Beispiel #1
        public static Either <ErrorMsg, A> load <A>(PathStr loadPath) where A : Object
            var path = loadPath.unityPath;
            var a    = Resources.Load <A>(path);

            if (a)
            return(notFound <A>(path));
Beispiel #2
        public static Tpl <IAsyncOperation, Future <Either <ErrorMsg, A> > > loadAsync <A>(
            PathStr loadPath
            ) where A : Object
            var path = loadPath.unityPath;
            IResourceRequest request = new WrappedResourceRequest(Resources.LoadAsync <A>(path));

                       Future <Either <ErrorMsg, A> > .async(
                           p => ASync.StartCoroutine(waitForLoadCoroutine <A>(request, p.complete, path))
Beispiel #3
        public CodePreprocessorMenuItemsTest()
            p_rootPath = new PathStr(Path.GetTempPath()) / "CodeProcessorTest";
            var dirPath1 = new PathStr(Directory.CreateDirectory(p_rootPath / "TestDir1").FullName);
            var dirPath2 = new PathStr(Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath1 / "TestDir2").FullName);

            p_emptyDir     = new PathStr(Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath1 / "TestDirEmpty").FullName);
            p_noCsFilesDir = new PathStr(Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath1 / "TestDirNoCs").FullName);
            p_cs1          = createFile(p_rootPath / "testCs1.cs");
            p_cs2          = createFile(dirPath2 / "testCs2.cs");
            p_cs3          = createFile(dirPath1 / "testCs3.cs");
            p_cs4          = createFile(dirPath1 / "testCs4.cs");
            p_noneCsFile   = createFile(new PathStr(p_noCsFilesDir / "testTxt1.txt"));
Beispiel #4
        public static Either <string, ImmutableList <PathStr> > getFilePaths(PathStr rootPath, string fileExt)
            if (!Directory.Exists(rootPath))
                return((string.Equals($"*{rootPath.extension}", fileExt)).either(
                           $"Not a '*.{fileExt}' file.",
                           () => ImmutableList.Create(new PathStr(rootPath.path))
            var paths =
                Directory.GetFiles(rootPath, fileExt, SearchOption.AllDirectories)

            return((paths.Count > 0).either($"No '*.{fileExt}' files in directory.", () => paths));
Beispiel #5
        public static string copyAssetAndGetPath <T>(T obj, PathStr path) where T : Object
            var originalPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(obj);
            var newPath      = path.unityPath + "/" + + Path.GetExtension(originalPath);

            if (Log.d.isVerbose())
                Log.d.verbose($"{nameof(AssetDatabaseUtils)}#{nameof(copyAssetAndGetPath)}: " +
                              $"copying asset from {originalPath} to {newPath}");
            if (!AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(originalPath, newPath))
                throw new Exception($"Couldn't copy asset from {originalPath} to {newPath}");
    public static void CreateStagingManifest(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC)
        if (!Params.Stage)
        var ThisPlatform = SC.StageTargetPlatform;

        ThisPlatform.GetFilesToDeployOrStage(Params, SC);

        // Get the file
        // this file needs to be treated as a UFS file for casing, but NonUFS for being put into the .pak file
        // @todo: Maybe there should be a new category - UFSNotForPak
        string BuildPropertiesPath = CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine/Build");

        if (SC.StageTargetPlatform.DeployLowerCaseFilenames(true))
            BuildPropertiesPath = BuildPropertiesPath.ToLower();
        SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, BuildPropertiesPath, "", false, null, null, true);

        // move the UE4Commandline.txt file to the root of the stage
        // this file needs to be treated as a UFS file for casing, but NonUFS for being put into the .pak file
        // @todo: Maybe there should be a new category - UFSNotForPak
        string CommandLineFile = "UE4CommandLine.txt";

        if (SC.StageTargetPlatform.DeployLowerCaseFilenames(true))
            CommandLineFile = CommandLineFile.ToLower();
        SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, GetIntermediateCommandlineDir(SC), CommandLineFile, false, null, "", true, false);

        if (!Params.CookOnTheFly && !Params.SkipCookOnTheFly)         // only stage the UFS files if we are not using cook on the fly
            ConfigCacheIni PlatformGameConfig = new ConfigCacheIni(SC.StageTargetPlatform.PlatformType, "Game", CommandUtils.GetDirectoryName(Params.RawProjectPath));

            // Initialize cultures to stage.
            List <string> CulturesToStage = null;

