Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    void Start()
        gameState          = GameState.OpenWorld;
        openWorldCharacter = Instantiate(OpenWorldCharacterPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, -35), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        //TODO: debug stuff for combat so we have a party, shouldnt be here
        PartyUnit newUnit = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <PartyUnit> ();

        newUnit.UnitPrefab       = Resources.Load("Characters/Hero") as GameObject;
        newUnit.MovementDistance = 4;
        newUnit.Health           = 150;
        newUnit.UnitClass        = PlayerControlledBoardUnit.PlayerClass.Support;
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Support/ElectromagneticField")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Support/ConcussiveBlast")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Support/StaticShell")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Support/PulseForce")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.currentLevel   = 1;
        newUnit.UnitTalentTree = Instantiate(Resources.Load <TalentTree> ("TalentTrees/WarriorTree")) as TalentTree;
        newUnit                  = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <PartyUnit> ();
        newUnit.UnitPrefab       = Resources.Load("Characters/Hero") as GameObject;
        newUnit.MovementDistance = 4;
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Wizard/RadiantEnergy")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Wizard/CircuitBreak")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Wizard/StaticGrip")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Wizard/FluxBlast")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.Health         = 120;
        newUnit.UnitClass      = PlayerControlledBoardUnit.PlayerClass.Wizard;
        newUnit.currentLevel   = 1;
        newUnit.UnitTalentTree = Instantiate(Resources.Load <TalentTree> ("TalentTrees/WizardTree")) as TalentTree;

        CurrentPowerUps.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <PowerUp> ("PowerUps/MoveSpeed")) as PowerUp);
Beispiel #2
 void TryToDismissUnit(PartyUnit unit)
     // this depends on the fact if unit is dismissable
     // for example Capital guard is not dimissable
     // all other units normally are dismissable
     if (unit.IsDismissable)
         // as for confirmation
         string confirmationMessage;
         // verify if this is party leader
         if (unit.IsLeader)
             confirmationMessage = "Dismissing party leader will permanently dismiss whole party and all its members. Do you want to dismiss " + unit.GivenName + " " + unit.UnitName + " and whole party?";
             confirmationMessage = "Do you want to dismiss " + unit.UnitName + "?";
         // send actions to Confirmation popup, so he knows how to react on no and yes btn presses
         ConfirmationPopUp.Instance().Choice(confirmationMessage, new UnityAction(OnDismissYesConfirmation), new UnityAction(OnDismissNoConfirmation));
         // display error message
         NotificationPopUp.Instance().DisplayMessage("It is not possible to dismiss " + unit.GivenName + " " + unit.UnitName + ".");
    void CreateTalentTree(PartyUnit unit)
        if (debug)
            Debug.Log("Talent Tree: " +;
            Debug.Log("Talent Count: " + unit.UnitTalentTree.Tree.Count);

        GameObject talentTreeAnchor = new GameObject("TalentTreeAnchor");
        int        row    = 0;
        int        collum = 0;

        //Initilize Icons
        for (int i = 0; i < unit.UnitTalentTree.Tree.Count; i++)
            collum = i % 3 + 1;
            row    = (int)(i / 3) + 1;
            GameObject talentIcon       = Instantiate(GUIIcon, new Vector3(collum, -row * 1.125f, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            TalentIcon talentIconCached = talentIcon.GetComponent <TalentIcon> ();
            talentIconCached.Initilize(CurrentlyDisplayedPartyUnit, unit.UnitTalentTree.Tree [i], collum, row);
            talentIcon.transform.parent = talentTreeAnchor.transform;
           = this;
        //Set Transform
        talentTreeAnchor.transform.parent        = TalentAnchorPoint;
        talentTreeAnchor.transform.localPosition =;
        talentTreeAnchor.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        talentTreeAnchor.transform.localScale    = * 0.52f;
        //Set Array
        talentIcons = GetComponentsInChildren <TalentIcon> ();
    void SetUnitDefenseInfo(PartyUnit partyUnit)
        // Get defense text
        Text attributeText = transform.Find("Panel/UnitDefense/Value").GetComponent <Text>();

