//Function called externally from LandTile.cs to initiate combat
    public void InitiateCombat(LandType combatLandType_, PartyGroup charactersInCombat_, EnemyEncounter encounter_)
        //Creating the event data that we'll pass to the TransitionFade through the EventManager
        EVTData transitionEvent = new EVTData();

        //Setting the transition to take 0.5 sec to fade out, stay on black for 1 sec, fade in for 0.5 sec, and call our initialize event to display the combat canvas
        transitionEvent.combatTransition = new CombatTransitionEVT(true, 0.5f, 1, 0.5f, this.combatInitializeEvent);
        //Invoking the transition event through the EventManager
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(CombatTransitionEVT.eventNum, transitionEvent);

        //Resetting all of the combat tiles to their default values

        //Setting the combat positions for the player characters and enemies based on their distances
        this.characterHandler.InitializeCharactersForCombat(charactersInCombat_, encounter_);

        //Resetting the combat UI and cameras

        //Setting the state to start increasing initiatives after a brief wait
        this.SetWaitTime(3, CombatState.IncreaseInitiative);

        //Looping through and copying the loot table from the encounter
        this.lootTable = new List <EncounterLoot>();
        foreach (EncounterLoot drop in encounter_.lootTable)
            EncounterLoot loot = new EncounterLoot();
            loot.lootItem        = drop.lootItem;
            loot.dropChance      = drop.dropChance;
            loot.stackSizeMinMax = drop.stackSizeMinMax;
Beispiel #2
    //Constructor function for this class
    public PartySaveData(PartyGroup groupToSave_)
        this.combatDist = groupToSave_.combatDistance;

        CreateTileGrid.TileColRow tileLocation = CreateTileGrid.globalReference.GetTileCoords(groupToSave_.GetComponent <WASDOverworldMovement>().currentTile);
        this.tileCol = tileLocation.col;
        this.tileRow = tileLocation.row;

        //Looping through all of the characters in the given party and getting their save data
        this.partyCharacters = new List <global::CharacterSaveData>();
        for (int c = 0; c < groupToSave_.charactersInParty.Count; ++c)
            //If the current character isn't null, we save it's data
            if (groupToSave_.charactersInParty[c] != null)
                CharacterSaveData charData = new CharacterSaveData(groupToSave_.charactersInParty[c]);
            //If the current character slot is null, we add the empty slot
Beispiel #3
 //Function called every frame
 private void Update()
     //If the selected party group is null, we set the reference to group 1 automatically
     if (this.selectedGroup == null)
         this.selectedGroup = PartyGroup.group1;
        protected virtual async Task MovePartyAsync(ITile newTile)
            if (!newTile.LayoutManager.WholeTileEmpty)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            await Task.WhenAll(PartyGroup.Select(ch => ch.MoveToAsync(ch.Location.GetNew(newTile))));
    //Constructor function for this class
    public PartySaveData(PartyGroup groupToSave_)
        this.combatDist = groupToSave_.combatDistance;

        TileColRow tileLocation = TileMapManager.globalReference.GetTileCoords(groupToSave_.GetComponent <WASDOverworldMovement>().currentTile);

        this.tileCol = tileLocation.col;
        this.tileRow = tileLocation.row;

        //Looping through all of the characters in the given party and getting their save data
        this.partyCharacters = new List <global::CharacterSaveData>();
        for (int c = 0; c < groupToSave_.charactersInParty.Count; ++c)
            //If the current character isn't null, we save it's data
            if (groupToSave_.charactersInParty[c] != null)
                CharacterSaveData charData = new CharacterSaveData(groupToSave_.charactersInParty[c]);
            //If the current character slot is null, we add the empty slot

        //Looping through all of the party inventory items to save their object references
        this.inventorySlots = new List <string>();
        this.stackedItems   = new List <string>();
        for (int i = 0; i < groupToSave_.inventory.itemSlots.Count; ++i)
            //Making sure the current inventory object isn't null
            if (groupToSave_.inventory.itemSlots[i] != null)
                //Reference to the item's IDTag component
                IDTag itemTag = groupToSave_.inventory.itemSlots[i].GetComponent <IDTag>();

                //Saving the IDTag info
                this.inventorySlots.Add(JsonUtility.ToJson(new PrefabIDTagData(itemTag)));