            // Use parameters if provided.
            if (Params.CulturesToCook != null && Params.CulturesToCook.Count > 0)
                CulturesToStage = Params.CulturesToCook;

            // Use configuration if otherwise lacking cultures to stage.
            if (CulturesToStage == null || CulturesToStage.Count == 0)
                if (PlatformGameConfig != null)
                    PlatformGameConfig.GetArray("/Script/UnrealEd.ProjectPackagingSettings", "CulturesToStage", out CulturesToStage);

            // Error if no cultures have been provided.
            if (CulturesToStage == null || CulturesToStage.Count == 0)
                throw new AutomationException("No cultures were specified for cooking and packaging. This will lead to fatal errors when launching. Specify culture codes via commandline (-CookCultures=) or using project packaging settings (+CulturesToStage).");

            // Engine ufs (content)
            SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.UFS, CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine/Config"), "*", true, null, null, false, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));             // TODO: Exclude localization data generation config files.

            if (Params.bUsesSlate)
                if (Params.bUsesSlateEditorStyle)
                    SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.UFS, CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine/Content/Editor/Slate"), "*", true, null, null, false, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));
                SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.UFS, CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine/Content/Slate"), "*", true, null, null, false, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));
                SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.UFS, CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot, "Content/Slate"), "*", true, null, CombinePaths(SC.RelativeProjectRootForStage, "Content/Slate"), true, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));
            foreach (string Culture in CulturesToStage)
                StageLocalizationDataForCulture(SC, Culture, CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine/Content/Localization/Engine"), null, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));
            SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.UFS, CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine/Plugins"), "*.uplugin", true, null, null, true, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));

            // Game ufs (content)

            SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.UFS, CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot), "*.uproject", false, null, CombinePaths(SC.RelativeProjectRootForStage), true, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));
            SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.UFS, CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot, "Config"), "*", true, null, CombinePaths(SC.RelativeProjectRootForStage, "Config"), true, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));             // TODO: Exclude localization data generation config files.
            SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.UFS, CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot, "Plugins"), "*.uplugin", true, null, null, true, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));
            foreach (string Culture in CulturesToStage)
                StageLocalizationDataForCulture(SC, Culture, CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot, "Content/Localization/Game"), CombinePaths(SC.RelativeProjectRootForStage, "Content/Localization/Game"), !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));

            // Stage any additional UFS and NonUFS paths specified in the project ini files; these dirs are relative to the game content directory
            if (PlatformGameConfig != null)
                var           ProjectContentRoot = CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot, "Content");
                var           StageContentRoot   = CombinePaths(SC.RelativeProjectRootForStage, "Content");
                List <string> ExtraUFSDirs;
                if (PlatformGameConfig.GetArray("/Script/UnrealEd.ProjectPackagingSettings", "DirectoriesToAlwaysStageAsUFS", out ExtraUFSDirs))
                    // Each string has the format '(Path="TheDirToStage")'
                    foreach (var PathStr in ExtraUFSDirs)
                        var PathParts = PathStr.Split('"');
                        if (PathParts.Length == 3)
                            var RelativePath = PathParts[1];
                            SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.UFS, CombinePaths(ProjectContentRoot, RelativePath), "*", true, null, CombinePaths(StageContentRoot, RelativePath), true, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));

                List <string> ExtraNonUFSDirs;
                if (PlatformGameConfig.GetArray("/Script/UnrealEd.ProjectPackagingSettings", "DirectoriesToAlwaysStageAsNonUFS", out ExtraNonUFSDirs))
                    // Each string has the format '(Path="TheDirToStage")'
                    foreach (var PathStr in ExtraNonUFSDirs)
                        var PathParts = PathStr.Split('"');
                        if (PathParts.Length == 3)
                            var RelativePath = PathParts[1];
                            SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, CombinePaths(ProjectContentRoot, RelativePath));

            StagedFileType StagedFileTypeForMovies = StagedFileType.NonUFS;
            if (Params.FileServer)
                // UFS is required when using a file server
                StagedFileTypeForMovies = StagedFileType.UFS;

            if (SC.StageTargetPlatform.StageMovies)
                SC.StageFiles(StagedFileTypeForMovies, CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine/Content/Movies"), "*", true, null, CombinePaths(SC.RelativeProjectRootForStage, "Engine/Content/Movies"), true, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));
                SC.StageFiles(StagedFileTypeForMovies, CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot, "Content/Movies"), "*", true, null, CombinePaths(SC.RelativeProjectRootForStage, "Content/Movies"), true, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));