        // display effective defense
        attributeText.text = partyUnit.GetEffectiveDefense().ToString();
        // verify if base unit defense does not equal to effective defense
        if (partyUnit.GetEffectiveDefense() != partyUnit.UnitBaseDefense)
            // Display how defense is calculated
            // open brackets
            attributeText.text += "(";
            // set base unit defense without bonuses
            attributeText.text += baseStatPreviewStyleStart + partyUnit.UnitBaseDefense.ToString() + baseStatPreviewStyleEnd;
            // get and add defense skill bonus to text
            AddBonusInfoToText(attributeText, partyUnit.GetSkillDefenseBonus(), skillBonusPreviewStyleStart, skillBonusPreviewStyleEnd);
            // get and add items bonus
            AddBonusInfoToText(attributeText, partyUnit.GetItemsDefenseBonus(), itemBonusPreviewStyleStart, itemBonusPreviewStyleEnd);
            // get and add city bonus to text
            AddBonusInfoToText(attributeText, partyUnit.GetCityDefenseBonus(), cityBonusPreviewStyleStart, cityBonusPreviewStyleEnd);
            // get and add status bonus (example: defense stance) to text
            AddBonusInfoToText(attributeText, (int)(partyUnit.GetDefensiveStanceBonus() * (100 - partyUnit.GetTotalAdditiveDefense())), statusBonusPreviewStyleStart, statusBonusPreviewStyleEnd);
            // not needed - stats do no give defense bonus
            // close brackets
            attributeText.text += ")";
    public void SetUnitPowerInfo(PartyUnit partyUnit)
        // Get power text
        Text powerText = transform.Find("Panel/AbilityParameters/Power").GetComponent <Text>();
        // Get party unit effective power value
        int effectivePower = partyUnit.GetUnitEffectivePower();

        // Display effective power absolute value
        powerText.text = Math.Abs(effectivePower).ToString();
        // get base power value
        int basePower = partyUnit.UnitAbilityEffectivePower - GetStatsPowerBonus(partyUnit);

        // verify if effective power does not equal to base power
        if (effectivePower != basePower)
            // Display additional modifiers between brackets
            powerText.text += "(";
            // set default unit power without bonuses (without just upgraded stats power bonus)
            powerText.text += baseStatPreviewStyleStart + Math.Abs(basePower).ToString() + baseStatPreviewStyleEnd;
            // get and add stats power bonus if it is present
            AddBonusInfoToText(powerText, Math.Abs(GetStatsPowerBonus(partyUnit)), statsBonusPreviewStyleStart, statsBonusPreviewStyleEnd);
            // get and add offence skill bonus to text
            AddBonusInfoToText(powerText, Math.Abs(partyUnit.GetOffenceSkillPowerBonus()), skillBonusPreviewStyleStart, skillBonusPreviewStyleEnd);
            // get and add items bonus to the text
            AddBonusInfoToText(powerText, Math.Abs(partyUnit.GetItemsPowerBonus()), itemBonusPreviewStyleStart, itemBonusPreviewStyleEnd);
            // close brackets
            powerText.text += ")";
    ValidationResult DoDiscardModifierInContextOf(System.Object srcContext, System.Object dstContext)
        // verify if source or destination context do not match requirements of this limiter
        if (!DoesContextMatch(srcContext, dstContext))
            // context is not in scope of this limiter
            // don't limit
        //// verify if destination context is of InventorySlotDropHandler type
        //if (dstContext is InventorySlotDropHandler)
        //    // ignore this limiter (don't discard)
        //    return false;
        // set context to party unit
        PartyUnit dstPartyUnit = (PartyUnit)dstContext;

        // loop through all required statuses
        foreach (UnitStatus matchStatus in requiredAnyOfUnitStatus)
            if (dstPartyUnit.UnitStatus == matchStatus)
                // don't limit
        // No any of required statuses match - discard modifier
    int GetLeadershipConsumedByPartyUnitsExcludingLeader(PartyUnit partyUnit)
        // get unit party
        HeroParty heroParty = partyUnit.GetUnitParty();

        // verify if unit is member of party
        if (heroParty != null)
            Debug.LogWarning("!!Convert UnitSize to class!!");
            return(heroParty.GetLeadershipConsumedByPartyUnits() - (int)heroParty.GetPartyLeader().UnitSize - 1);
            Debug.Log("Unit without party");
        //// structure 5PartyPanel-4Row-3Cell-2UnitSlot-1UnitCanvas-Unit
        //PartyPanel partyPanel = null;
        //if (partyUnit.transform.parent)
        //    if (partyUnit.transform.parent.parent)
        //        if (partyUnit.transform.parent.parent.parent)
        //            if (partyUnit.transform.parent.parent.parent.parent)
        //                if (partyUnit.transform.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent)
        //                    partyPanel = partyUnit.transform.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.GetComponent<PartyPanel>();
        //if (partyPanel != null)
        //    return partyPanel.GetNumberOfPresentUnits() - 1;
        //    return 0;
Beispiel #8
    PartyUnit HireGenericUnit(PartyUnit hiredUnitTemplate, HeroParty heroParty, Transform destinationUnitSlotTransform, bool doCreateUI = true)
        // create unit in HeroParty
        PartyUnit newPartyUnit = Instantiate(hiredUnitTemplate, heroParty.transform).GetComponent <PartyUnit>();

