Beispiel #1
        public DetalhesPartida(MatchDto matchDto, string invocadorId)
            ParticipantIdentityDto participantIdentity = matchDto.participantIdentities.Where(a => a.player.accountId == invocadorId).FirstOrDefault();

            jogador        = participantIdentity.participantId;
            participantDto = matchDto.participants.Where(a => a.participantId == jogador).FirstOrDefault();

            vitoria      =;
            abates       = participantDto.stats.kills;
            mortes       = participantDto.stats.deaths;
            assistencias = participantDto.stats.assists;

            feitico1 = participantDto.spell1Id;
            feitico2 = participantDto.spell2Id;

            doubleKills = participantDto.stats.doubleKills;
            tripleKills = participantDto.stats.tripleKills;
            quadraKills = participantDto.stats.quadraKills;
            pentaKills  = participantDto.stats.pentaKills;

            ouroObtido           = participantDto.stats.goldEarned;
            totalMinionsFarmados = participantDto.stats.totalMinionsKilled;
            totalDanoToChampions = participantDto.stats.totalDamageDealtToChampions;
            totalWards           = participantDto.stats.wardsPlaced;

            item0 = participantDto.stats.item0;
            item1 = participantDto.stats.item1;
            item2 = participantDto.stats.item2;
            item3 = participantDto.stats.item3;
            item4 = participantDto.stats.item4;
            item5 = participantDto.stats.item5;
            item6 = participantDto.stats.item6;
        public async Task <GameResponse> Post()
            List <Request> requests      = new List <Request>();
            List <Game>    gamesToReturn = new List <Game>();
            GameResponse   gameResponse  = new GameResponse
                StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                ErrorMessage = "",
                Games        = gamesToReturn

            __req = await GetHelper.ReadFromBody <Request>(Request.Body);

            __req.ApiKey = GetApiKey();

            if (__req.ApiKey == null)
                // Handle non-existent API-Key
                gameResponse.StatusCode   = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
                gameResponse.ErrorMessage = "No API key provided";


            GetHelper getHelper = new GetHelper(__req.Region.ToLower(), __req.ApiKey);

            // Using

             * (1) Get {encryptedAccountId}
            //TODO: Move these gets into a helper class and have them return an HttpGetRespone
            HttpGetResponse summonerGet = await getHelper.GetAsyncFromRiotApi <SummonerDTO>("" + __req.SummonerName);

            if (summonerGet.Ex != null)
                return(GetHelper.HandleBadRequest(summonerGet.Ex, GetRequest.Summoner));
            __summoner = summonerGet.Value as SummonerDTO;

             * (2) Use that information to get the match-lists
            HttpGetResponse matchesGet = await getHelper.GetAsyncFromRiotApi <MatchlistDto>("" + __summoner.AccountId,
                                                                                            new List <Filter>
                new Filter
                    PropertyName = "endIndex",
                    Value        = "10"

            if (matchesGet.Ex != null)
                return(GetHelper.HandleBadRequest(matchesGet.Ex, GetRequest.Matches));
            __matches = matchesGet.Value as MatchlistDto;

            // Get Queue.json data - TODO: Maybe only need to do this one time
            HttpGetResponse versionsGet = await GetHelper.GetAsync <List <string> >("");

            if (versionsGet.Ex != null)
                return(GetHelper.HandleBadRequest(versionsGet.Ex, GetRequest.Versions));
            __version = (versionsGet.Value as List <string>).First();

            // Get Champs data - TODO: Maybe only need to do this one time
            HttpGetResponse championsGet = await GetHelper.GetAsync <ChampionsJson>("" + __version + "/data/en_US/champion.json");

            if (championsGet.Ex != null)
                return(GetHelper.HandleBadRequest(championsGet.Ex, GetRequest.Champions));
            __champsJson = (championsGet.Value as ChampionsJson);

            foreach (MatchReferenceDto matchRef in __matches.Matches)
                 * Player stats:
                 *  - 1) Win/Loss = matchId -> MatchDto get request -> get index in partipiantIndentities -> get ParticipantDto from participants via the participantId + 1 ->
                 *       get ParticipantStatsDto -> get win boolean value
                 *  2) Queue type = Queue from MatchRferenceDto -> (TODO: map to the queue json)
                 *  3) Date - get timestamp long from MatchReferenceDto.cs and compare it to epoch in order to get date
                 *  4) ChampionName - for now just return return champion int from MatchReferenceDto (TODO: Also return the image eventually)
                 *  5) ChampionImage - The href link
                 *  6) GameLength - natchId -> MatchDto get request -> gameDuration
                 *  7) Kills
                 *  8) Deaths
                 *  9) Assists
                 *  TODO:
                 *  1) Items built (w/ icons)
                 *  Player card:
                 *  1) Overall KDA
                 *  2) Summoner Level
                 *  3) Win rate
                 *  4) Profile icon
                 *  5) Custom report card rating
                Game            currGame = new Game();
                MatchDto        match    = new MatchDto();
                HttpGetResponse matchGet = await getHelper.GetAsyncFromRiotApi <MatchDto>("" + matchRef.GameId);

                if (matchGet.Ex != null)
                    return(GetHelper.HandleBadRequest(matchGet.Ex, GetRequest.Match));
                match = matchGet.Value as MatchDto;

                ParticipantIdentityDto participantId = match.ParticipantIdentities.Find(IsSummonerMatch);
                ParticipantDto         participant   = match.Participants[participantId.ParticipantId - 1];

                if (participant.Stats.Win) // (1) Result
                    currGame.Result = "Win";
                    currGame.Result = "Loss";

                // TODO: Maybe actually map to http://
                currGame.QueueType = GetQueueStringMapping(matchRef.Queue); // (2) QueueType

                long timeStamp = matchRef.Timestamp;
                currGame.Date = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddMilliseconds(timeStamp - 86400000).ToShortDateString(); // (3) Date

                __currentChampId = matchRef.Champion;
                Tuple <string, string> champTuple = GetChampMappings();
                currGame.ChampionName  = champTuple.Item1;            // (4) ChampionName
                currGame.ChampionImage = champTuple.Item2;            // (5) ChampionImage

                currGame.GameLength = (int)(match.GameDuration / 60); // (6) GameLength

                currGame.Kills   = participant.Stats.Kills;           // (7) Kills
                __totalKills    += currGame.Kills;
                currGame.Deaths  = participant.Stats.Deaths;          // (8) Deaths
                __totalDeaths   += currGame.Deaths;
                currGame.Assists = participant.Stats.Assists;         // (9) Assists
                __totalAssists  += currGame.Assists;

                gamesToReturn.Add(currGame); // Woohoo

            double kda     = (__totalKills + __totalAssists) / (__totalDeaths * 1.0);
            double winRate = (double)__totalWins / gameResponse.Games.Count() * 100;

            gameResponse.CardStats = GetSummonerCardInfo(kda, winRate);

 // <summary>
 /// Match delegate between ParticipantDto and ParticipantIdentityDto
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private bool IsSummonerMatch(ParticipantIdentityDto p)
     return(p.Player.AccountId == __summoner.AccountId);