                //If the current item is a stack
                if (groupToSave_.inventory.itemSlots[i].currentStackSize > 1)
                    //Creating a new InventoryItemStackData class to store the item stack
                    InventoryItemStackData stack = new InventoryItemStackData(i, itemTag, groupToSave_.inventory.itemSlots[i].currentStackSize);
                    //Adding a serialized version of the stack data to our list of stacked items
            //If the current item is null, we set a null slot to keep the empty space
    //Function called externally from UI buttons to roll for tracking skills
    public void TrackingSkillCheck()
        //Telling the time panel how many hours will pass while tracking

        //Getting the reference to the tracking block of the tile that the player party is currently on
        List <EncounterBlock> trackingEncounters = PartyGroup.group1.GetComponent <WASDOverworldMovement>().currentTile.getTrackingEncounters();

        //Int to hold the highest skill roll
        int highestRoll = 0;

        //Looping through each player character in the party
        for (int pc = 0; pc < PartyGroup.group1.charactersInParty.Count; ++pc)
            //Making sure the current character slot isn't null
            if (PartyGroup.group1.charactersInParty[pc] != null)
                //Rolling to see what the current character's skill check is
                int skillCheck = PartyGroup.group1.charactersInParty[pc].charSkills.GetSkillLevelValueWithMod(SkillList.Survivalist);
                skillCheck += Random.Range(1, 100);

                //If the current skill check is higher than the current highest, this check becomes the new highest
                if (skillCheck > highestRoll)
                    highestRoll = skillCheck;

        //Looping through this tile's tracking encounter blocks to see what the highest success is
        int currentHighestIndex = -1;

        for (int t = 0; t < trackingEncounters.Count; ++t)
            //If the current encounter's skill check is less than or equal to the best roll
            if (trackingEncounters[t].skillCheck <= highestRoll)
                //If the current encounter's skill is higher than the current highest encounter's, it becomes the new highest
                if (currentHighestIndex < 0 || trackingEncounters[t].skillCheck > trackingEncounters[currentHighestIndex].skillCheck)
                    currentHighestIndex = t;

        //If the current highest index is greater than -1, the player has succeeded and we start an encounter
        if (currentHighestIndex > -1)
            //Getting the variables for the player party and tile to begin combat
            LandType   tileType    = PartyGroup.group1.GetComponent <WASDOverworldMovement>().currentTile.type;
            PartyGroup playerParty = PartyGroup.group1;
            //Telling the combat manager to start the fight
            CombatManager.globalReference.InitiateCombat(tileType, playerParty, trackingEncounters[currentHighestIndex].encounterEnemies);
        public override void Update(GameTime time)
            if (!Enabled)


            if (PartyGroup.Any() && PartyGroup.All(ch => !ch.Moving && ch.MapDirection != MapDirection))
                RotateParty(partyGroup.First().MapDirection, MapDirection);

            foreach (var champoin in PartyGroup)

            if (IsActive && Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && prevMouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released ||
                Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) && prevKeyboard.IsKeyUp(Keys.Enter))
                var tiles = new[] { Location.Tile }.Concat(Location.Tile.Neighbors
                                                           .Select(x => x.Item1))

                var matrix       = Matrix.Identity;
                var anyTriggered = false;
                foreach (var tile in tiles)
                    if (tile.Renderer.Interact(this, ref matrix, null))
                        anyTriggered = true;

                if (!anyTriggered && Hand != null && Leader != null)

            prevMouse    = Mouse.GetState();
            prevKeyboard = Keyboard.GetState();
    //Function called when this object is created
    private void Awake()
        //Initializing the character in party dictionary
        this.charactersInParty = new List <Character>();

        //Setting the static reference for this group
        if (PartyGroup.globalReference != null && PartyGroup.globalReference != this)
            PartyGroup.globalReference = this;
            this.inventory             = this.GetComponent <Inventory>();
Beispiel #9
    //Function called from AddObjectToThisTile to see if we should start a random encounter
    public void RollForRandomEncounter()
        //If we have no random encounters, this function does nothing
        if (this.randomEncounterList.Count < 1)

        //Rolling to see if we meet the encounter chance
        float encounterRoll = Random.Range(0.0f, 1f);

        if (encounterRoll < this.randomEncounterChance)
            //Rolling to see which encounter is spawned
            float whichEncounter = Random.Range(0.0f, 1f);