        // Set new unit cell address
        newPartyUnit.PartyUnitData.unitPPRow  = destinationUnitSlotTransform.GetComponent <UnitSlot>().GetUnitPPRow();
        newPartyUnit.PartyUnitData.unitPPCell = destinationUnitSlotTransform.GetComponent <UnitSlot>().GetUnitPPCell();
        // Reset new unit current health to max
        // Reset new unit current move points to max
        // take gold from player
        TurnsManager.Instance.GetActivePlayer().TotalGold -= hiredUnitTemplate.UnitCost;
        if (doCreateUI)
            // create unit canvas in unit slot
            PartyUnitUI partyUnitUI = Instantiate(unitCanvasTemplate, destinationUnitSlotTransform).GetComponent <PartyUnitUI>();
            // link unit to unit canvas
            partyUnitUI.LPartyUnit = newPartyUnit;
            // Activate PartyUnitUI (canvas)
        // return result
Beispiel #9
    /// Setup party for debugging so you dont have to run it from the open world every time
    void SetupParty()
        PartyUnit newUnit = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <PartyUnit> ();

        newUnit.UnitPrefab       = Resources.Load("Characters/Hero") as GameObject;
        newUnit.MovementDistance = 3;
        newUnit.Health           = 60;
        newUnit.UnitClass        = PlayerControlledBoardUnit.PlayerClass.Warrior;
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/TestDamageSlow")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/TestHeal")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/TestHeal")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/TestStun")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.currentLevel   = 1;
        newUnit.UnitTalentTree = Instantiate(Resources.Load <TalentTree> ("TalentTrees/WarriorTree")) as TalentTree;
        newUnit                  = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <PartyUnit> ();
        newUnit.UnitPrefab       = Resources.Load("Characters/Hero") as GameObject;
        newUnit.MovementDistance = 4;
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/TestDamageSlow")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/TestHeal")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/TestStun")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.Health         = 65;
        newUnit.UnitClass      = PlayerControlledBoardUnit.PlayerClass.Wizard;
        newUnit.currentLevel   = 1;
        newUnit.UnitTalentTree = Instantiate(Resources.Load <TalentTree> ("TalentTrees/WizardTree")) as TalentTree;
Beispiel #10
    public List <UniquePowerModifierData> GetPropagatedBonuses(PartyUnit dstPartyUnit)
        Debug.Log("GetPropagatedBonuses " + CityConfig.cityName);
        // by default city gives only defense bonus to all units inside
        // init list of UPMs data
        List <UniquePowerModifierData> upmsData = new List <UniquePowerModifierData>();
        // set propagation context
        CityPropagationContext propagationContext = new CityPropagationContext(this, dstPartyUnit);

