public static List <Pawn> GetTrainers(this PawnKindDef pawnkind, Map map, MasterMode mode)
     return(pawnkind.GetMasterOptions(map, mode).Where(p =>
                                                       // skill high enough to handle (copied from StatWorker_MinimumHandlingSkill)
                                                       // NOTE: This does NOT apply postprocessing, so scenario and other offsets DO NOT apply.
                                                       // we can't actually use StatRequests because they're hardcoded for either Things or BuildableDefs.
                                                       p.skills.GetSkill(SkillDefOf.Animals).Level >=
                                                       Mathf.Clamp(GenMath.LerpDouble(0.3f, 1f, 0f, 9f, pawnkind.RaceProps.wildness), 0f, 20f))