            //Looping through each encounter
            for (int e = 0; e < this.randomEncounterList.Count; ++e)
                //If we find one that has a greater spawn chance than our roll
                if (this.randomEncounterList[e].encounterChance >= whichEncounter)
                    //Looping through and finding the object on this tile that has the player party
                    PartyGroup playerParty = PartyGroup.group1;

                    //If we couldn't find the player party object for some reason, we stop the combat from happening
                    if (playerParty == null)

                    //Making sure there's not an encounter before the game even begins
                    if (TimePanelUI.globalReference == null || TimePanelUI.globalReference.daysTaken < 1)

                    //We tell the combat manager to initiate combat with this encounter
                    CombatManager.globalReference.InitiateCombat(this.type, playerParty, this.randomEncounterList[e].encounterEnemies);
                    //Now we exit out of this function so we don't try to keep spawning more encounters
Beispiel #10
    //Function called when this object is created
    private void Awake()
        //Initializing the character in party dictionary
        this.charactersInParty = new List <Character>();

        //Setting the static reference for this group
        if (PartyGroup.group1 != null && PartyGroup.group1 != this)
            PartyGroup.group1 = this;

        //If the character manager has already been initialized, we set this party group as the selected group
        if (CharacterManager.globalReference != null)
            CharacterManager.globalReference.selectedGroup = this;
    void Awake()
        _battleRaging = false;

        _party1 = PlayerPanel.GetComponent <PartyGroup>();
        //_party1SuccessSprite = PlayerPanel.GetComponentInChildren<SuccessSprite>(true);
        //_party1FailSprite = PlayerPanel.GetComponentInChildren<FailSprite>(true);

        _party2 = BossPanel.GetComponent <PartyGroup>();
        //_party2SuccessSprite = BossPanel.GetComponentInChildren<SuccessSprite>(true);
        //_party2FailSprite = BossPanel.GetComponentInChildren<FailSprite>(true);

        _timerPanel = TimerPanel.GetComponent <TimerPanel>();

        _resolutionPanel = GetComponentInChildren <ResolutionPanel>(true);
        _theBigButton    = GetComponentInChildren <TheBigButton>(true);
        _buttonNamePanel = GetComponentInChildren <ButtonNamePanel>(true);
        _getReadyPanel   = GetComponentInChildren <AttackGetReadyPanel>(true);
        _cannon          = GetComponentInChildren <ProjectileCannon>(true);

        _audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
    //Function called from CombatManager.InitiateCombat to load all player and enemy characters into combat
    public void InitializeCharactersForCombat(PartyGroup playerParty_, EnemyEncounter enemyParty_)
        //Resetting the character lists
        this.playerCharacters = new List <Character>();
        this.enemyCharacters  = new List <Character>();

        //Filling both lists with the player and enemy characters
        foreach (Character pc in playerParty_.charactersInParty)

        foreach (EncounterEnemy ec in enemyParty_.enemies)
            GameObject newEnemy = GameObject.Instantiate(ec.enemyCreature.gameObject);
            this.enemyCharacters.Add(newEnemy.GetComponent <Character>());

        //Spawning the character models, setting their locations, and assigning any starting combat buffs
        this.SetCharacterTilePositions(playerParty_.combatDistance, enemyParty_);
 //Public function called from the Character List UI in the Gameplay scene to set a new character to interpolate to
 public void ChangeGroupToFollow()
     this.groupToFollow = PartyGroup.globalReference;
 //Public function called from the Character List UI in the Gameplay scene to set a new character to interpolate to
 public void ChangeGroupToFollow()
     this.groupToFollow = CharacterManager.globalReference.selectedGroup;
Beispiel #15
 protected override bool CanMoveToTile(ITile tile) => PartyGroup.All(ch => !ch.Moving) && base.CanMoveToTile(tile) && tile.LayoutManager.WholeTileEmpty;
Beispiel #16
    //Function called from Movement.SetCurrentTile to indicate that an object is occupying this tile
    public void AddObjectToThisTile(GameObject objectToAdd_, bool rollForEncounter_ = true)
        //Making sure we aren't adding a character more than once
        if (!this.objectsOnThisTile.Contains(objectToAdd_))
            //If an enemy encounter is added to this tile
            if (objectToAdd_.GetComponent <EnemyEncounter>())
                //Looping through all of the objects on this tile to see if a player party is on it
                foreach (GameObject currentObj in this.objectsOnThisTile)
                    //If the current object is a player party
                    if (currentObj.GetComponent <PartyGroup>())
                        //Initiating combat with the first group of characters found.
                        //NOTE: Even if multiple parties are on the same tile, they're still considered as separated, so only 1 group at a time
                        PartyGroup     playerGroupOnTile = currentObj.GetComponent <PartyGroup>();
                        EnemyEncounter newEncounter      = objectToAdd_.GetComponent <EnemyEncounter>();
                        CombatManager.globalReference.InitiateCombat(this.type, playerGroupOnTile, newEncounter);