        // loop through all unique powe modifier configs
        for (int i = 0; i < UniquePowerModifierConfigs.Count; i++)
            Debug.Log("city upm " + UniquePowerModifierConfigs[i].DisplayName);
            // Verify if UPM is applicable to destination party unit
            if (UniquePowerModifierConfigs[i].AreRequirementsMetInContextOf(propagationContext).doDiscardModifier == false)
                // create new UPM data based on UPM config and destination party unit
                upmsData.Add(new UniquePowerModifierData
                    uniquePowerModifierID = new UniquePowerModifierID
                        cityID = cityData.cityID,
                        uniquePowerModifierConfigIndex = i,
                        modifierOrigin          = ModifierOrigin.City,
                        destinationGameObjectID = dstPartyUnit.gameObject.GetInstanceID()
                    durationLeft = UniquePowerModifierConfigs[i].UpmDurationMax,            // normally duration type is permanent, so this value is not relevant
                    currentPower = UniquePowerModifierConfigs[i].GetUpmEffectivePower(this) // Updater will take care about current city level
                Debug.LogWarning("Propagate [" + cityData.cityID + "] City UPM [" + UniquePowerModifierConfigs[i].DisplayName + "] power [" + UniquePowerModifierConfigs[i].GetUpmEffectivePower(this) + "] to [" + dstPartyUnit.UnitName + "] unit");
        // return the list with UPMs data
 // default update
 public override UnitStatModifierConfig GetUpdatedUSMC(UnitStatModifierConfig unitStatModifierConfig, System.Object context)
     // get party unit from gameObject
     //PartyUnit partyUnit = context.GetComponent<PartyUnit>();
     // verify if party unit is not null
     //if (partyUnit != null)
     if (DoesContextMatch(context))
         // init PartyUnit from context
         PartyUnit partyUnit = (PartyUnit)context;
         // copy current USM config (to not make changes on default one)
         UnitStatModifierConfig newUSMConfig = Instantiate(unitStatModifierConfig);
         // get party unit stats upgrade count
         int skillLevel = partyUnit.GetUnitSkillData(associatedUnitSkillID).currentSkillLevel;
         // update to current USM config power based on calculation type
         newUSMConfig.modifierPower = Mathf.RoundToInt(newUSMConfig.modifierPower + newUSMConfig.modifierPower * skillLevel * percentToBase / 100f);
         // return new USM config
         //Debug.LogError("Party Unit reference is null");
         Debug.LogError("Context doesn't match");
 // default update
 public override UnitStatModifierConfig GetUpdatedUSMC(UnitStatModifierConfig unitStatModifierConfig, System.Object context)
     // get party unit from gameObject
     //PartyUnit partyUnit = context.GetComponent<PartyUnit>();
     // verify if party unit is not null
     //if (partyUnit != null)
     // verify if context match
     if (DoesContextMatch(context))
         // init PartyUnit from context
         PartyUnit partyUnit = (PartyUnit)context;
         // copy current USM config (to not make changes on default one)
         UnitStatModifierConfig newUSMConfig = Instantiate(unitStatModifierConfig);
         // get party unit stats upgrade count
         int statsUpgradeCount = partyUnit.StatsUpgradesCount;
         // update to current USM config power
         newUSMConfig.modifierPower += powerIncrementOnStatsUpgrade * statsUpgradeCount;
         // return new USM config
         // Debug.LogError("Party Unit reference is null");
         Debug.LogError("Context doesn't match");
    protected void CreateUnit(PartyUnit unit)
        if (unit != null)
            CurrentlyDisplayedPartyUnit = unit;

            if (debug)
                Debug.Log(string.Format(":Loaded Character:" +
                                        "Name: {0} " +
                                        "Level: {1} ",, unit.currentLevel));
            unit.currentLevel = 5;
            GameObject obj = Instantiate(unit.UnitPrefab) as GameObject;
            if (obj.GetComponent <MyHeroController3rdPerson> ())
                Destroy(obj.GetComponent <MyHeroController3rdPerson> ());
            obj.transform.position = UnitAnchorPoint.position;
            obj.transform.parent   = UnitAnchorPoint;

            NamePlate.GetComponent <UnitNamePlateGUI> ().Initilize(unit);
 public void ActivateAdvance(PartyUnit partyUnit, Align align = Align.Middle, bool isInterractible = true, ContentMode mode = ContentMode.Full, BackgroundIntermediate.Mode backgroundMode = BackgroundIntermediate.Mode.MiddleScreen)
     // verify party unit is not null, if it is null,
     // then user right clicked on a cell without unit
     if (partyUnit)
         ActivateUnitInfoPanel(partyUnit, backgroundMode);
         interactable = isInterractible;
         if (mode == ContentMode.Full)
             // activate full mode Br
             // deactivate short mode Br
             // activate unit description
         else if (mode == ContentMode.Short)
             // deactivate full mode Br
             // activate short mode Br
             // deactivate unit description
             Debug.LogError("Unknown mode: " + mode.ToString());
Beispiel #15
    void HirePartyLeader(PartyUnit hiredUnitTemplate, bool doCreateUI = true, City city = null)
        // create new party
        HeroPartyUI newHeroPartyUI = CreateNewPartyInCity(city);
        // Get unit's slot transform
        Transform newUnitParentSlot = newHeroPartyUI.GetComponentInChildren <PartyPanel>(true).GetUnitSlotTr(PartyPanel.Row.Middle, GetHiredLeaderDestinationSlotName(hiredUnitTemplate));
        // Hire unit, but do not create canvas, because it will be done automatically by HeroParty on enable
        PartyUnit newPartyLeader = HireGenericUnit(hiredUnitTemplate, newHeroPartyUI.LHeroParty, newUnitParentSlot, false);

