     * Depending on whether guard still detects player or not after baffling
     * Guard will set either suspicion or alarmed state for the pursuit (travel to last seen position)
    private void SetNavigationState(RaycastHit2D playerLastSeen, RaycastHit2D detectPlayer)
        Node nodeLastSeen = _detection.CalculateNodeLastSeen(playerLastSeen);

        if (detectPlayer.collider != null && detectPlayer.collider.tag == PlayerTag)
            _soundHandler.PlaySound("Alarmed", 0.75f);
            _pathFinder.SetGoal(nodeLastSeen); // last seen when detect, not after baffled
            SeenPlayer = false; //so still chase

        if (nodeLastSeen.GetY() > _patrolBehav.ReturnNodeGuardAt().GetY())
            transform.parent.gameObject.layer = 11;