public void Can_Where_using_constant_filter()
            object left  = null;
            var    right = new PartialSqlString("null");

            System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <TestType, bool> > filter = x => left == right;
            var q      = Db.From <TestType>().Where(filter);//todo: here Where: null is NULL. May be need to change to 1=1 ?
            var target = Db.Select(q);

            Assert.That(target.Count, Is.EqualTo(4));
 protected override string SubstringStatement(PartialSqlString columnName, int startIndex, int length)
     if (length >= 0)
         return(string.Format("substring({0} FROM {1} FOR {2})", columnName, CreateParam(startIndex), CreateParam(length)));
         return(string.Format("substring({0} FROM {1})", columnName, CreateParam(startIndex)));
Beispiel #3
 protected override string SubstringStatement(PartialSqlString columnName, int startIndex, int length)
     // Substring function doesn't work with parameters
     if (length >= 0)
         return(string.Format("substring({0} FROM {1} FOR {2})", columnName, startIndex, length));
         return(string.Format("substring({0} FROM {1})", columnName, startIndex));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>Visit binary.</summary>
        /// <param name="b">The BinaryExpression to process.</param>
        /// <returns>An object.</returns>
        protected override object VisitBinary(BinaryExpression b)
            object left, right;
            var    operand = BindOperant(b.NodeType); //sep= " " ??

            if (operand == "AND" || operand == "OR")
                var m = b.Left as MemberExpression;
                if (m != null && m.Expression != null &&
                    m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter)
                    left = new PartialSqlString(string.Format("{0}={1}", VisitMemberAccess(m), GetQuotedTrueValue()));
                    left = Visit(b.Left);

                m = b.Right as MemberExpression;
                if (m != null && m.Expression != null &&
                    m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter)
                    right = new PartialSqlString(string.Format("{0}={1}", VisitMemberAccess(m), GetQuotedTrueValue()));
                    right = Visit(b.Right);

                if (left as PartialSqlString == null && right as PartialSqlString == null)
                    var result = Expression.Lambda(b).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
                    return(new PartialSqlString(OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.GetQuotedValue(result, result.GetType())));

                if (left as PartialSqlString == null)
                    left = ((bool)left) ? GetTrueExpression() : GetFalseExpression();
                if (right as PartialSqlString == null)
                    right = ((bool)right) ? GetTrueExpression() : GetFalseExpression();
                left  = Visit(b.Left);
                right = Visit(b.Right);

                if (left as EnumMemberAccess != null)
                    var enumType = ((EnumMemberAccess)left).EnumType;

                    //enum value was returned by Visit(b.Right)
                    long numvericVal;
                    if (Int64.TryParse(right.ToString(), out numvericVal))
                        right = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.GetQuotedValue(Enum.ToObject(enumType, numvericVal).ToString(),
                        right = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.GetQuotedValue(right, right.GetType());
                else if (right as EnumMemberAccess != null)
                    var enumType = ((EnumMemberAccess)right).EnumType;

                    //enum value was returned by Visit(b.Left)
                    long numvericVal;
                    if (Int64.TryParse(left.ToString(), out numvericVal))
                        left = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.GetQuotedValue(Enum.ToObject(enumType, numvericVal).ToString(),
                        left = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.GetQuotedValue(left, left.GetType());
                else if (left as PartialSqlString == null && right as PartialSqlString == null)
                    var result = Expression.Lambda(b).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
                else if (left as PartialSqlString == null)
                    left = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.GetQuotedValue(left, left != null ? left.GetType() : null);
                else if (right as PartialSqlString == null)
                    right = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.GetQuotedValue(right, right != null ? right.GetType() : null);

            if (operand == "=" && right.ToString() == "null")
                operand = "is";
            else if (operand == "<>" && right.ToString() == "null")
                operand = "is not";
            else if (operand == "=" || operand == "<>")
                if (IsTrueExpression(right))
                    right = GetQuotedTrueValue();
                else if (IsFalseExpression(right))
                    right = GetQuotedFalseValue();

                if (IsTrueExpression(left))
                    left = GetQuotedTrueValue();
                else if (IsFalseExpression(left))
                    left = GetQuotedFalseValue();

            switch (operand)
            case "MOD":
            case "COALESCE":
                return(new PartialSqlString(string.Format("{0}({1},{2})", operand, left, right)));

                return(new PartialSqlString("(" + left + Sep + operand + Sep + right + ")"));
Beispiel #5
        protected override object VisitBinary(BinaryExpression b)
            object left, right;
            var    operand = BindOperant(b.NodeType); //sep= " " ??