        // Rename hero party, when we know the leader = newPartyLeader.GivenName + " " + newPartyLeader.UnitName + " Party";
        // Create hero's representation on the map
        // prerequisites: party leader should be created beforehand
        SetHeroPartyRepresentationOnTheMap(newHeroPartyUI.LHeroParty, city);
        if (doCreateUI)
            // Activate HeroPartyUI
            // trigger onDisable focus panel function so it reset its state
            transform.root.Find("MiscUI/LeftFocus").GetComponent <FocusPanel>().OnDisable();
            // link party leader to the Left Focus panel so it can use it to fill in information
            transform.root.Find("MiscUI/LeftFocus").GetComponent <FocusPanel>().focusedObject = newHeroPartyUI.GetPartyLeaderUI().gameObject;
            // trigger onEnable focus panel so it get linked unit data and update its information
            transform.root.Find("MiscUI/LeftFocus").GetComponent <FocusPanel>().OnEnable();
            // Disable Hire leader panel
    public void DisplayHeroEquipmentUsableInventory()
        // get party leader
        PartyUnit partyLeader = GetComponentInParent <HeroPartyUI>().LHeroParty.GetPartyLeader();

        // verify if party leader exists (it may not exist in city garnizon)
        if (partyLeader != null)
            // get all usable items from party leader equipment
            foreach (Transform childTransform in GetComponentInParent <HeroPartyUI>().LHeroParty.GetPartyLeader().transform)
                // get item
                InventoryItem inventoryItem = childTransform.GetComponent <InventoryItem>();
                // verify if this is an item
                if (inventoryItem != null)
                    // verify if item is in hero eqipment slot and that it is usable
                    if (inventoryItem.CurrentHeroEquipmentSlot != HeroEquipmentSlots.None && inventoryItem.IsUsable)
                        SetItemRepresentationInInventoryUI(childTransform.GetComponent <InventoryItem>(), true);
 public void SetActive(bool doActivate)
     if (doActivate)
         // get active player faction
         Faction activePlayerFaction = TurnsManager.Instance.GetActivePlayer().Faction;
         // loop through all heroparties
         foreach (HeroParty heroParty in ObjectsManager.Instance.GetComponentsInChildren <HeroParty>(true))
             // verify if hero party belongs to the player's faction and if it is not garnizon
             if ((heroParty.Faction == activePlayerFaction) && (heroParty.PartyMode == PartyMode.Party))
                 // get leader
                 PartyUnit partyLeaderUnit = heroParty.GetPartyLeader();
                 // create and activate leader info
                 Instantiate(playerHeroInfoTemplate, playerHeroesListTransform).GetComponent <PlayerHeroInfo>().SetActive(partyLeaderUnit);
         // remove all heroes infos
         foreach (PlayerHeroInfo playerHeroInfo in GetComponentsInChildren <PlayerHeroInfo>())
 ValidationResult DoDiscardModifierInContextOf(System.Object srcContext, System.Object dstContext)
     // verify if source or destination context do not match requirements of this limiter
     if (!DoesContextMatch(srcContext, dstContext))
         // context is not in scope of this limiter
         // don't limit
     //// verify if destination context is of InventorySlotDropHandler type
     //if (dstContext is InventorySlotDropHandler)
     //    // ignore this limiter (don't discard)
     //    return false;
     // get destination context as PartyUnit
     if (dstContext is PartyUnit)
         PartyUnit dstPartyUnit = (PartyUnit)dstContext;
         // verify if destination unit health is already max
         if (dstPartyUnit.UnitHealthCurr >= dstPartyUnit.GetUnitEffectiveMaxHealth())
             // limit
     // don't limit
Beispiel #19
        internal void FillFourthPage(IEnumerable <FourthPage> completelist)
            foreach (var item in completelist)
                waitForPageUntilElementIsVisible(By.Id("input_7_14"), 8);

Beispiel #20
    public void HireUnit(Transform callerCell, UnitType hiredUnitType, bool doCreateUI = true, City city = null)
        // get template for selected unit type
        PartyUnit hiredUnitTemplate = TemplatesManager.Instance.GetPartyUnitTemplateByType(hiredUnitType).GetComponent <PartyUnit>();

