            // Because this is a demo store, there is no actual payment gateway involved
            // Therefore at this point we need to manually set the status of the payment to Authorized.

            // You should redirect the IFrame to the "completeUrl".

            // If you have configured your payment method to run the Checkout pipeline,
            // upon completion, then you do not need to do anything else.
            // The uCommerce framework takes care of the rest.
            // It checks that the transaction was authorized, and it redirects the customer to the accept url.
            // And it calls the Commerce Connect. SubmitVisitorOrder pipeline.
            // So you are done!

            // If you insist on doing the payment in the full Commerce Connect experience,
            // you should configure the uCommerce payment method to not run any pipeline on completion.

            // And in that case, you need to check that the payment was OK, and do the SubmitVisitorOrder calls yourself.
            // These steps are described below.

            // 4. When you believe that the transaction has been completed on the hosted page, you need to check if the payment is OK.
            // In the uCommerce implementation of the Commerce Connect API, this is done by passing the payment id as the access code.
            var actionResult = paymentService.GetPaymentServiceActionResult(new GetPaymentServiceActionResultRequest()
                PaymentAcceptResultAccessCode = paymentInfo.ExternalId
            var paymentWasOk = actionResult.AuthorizationResult == "OK";

            // 5. If the payment is OK, then you can Submit the Order. This corresponds to running the "Checkout" pipeline in uCommerce.
            if (paymentWasOk)
                var orderService = new OrderServiceProvider();
                var request      = new SubmitVisitorOrderRequest(cart);