            if (operand == "AND" || operand == "OR")
                var m = b.Left as MemberExpression;
                if (m != null && m.Expression != null &&
                    m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter)
                    left = new PartialSqlString(string.Format("{0}={1}", VisitMemberAccess(m), GetQuotedTrueValue()));
                    left = Visit(b.Left);

                m = b.Right as MemberExpression;
                if (m != null && m.Expression != null &&
                    m.Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter)
                    right = new PartialSqlString(string.Format("{0}={1}", VisitMemberAccess(m), GetQuotedTrueValue()));
                    right = Visit(b.Right);

                if (left as PartialSqlString == null && right as PartialSqlString == null)
                    var result = Expression.Lambda(b).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
                    return(new PartialSqlString(base.DialectProvider.GetQuotedValue(result, result.GetType())));

                if (left as PartialSqlString == null)
                    left = ((bool)left) ? GetTrueExpression() : GetFalseExpression();
                if (right as PartialSqlString == null)
                    right = ((bool)right) ? GetTrueExpression() : GetFalseExpression();
                left  = Visit(b.Left);
                right = Visit(b.Right);

                var leftEnum  = left as EnumMemberAccess;
                var rightEnum = right as EnumMemberAccess;

                var rightNeedsCoercing = leftEnum != null && rightEnum == null;
                var leftNeedsCoercing  = rightEnum != null && leftEnum == null;

                if (rightNeedsCoercing)
                    var rightPartialSql = right as PartialSqlString;
                    if (rightPartialSql == null)
                        right = GetValue(right, leftEnum.EnumType);
                else if (leftNeedsCoercing)
                    var leftPartialSql = left as PartialSqlString;
                    if (leftPartialSql == null)
                        left = DialectProvider.GetQuotedValue(left, rightEnum.EnumType);
                else if (left as PartialSqlString == null && right as PartialSqlString == null)
                    var result = Expression.Lambda(b).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
                else if (left as PartialSqlString == null)
                    left = DialectProvider.GetQuotedValue(left, left != null ? left.GetType() : null);
                else if (right as PartialSqlString == null)
                    right = GetValue(right, right != null ? right.GetType() : null);

            if (operand == "=" && right.ToString().EqualsIgnoreCase("null"))
                operand = "is";
            else if (operand == "<>" && right.ToString().EqualsIgnoreCase("null"))
                operand = "is not";
            else if (operand == "=" || operand == "<>")
                if (IsTrueExpression(right))
                    right = GetQuotedTrueValue();
                else if (IsFalseExpression(right))
                    right = GetQuotedFalseValue();

                if (IsTrueExpression(left))
                    left = GetQuotedTrueValue();
                else if (IsFalseExpression(left))
                    left = GetQuotedFalseValue();

            switch (operand)
            case "MOD":
            case "COALESCE":
                return(new PartialSqlString(string.Format("{0}({1},{2})", operand, left, right)));

                return(new PartialSqlString("(" + left + Sep + operand + Sep + right + ")"));
Beispiel #6
 protected override string TrimStatement(PartialSqlString expression)
     return(string.Format("ltrim(rtrim({0}))", expression));
        public void Can_Where_using_constant_filter()
            object left = null;
            var right = new PartialSqlString("null");

            System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<TestType, bool>> filter = x => left == right;
            var q = Db.From<TestType>().Where(filter);//todo: here Where: null is NULL. May be need to change to 1=1 ?
            var target = Db.Select(q);
            Assert.That(target.Count, Is.EqualTo(4));
Beispiel #8
        protected virtual object VisitBinary(BinaryExpression b)
            object originalLeft = null, originalRight = null, left, right;
            var    operand = BindOperant(b.NodeType); //sep= " " ??