        // 1 do basic verications, which are applicable to every hired unit
        if (VerifyIfPlayerHasEnoughGoldToBuyUnit(hiredUnitTemplate))
            // 2 act based on the unit type: leader or normal unit
            if (hiredUnitTemplate.IsLeader)
                HirePartyLeader(hiredUnitTemplate, doCreateUI, city);
                // act based on the unit type
                if (UnitSize.Single == hiredUnitTemplate.UnitSize)
                    HireSingleUnit(callerCell, hiredUnitTemplate, doCreateUI);
                    HireDoubleUnit(callerCell, hiredUnitTemplate, doCreateUI);
Beispiel #21
 public void OnMaxHealthChanged(PartyUnit partyUnit)
     // verify if party unit is this
     if (partyUnit == LPartyUnit)
    void SetPartyLeaderMovePointsInfo(MapHero mapHero)
        // get party leader
        PartyUnit partyLeader = mapHero.LHeroParty.GetPartyLeader();

        // Set UI text
        focusedObjectInfoText.text = partyLeader.MovePointsCurrent + "/" + partyLeader.GetEffectiveMaxMovePoints() + " Move Points";
Beispiel #23
 public void OnAbilityApply(PartyUnit appliedToPartyUnit, UnitAbility unitAbility)
     // verify if party unit to which modifier has been applied is the same as current
     if (appliedToPartyUnit == LPartyUnit)
    // Initilization
    public void Initilize(PartyUnit unit)
        NameText.text  = unit.Name;
        LevelText.text = unit.currentLevel.ToString();

