Beispiel #1
        public async Task TestRecompression(int file)
            var name    = (AmxNames)file;
            var amxGarc = await Game.GetGarc(GarcNames.AmxFiles);

            if (file >= amxGarc.Garc.FileCount)
                Assert.Inconclusive($"Nonexistent file: {file}");

            if (!Directory.Exists("Recompression"))

            var amxFile = await amxGarc.GetFile(file);

            var amx = new pkNX.Structures.Amx(amxFile);

            var origData     = amx.Data;
            var decompressed = amx.DecompressedInstructions;
            var recompressed = PawnUtil.CompressScript(decompressed);
            var newData      = amx.Data

            await File.WriteAllBytesAsync($"Recompression\\{name}_old.bin", origData);

            await File.WriteAllBytesAsync($"Recompression\\{name}_new.bin", newData);

            Assert.AreEqual(origData, newData, $"File {file} failed");
Beispiel #2
        public async Task TestItemRandomizer()
            var random    = this.GetNewTaskRandom();
            var itemNames = await Game.GetTextFile(TextNames.ItemNames);

            var amxGarc = await Game.GetGarc(GarcNames.AmxFiles, true);

            var fldItemFile = await amxGarc.GetFile((int)AmxNames.FldItem);

            var fldItemAmx      = new pkNX.Structures.Amx(fldItemFile);
            var itemDataPayload = fldItemAmx.DataPayload.Skip(9).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, itemDataPayload.Length % 3, "Item data payload length incorrect");

            var legalItems = Legal.Pouch_Items_XY

            for (var i = 0; i < 206; i++)
                var itemId      = itemDataPayload[i * 3];
                var quantity    = itemDataPayload[i * 3 + 1];
                var scriptId    = itemDataPayload[i * 3 + 2];
                var itemName    = itemNames.Lines[(int)itemId];
                var newItemId   = legalItems.GetRandom(random);
                var newItemName = itemNames.Lines[newItemId];

                TestContext.Progress.WriteLine($"Script {scriptId:X4} has item {itemName} x{quantity}, changing to {newItemName}");

                itemDataPayload[i * 3] = newItemId;

            var dataStart    = fldItemAmx.CodeLength / sizeof(uint);
            var instructions = fldItemAmx.DecompressedInstructions
                               // Original code
                               // Original data header
                               // Our own data payload

            var newCompressedBytes = PawnUtil.CompressScript(instructions);
            var newData            = fldItemAmx.Data.Take(fldItemAmx.Header.COD).Concat(newCompressedBytes).ToArray();

            // Write new size
            BitConverter.GetBytes(newData.Length).CopyTo(newData, 0);

            File.WriteAllBytes("old.bin", fldItemAmx.Data);
            File.WriteAllBytes("new.bin", newData);

            await amxGarc.SetFile((int)AmxNames.FldItem, newData);

            await Game.SaveFile(amxGarc);
Beispiel #3
        public void TestAlgorithm()
            //var bytes  = new byte[] { 0x8E, 0xA5, 0xA0, 0x81, 0x45 };
            //var bytes = new byte[] { 0xF4, 0x40 };
            var bytes  = new byte[] { 0x8F, 0xA2, 0xA0, 0x81, 0x45 };
            var value  = PawnUtil.QuickDecompress2(bytes, 1)[0];
            var bytes2 = PawnUtil.CompressScript(new[] { value });

            TestContext.Progress.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", bytes.Select(b => $"{b:X2}")));
            TestContext.Progress.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", bytes2.Select(b => $"{b:X2}")));

            Assert.AreEqual(bytes, bytes2);
        public byte[] Write()
            var dataStart   = this.amx.CodeLength / sizeof(uint);
            var newItemData = this.Items.SelectMany(item => new[] {
            var originalItemData = this.ItemData;
            var newDataPayload   = this.amx.DataPayload
                                   // Original 9 data values before item data
                                   // Plus our new item data
                                   // Plus the "unused slots" from the original file
            var newInstructions = this.amx.DecompressedInstructions
                                  // Original instructions before the data payload
                                  // Our new data payload from above

            var newInstructionData = PawnUtil.CompressScript(newInstructions);
            var newData            = this.amx.Data
                                     // Original file contents before Code section
                                     // New compressed code/data from above

            // Write new size to the header
            BitConverter.GetBytes(newData.Length).CopyTo(newData, 0);
