private void generateSimplePass(object obj)
            int size;

            if (Int32.TryParse(Password_OBJ.Length, out size))
                if (size > 45)
                    Password_OBJ.OutputtringInSimple = "The maximum size ot password is 45"; return;
                PassModel model = new PassModel();
                ObservableCollection <string> alllines = model.GetData();

                foreach (string line in alllines)
                    if (size > line.Length)
                        int    sizepass = size - line.Length;
                        String addpass  = Password_OBJ.generatesimple(sizepass, sumbols + numbers);
                        String newpass  = line + addpass;
                        Password_OBJ.OutputtringInSimple = newpass;
                Password_OBJ.OutputtringInSimple = "YOU HAVE TO ENTER A VALID LENGHT OF A PASSWORD";
        private void genereteAPass(object obj)
            StringBuilder pass = new StringBuilder();
            int           size;
            string        symbols;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Password_OBJ.Length))
                Password_OBJ.Outputtring = "The size is not entered"; return;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password_OBJ.Exclude))
                symbols = "";
                symbols = Password_OBJ.Exclude;
            if (Int32.TryParse(Password_OBJ.Length, out size))
                if (size > 45)
                    Password_OBJ.Outputtring = "The maximum size ot password is 45"; return;
                StringBuilder possiblecharecters = new StringBuilder();
                Random        random             = new Random();
                bool          CheckSymbols       = Password_OBJ.IsCheckedSymbol;
                bool          CheckNumbers       = Password_OBJ.IsCheckedNumbers;
                bool          CheckLowerCase     = Password_OBJ.IsCheckedLowerCase;
                bool          CheckUpperCase     = Password_OBJ.IsCheckedUpperCase;
                if (CheckSymbols)
                    String possiblesymbols = removesymbols(symbols, sumbols);
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(possiblesymbols))
                        Password_OBJ.Outputtring = "Have to remove Symbols from excluded textfiled to be included in password"; return;
                    int  Symbol = random.Next(0, possiblesymbols.Length);
                    char sym    = possiblesymbols[Symbol];
                if (CheckNumbers)
                    String possiblenumbers = removesymbols(symbols, numbers);
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(possiblenumbers))
                        Password_OBJ.Outputtring = "Have remove Numbers from excluded textfiled to be included in password"; return;
                    int  Symbol = random.Next(0, possiblenumbers.Length);
                    char sym    = possiblenumbers[Symbol];
                if (CheckLowerCase)
                    String possibleLowerCase = removesymbols(symbols, lowercase);
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(possibleLowerCase))
                        Password_OBJ.Outputtring = "Have to remove Lower Case Letters from excluded textfiled to be included in password"; return;
                    int  Symbol = random.Next(0, possibleLowerCase.Length);
                    char sym    = possibleLowerCase[Symbol];
                if (CheckUpperCase)
                    String possibleUpperCase = removesymbols(symbols, uppercase);
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(possibleUpperCase))
                        Password_OBJ.Outputtring = "Have to remove Upper Case Letters from excluded textfiled to be included in password"; return;
                    int  Symbol = random.Next(0, uppercase.Length);
                    char sym    = possibleUpperCase[Symbol];
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(possiblecharecters.ToString()))
                    Password_OBJ.Outputtring = "No one criteria is choosen"; return;

                int    leftsize   = size - pass.Length;
                String possible   = possiblecharecters.ToString();
                String additional = Password_OBJ.GeneretePass(leftsize, possible);
                String finalpass  = pass.ToString() + additional;
                String Finalpass  = Shuffle(finalpass);
                Password_OBJ.Outputtring = finalpass;
                Password_OBJ.Outputtring = "YOU HAVE TO ENTER A VALID LENGHT OF A PASSWORD"; return;