        name  = unit.Name;
        level = unit.currentLevel;
Beispiel #25
    //public void OnItemHasBeenDroppedIntoTheUnitSlotEvent(System.Object unitSlotDropHandlerObj)
    //    // verify if type is correct
    //    if (!(unitSlotDropHandlerObj is UnitSlotDropHandler))
    //    {
    //        Debug.LogError("unitSlotDropHandler is not of UnitSlotDropHandler type");
    //        return;
    //    }
    //    // init unit slot drop handler
    //    UnitSlotDropHandler unitSlotDropHandler = (UnitSlotDropHandler)unitSlotDropHandlerObj;
    //    // init item config
    //    List<UniquePowerModifierConfig> uniquePowerModifierConfigsSortedByExecutionOrder = InventoryItemDragHandler.itemBeingDragged.LInventoryItem.InventoryItemConfig.UniquePowerModifierConfigsSortedByExecutionOrder;
    //    // verify if this UPM can be applied to destination unit
    //    if (InventoryItemDragHandler.itemBeingDragged.LInventoryItem.InventoryItemConfig.PrimaryUniquePowerModifierConfig.AreRequirementsMetInContextOf(unitSlotDropHandler, LPartyUnit))
    //    {
    //        // get source context
    //        System.Object srcContext = GetItemBeingDraggedSourceContext();
    //        // apply unit unique power modifiers (buffs, debuffs, etc)
    //        for (int i = 0; i < uniquePowerModifierConfigsSortedByExecutionOrder.Count; i++)
    //        {
    //            // verify if UPM can be applied to destination unit
    //            if (uniquePowerModifierConfigsSortedByExecutionOrder[i].AreRequirementsMetInContextOf(srcContext, LPartyUnit))
    //            {
    //                // set unique power modifier ID
    //                UniquePowerModifierID uniquePowerModifierID = new UniquePowerModifierID()
    //                {
    //                    inventoryItemID = InventoryItemDragHandler.itemBeingDragged.LInventoryItem.InventoryItemConfig.inventoryItemID,
    //                    uniquePowerModifierConfigIndex = i,
    //                    modifierOrigin = ModifierOrigin.Item,
    //                    destinationGameObjectID = this.gameObject.GetInstanceID()
    //                };
    //                // apply upm
    //                uniquePowerModifierConfigsSortedByExecutionOrder[i].Apply(InventoryItemDragHandler.itemBeingDragged.LInventoryItem, LPartyUnit, uniquePowerModifierID);
    //                // run text animation
    //                uniquePowerModifierConfigsSortedByExecutionOrder[i].UniquePowerModifierUIConfig.OnTriggerUPMTextAnimation.Run(UnitInfoPanelText);
    //            }
    //        }
    //    }
    //    //// verify if it the slot where item has been dropped is the same where this party unit UI is located
    //    //if (GetComponentInParent<UnitSlotDropHandler>().GetInstanceID() == unitSlotDropHandler.GetInstanceID())
    //    //{
    //    //    Debug.Log("Same slot");
    //    //    Debug.Log("Act on Item Drop");
    //    //    InventoryItemDragHandler inventoryItemDragHandler = InventoryItemDragHandler.itemBeingDragged;
    //    //    // get item
    //    //    InventoryItem inventoryItem = inventoryItemDragHandler.LInventoryItem;
    //    //    // verify if item has active modifiers or usages
    //    //    if (inventoryItem.HasActiveModifiers())
    //    //    {
    //    //        Debug.Log("Apply item's UniquePowerModifier(s) and UnitStatModifier(s) to the party unit and its UI");
    //    //        // consume item and verify if it was successfull
    //    //        if (lPartyUnit.UseItem(inventoryItem))
    //    //        {
    //    //            // successfully consumed item
    //    //            // update UI based on changed party unit data
    //    //            UpdateUnitCellInfo();
    //    //            // item has run out of usages
    //    //            if (inventoryItem.LeftUsagesCount == 0)
    //    //            {
    //    //                // there are no usages left
    //    //                Debug.Log("Move item to the unit");
    //    //                // move item to the unit, there are still might be non-instant upms and usms
    //    //                inventoryItem.transform.SetParent(LPartyUnit.transform);
    //    //                // Get PartyInventoryUI (before InventoryItemDragHandler is destroyed)
    //    //                PartyInventoryUI partyInventoryUI = inventoryItemDragHandler.ItemBeindDraggedSlot.GetComponentInParent<PartyInventoryUI>();
    //    //                // verify if it is not null
    //    //                if (partyInventoryUI != null)
    //    //                {
    //    //                    // Note: inventoryItemDragHandler removal will suppress On End Item Drag event
    //    //                    // .. workaround:
    //    //                    // call on end drag manually before removing item
    //    //                    inventoryItemDragHandler.OnEndDrag(null);
    //    //                    // remove item drag handler
    //    //                    RecycleBin.Recycle(inventoryItemDragHandler.gameObject);
    //    //                    // reorganize inventory UI
    //    //                    partyInventoryUI.ReorganizeInventoryUI();
    //    //                }
    //    //                else
    //    //                {
    //    //                    Debug.LogError("Logic error. Probably source slot is not party of PartyInventoryUI, but can be part of Equipment Menu");
    //    //                }
    //    //                //// Get source item slot transform
    //    //                //ItemSlotDropHandler srcItemSlot = inventoryItemDragHandler.ItemBeindDraggedSlot;
    //    //                //// verify if source slot is in party inventory mode
    //    //                //if (srcItemSlot.SlotMode == ItemSlotDropHandler.Mode.PartyInventory)
    //    //                //{
    //    //                //    // Get PartyInventoryUI (before slot is destroyed)
    //    //                //    PartyInventoryUI partyInventoryUI = srcItemSlot.GetComponentInParent<PartyInventoryUI>();
    //    //                //    // remove all empty slots in inventory to fill in possible gaps after item consumption
    //    //                //    partyInventoryUI.RemoveAllEmptySlots();
    //    //                //    // fill in empty slots in inventory;
    //    //                //    partyInventoryUI.FillInEmptySlots();
    //    //                //}
    //    //            }
    //    //            else
    //    //            {
    //    //                // there are still usages left
    //    //                Debug.Log("Clone item to the unit");
    //    //                // clone item and place it into the unit
    //    //                // so non-instant modifiers can be applied
    //    //                // and assign inventoryItem varible with new inventory item
    //    //                // inventoryItem = Instantiate(inventoryItem.gameObject, this.transform).GetComponent<InventoryItem>();
    //    //                inventoryItem = Instantiate(inventoryItem.gameObject, LPartyUnit.transform).GetComponent<InventoryItem>();
    //    //                // old inventory item, which was clonned, will return back to the inventory
    //    //            }
    //    //            // remove expired modifiers from triggered item
    //    //            // note: don't do this on original modifier config, because it removes UPM from config
    //    //            // inventoryItem.RemoveExpiredModifiers();
    //    //            // self-destory item on expire
    //    //            inventoryItem.SelfDestroyIfExpired();
    //    //        }
    //    //        else
    //    //        {
    //    //            // item cannot be consumed
    //    //            // item will return to its original position
    //    //        }
    //    //    }
    //    //    else
    //    //    {
    //    //        // item is not consumable
    //    //        // nothing to do here
    //    //        // item will return to its original position
    //    //        // this type of items should be placed into hero equipment
    //    //    }
    //    //}
    //    //else
    //    //{
    //    //    Debug.Log("Other slot");
    //    //}
    //    CursorController.Instance.SetNormalCursor();

