public ActionResult Password(PasswordInfo model, string previous, string register)
            if (previous != null)
                var cacheInfo = GetUserInfo();
                return View("~/Views/Wizards/CreateUser/Address.cshtml", cacheInfo.AddressInfo);

            if (register != null)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    var cacheInfo = GetUserInfo();
                    cacheInfo.PasswordInfo = model;

                    TempData["NewUserInfo"] = cacheInfo;

                    return RedirectToAction("Register", "Account");

            return View("~/Views/Wizards/CreateUser/Password.cshtml");
		PasswordInfo GetPasswordInfo (string username)
			using (DbConnection connection = CreateConnection ()) {
				DbCommand command = factory.CreateCommand ();
				command.Connection = connection;
				command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
				command.CommandText = @"aspnet_Membership_GetPasswordWithFormat";

				AddParameter (command, "@ApplicationName", ApplicationName);
				AddParameter (command, "@UserName", username);
				AddParameter (command, "@UpdateLastLoginActivityDate", false);
				AddParameter (command, "@CurrentTimeUtc", DateTime.Now);
				// return value
				AddParameter (command, "@ReturnVal", ParameterDirection.ReturnValue, DbType.Int32, null);

				DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader ();
				if (!reader.Read ())
					return null;

				PasswordInfo pi = new PasswordInfo (
					reader.GetString (0),
					(MembershipPasswordFormat) reader.GetInt32 (1),
					reader.GetString (2),
					reader.GetInt32 (3),
					reader.GetInt32 (4),
					reader.GetBoolean (5),
					reader.GetDateTime (6),
					reader.GetDateTime (7));

				return pi;
		void UpdateUserInfo (string username, PasswordInfo pi, bool isPasswordCorrect, bool updateLoginActivity)
			CheckParam ("username", username, 256);

			using (DbConnection connection = CreateConnection ()) {
				try {
					DbCommand command = factory.CreateCommand ();
					command.Connection = connection;
					command.CommandText = @"aspnet_Membership_UpdateUserInfo"; ;
					command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

					AddParameter (command, "@ApplicationName", ApplicationName);
					AddParameter (command, "@UserName", username);
					AddParameter (command, "@IsPasswordCorrect", isPasswordCorrect);
					AddParameter (command, "@UpdateLastLoginActivityDate", updateLoginActivity);
					AddParameter (command, "@MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts", MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts);
					AddParameter (command, "@PasswordAttemptWindow", PasswordAttemptWindow);
					AddParameter (command, "@CurrentTimeUtc", DateTime.UtcNow);
					AddParameter (command, "@LastLoginDate", pi.LastLoginDate);
					AddParameter (command, "@LastActivityDate", pi.LastActivityDate);
					DbParameter retValue = AddParameter (command, "@ReturnVal", ParameterDirection.ReturnValue, DbType.Int32, null);

					command.ExecuteNonQuery ();

					int returnValue = GetReturnValue (retValue);
					if (returnValue != 0)
				catch (Exception e) {
					throw new ProviderException ("Failed to update Membership table", e);

		private PasswordInfo GetPasswordInfo (string username)
			using (DbConnection connection = CreateConnection ()) {
				DbDataReader reader = null;
				DerbyMembershipHelper.Membership_GetPasswordWithFormat (connection, ApplicationName, username, false, DateTime.UtcNow, out reader);

				PasswordInfo pi = null;
				if (reader == null)
					return null;

				using (reader) {
					if (reader.Read ()) {
						int isLockedOut = reader.GetInt32 (1);
						if (isLockedOut > 0)
							return null;

						pi = new PasswordInfo (
							reader.GetString (3),
							(MembershipPasswordFormat) reader.GetInt32 (4),
							reader.GetString (5),
							reader.GetInt32 (6),
							reader.GetInt32 (7),
							reader.GetInt32 (2) > 0,
							reader.GetDateTime (8),
							reader.GetDateTime (9));
				return pi;
		void UpdateUserInfo (string username, PasswordInfo pi, bool isPasswordCorrect, bool updateLoginActivity)
			CheckParam ("username", username, 256);

			using (DbConnection connection = CreateConnection ()) {
				try {
					int st = DerbyMembershipHelper.Membership_UpdateUserInfo (connection, ApplicationName, username, isPasswordCorrect, updateLoginActivity,
						MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts, PasswordAttemptWindow, DateTime.UtcNow, pi.LastLoginDate, pi.LastActivityDate);

					if (st == 0)
				catch (Exception e) {
					throw new ProviderException ("Failed to update Membership table", e);