            if (operand == "AND" || operand == "OR")
                if (IsBooleanComparison(b.Left))
                    left = VisitMemberAccess((MemberExpression)b.Left);
                    if (left is PartialSqlString)
                        left = new PartialSqlString($"{left}={GetQuotedTrueValue()}");
                    left = Visit(b.Left);

                if (IsBooleanComparison(b.Right))
                    right = VisitMemberAccess((MemberExpression)b.Right);
                    if (right is PartialSqlString)
                        right = new PartialSqlString($"{right}={GetQuotedTrueValue()}");
                    right = Visit(b.Right);

                if (!(left is PartialSqlString) && !(right is PartialSqlString))
                    var result = PreEvaluateBinary(b, left, right);

                if (!(left is PartialSqlString))
                    left = ((bool)left) ? GetTrueExpression() : GetFalseExpression();
                if (!(right is PartialSqlString))
                    right = ((bool)right) ? GetTrueExpression() : GetFalseExpression();
            else if ((operand == "=" || operand == "<>") && b.Left is MethodCallExpression && ((MethodCallExpression)b.Left).Method.Name == "CompareString")
                //Handle VB.NET converting (x => x.Name == "Foo") into (x => CompareString(x.Name, "Foo", False)
                var methodExpr = (MethodCallExpression)b.Left;
                var args       = this.VisitExpressionList(methodExpr.Arguments);
                right = GetValue(args[1], typeof(string));
                ConvertToPlaceholderAndParameter(ref right);
                return(new PartialSqlString($"({args[0]} {operand} {right})"));
                originalLeft  = left = Visit(b.Left);
                originalRight = right = Visit(b.Right);

                // Handle "expr = true/false", including with the constant on the left

                if (operand == "=" || operand == "<>")
                    if (left is bool)
                        Swap(ref left, ref right); // Should be safe to swap for equality/inequality checks

                    if (right is bool && !IsFieldName(left)) // Don't change anything when "expr" is a column name - then we really want "ColName = 1"
                        if (operand == "=")
                            return((bool)right ? left : GetNotValue(left)); // "expr == true" becomes "expr", "expr == false" becomes "not (expr)"
                        if (operand == "<>")
                            return((bool)right ? GetNotValue(left) : left); // "expr != true" becomes "not (expr)", "expr != false" becomes "expr"

                var leftEnum  = left as EnumMemberAccess;
                var rightEnum = right as EnumMemberAccess;

                var rightNeedsCoercing = leftEnum != null && rightEnum == null;
                var leftNeedsCoercing  = rightEnum != null && leftEnum == null;

                if (rightNeedsCoercing)
                    var rightPartialSql = right as PartialSqlString;
                    if (rightPartialSql == null)
                        right = GetValue(right, leftEnum.EnumType);
                else if (leftNeedsCoercing)
                    var leftPartialSql = left as PartialSqlString;
                    if (leftPartialSql == null)
                        left = GetQuotedValue(left, rightEnum.EnumType);
                else if (!(left is PartialSqlString) && !(right is PartialSqlString))
                    var evaluatedValue = PreEvaluateBinary(b, left, right);
                    var result         = VisitConstant(Expression.Constant(evaluatedValue));
                else if (!(left is PartialSqlString))
                    left = GetQuotedValue(left, left?.GetType());
                else if (!(right is PartialSqlString))
                    right = GetValue(right, right?.GetType());

            if (left.ToString().Equals("null", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Swap(ref left, ref right); // "null is x" will not work, so swap the operands

            var separator = " "; //sep;

            if (right.ToString().Equals("null", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (operand == "=")
                    operand = "is";
                else if (operand == "<>")
                    operand = "is not";

                separator = " ";

            if (operand == "+" && b.Left.Type == typeof(string) && b.Right.Type == typeof(string))
                return(BuildConcatExpression(new List <object> {
                    left, right

            VisitFilter(operand, originalLeft, originalRight, ref left, ref right);

            switch (operand)
            case "MOD":
            case "COALESCE":
                return(new PartialSqlString($"{operand}({left},{right})"));

                return(new PartialSqlString("(" + left + separator + operand + separator + right + ")"));