    #region Events Actions
    // called in UI in EventsListener
    public void OnPartyUnitStatusChange(PartyUnit changedPartyUnit)
        // verify if changed party unit is the same as current
        if (changedPartyUnit == LPartyUnit)
Beispiel #26
    /// <summary>
    /// Setup in debug mode so we dont require initialization from the GameManager
    /// </summary>
    void DebugSetup()

        GameObject mapEditor = GameObject.Find("MapEditor");

        if (mapEditor != null)

        List <PartyUnit> CurrentParty = new List <PartyUnit>();
        PartyUnit        newUnit      = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <PartyUnit> ();

        newUnit.UnitPrefab       = Resources.Load("Characters/Hero") as GameObject;
        newUnit.MovementDistance = 4;
        newUnit.Health           = 150;
        newUnit.UnitClass        = PlayerControlledBoardUnit.PlayerClass.Support;
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Support/ElectromagneticField")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Support/ConcussiveBlast")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Support/StaticShell")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Support/PulseForce")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.currentLevel   = 1;
        newUnit.UnitTalentTree = Instantiate(Resources.Load <TalentTree> ("TalentTrees/WarriorTree")) as TalentTree;
        newUnit                  = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <PartyUnit> ();
        newUnit.UnitPrefab       = Resources.Load("Characters/Hero") as GameObject;
        newUnit.MovementDistance = 4;
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Wizard/RadiantEnergy")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Wizard/CircuitBreak")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Wizard/StaticGrip")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.ListOfAbilities.Add(Instantiate(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/Wizard/FluxBlast")) as AbilityDescription);
        newUnit.Health         = 120;
        newUnit.UnitClass      = PlayerControlledBoardUnit.PlayerClass.Wizard;
        newUnit.currentLevel   = 1;
        newUnit.UnitTalentTree = Instantiate(Resources.Load <TalentTree> ("TalentTrees/WizardTree")) as TalentTree;

        List <EnemyUnitInfo> enemies  = new List <EnemyUnitInfo> ();
        EnemyUnitInfo        newEnemy = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <EnemyUnitInfo> ();

        newEnemy.UnitPrefab       = Resources.Load("EnemyUnitPrefabTest") as GameObject;
        newEnemy.MovementDistance = 3;
        newEnemy.Health           = 400;
        newEnemy.AIType           = CombatAIManager.AIType.Melee;
        newEnemy.ListOfAbilities.Add(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/EnemyAbilities/Bite"));
        newEnemy                  = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <EnemyUnitInfo> ();
        newEnemy.UnitPrefab       = Resources.Load("EnemyUnitPrefabTest") as GameObject;
        newEnemy.MovementDistance = 3;
        newEnemy.Health           = 400;
        newEnemy.AIType           = CombatAIManager.AIType.Melee;
        newEnemy.ListOfAbilities.Add(Resources.Load <AbilityDescription> ("Abilities/EnemyAbilities/Bite"));

        SetupCombat(0, CurrentParty, enemies);
Beispiel #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the unit based  on a PartyUnit
 /// </summary>
 public void Initialize(PartyUnit u)
     MoveDistance = u.MovementDistance;
     AbilityActivator.ListOfAbilities = u.ListOfAbilities;
     MaxHealth     = u.Health;
     CurrentHealth = u.Health;
     alive         = true;
     UnitClass     = u.UnitClass;
Beispiel #28
    bool VerifySingleUnitHire(PartyUnit selectedUnit)
        bool result = true;

        // this is actually not required, because
        // if number of units in city reaches maximum,
        // then hire unit button is disabled
        // but let it be, just in case
    // Initilization

    public void Initialize(PartyUnit unit)
        startPosition = transform.position;
        foreach (Hover h in GetComponentsInChildren <Hover>())
            h.platformManager = this;
Beispiel #30
    // Initilization
    public void Initilize(PartyUnit unit, Talent tal, int col, int ro)
        talent = tal;

        row    = ro;
        collum = col;
        meetsLevelRequirement = (unit.currentLevel >= row * 2);