                        //After combat is initiated, the enemy encounter is destroyed before it is added to this tile
                        CharacterManager.globalReference.tileEnemyEncounters.Remove(objectToAdd_.GetComponent <EnemyEncounter>());
                        //Breaking out of the function before multiple combats start at once

                //If there weren't any party groups on this tile, the enemy encounter is added
            //If a Party Group is added to this tile
            else if (objectToAdd_.GetComponent <PartyGroup>())
                //The player group is added

                //Looping through all of the objects on this tile to see if an enemy encounter is on it
                foreach (GameObject currentObj in this.objectsOnThisTile)
                    //If the current object is an enemy encounter
                    if (currentObj.GetComponent <EnemyEncounter>())
                        //Initiating combat with the first group of characters found.
                        //NOTE: Even if multiple parties are on the same tile, they're still considered as separated, so only 1 group at a time
                        PartyGroup     playerGroupOnTile = objectToAdd_.GetComponent <PartyGroup>();
                        EnemyEncounter newEncounter      = currentObj.GetComponent <EnemyEncounter>();
                        CombatManager.globalReference.InitiateCombat(this.type, playerGroupOnTile, newEncounter);

                        //After combat is initiated, the enemy encounter is destroyed and we break out of the loop before multiple combats start at once

                //If we made it this far, there wasn't an enemy encounter on the tile, so we need to check for an encounter
                if (rollForEncounter_)
                    //Looping through all objects on this tile to look for locations
                    bool locationFound = false;
                    foreach (GameObject o in this.objectsOnThisTile)
                        //If this object is a location, we break out of this loop
                        if (o.GetComponent <MapLocation>())
                            locationFound = true;

                    //If there isn't a location on this tile we can roll for encounters. If there is, no random encounter
                    if (!locationFound)
    private float ApplyDamage(float currentHealth, float startHealth, float minimumDamage, float maximumDamage, float critPercent, PartyGroup partyAttack, PartyGroup partyDefend, bool bSelfDamage)
        //Get a random damage value from within the specific player attack range
        float damage = Mathf.FloorToInt(UnityEngine.Random.Range(

        //Determine if it's a crit.
        bool bCrit = false;

        //Can't crit yourself. That's just mean.
        if (!bSelfDamage)
            bCrit = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) < critPercent;
            if (bCrit)
                damage *= 2.0f;

        float newHealth = currentHealth;

        if (damage >= currentHealth)
            damage    = currentHealth;
            newHealth = 0;
            newHealth -= damage;

        _attackStats = new AttackStats()
            currentHealth = currentHealth,
            damage        = damage,
            newHealth     = newHealth,
            startHealth   = startHealth,
            bCrit         = bCrit,
            bSelfDamage   = bSelfDamage,
            partyAttack   = partyAttack,
            partyDefend   = partyDefend

        if (!bSelfDamage)
            //Do a big fancy attack animation
            partyAttack.MakeAttack(_attackStats, PressButtonNotification);

            /*partyAttack.MakeAttack(bCrit, () =>
             * {
             *  partyDefend.TakeDamage(
             *      damage,
             *      newHealth,
             *      startHealth,
             *      bCrit,
             *      bSelfDamage
             *      );
             * }, PressButtonNotification);*/
            //Damage thyself without a big attack animationa

    //Function called from the character manager when this character is added to the player party
    public void SetCombatPosition()
        //Getting the PartyGroup that this character is in
        PartyGroup ourGroup = null;

        if (PartyGroup.group1 != null && PartyGroup.group1.charactersInParty.Contains(this.GetComponent <Character>()))
            ourGroup = PartyGroup.group1;
        //If no party group contains this character, nothing happens

