Beispiel #1
 private static void ScaleSystem(ParticleSystem particles, float scale, bool scalePosition, ParticleScalerOptions options = null)
     if (options == null)
         options = ParticleScaler.defaultOptions;
     if (scalePosition)
         particles.transform.localPosition *= scale;
     ParticleSystem.MainModule main = particles.main;
     main.startSizeMultiplier       *= scale;
     main.gravityModifierMultiplier *= scale;
     main.startSpeedMultiplier      *= scale;
Beispiel #2
 public static void Scale(ParticleSystem particles, float scale, bool includeChildren = true, ParticleScalerOptions options = null)
     ParticleScaler.ScaleSystem(particles, scale, false, options);
     if (includeChildren)
         ParticleSystem[] componentsInChildren = particles.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>();
         int num = componentsInChildren.Length;
         while (num-- > 0)
             if (!(componentsInChildren[num] == particles))
                 ParticleScaler.ScaleSystem(componentsInChildren[num], scale, true, options);
Beispiel #3
    private static void ScaleSystem(ParticleSystem particles, float scale, bool scalePosition, ParticleScalerOptions options = null)
        if (options == null)
            options = defaultOptions;
        if (scalePosition)
            particles.transform.localPosition *= scale;

        particles.startSize       *= scale;
        particles.gravityModifier *= scale;
        particles.startSpeed      *= scale;

        if (options.shape)
            var shape = particles.shape;
            shape.radius *= scale;
       = * scale;

        /* Currently disabled due to a bug in Unity 5.3.4.
         * If any of these fields are using "Curves", the editor will shut down when they are modified.
         * If you're not using any curves, feel free to uncomment the following lines;
        if (options.velocity)
            var vel = particles.velocityOverLifetime;
            vel.x = ScaleMinMaxCurve(vel.x, scale);
            vel.y = ScaleMinMaxCurve(vel.y, scale);
            vel.z = ScaleMinMaxCurve(vel.z, scale);

        if (options.clampVelocity)
            var clampVel = particles.limitVelocityOverLifetime;
            clampVel.limitX = ScaleMinMaxCurve(clampVel.limitX, scale);
            clampVel.limitY = ScaleMinMaxCurve(clampVel.limitY, scale);
            clampVel.limitZ = ScaleMinMaxCurve(clampVel.limitZ, scale);

        if (options.force)
            var force = particles.forceOverLifetime;
            force.x = ScaleMinMaxCurve(force.x, scale);
            force.y = ScaleMinMaxCurve(force.y, scale);
            force.z = ScaleMinMaxCurve(force.z, scale);
Beispiel #4
 static public void Scale(ParticleSystem particles, float scale, bool includeChildren = true, ParticleScalerOptions options = null)
     ScaleSystem(particles, scale, false, options);
     if (includeChildren)
         var children = particles.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>();
         for (var i = children.Length; i-- > 0;)
             if (children[i] == particles)
             ScaleSystem(children[i], scale, true, options);
Beispiel #5
    static public void ScaleSystem(GameObject root, float scale, bool includeChildren = true, ParticleScalerOptions options = null)
        var children = root.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>();

        for (var i = children.Length; i-- > 0;)
            ScaleSystem(children[i], scale, true, options);
Beispiel #6
    private static void ScaleSystem(ParticleSystem particles, float scale, bool scalePosition, ParticleScalerOptions options = null)
        if (options == null)
            options = defaultOptions;

        var id        = particles.GetInstanceID();
        var initScale = PopulateDict(particles);

        particles.startSize       = initScale.startSize * Mathf.Abs(scale);
        particles.gravityModifier = initScale.gravity * Mathf.Abs(scale);
        particles.startSpeed      = initScale.startSpeed * Mathf.Abs(scale);

        var shape = particles.shape;

        shape.radius = initScale.radius * Mathf.Abs(scale);
        shape.scale  = * Mathf.Abs(scale);
        if (!particles.velocityOverLifetime.enabled && !particles.forceOverLifetime.enabled && !particles.limitVelocityOverLifetime.enabled)
            ScaleByTransform(particles, scale);
            particles.transform.localPosition = initScale.localPosition * scale;

        if (options.velocity)
            var vel = particles.velocityOverLifetime;
            var x   = initScale.velocity[0];
            var y   = initScale.velocity[1];
            var z   = initScale.velocity[2];

            vel.x = ScaleMinMaxCurve2(x, scale);
            vel.y = ScaleMinMaxCurve2(y, scale);
            vel.z = ScaleMinMaxCurve2(z, scale);

        if (options.clampVelocity)
            var clampVel = particles.limitVelocityOverLifetime;
            var x        = initScale.limitVelocity[0];
            var y        = initScale.limitVelocity[1];
            var z        = initScale.limitVelocity[2];
            clampVel.limitX = ScaleMinMaxCurve2(x, scale);
            clampVel.limitY = ScaleMinMaxCurve2(y, scale);
            clampVel.limitZ = ScaleMinMaxCurve2(z, scale);

        if (options.force)
            var force = particles.forceOverLifetime;
            var x     = initScale.force[0];
            var y     = initScale.force[1];
            var z     = initScale.force[2];
            force.x = ScaleMinMaxCurve2(x, scale);
            force.y = ScaleMinMaxCurve2(y, scale);
            force.z = ScaleMinMaxCurve2(z, scale);