            // eliminate the sand box
            SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.UFS, CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot, "Saved", "Cooked", SC.CookPlatform), "*", true, null, "", true, !Params.UsePak(SC.StageTargetPlatform));

            // CrashReportClient is a standalone slate app that does not look in the generated pak file, so it needs the Content/Slate and Shaders/StandaloneRenderer folders Non-UFS
            // @todo Make CrashReportClient more portable so we don't have to do this
            if (SC.bStageCrashReporter && UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.PlatformSupportsCrashReporter(SC.StageTargetPlatform.PlatformType) && !SC.DedicatedServer)
                //If the .dat file needs to be staged as NonUFS for non-Windows/Linux hosts we need to change the casing as we do with the build properties file above.
                SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine/Content/Slate"));
                SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine/Shaders/StandaloneRenderer"));

                SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine/Content/Localization/ICU"));
                // Linux platform stages ICU in GetFilesToDeployOrStage(), accounting for the actual architecture
                if (SC.StageTargetPlatform.PlatformType == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64 ||
                    SC.StageTargetPlatform.PlatformType == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32 ||
                    SC.StageTargetPlatform.PlatformType == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac)
                    SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/ICU"));

                // SSL libraries are only available for Win64 builds.
                // @see FPerforceSourceControlProvider::LoadSSLLibraries
                if (SC.StageTargetPlatform.PlatformType == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
                    SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/OpenSSL"));
Beispiel #7
 public static Tpl <IAsyncOperation, Future <A> > loadAsyncIgnoreErrors <A>(
     PathStr loadPath, bool logOnError = true
     ) where A : Object =>
 loadAsync <A>(loadPath).map2(future => future.dropError(logOnError));
Beispiel #8
 public EditorAssetInfo(PathStr path, string guid)
     this.path = path;
     this.guid = guid;
Beispiel #9
 public AssetLoader(string assetName, string assetRuntimeResourceDirectory, PathStr assetEditorResourceDirectory)
     this.assetName = assetName;
     this.assetRuntimeResourceDirectory = assetRuntimeResourceDirectory;
     this.assetEditorResourceDirectory  = assetEditorResourceDirectory;
Beispiel #10
 static PathStr createFile(PathStr path)
Beispiel #11
 public static Tpl <IAsyncOperation, Future <A> > loadAsyncIgnoreErrors <A>(
     PathStr loadPath, bool logOnError = true
     ) where A : Object =>
 ResourceLoader.loadAsyncIgnoreErrors <ResourceReference <A> >(loadPath, logOnError)
 .map2(future =>;
Beispiel #12
 public static Tpl <IAsyncOperation, Future <Either <ErrorMsg, A> > > loadAsync <A>(
     PathStr loadPath
     ) where A : Object =>
 ResourceLoader.loadAsync <ResourceReference <A> >(loadPath)
 .map2(future => future.mapT(getReferenceFromResource));
Beispiel #13
 public static Either <ErrorMsg, A> load <A>(PathStr loadPath) where A : Object =>
 ResourceLoader.load <ResourceReference <A> >(loadPath).mapRight(getReferenceFromResource);
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a full filepath including root, creates a document at that location relative to root. That is, 
        /// if you pass in root/hello but the current root is home, it will create home.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Must contain the full filepath, including root. Must include ".doc", ".dir".</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Document CreateFileFromString(string path)
            if (!IsDoc(path) && !IsDir(path))
                throw new Exception();

            using (IsolatedStorageFile isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                string[] pathArray = path.Split(new char[] { '\\', '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string currPath = string.Empty;
                // Skip the last because it's the filename
                for (int i = 0; i < pathArray.Length - 1; i++)
                    currPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(currPath, pathArray[i]);
                    if (!isf.DirectoryExists(currPath + ""))
                        isf.CreateDirectory(currPath + "");
                string fileName = pathArray[pathArray.Length - 1];
                IsolatedStorageFileStream f = isf.CreateFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(currPath, fileName));

                PathStr p = new PathStr(PathBase.Root);
                // Skip the first because "root" is already in the path.
                for (int i = 1; i < pathArray.Length; i++)
                    p = p.NavigateIn(pathArray[i], ItemType.Default);
                return new Document(p);