        //Looping through each character in the player party to see if any of the combat positions overlap
        bool isOverlapping = false;

        foreach (Character partyChar in ourGroup.charactersInParty)
            //Making sure the character we're checking isn't an empty slot or this character
            if (partyChar != null && partyChar.charCombatStats != this)
                //If the current party character has the same row and column positions as us
                if (partyChar.charCombatStats.startingPositionCol == this.startingPositionCol && partyChar.charCombatStats.startingPositionRow == this.startingPositionRow)
                    //Marking that there's overlapping positions and breaking this loop
                    isOverlapping = true;

        //If we make it through the first loop and there's no overlapping, we're done
        if (!isOverlapping)

        //Looping throuch each of the combat positions characters can be in
        for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c)
            for (int r = 0; r < 8; ++r)
                //Bool that tracks if the current position is empty
                bool emptyPos = true;

                //Looping through each character in the player party
                foreach (Character currentChar in ourGroup.charactersInParty)
                    //Making sure the character we're checking isn't an empty slot in the party and also isn't this character
                    if (currentChar != null && currentChar.charCombatStats != this)
                        //If the current character is in the same position as this character, we break out of this loop and go to the next tile
                        if (currentChar.charCombatStats.startingPositionRow == r && currentChar.charCombatStats.startingPositionCol == c)
                            //Marking this tile as not empty and breaking the loop
                            emptyPos = false;

                //If we make it through all of the characters without finding someone else in this character's position
                if (emptyPos)
                    //We set this character to the current row and column, then end this function
                    this.startingPositionCol = c;
                    this.startingPositionRow = r;
    //Coroutine called from LoadPlayerProgress to load in the progress over time
    IEnumerator LoadProgressCoroutine(string folderName_)
        //If the folder directory doesn't exist
        if (!Directory.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + folderName_))
            //We throw an exception because the folder that's supposed to hold the TileGrid.txt file doesn't exist
            throw new System.ArgumentException("SaveLoadManager.LoadPlayerProgress, The folder directory given does not exist!");
        //If the folder exists but the file doesn't
        else if (!File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + folderName_ + "/" + this.defaultProgressFileName))
            //We throw an exception because the file that we're supposed to load doesn't exist
            throw new System.ArgumentException("SaveLoadManager.LoadPlayerProgress, The PlayerProgress.txt file for this save does not exist!");

        //Sending out an event to turn on the loading bar
        EVTData loadEVTData = new EVTData();

        loadEVTData.loadData = new LoadDataEVT(true, 7);
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(LoadDataEVT.eventNum, loadEVTData);
        loadEVTData.loadData.startingLoad = false;

        //Getting all of the string data from the TileGrid.txt file
        string fileData = File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + folderName_ + "/" + this.defaultProgressFileName);

        //De-serializing the player progress from the text file
        PlayerProgress loadedProgress = JsonUtility.FromJson(fileData, typeof(PlayerProgress)) as PlayerProgress;

        //Setting the GameData.cs variables
        GameData.globalReference.currentDifficulty   = loadedProgress.difficulty;
        GameData.globalReference.allowNewUnlockables = loadedProgress.allowNewUnlockables;
        GameData.globalReference.saveFolder          = loadedProgress.folderName;
        Random.state = loadedProgress.randState;

        //Setting the CreateTileGrid.cs variables
        TileMapManager.globalReference.cols = loadedProgress.gridCols;
        TileMapManager.globalReference.rows = loadedProgress.gridRows;

        //Updating the loading bar
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(LoadDataEVT.eventNum, loadEVTData);//1

        //Setting the HUDChallengeRampUpTimer.cs variables
        HUDChallengeRampUpTimer.globalReference.currentDifficulty = loadedProgress.currentDifficulty;
        HUDChallengeRampUpTimer.globalReference.currentTimer      = loadedProgress.currentDifficultyTimer;

        //Updating the loading bar
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(LoadDataEVT.eventNum, loadEVTData);//2

        //Setting the LevelUpManager.cs variable
        LevelUpManager.globalReference.characterLevel = loadedProgress.characterLevel;

        //Updating the loading bar
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(LoadDataEVT.eventNum, loadEVTData);//3

        //Setting the PartyGroup.cs static references
        if (loadedProgress.partyGroup1 != null)
            //Creating a new PartyGroup instance
            GameObject newPartyObj = GameObject.Instantiate(TileMapManager.globalReference.partyGroupPrefab);
            PartyGroup partyGroup1 = newPartyObj.GetComponent <PartyGroup>();

            //Setting the party variables
            partyGroup1.combatDistance = loadedProgress.partyGroup1.combatDist;

            //Looping through all of the character save data for this party group
            partyGroup1.charactersInParty = new List <Character>();
            for (int c = 0; c < loadedProgress.partyGroup1.partyCharacters.Count; ++c)
                //If the current character index isn't null, we make a new character instance
                if (loadedProgress.partyGroup1.partyCharacters[c] != null)
                    //Creating a new character instance
                    GameObject newCharacterObj = GameObject.Instantiate(TileMapManager.globalReference.defaultCharacterRef.gameObject);
                    Character  newCharacter    = newCharacterObj.GetComponent <Character>();

                    //Adding the new character to our new party group

                    //Passing the character save data to the character instance to set all of the component variables
                //If the current character index is null, we leave the gap in the list

            //Updating the loading bar
            EventManager.TriggerEvent(LoadDataEVT.eventNum, loadEVTData);//4

            //Getting the tile grid location of the player group and getting the tile connections
            TileInfo partyLocation = TileMapManager.globalReference.tileGrid[loadedProgress.partyGroup1.tileCol][loadedProgress.partyGroup1.tileRow];
            partyLocation.connectedTiles = new List <TileInfo>()
                null, null, null, null, null, null
            for (int coord = 0; coord < partyLocation.connectedTileCoordinates.Count; ++coord)
                int col = partyLocation.connectedTileCoordinates[coord].col;
                int row = partyLocation.connectedTileCoordinates[coord].row;
                partyLocation.connectedTiles[coord] = TileMapManager.globalReference.tileGrid[col][row];
            partyGroup1.GetComponent <WASDOverworldMovement>().SetCurrentTile(partyLocation);

            //Setting the static party group reference
            PartyGroup.globalReference = partyGroup1;

            //Updating the loading bar
            EventManager.TriggerEvent(LoadDataEVT.eventNum, loadEVTData);//5

        //Setting the dead characters from CharacterManager.cs
        CharacterManager.globalReference.deadCharacters = loadedProgress.deadCharacters;

        //Setting the quest log for QuestTracker.cs

        //Updating the loading bar
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(LoadDataEVT.eventNum, loadEVTData);//6

        //Setting the enemy encounters on the tile grid for CharacterManager.cs
        for (int e = 0; e < loadedProgress.enemyTileEncounters.Count; ++e)
            //Getting the encounter reference
            EnemyEncounter encounterPrefab = loadedProgress.enemyTileEncounters[e].encounterPrefab.GetComponent <EnemyEncounter>();
            //Getting the enemy's tile position
            TileInfo enemyTile = TileMapManager.globalReference.tileGrid[loadedProgress.enemyTileEncounters[e].encounterTileCol][loadedProgress.enemyTileEncounters[e].encounterTileRow];
            //Telling the character manager to instantiate the prefab
            CharacterManager.globalReference.CreateEnemyEncounter(encounterPrefab, enemyTile);

        //Updating the loading bar
        EventManager.TriggerEvent(LoadDataEVT.eventNum, loadEVTData);//7

        yield return(null);
Beispiel #20
        internal void AddGroupMember(string v)
            var grp = new PartyGroup(v);

            GroupMembers.Add(grp as PartyGroup);
Beispiel #21
        protected override void Init()
            Size = new Vector2 {
                X = 843, Y = 630

            var actions = new Action[]
                () => Data.TryAdd(SectionName.Header, Header.Create()),
                () => Data.TryAdd(SectionName.Footer, Footer.Create()),
                () => Data.TryAdd(SectionName.Clock, Clock.Create()),
                () => Data.TryAdd(SectionName.PartyGroup, PartyGroup.Create(Party.Create(), NonParty.Create())),
                () => {
                    var keys = new[] {

                    var values = new[] {

                    if (keys.Distinct().Count() == keys.Length && values.Length == keys.Length)
                        Data.TryAdd(SectionName.SideMenu, SideMenu.Create((from i in Enumerable.Range(0, keys.Length)
                                                                           select i).ToDictionary(x => keys[x], x => values[x])));
                        Data.TryAdd(SectionName.SideMenu, null);

            Func <bool> sideMenuInputs = null;

            if (Data[SectionName.SideMenu] != null)
                sideMenuInputs = Data[SectionName.SideMenu].Inputs;
            InputDict = new Dictionary <Mode, Func <bool> >
                { Mode.ChooseItem, sideMenuInputs },
                { Mode.ChooseChar, Data[SectionName.PartyGroup].Inputs },